350 research outputs found

    Des graines, des fibres et des bobines

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    En suivant la filière textile artisanale (graines, fibres, fils, pagnes) et ses différents acteurs (cultivateurs, fileuses, tisserands, teinturiers), cet article propose une étude micro-historique de la filière textile artisanale du Dendi (Nord-Bénin) de la fin du xixe siècle au milieu du xxe siècle. Le cadre chronologique limité de l’étude dénote des autres études qui traitent de l’histoire des Gossypium sp., de l’évolution de leurs génomes, ou encore de la diffusion des techniques textiles, lesquelles se développent sur plusieurs siècles (voir ce volume). Le parti-pris de cet article est toute autre. Autour de l’objet coton se déroule une histoire sociale intime – liée à la construction de l’identité féminine et à la trajectoire socio-historique des acteurs de la filière – qui nous éclaire sur les bouleversements récents qu’a connus la région.This article follows the production of artisanal textiles (seeds, fibres, threads and cloth) and its various actors, offering a micro-historic study of the textile industry in Dendi (North Benin), from the end of the 19th century to the mid-20th century. This limited chronological framework differs from other studies devoted to the history of Gossypium sp. which explore their genomic evolution or the diffusion of textile techniques over several centuries. This article follows a different approach, going way beyond the materiality of “cotton” alone: an intimate and social history is woven in and around the object “cotton”. Its study informs us on the construction of feminine identity and the socio-historical trajectory of the industry’s actors, while shedding light on the major changes which have recently taken place in the region

    Processus et composition

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    Thierry Smoderen offers a detailed synthesis of the process that for years have preceded and accompanied his making of comic strips scenarios: stages of accumulation, documentation, iconic research (film, photography), definition of mental territories, construction of imaginary worlds, interaction with the draftsman and anticipation of his graphic world. He also describes the elaborate stages of plot composition as a puzzle, the ramification and surprises of the narration, the energy required to avoid too obvious sequences, the spaces left open for the unexpected. Last, immersion in the flow of information generated by the sequences makes it possible to test the soundness and coherence of the whole and to ascertain the strength of the connections between the scenes on several simultaneous levels of meaning.Thierry Smolderen propone una síntesis detallada de los procesos que preceden y acompañan –en su caso y desde hace años– la fabricación del guión de una historieta : fase de acumulación, de búsquedas icónicas (cine, fotografía), definición de los territorios mentales, construcción de los universos imaginarios, interacción con el dibujante y anticipación de su universo gráfico ; describe también las etapas complejas de la composición de la intriga como un rompecabezas, las bifurcaciones y las sorpresas del relato, la energía necesaria para evitar secuencias demasiado previsibles, los espacios dejados abiertos a lo inesperado. La inmersión en el flujo de informaciones generado por las secuencias permite, finalmente, poner a prueba la solidez y la coherencia del conjunto y verificar la fuerza de los vínculos entre las escenas, en varios niveles simultáneos de significación.Thierry Smolderen propone una sintesi dettagliata dei processi che, nella sua opera, precedono e accompagnano da anni la realizzazione dei testi e delle sceneggiature di fumetti : fase d’accumulazione, di documentazione, di ricerca iconografica (cinema, fotografia), definizione dei territori mentali, costruzione dei mondi immaginari, interazione con il disegnatore e anticipazione del suo universo grafico. Sono anche descritte le tappe complesse della composizione in forma di enigma dell’intrigo, le biforcazioni e le sorprese del racconto, l’energia necessaria ad evitare le sequenze troppo prevedibili, gli spazi lasciati aperti all’inatteso. L’immersione nel flusso delle informazioni generato dalle sequenze permette infine di testare la solidità e la coerenza dell’insieme, verificando la forza dei legami tra le scene su più livelli di significato simultanei.Thierry Smolderen legt eine detaillierte Zusammenschau jener Vorgänge vor, die im Falle seiner eigenen Produktion seit Jahren die Entwürfe zu seinen Comics begleiten bzw. den Entwürfen vorangehen : die Phase der Materialsammlung, der Dokumentation, der Bildersuche (Kino, Photographien), Abgrenzung des geistigen Territoriums, Konstruktion imaginärer Welten, Interaktionen mit dem Zeichner und Vorgriff auf dessen graphische Welt. Der Artikel berichtet auch von den komplexen Etappen der Zusammenstellung der Handlung, von Weggabelungen und Überraschungen in der Erzählung, von der Energie, die investiert werden muss, um Sequenzen mit allzu leicht vorhersehbarem Ausgang zu vermeiden, und von den Räumen, die für Unerwartetes offengelassen sind. Das Eintauchen in den Informationsfluss, der durch die Sequenzen entsteht, erlaubt es schließlich, die Stichhaltigkeit und die Kohärenz des Ganzen zu testen und zu überprüfen, ob die einzelnen Szenen auf verschiedenen simultanen Bedeutungsebenen hinreichend stark verbunden sind

    Un fil d’Ariane dans le Dendi

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    In 2012, Lucie Smolderen started a study of the textile industry techniques in the Dendi region (North Benin). However, all activity in this domain had been abandoned forty years before. Direct observation of the techniques in their original context was thus impossible and she was obliged to resort to systematic interviews with ex-artisans in order to conduct her study. During these interviews, ex-spinners often proposed demonstrations of their former activity. Considering these technical reconstitutions – and the concrete circumstances in which the interviews themselves took place – led to a rethinking of her fieldwork methodology. The contextualized approach, as it is developed here, changes the epistemological status of the reconstitutions themselves. They are not mere demonstrations of the technical act, but become privileged channels of access to a global social environment that has disappeared. This article proposes to follow the development of these ideas, which like Ariane’s thread guide us through the labyrinth of the fieldwork. Illustrator Romain Minguet’s artwork contributes to a more global and immersive understanding of the complexity of the relationships between the observer and the observed, the present and the past, the technical and the social aspects of this type of study

    M & L Jaargang 21/3

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    L. Smolderen Een Art-Decofestival: de internationale tentoonstelling van Antwerpen in 1930. Het droombeeld van hoofdarchitect Jos Smolderen. [An Art Deco festival: the International Exhibition of Antwerp in 1930.]Gerard Otten De Bredase Boulevards. Brussel als voorbeeld voor Breda. [The Breda Boulevards. Brussels as a model for the city-planning of Breda.]Summar

    Les fantĂ´mes du Dendi

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    Une vieille navette couverte de purin, un sachet plastique troué contenant quelques fuseaux, un morceau de pagnes ayant servi d’épouvantail, des cendres, des fragments de parois en ciment… Autant d’éléments matériels associés à une ancienne filière technique dans le Dendi (Nord Bénin) : filage du coton, tissage et teinture à l’indigo. C’est à partir d’eux que nous nous efforçons, depuis 2011, d’approcher des techniques aujourd’hui disparues. Quoique celles-ci aient occupé une place économique et sociale de première importance jusqu’au milieu du 20ème siècle, elles ont graduellement perdu en visibilité, jusqu’à ne plus exister qu’à l’état de restes. Dans cet article, nous examinerons les différents statuts des éléments évoqués et les potentialités qu’ils offrent pour appréhender et reconstituer le monde social des acteurs techniques. Nous insisterons tout particulièrement sur les bricolages méthodologiques que nécessite l’exploration d’activités « fantômes » et la façon dont ceux-ci ouvrent la voie à de nouveaux champs de réflexion en anthropologie et en histoire.An old shuttle covered with manure, a perforated plastic bag containing several spindles, a piece of cloth used as a scarecrow, ashes, cement fragments of walls... All these artefacts are associated with a former textile sector in Dendi (North Benin): cotton spinning, weaving, and indigo dyeing. Starting from them, we try since 2011 to explore these techniques which are now extinct. Although they held a prominent social and economical position until the mid-20th century, they have since then become gradually less visible, until existing solely under the state of remains. In this article, we will examine the different status of the mentioned elements and the potentials they offer for understanding and reconstructing the social world of technical actors. We will place particular emphasis on the methodological tinkering required for exploring "ghost" activities and the way in which they open to new reflections in anthropology and history
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