157 research outputs found

    Education and Mentoring of Staff Nurses in Evidence Based Practice

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    Current gaps in nursing practice can decrease by the translation, implementation, and dissemination of evidence-based practice (EBP). The purpose of this project was to provide staff nurses with EBP education and mentoring in identifying and addressing nursing practice issues using EBP to manage patient care. The Advancing Research & Clinical Practice through Close Collaboration (ARCC) and the social cognitive theory were used as a framework to guide this project development, which addressed if medical surgical nurses receiving education in EBP practice led to improved use, implementation, and improved best practice outcomes. Seven randomly selected medical surgical nurses from a local community 200-bed hospital were recruited to participate in this project. The participants were placed in a quiet room and asked to complete a pre ARCC EBP Beliefs Scale survey, review newly developed EBP education tool, and complete a post ARCC EBP Beliefs Scale survey. The EBP Beliefs Scale (EBPB) survey was used pre and post EBP educational tool review and consisted of 16 statements addressing nurses\u27 beliefs about EBP knowledge. This survey also addressed the implementation of EBP into nursing practice. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyze the surveys. The results of the survey show a positive correlation between receiving education and mentoring with utilizing EBP in nursing practice. The results of this quality improvement project\u27s social impact will improve collaboration in healthcare organizations and nursing staff to improve the use, translation, and dissemination of EBP projects for patient care improvements and overall improved patient care outcomes

    Molecular evolution of the vesicle coat component βCOP in Toxoplasma gondii

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 44 (2007): 1284-1294, doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.02.031.Coatomer coated (COPI) vesicles play a pivotal role for multiple membrane trafficking steps throughout the eukaryotic cell. Our focus is on βCOP, one of the most well known components of the COPI multi-protein complex. Amino acid differences in βCOP may dictate functional divergence across species during the course of evolution, especially with regards to the evolutionary pressures on obligate intracellular parasites. A bioinformatic analysis of βCOP amino acid sequences was conducted for 49 eukaryotic species. Cloning and sequence analysis of the Toxoplasma gondii βCOP homologue revealed several amino acid insertions unique to T. gondii and one C-terminal insertion that is unique to apicomplexan parasites. These findings led us to investigate the possibility that βCOP experienced functional divergence during the course of its evolution. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis revealed a tree consistent with pan eukaryote distribution and long-branch lengths were observed among the apicomplexans. Further analysis revealed that kinetoplast βCOP underwent the most amount of change, leading to perhaps an overall change of function. In comparison, T. gondii exhibited subtle yet specific amino acid changes. The amino acid substitutions did not occur in the same places as other lineages, suggesting that TgβCOP has a role specific to the apicomplexans. Our work identifies forty-eight residues that are likely to be functionally important when comparing apicomplexan, kinetoplastid, and fungal βCOP.KMH is an Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholar in Infectious Disease; SLP was supported by an NIH training grant (NIH/NIAID/TMP T 32 7030); AGM was supported by the Marine Biological Laboratory’s Program in Global Infectious Diseases, also funded by the Ellison Medical Foundation

    Transcriptome Profiling of Atlantic Salmon Adherent Head Kidney Leukocytes Reveals That Macrophages Are Selectively Enriched During Culture

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    The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is an economically important fish, both in aquaculture and in the wild. In vertebrates, macrophages are some of the first cell types to respond to pathogen infection and disease. While macrophage biology has been characterized in mammals, less is known in fish. Our previous work identified changes in the morphology, phagocytic ability, and miRNA profile of Atlantic salmon adherent head kidney leukocytes (HKLs) from predominantly “monocyte-like” at Day 1 of in vitro culture to predominantly “macrophage-like” at Day 5 of culture. Therefore, to further characterize these two cell populations, we examined the mRNA transcriptome profile in Day 1 and Day 5 HKLs using a 44K oligonucleotide microarray. Large changes in the transcriptome were revealed, including changes in the expression of macrophage and immune-related transcripts (e.g. csf1r, arg1, tnfa, mx2), lipid-related transcripts (e.g. fasn, dhcr7, fabp6), and transcription factors involved in macrophage differentiation and function (e.g. klf2, klf9, irf7, irf8, stat1). The in silico target prediction analysis of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) using miRNAs known to change expression in Day 5 HKLs, followed by gene pathway enrichment analysis, supported that these miRNAs may be involved in macrophage maturation by targeting specific DEGs. Elucidating how immune cells, such as macrophages, develop and function is a key step in understanding the Atlantic salmon immune system. Overall, the results indicate that, without the addition of exogenous factors, the adherent HKL cell population differentiates in vitro to become macrophage-like

    Prospectus, March 4, 1987

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    An iPS-derived in vitro model of human atrial conduction

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in the United States, affecting approximately 1 in 10 adults, and its prevalence is expected to rise as the population ages. Treatment options for AF are limited; moreover, the development of new treatments is hindered by limited (1) knowledge regarding human atrial electrophysiological endpoints (e.g., conduction velocity [CV]) and (2) accurate experimental models. Here, we measured the CV and refractory period, and subsequently calculated the conduction wavelength, in vivo (four subjects with AF and four controls), and ex vivo (atrial slices from human hearts). Then, we created an in vitro model of human atrial conduction using induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. This model consisted of iPS-derived human atrial cardiomyocytes plated onto a micropatterned linear 1D spiral design of Matrigel. The CV (34-41 cm/s) of the in vitro model was nearly five times faster than 2D controls (7-9 cm/s) and similar to in vivo (40-64 cm/s) and ex vivo (28-51 cm/s) measurements. Our iPS-derived in vitro model recapitulates key features of in vivo atrial conduction and may be a useful methodology to enhance our understanding of AF and model patient-specific disease

    Heterologous Prime-Boost HIV-1 Vaccination Regimens in Pre-Clinical and Clinical Trials

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    Currently, there are more than 30 million people infected with HIV-1 and thousands more are infected each day. Vaccination is the single most effective mechanism for prevention of viral disease, and after more than 25 years of research, one vaccine has shown somewhat encouraging results in an advanced clinical efficacy trial. A modified intent-to-treat analysis of trial results showed that infection was approximately 30% lower in the vaccine group compared to the placebo group. The vaccine was administered using a heterologous prime-boost regimen in which both target antigens and delivery vehicles were changed during the course of inoculations. Here we examine the complexity of heterologous prime-boost immunizations. We show that the use of different delivery vehicles in prime and boost inoculations can help to avert the inhibitory effects caused by vector-specific immune responses. We also show that the introduction of new antigens into boost inoculations can be advantageous, demonstrating that the effect of ‘original antigenic sin’ is not absolute. Pre-clinical and clinical studies are reviewed, including our own work with a three-vector vaccination regimen using recombinant DNA, virus (Sendai virus or vaccinia virus) and protein. Promising preliminary results suggest that the heterologous prime-boost strategy may possibly provide a foundation for the future prevention of HIV-1 infections in humans

    An Analysis of the Sensitivity of Proteogenomic Mapping of Somatic Mutations and Novel Splicing Events in Cancer

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    Improvements in mass spectrometry (MS)-based peptide sequencing provide a new opportunity to determine whether polymorphisms, mutations, and splice variants identified in cancer cells are translated. Herein, we apply a proteogenomic data integration tool (QUILTS) to illustrate protein variant discovery using whole genome, whole transcriptome, and global proteome datasets generated from a pair of luminal and basal-like breast-cancer-patient-derived xenografts (PDX). The sensitivity of proteogenomic analysis for singe nucleotide variant (SNV) expression and novel splice junction (NSJ) detection was probed using multiple MS/MS sample process replicates defined here as an independent tandem MS experiment using identical sample material. Despite analysis of over 30 sample process replicates, only about 10% of SNVs (somatic and germline) detected by both DNA and RNA sequencing were observed as peptides. An even smaller proportion of peptides corresponding to NSJ observed by RNA sequencing were detected (<0.1%). Peptides mapping to DNA-detected SNVs without a detectable mRNA transcript were also observed, suggesting that transcriptome coverage was incomplete (∼80%). In contrast to germline variants, somatic variants were less likely to be detected at the peptide level in the basal-like tumor than in the luminal tumor, raising the possibility of differential translation or protein degradation effects. In conclusion, this large-scale proteogenomic integration allowed us to determine the degree to which mutations are translated and identify gaps in sequence coverage, thereby benchmarking current technology and progress toward whole cancer proteome and transcriptome analysis