109 research outputs found

    Tobacco culture in Norwegian high schools

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    Bacheloroppgave folkehelse, 2013Forfatter: Øyvind Snipstad Oppgavens Tittel: Tobakkskultur i videregÄende skole Problemstilling: Forskjeller i rÞyk- og snuskultur mellom elver pÄ yrkesfag og studiespesialiserende fag i videregÄende skole Underproblemstilling: Hvordan kan rÞyk- og snusbruk blant elever i videregÄende skole ses i sammenheng med de sosiale helseforskjellene i Norge Metode: Kvantitativ metode er benyttet for Ä lÞse denne oppgaven. Innsamling av data gjennom spÞrreskjema. Resultater: Funn sammenholdt med litteratur idenne oppgaven gir meg grunnlag for Ä mene at man bÄde kan se en sammenheng mellom elevers rÞyke- og snusvaner og hvilken studieretning de befinner seg pÄ i videregÄende skole. Man ser at de som har valgt yrkesfag, bÄde har en hÞyere andel rÞykere og snusere, og en hÞyere intensitet pÄ tobakksbruken enn elever pÄ studiespesialisering. Det ser ut til at dette kan ha sammenheng med de sosiale helseforskjellene man fortsatt ser i Norge i dag

    Ways to be a person: How schools contribute to ‘making up’ intellectually disabled pupils

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    Reference article 3: Snipstad, Ø. I. M. (2019). Inclusive education: ‘making up’ the normal and deviant pupil. Disability & Society, 1-21. doi:10.1080/09687599.2019.1680342How do ‘kinds’ of knowledge and practices existing within schools contribute to ‘making up’ intellectually disabled pupils in relation to perspectives on inclusion? This project departs from a micro-perspective on inclusion where the object of study is the processes that take place within educational institutions and between actors in the classrooms and other contexts at schools. Based on this, the dissertation aims to understand how education contributes to ‘making up’ intellectually disabled pupils. Drawing on the theoretical works of the Canadian philosopher Ian Hacking, this project discusses how produced knowledge, stereotypical assumptions, values, beliefs and so on that are implemented in the category ‘intellectual disability’ affect organisational practices, which in turn interact with the children classified as intellectually disabled and influence how they understand themselves and their surroundings. The dissertation consists of three articles that are based on empirical data gathered from three pupils diagnosed with intellectual disability. The three informants are each devoted their own article. Individually the articles discuss different issues and themes related to different dimensions of inclusion, respectively: participation, fellowship, democracy and benefit. Based on the mentioned perspectives on inclusion, the purpose of the articles is to discuss how intellectual disability as a category affects the surroundings attitudes, practices, assumptions, understandings and so on, which in turn provides certain descriptions from which the classified pupils experience, behave and act. The project argues that the beliefs and practices that pupils classified as intellectually disabled are subjected to in school play a major role in regards to the kind of person it is possible for them to be. When education is organised based on beliefs that intellectual disability refers to pupils that deviate from others, the descriptions available for them to interact with will also be of a deviant kind. On the other hand, if education provides descriptions related to high expectations, ambitions and opportunities for all, the way in which it is possible to be a pupil for children classified as intellectually disabled might thus resemble normalised descriptions similar to those available to their peers. Just as interacting with perspectives that consider intellectually disabled children as different or special might construct barriers relating to normative standards of society, more socially oriented approaches to education might contribute to deconstructing barriers for present and future participation.Hvordan bidrar kunnskap og praksiser i skolen til Ă„ konstruere utviklingshemmede elever forstĂ„tt relasjon til perspektiver pĂ„ inkludering? Utgangspunktet for dette prosjektet er et mikro-perspektiv pĂ„ inkludering. Studiens objekt er prosessene som foregĂ„r innad i utdanningsinstitusjoner og mellom aktĂžrer bĂ„de i og utenfor klasserommet. Med dette som utgangspunkt tar avhandlingen videre sikte pĂ„ Ă„ forstĂ„ hvordan utdanningsinstitusjoner bidrar til Ă„ konstruere utviklingshemmede elever. Basert pĂ„ teorier av den kanadiske filosofen Ian Hacking, diskuterer denne avhandlingen hvordan produsert kunnskap, stereotypiske antagelser, verdier, oppfattelser og overbevisninger som er implementert i kategorien utviklingshemming pĂ„virker organisering og praksis. Betydningen av organisering og praksis diskuteres videre i relasjon til hvordan elever klassifisert som utviklingshemmet forstĂ„r seg selv og sine omgivelser. Avhandlingen bestĂ„r av tre artikler basert pĂ„ empiri hentet fra tre elever som alle er gitt en utviklingshemmingsdiagnose. Hver av de tre informantene er viet sin egen artikkel. De tre artiklene diskuterer ulike utfordringer i skolen knyttet til ulike dimensjoner av inkludering, henholdsvis; deltakelse, fellesskap, demokrati og utbytte. Med utgangspunkt i disse fire dimensjonene av inkludering er formĂ„let med artiklene Ă„ diskutere hvordan kategorien utviklingshemming pĂ„virker omgivelsenes holdninger, antagelser og praksis, som videre gir visse beskrivelser de klassifiserte kan handle, erfare og oppleve ut ifra. I prosjektet argumenteres det for at organisering og praksis som elever klassifisert som utviklingshemmede i skolen mĂžter spiller en viktig rolle med tanke pĂ„ hvilke ‘type’ menneske det er mulig for dem Ă„ vĂŠre. Dersom utdanningen er basert pĂ„ en antagelse om at utviklingshemming betegner elever som avviker fra andre, vil beskrivelsene som er tilgjengelige for dem ogsĂ„ vĂŠre av en avvikende ‘type’. Imidlertid vil ogsĂ„ en utdanning som er organisert slik at alle elever mĂžtes med hĂžye krav og forventninger i skolen kunne gi utviklingshemmede tilgang pĂ„ normaliserte beskrivelser Ă„ handle, erfare og oppleve ut ifra. PĂ„ samme mĂ„te som en utdanning basert pĂ„ perspektiver om utviklingshemmede som annerledes eller spesielle kan bidra til Ă„ konstruere barrierer for deltagelse, kan perspektiver som er mer sosialt orienterte bidra til Ă„ redusere eller fjerne nĂ„vĂŠrende og fremtidige barrierer for deltagelse bĂ„de i skolen og i samfunnet for Ăžvrig

    Empirical Levels in Inclusive Research

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    Dette er en drÞftingsartikkel som reiser spÞrsmÄl ved legitimitetsgrunnlaget for empirisk forskning innen inkluderingsfeltet. Det empiriske feltet blir delt inn i to hovednivÄer: makronivÄ og mikronivÄ. Empirisk forskning pÄ makronivÄ kan legitimeres ut fra politiske mÄlsettinger og standarder, men empirisk forskning pÄ mikronivÄ kan ikke sÞke tilsvarende legitimitet. Tre casestudier med data bÄde pÄ makro- og mikronivÄ blir presentert som grunnlag for en drÞfting rettet sÊrlig mot grunnlaget for empirisk forskning pÄ mikronivÄ. Gjennom disse casene blir det argumentert for at empirisk forskning pÄ mikronivÄ mÞter et legitimitetsproblem, og derfor har begrenset relevans for inkluderingsforskningen. I enkelte tilfeller kan forskning pÄ mikronivÄ undergrave mÄlsettingen om Ä skape et inkluderende utdanningssystem. Avslutningsvis blir det imidlertid pekt pÄ nÞdvendigheten av Ä bruke forskning pÄ mikronivÄ for Ä legitimere og videreutvikle teoretiske og praktiske implikasjoner for forskning pÄ makronivÄ innen inkluderingsfeltet.In this position paper we raise questions about the legitimacy of empirical research in the field of inclusion. Empirical reach in the field of inclusion is divided into two levels: macro level and micro level. Research at the macro level can seek legitimation from political objectives and standards, however the claim made is that empirical research at the micro level cannot seek similar legitimacy. Three case studies with data at both macro and micro level are presented as a basis for a discussion. A specific focus is raised at the basis for empirical research at micro level. Through these cases, it is argued that empirical research at the micro level encounters a legitimacy problem, and therefore has limited relevance for inclusion research. In some cases, micro-level research may undermine the goal of creating an inclusive education system. It is stated that if micro level research should be used it has to be clearly linked to theoretical and practical implications for research at the macro level.publishedVersio

    Ultrasound and microbubbles to beat barriers in tumors: Improving delivery of nanomedicine

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    Successful delivery of drugs and nanomedicine to tumors requires a functional vascular network, extravasation across the capillary wall, penetration through the extracellular matrix, and cellular uptake. Nanomedicine has many merits, but penetration deep into the tumor interstitium remains a challenge. Failure of cancer treatment can be caused by insufficient delivery of the therapeutic agents. After intra-venous administration, nanomedicines are often found in off-target organs and the tumor extracellular matrix close to the capillary wall. With circulating microbubbles, ultrasound exposure focused toward the tumor shows great promise in improving the delivery of therapeutic agents. In this review, we address the impact of focused ultrasound and microbubbles to overcome barriers for drug delivery such as perfusion, extravasation, and transport through the extracellular matrix. Furthermore, we discuss the induction of an immune response with ultrasound and delivery of immuno-therapeutics. The review dis-cusses mainly preclinical results and ends with a summary of ongoing clinical trials.publishedVersio

    Identification of novel cyanoacrylate monomers for use in nanoparticle drug delivery systems prepared by miniemulsion polymerisation – A multistep screening approach

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    Poly (alkyl cyanoacrylate) (PACA) polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) are promising drug carriers in drug delivery. However, the selection of commercially available alkyl cyanoacrylate (ACA) monomers is limited, because most monomers were designed for use in medical and industrial glues and later repurposed for drug encapsulation. This study therefore aimed to seek out novel ACA materials for use in NP systems using a toxicity led screening approach. A multistep strategy, including cytotoxicity screening of alcohols as degradation products of PACA (44 alcohols), NPs (14 polymers), and a final in vivo study (2 polymers) gave poly (2-ethylhexyl cyanoacrylate) PEHCA as a promising novel PACA candidate. For the first time, this work presents cytotoxicity data on several novel ACAs, PEHCA in vivo toxicity data, and miniemulsion polymerisation-based encapsulation of the cabazitaxel and NR688 in novel PACA candidates. Furthermore, several of the ACA candidates were compatible with a wider selection of lipophilic active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) versus commercially available controls. Combined, this work demonstrates the potential benefits of expanding the array of available ACA materials in drug delivery. Novel ACAs have the potential to encapsulate a wider range of APIs in miniemulsion polymerisation processes and may also broaden PACA applicability in other fields.publishedVersio

    Formulation and characterisation of drug-loaded antibubbles for image-guided and ultrasound-triggered drug delivery

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    The aim of this study was to develop high load-capacity antibubbles that can be visualized using diagnostic ultrasound and the encapsulated drug can be released and delivered using clinically translatable ultrasound. The antibubbles were developed by optimising a silica nanoparticle stabilised double emulsion template. We produced an emulsion with a mean size diameter of 4.23 ± 1.63 ”m where 38.9 ± 3.1% of the droplets contained a one or more cores. Following conversion to antibubbles, the mean size decreased to 2.96 ± 1.94 ”m where 99% of antibubbles were <10 ”m. The antibubbles had a peak attenuation of 4.8 dB/cm at 3.0 MHz at a concentration of 200 × 103 particles/mL and showed distinct attenuation spikes at frequencies between 5.5 and 13.5 MHz. No increase in subharmonic response was observed for the antibubbles in contrast to SonoVueÂź. High-speed imaging revealed that antibubbles can release their cores at MIs of 0.6. In vivo imaging indicated that the antibubbles have a long half-life of 68.49 s vs. 40.02 s for SonoVueÂź. The antibubbles could be visualised using diagnostic ultrasound and could be disrupted at MIs of ≄0.6. The in vitro drug delivery results showed that antibubbles can significantly improve drug delivery (p < 0.0001) and deliver the drug within the antibubbles. In conclusion antibubbles are a viable concept for ultrasound guided drug delivery.publishedVersio

    Formulation and characterisation of drug-loaded antibubbles for image-guided and ultrasound-triggered drug delivery

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    The aim of this study was to develop high load-capacity antibubbles that can be visualized using diagnostic ultrasound and the encapsulated drug can be released and delivered using clinically translatable ultrasound. The antibubbles were developed by optimising a silica nanoparticle stabilised double emulsion template. We produced an emulsion with a mean size diameter of 4.23 ± 1.63 ”m where 38.9 ± 3.1% of the droplets contained a one or more cores. Following conversion to antibubbles, the mean size decreased to 2.96 ± 1.94 ”m where 99% of antibubbles were <10 ”m. The antibubbles had a peak attenuation of 4.8 dB/cm at 3.0 MHz at a concentration of 200 × 103 particles/mL and showed distinct attenuation spikes at frequencies between 5.5 and 13.5 MHz. No increase in subharmonic response was observed for the antibubbles in contrast to SonoVueÂź. High-speed imaging revealed that antibubbles can release their cores at MIs of 0.6. In vivo imaging indicated that the antibubbles have a long half-life of 68.49 s vs. 40.02 s for SonoVueÂź. The antibubbles could be visualised using diagnostic ultrasound and could be disrupted at MIs of ≄0.6. The in vitro drug delivery results showed that antibubbles can significantly improve drug delivery (p < 0.0001) and deliver the drug within the antibubbles. In conclusion antibubbles are a viable concept for ultrasound guided drug delivery.publishedVersio

    Quantification and qualitative effects of different PEGylations on Poly(butyl cyanoacrylate) nanoparticles

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    Protein adsorption on nanoparticles (NPs) used in nanomedicine leads to opsonization and activation of the complement system in blood, which substantially reduces the blood circulation time of NPs. The most commonly used method to avoid protein adsorption, is to coat the NPs with polyethylene glycol, so called PEGylation. Although PEGylation is of utmost importance for designing the in vivo behavior of the NP, there is still a considerable lack of methods for characterization and fundamental understanding related to the PEGylation of NPs. In this work we have studied four different poly(butyl cyanoacrylate) (PBCA) NPs , PEGylated with different types of PEG-based non-ionic surfactants–Jeffamine M-2070, Brij L23, Kolliphor HS 15, Pluronic F68–or combinations thereof. We evaluated the PEGylation, both quantitatively by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), and qualitatively by studying zeta-potential, protein adsorption, diffusion, cellular interactions and blood circulation half-life. We found that NMR and ToF-SIMS are complementary methods, while TGA is less suitable to quantitate PEG on polymeric NPs. It was found that longer PEG increases both blood circulation time and diffusion of NPs in collagen gels
