58 research outputs found

    Violence against women: aggressors drug users

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    Objective: to delineate the profile of aggressors’ users of illicit drugs and of the victims and to identify the ways of violence denunciated in the Police Station Specialized of Women’s Assistance. Method: documentary study, with 195 examinations contained in DEAM files between October 2011 and March 2012, concerning violence against women, who aggressors were illicit drug users. Results: most of the aggressors were white men, between 16 and 57 years old, incomplete elementary education and beyond the illicit drugs, they were under the effect of alcohol drinks at the moment of the aggression. The victims were white, between 18 and 84 years old, complete elementary education and five of them had degree. Physical aggression was the main way of violence reported. Conclusion: the magnitude of this problematic evidence shows the need of development interventions of support to the victims and effectives public policies to interrupt the cycle of violence

    Changing the calculated surface area of wood samples to define drying schedules for Eucalyptus clones

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    The aim of this study was to determine how varying the inputted surface area value of wood samples would affect the determination of kiln-drying schedules using the drastic drying test. For this purpose, eight individuals of two Eucalyptus clones were selected. Specimens were obtained for drastic drying tests at 100 °C, to measure the basic density and to determine the initial moisture content. The initial and final temperatures and the drying potential were calculated in 100 mm × 50 mm × 10 mm samples, considering the surface area to be 130 cm² (Updated Method), in contrast to the surface area of 100 cm² that is commonly used in the method known as the Standard Method. Based on these findings, kiln-drying schedules were set for the lumber from each clone. Although the significant differences aforementioned, it was observed that the drying schedules developed by Standard Method and Updated Method are similar

    Women: Discrimination, violence and struggles in contemporary Brazil

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    The present paper delimited as a general objective to analyze the theme of women in relation to discrimination, violence and struggles in contemporary Brazil. This is a qualitative work, with a bibliographic nature, in which we revisit studies that deal with women and their struggles for insertion in the labor market, as well as the current conditions for the insertion of women in the commercial field. The relevance of our study lies in the current condition of women, who, according to the Brazilian Federal Constitution (1988), have the same rights as men, and it is necessary to discuss the subject. Given the degree of vulnerability of women in the context of domestic and family violence, it is of paramount importance that studies be developed that focus on ways to protect women against all forms of violence, bringing in their scope a range of possibilities for reflection. Our results pointed to a great scarcity that still exists in work opportunities for women, but despite the great discrimination, violence and struggles, in the twelfth century they have been gaining insertion and representation

    Realistic simulation as educational strategy on integral care to trauma victims

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    Objective: To report the experience of using realistic simulation as way of teaching and training medical students on the polytraumatized care. Methods: The simulation ambience consisted on a scenery with multiple victims in a collision of a car crash versus car versus obstacle. The students performed functions that are compatible with their knowledge (first aid, prehospital care or intrahospitalar care). The realistic scenery was assembled with clinical cases, makeup and appropriate material. For each victim there was a monitor who filled checklists containing the main points that should be addressed by the students.Afterwards a questionnaire was applied to evaluate the learning process. Result: Among the 55 students that participated, 32 answered the questionnaire. 97,75% of them are medical students and 6,25%, nursing students. Concerning the content of the simulation, 53,1% of the students reported they were exposed to new topics and 96,9% believe the simulation helped to fix the content learned during the course. Conclusion: The use of realistic simulation as a teaching methodology provides positive impact, once it is an early insertion on the clinic-surgical practices, diagnostic induction and development of trauma care.Keywords: Teaching; Training medical students; Traume; Victim; Medical students

    Higienização das mãos: adesão da equipe de enfermagem de unidades de terapia intensiva pediátricas

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    Introdução: As mãos constituem uma importante fonte de transmissão de micro-organismos, deste modo este estudo objetivou investigar a adesão da equipe de enfermagem de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica à higienização das mãos. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo descritivo transversal, realizado em três hospitais gerais públicos da região Sul do Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre fevereiro e março de 2015, durante 10 dias consecutivos e aleatórios, por meio da técnica de observação sistemática. Foram observadas 2 horas diárias de trabalho efetivo dos profissionais de enfermagem, as oportunidades perdidas e aproveitadas para higienização das mãos. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva. Resultados: Foram realizadas 42 observações, que resultaram em 642 oportunidades, dessas a prática de higienização das mãos foi realizada em 360 (56%) das oportunidades. Discussão: Assim, verifica-se que os profissionais da equipe de enfermagem negligenciam na maior parte das vezes a prática de higienização das mãos, o que pode estar relacionado não diretamente com a falta de conhecimento, mas a não adesão do conhecimento á prática diária, além de sobrecarga de tarefas, a quantidade de pacientes sob os seus cuidados e aos procedimentos realizados. Conclusões: A adesão das equipes investigadas apresentou-se insatisfatória à higienização das mãos e; profissionais técnicos de enfermagem se mostraram menos aderentes que enfermeiros.Como citar este artigo: Raimondi DC, Bernal SCZ, Souza VS, Oliveira JLC, Matsuda LM. Higienização das mãos: adesão da equipe de enfermagem de unidades de terapia intensiva pediátricas. Rev Cuid. 2017; 8(3): 1839-48. http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/cuidarte.v8i3.437   


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    Objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade da predição das exigências de energia para vacas leiteiras do sistema de Oliveira (2015) para condições tropicais, em comparação aos sistemas AFRC (1993), NRC (2001), Feed into Milk (THOMAS, 2004), INRA (2007), CSIRO (2007) e Moraes et al. (2015). Utilizou-se observações de quatro experimentos de alimentação de vacas leiteiras do tipo rotativo, totalizando 181 observações de consumo de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT) de 16 dietas experimentais. O conjunto de dados construídos apresentou uma ampla variação nas características dos animais (produção de leite entre 6,1 a 36,5 kg/dia), dieta e consumo de NDT (4,0 a 16,6 kg/dia). O sistema energético de Oliveira (2015) explicou 83% do consumo de NDT observado, superestimou o consumo de NDT em média 0,35 kg/dia e apresentou raiz quadrada do erro médio de predição (RQEMP) de 12,2% do valor observado. Os sistemas AFRC (1993), NRC (2001), Feed into Milk (THOMAS, 2014) e Moraes et al (2015) apresentaram RQEMP similares (P > 0,05) ao sistema de Oliveira (2015), indicando similaridade na acurácia para predizer as exigências de energia para vacas leiteiras em condições tropicais. Recomenda-se ainda investigar a adequação destes sistemas energéticos em experimentos de longa duração.Palavras-chave: acurácia; energia; sistemas nutricionais. EVALUATION OF ENERGETICS SYSTEMS FOR DAIRY COWS ABSTRACT: The objective was evaluate accuracy and precision of the estimated energy requirements for lactating dairy of the Oliveira (2015) system to tropical condition, compared to AFRC (1993), NRC (2001), Feed into Milk (THOMAS, 2004), INRA (2007), CSIRO (2007) and proposed by Moraes et al. (2015). Four rotative feeding trials were used as dataset, totalizing 181 observations of total digestible nutrient (TDN) intake from 16 diets. Dataset had wide variation in animal performance (milk yield between 6.1 to 36.5 kg/day), diet and TDN intake (4.0 to 16.6 kg/day). The Oliveira (2015) system explained 83% of the observed TDN intake, over-predicted TDN intake by 0.34 kg/day and presented root mean square error of prediction (RMSPE) of the 12.2% of the observed TDN intake. AFRC (1993), NRC (2001), Feed into Milk (THOMAS, 2014) e Moraes et al (2015) systems had similar RMSPE (P > 0.05) to Oliveira (2015) system, indicating similar accuracy to predict energy requirement for dairy cows under tropical conditions. We recommended to investigate the adequacy these systems in long term feeding trials.Keywords: accuracy; energy; nutritional systems

    Development of Beekeeping: An Analysis Using the Technique of Principal Components

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    Beekeeping is an economic activity of the Brazilian agricultural sector and a powerful tool to achieve sustainable development. However, beekeeping still remains a modest activity compared to other areas, with a lack of technical knowledge and beekeeping practices that need to be standardized. This study represents a proposal for the diagnosis of beekeeping, to facilitate decision-making and to provide a faster development of the beekeeping activity. We investigated the process of adoption of beekeeping practices of 28 beekeepers and the quality of the honey produced by them in the Western region of Paraná, using the technique of Principal Components Analysis after the construction of apicultural indexes. Specifically, the honey produced in the Western region of Paraná be included in the requirements of national and international legislation, but the beekeeping practices adopted still require standardization so that the beekeepers have higher honey production. Also, the transformation of variables into apicultural indexes for later use in the analysis of principal components proved to be efficient to draw a beekeeping profile. Our research proves to be efficient in accurately diagnosing beekeeping bottlenecks, which may enable better decision-making and thus attract new entrepreneurs and increase their relevance to achieve sustainable rural development

    Produção e caracterização do hidromel tipo doce / Production and characterization of sweet type hydromel

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    O hidromel é considerado a bebida mais antiga que se conhece elaborada de forma artesanal e em pequena escala. Sendo uma bebida pouco conhecida e explorada no Brasil, o presente estudo busca gerar informações científicas acerca da produção e caracterização de hidromel de modo a contribuir com a comunidade científica além de fornecer subsídios para o desenvolvimento do produto e agregação de valor à matéria prima, propondo uma nova oportunidade de negócio aos apicultores da região. O objetivo é produzir e caracterizar o hidromel tipo doce, quanto suas propriedades físico-químicas e microbiológicas. O mel para o desenvolvimento do estudo foi adquirido na AGROUFAM. Para isso, variou-se as concentrações iniciais de sólidos solúveis totais (SST) em 20, 25 e 30 °Brix. O produto final foi caracterizado através de análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas. Os resultados demonstraram que as amostras analisadas asseguravam que o produto final estava fora de contaminação e estava com os parâmetros de acordo com a legislação brasileira. O acompanhamento da cinética de fermentação do mel permitiu inferir que o tempo ótimo para realizar o processo é de em torno de 10 dias, obtendo-se um teor de sólidos solúveis totais próximo a 14 °Brix e teor alcoólico dentro da legislação vigente (4 e 14% v/v). As três concentrações de °Brix parecem ser adequadas para produção de hidromel, no entanto, elas diferem quanto ao teor alcoólico e a acidez total, produzindo bebidas ligeiramente diferentes