837 research outputs found

    Inter-Rater and Intra-Rater Reliability of the Repetitive Step Test in Community Dwelling Older Adults

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    Each year one in every three adults over the age of 65 experience a fall resulting in serious injury and in some instances death. In this population, fall injuries are the leading cause of death and are associated with the greatest number of nonfatal injuries and trauma hospital admissions. Since balance and muscle performance decreases as one ages, it is vitally important to assess these factors as part of a comprehensive strategy to monitor and predict fall risk. The Repetitive Step Test (RST) has previously showed the ability in community dwelling older adults to differentiate recurrent fallers from non-fallers and to have excellent test-retest reliability.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/dpt_symposium/1036/thumbnail.jp

    Two-year real-world outcome data from a single tertiary centre shows reduced ustekinumab persistence in a non-bio-naïve Crohn's disease cohort with penetrating disease, -ostomies and sarcopenia

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    BACKGROUND: Ustekinumab was approved in 2016 for the treatment of moderate-severe Crohn's disease (CD). Clinical trials and real-world studies have suggested ustekinumab to be a safe and effective treatment; however, studies to date infrequently use imaging techniques to predict response to biologics in CD. OBJECTIVES: We assessed the 2-year real-world effectiveness and safety of ustekinumab in a tertiary CD cohort with the use of novel imaging techniques. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. METHODS: Retrospective data were collected between 2016 and 2021. Study end points included ustekinumab persistence, biological and/or clinical response and remission at 12, 18 and 24 months. Statistical analysis included demographic and inferential analyses. RESULTS: In all, 131 CD patients [57.3% female, median age of 26.0 (21.0-37.0)] were included. Patients were non-bio naïve, and the majority received ustekinumab as third- or fourth-line treatment. At 24 months, 61.0% (80/131) persisted with ustekinumab [52.7% (69/131) steroid free]. Clinical response was reported in 55.2% (37/67), clinical remission in 85.7% (57/67), biological response in 46.8% (22/47) and biological remission in 31.9% (15/47) of patients at 24 months. The low outcome numbers were attributable to missing data. Improvements in routine disease markers, including C-reactive protein and Harvey-Bradshaw Index, were also reflected in magnetic resonance imaging-derived disease scores. The presence of penetrating CD, an -ostomy and sarcopenia were all predictors of poorer ustekinumab outcomes (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Ustekinumab is effective in non-bio-naïve CD patients with non-stricturing, non-penetrating disease with an unremarkable safety profile but may be less effective in those with penetrating disease, -ostomies and sarcopenia

    Immune System Dysregulation During Spaceflight: Potential Countermeasures for Deep Space Exploration Missions

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    Recent studies have established that dysregulation of the human immune system and the reactivation of latent herpesviruses persists for the duration of a 6-month orbital spaceflight. It appears certain aspects of adaptive immunity are dysregulated during flight, yet some aspects of innate immunity are heightened. Interaction between adaptive and innate immunity also seems to be altered. Some crews experience persistent hypersensitivity reactions during flight. This phenomenon may, in synergy with extended duration and galactic radiation exposure, increase specific crew clinical risks during deep space exploration missions. The clinical challenge is based upon both the frequency of these phenomena in multiple crewmembers during low earth orbit missions and the inability to predict which specific individual crewmembers will experience these changes. Thus, a general countermeasure approach that offers the broadest possible coverage is needed. The vehicles, architecture, and mission profiles to enable such voyages are now under development. These include deployment and use of a cis-Lunar station (mid 2020s) with possible Moon surface operations, to be followed by multiple Mars flyby missions, and eventual human Mars surface exploration. Current ISS studies will continue to characterize physiological dysregulation associated with prolonged orbital spaceflight. However, sufficient information exists to begin consideration of both the need for, and nature of, specific immune countermeasures to ensure astronaut health. This article will review relevant in-place operational countermeasures onboard ISS and discuss a myriad of potential immune countermeasures for exploration missions. Discussion points include nutritional supplementation and functional foods, exercise and immunity, pharmacological options, the relationship between bone and immune countermeasures, and vaccination to mitigate herpes (and possibly other) virus risks. As the immune system has sentinel connectivity within every other physiological system, translational effects must be considered for all potential immune countermeasures. Finally, we shall discuss immune countermeasures in the context of their individualized implementation or precision medicine, based on crewmember specific immunological biases

    Genetic Evidence for a Mitochondriate Ancestry in the ‘Amitochondriate’ Flagellate Trimastix pyriformis

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    Most modern eukaryotes diverged from a common ancestor that contained the α-proteobacterial endosymbiont that gave rise to mitochondria. The ‘amitochondriate’ anaerobic protist parasites that have been studied to date, such as Giardia and Trichomonas harbor mitochondrion-related organelles, such as mitosomes or hydrogenosomes. Yet there is one remaining group of mitochondrion-lacking flagellates known as the Preaxostyla that could represent a primitive ‘pre-mitochondrial’ lineage of eukaryotes. To test this hypothesis, we conducted an expressed sequence tag (EST) survey on the preaxostylid flagellate Trimastix pyriformis, a poorly-studied free-living anaerobe. Among the ESTs we detected 19 proteins that, in other eukaryotes, typically function in mitochondria, hydrogenosomes or mitosomes, 12 of which are found exclusively within these organelles. Interestingly, one of the proteins, aconitase, functions in the tricarboxylic acid cycle typical of aerobic mitochondria, whereas others, such as pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase and [FeFe] hydrogenase, are characteristic of anaerobic hydrogenosomes. Since Trimastix retains genetic evidence of a mitochondriate ancestry, we can now say definitively that all known living eukaryote lineages descend from a common ancestor that had mitochondria

    The Mass of KOI-94d and a Relation for Planet Radius, Mass, and Incident Flux

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    We measure the mass of a modestly irradiated giant planet, KOI-94d. We wish to determine whether this planet, which is in a 22 day orbit and receives 2700 times as much incident flux as Jupiter, is as dense as Jupiter or rarefied like inflated hot Jupiters. KOI-94 also hosts at least three smaller transiting planets, all of which were detected by the Kepler mission. With 26 radial velocities of KOI-94 from the W. M. Keck Observatory and a simultaneous fit to the Kepler light curve, we measure the mass of the giant planet and determine that it is not inflated. Support for the planetary interpretation of the other three candidates comes from gravitational interactions through transit timing variations, the statistical robustness of multi-planet systems against false positives, and several lines of evidence that no other star resides within the photometric aperture. We report the properties of KOI-94b (M_P = 10.5 ± 4.6 M_⊕, R_P = 1.71 ± 0.16 R_⊕, P = 3.74 days), KOI-94c (M_P = 15.6^(+5.7)_(-15.6) M_⊕, R_P = 4.32 ± 0.41 R_⊕, P = 10.4 days), KOI-94d (M_P = 106 ± 11 M_⊕, R_P = 11.27 ± 1.06 R_⊕, P = 22.3 days), and KOI-94e (M_P = 35^(+18)_(-28) M_⊕, R_P = 6.56 ± 0.62 R_⊕, P = 54.3 days). The radial velocity analyses of KOI-94b and KOI-94e offer marginal (>2σ) mass detections, whereas the observations of KOI-94c offer only an upper limit to its mass. Using the KOI-94 system and other planets with published values for both mass and radius (138 exoplanets total, including 35 with M_P 150 M_⊕. These equations can be used to predict the radius or mass of a planet

    Brahma Is Required for Proper Expression of the Floral Repressor FLC in Arabidopsis

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.[Background]: BRAHMA (BRM) is a member of a family of ATPases of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes from Arabidopsis. BRM has been previously shown to be crucial for vegetative and reproductive development. [Methodology/Principal Findings]: Here we carry out a detailed analysis of the flowering phenotype of brm mutant plants which reveals that, in addition to repressing the flowering promoting genes CONSTANS (CO), FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) and SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CO1 (SOC1), BRM also represses expression of the general flowering repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). Thus, in brm mutant plants FLC expression is elevated, and FLC chromatin exhibits increased levels of histone H3 lysine 4 tri-methylation and decreased levels of H3 lysine 27 tri-methylation, indicating that BRM imposes a repressive chromatin configuration at the FLC locus. However, brm mutants display a normal vernalization response, indicating that BRM is not involved in vernalization-mediated FLC repression. Analysis of double mutants suggests that BRM is partially redundant with the autonomous pathway. Analysis of genetic interactions between BRM and the histone H2A.Z deposition machinery demonstrates that brm mutations overcome a requirement of H2A.Z for FLC activation suggesting that in the absence of BRM, a constitutively open chromatin conformation renders H2A.Z dispensable. [Conclusions/Significance]: BRM is critical for phase transition in Arabidopsis. Thus, BRM represses expression of the flowering promoting genes CO, FT and SOC1 and of the flowering repressor FLC. Our results indicate that BRM controls expression of FLC by creating a repressive chromatin configuration of the locus.This work was supported by Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia (BFU2008-00238, CSD2006-00049), and by Junta de Andaluca (P06-CVI-01400) to J.C.R. and by the National Institutes of Health (grant no. 1R01GM079525), and the National Science Foundation (grant no. 0446440) to R.A. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewe

    Rockport Comprehensive Plan

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    This document was developed and prepared by Texas Target Communities (TxTC) at Texas A&M University in partnership with the City of Rockport, Texas Sea Grant, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, Texas A&M University - School of Law and Texas Tech University.Founded in 1871, the City of Rockport aims to continue growing economically and sustainably. Rockport is a resilient community dedicated to sustainable growth and attracting businesses to the area. Rockport is a charming town that offers a close-knit community feel and is a popular tourist destination for marine recreation, fairs, and exhibitions throughout the year. The Comprehensive Plan 2020-2040 is designed to guide the city of Rockport for its future growth. The guiding principles for this planning process were Rockport's vision statement and its corresponding goals, which were crafted by the task force. The goals focus on factors of growth and development including public participation, development considerations, transportation, community facilities, economic development, parks, and housing and social vulnerability
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