3,399 research outputs found

    X-shooter search for outgassing from Main Belt Comet P/2012 T1 (Pan-STARRS)

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    Context. Main Belt Comets are a recently identified population of minor bodies with stable asteroid-like orbits but cometary appearances. Sublimation of water ice is the most likely mechanism for their recurrent activity (i.e. dust tails and dust comae), although there has been no direct detection of gas. These peculiar objects could hold the key to the origin of water on Earth. Aims. In this paper we present a search for the gas responsible for lifting dust from P/2012 T1 (Pan-STARRS), and review previous attempts at such measurements. To date such searches have mainly been indirect, looking for the common cometary gas CN rather than gasses related to water itself. Methods. We use the VLT and X-shooter to search for emission from OH in the UV, a direct dissociation product of water. Results. We do not detect any emission lines, and place an upper limit on water production rate from P/2012 T1 of 8 − 9 × 1025 molecules s−1. This is similar to limits derived from observations using the Herschel space telescope. Conclusions. We conclude that the best current facilities are incapable of detecting water emission at the exceptionally low levels required to produce the observed activity in Main Belt Comets

    Lesson Study with Action Research: Is the 4-Column Writing Method 4 Real?

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    with Susan Paganelli, Jevonne Smith, Kathy Quinn, Amy Krane, Beverly Jacobs, Peggy Toaz, Vicky Ansberry, Lauren Shultz, Eve Kehoe, Kristyn Craven, Barbara Neuin, and Tebra Stepnicka Solon City Schools Carolyn Bruce South Euclid-Lyndhurst City Schools Action research is designed with the express intent of assisting educators in assessing the effectiveness of their building and classroom practices. Lesson study helps teachers use ongoing collaborative peer-insight and feedback about student responses to instruction to develop high quality lessons. Middle school teachers from an outer ring suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, combined lesson study with action research to determine whether the four-column writing method improved student responses to extended answer questions such as those found on the Ohio Proficiency Test. Results indicate that fifth grade students instructed using the 4-column writing method performed significantly better than those receiving other traditional writing instruction employed in the building

    Solar-insolation-induced changes in the coma morphology of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Optical monitoring with the Nordic Optical Telescope

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    Context. 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P/C-G) is a short-period Jupiter family comet with an orbital period of 6.55 years. Being the target comet of ESA’s Rosetta mission, 67P/C-G has become one of the most intensively studied minor bodies of the Solar System. The Rosetta Orbiter and the Philae Lander have brought us unique information about the structure and activity of the comet nucleus, as well as its activity along the orbit, composition of gas, and dust particles emitted into the coma. However, as Rosetta stayed in very close proximity to the cometary nucleus (less than 500 km with a few short excursions reaching up to 1500 km), it could not see the global picture of a coma at the scales reachable by telescopic observations (103 - 105 km). Aims. In this work we aim to connect in-situ observations made by Rosetta with the morphological evolution of the coma structures monitored by the ground-based observations. In particular, we concentrate on causal relationships between the coma morphology and evolution observed with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) in the Canary Islands, and the seasonal changes of the insolation and the activity of the comet observed by the Rosetta instruments. Methods. Comet 67P/C-G was monitored with the NOT in imaging mode in two colors. Imaging optical observations were performed roughly on a weekly basis, which provides good coverage of short- and long-term variability. With the three dimensional modeling of the coma produced by active regions on the Southern Hemisphere, we aim to qualify the observed morphology by connecting it to the activity observed by Rosetta. Results. During our monitoring program, we detected major changes in the coma morphology of comet 67P/C-G. These were longterm and long-lasting changes. They do not represent any sudden outburst or short transient event, but are connected to seasonal changes of the surface insolation and the emergence of new active regions on the irregular shaped comet nucleus. We have also found significant deviations in morphological changes from the prediction models based on previous apparitions of 67P/C-G, like the time delay of the morphology changes and the reduced activity in the Northern Hemisphere. According to our modeling of coma structures and geometry of observations, the changes are clearly connected with the activity in the Southern Hemisphere observed by the Rosetta spacecraft

    Ground-based monitoring of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko gas activity throughout the <i>Rosetta</i> mission

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    Simultaneously to the ESA Rosetta mission, a world-wide ground-based campaign provided measurements of the large scale activity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko through measurement of optically active gas species and imaging of the overall dust coma. We present more than two years of observations performed with the FORS2 low resolution spectrograph at the VLT, TRAPPIST, and ACAM at the WHT. We focus on the evolution of the CN production, as a tracer of the comet activity. We find that it is asymmetric with respect to perihelion and different from that of the dust. The CN emission is detected for the first time at 1.34 au pre-perihelion and production rates then increase steeply to peak about two weeks after perihelion at (1.00±0.10) ×1025 molecules s−1, while the post-perihelion decrease is more shallow. The evolution of the comet activity is strongly influenced by seasonal effects, with enhanced CN production when the Southern hemisphere is illuminated

    The Refractory-to-Ice Mass Ratio in Comets

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    We review the complex relationship between the dust-to-gas mass ratio usually estimated in the material lost by comets, and the Refractory-to-Ice mass ratio inside the nucleus, which constrains the origin of comets. Such a relationship is dominated by the mass transfer from the perihelion erosion to fallout over most of the nucleus surface. This makes the Refractory-to-Ice mass ratio inside the nucleus up to ten times larger than the dust-to-gas mass ratio in the lost material, because the lost material is missing most of the refractories which were inside the pristine nucleus before the erosion. We review the Refractory-to-Ice mass ratios available for the comet nuclei visited by space missions, and for the Kuiper Belt Objects with well defined bulk density, finding the 1-σ lower limit of 3. Therefore, comets and KBOs may have less water than CI-chondrites, as predicted by models of comet formation by the gravitational collapse of cm-sized pebbles driven by streaming instabilities in the protoplanetary disc

    Near-UV and optical spectroscopy of comets using the ISIS spectrograph on the <i>WHT</i>

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    We present an analysis of long-slit cometary spectroscopy using the dual-arm ISIS spectrograph on the 4.2 m WHT. Eleven comets were observed over two nights in 2016 March and we detected the OH (0-0) emission band at 3085 Å in the spectra of five of these comets. Emission bands of the species NH, CN, C3, C2, NH2 and [OI] were also detected. We used Haser modelling to determine molecular production rates and abundance ratios for the observed species. We found that our average abundances relative to OH and CN were generally consistent with those measured in previous studies

    Photometry of the Oort Cloud comet C/2009 P1(Garradd): pre-perihelion observations at 5.7 and 2.5 AU

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    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the characterization of the general properties of the Long Period Comets (LPCs) family, and in particular to report on the dust environment of comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd). The comet was observed at two epochs pre-perihelion, at ~6 AU and at ~2.5 AU: broad-band images have been used to investigate its coma morphology and properties and to model the dust production rate. Comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) is one of the most active and “dust producing” LPCs ever observed, even at the large heliocentric distance rh~6 AU. Its coma presents a complex morphology, with subtle structures underlying the classical fan-shaped tail, and, at rh~2.5 AU, also jet-like structures and spiralling outflows. In the reference aperture of radius ρ=5°×104 km, the R-Afρ is 3693±156 cm and 6368±412 cm, in August 2010 (rh~6 AU) and July 2011 (rh~2.5 AU), respectively. The application of a first order photometric model, under realistic assumptions on grain geometric albedo, power-law dust size distribution, phase darkening function and grain dust outflow velocity, yielded a measure of the dust production rate for the two epochs of observation of Qd=7.27×102 kg/s and Qd=1.37×103 kg/s, respectively, for a reference outflow dust velocity of vsmall=25 m/s for small (0.1–10 µm) grains and vlarge=1 m/s for large (10 µm–1 cm) grains. These results suggest that comet Garradd is one of the most active minor bodies observed in recent years, highly contributing to the continuous replenishment of the Interplanetary Dust Complex also in the outer Solar System, and pose important constraints on the mechanism(s) driving the cometary activity at large heliocentric distances

    Design of a magnetostrictive (MS) actuator

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    Several advanced technologies are introduced in automotive applications. Higher energy density and dynamic performance are demanding new and cost effective actuator structures. Magnetostriction (MS), change in shape of materials under the influence of an external magnetic field, is one of these advanced technologies. Good understanding of specific design constrains is required to define and optimized a magnetostrictive actuator. This paper presents parametrical analysis with magnetic simulation of a magnetostrictive actuator. Proposed actuator has been designed, and the performance has been evaluated on experimental rig. Strain, elongation of the shaft, of 1000ppm at 10Amp and a blocked force over 4500N has been achieved with shaft of 8mm diameter, made of Terfenol-D. Furthermore, the effect of pre-stress of the Terfenol-D shaft has been evaluated experimentally. The study shows that excellent features can be obtained by magnetostrictive materials for many advanced applications

    Gemini and Lowell observations of 67P/Churyumov−Gerasimenko during the <i>Rosetta</i> mission

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    We present observations of comet 67P/Churyumov−Gerasimenko acquired in support of the Rosetta mission. We obtained usable data on 68 nights from 2014 September until 2016 May, with data acquired regularly whenever the comet was observable. We collected an extensive set of near-IR J, H and Ks data throughout the apparition plus visible-light images in g', r', i' and z' when the comet was fainter. We also obtained broad-band R and narrow-band CN filter observations when the comet was brightest using telescopes at Lowell Observatory. The appearance was dominated by a central condensation and the tail until 2015 June. From 2015 August onwards, there were clear asymmetries in the coma, which enhancements revealed to be due to the presence of up to three features (i.e. jets). The features were similar in all broad-band filters; CN images did not show these features but were instead broadly enhanced in the southeastern hemisphere. Modelling using the parameters from Vincent et al. replicated the dust morphology reasonably well, indicating that the pole orientation and locations of active areas have been relatively unchanged over at least the last three apparitions. The dust production, as measured by A(0°)fρ peaked ∼30 d after perihelion and was consistent with predictions from previous apparitions. A(0°)fρ as a function of heliocentric distance was well fitted by a power law with slope −4.2 from 35 to 120 d post-perihelion. We detected photometric evidence of apparent outbursts on 2015 August 22 and 2015 September 19, although neither was discernible morphologically in this data set

    The comet 17P/Holmes 2007 outburst: the early motion of the outburst material

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    Context. On October 24, 2007 the periodic comet 17P/Holmes underwent an astonishing outburst that increased its apparent total brightness from magnitude V\sim17 up to V\sim2.5 in roughly two days. We report on Wendelstein 0.8 m telescope (WST) photometric observations of the early evolution stages of the outburst. Aims. We studied the evolution of the structure morphology, its kinematic, and estimated the ejected dust mass. Methods. We analized 126 images in the BVRI photometric bands spread between 26/10/2007 and 20/11/2007. The bright comet core appeared well separated from that one of a quickly expanding dust cloud in all the data, and the bulk of the latter was contained in the field of view of our instrument. The ejected dust mass was derived on the base of differential photometry on background stars occulted by the moving cloud. Results. The two cores were moving apart from each other at a relative projected constant velocity of (9.87 +/- 0.07) arcsec/day (0.135 +/-0.001 km/sec). In the inner regions of the dust cloud we observed a linear increase in size at a mean constant velocity of (14.6+/-0.3) arcsec/day (0.200+/-0.004 km/sec). Evidence of a radial velocity gradient in the expanding cloud was also found. Our estimate for the expanding coma's mass was of the order of 10^{-2}-1 comet's mass implying a significant disintegration event. Conclusions. We interpreted our observations in the context of an explosive scenario which was more probably originated by some internal instability processes, rather than an impact with an asteroidal body. Due to the peculiar characteristics of this event, further observations and investigations are necessary in order to enlight the nature of the physical processes that determined it.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, A&A accepte