483 research outputs found

    Concept of Microclimate in Russian Legislation

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    In the constantly changing conditions of the external environment, the microclimate is supported by the stabilizing systems of the building in the overall system ”building - exterior fences and engineering equipment”. To create a comfortable microclimate in the room, special systems are used: heating, ventilation, and humidification. To create thermal comfort indoors means ensuring its complex meteorological conditions in which the thermoregulatory system of the body is in a state of the least tension, and all the other physiological functions occur at the level most beneficial for the body. In the modern world the quality of the indoor environment is a priority, part of the requirements is reflected in the modern standards of green building, part in the national standards. So the Russian Federation has legislative and normative-legal acts, reflecting the characteristics of environmental quality: GOST (State Standard) 30494-2011, SanPiN (Sanitary Regulations and Norms), GOST R ISO (Russian National Standard) 7730-2009, SN 2605-82, SNiP (Construction Standards and Regulations) 23-05-95 and others. Normalized microclimatic indicators include temperature, humidity and air velocity, surface temperature of building envelopes, objects, equipment. But at the present stage, the formation of a harmonized and safe environment of the room depends on many factors, which should not only reflect functional, social, climatic, urban planning, construction design, architectural-artistic and economic characteristics, but also socio-psychological and environmental components of the room

    Transformiranje industrije kao odgovor na tranziciju gospodarstva - slučaj pekarske industrije u Rusiji

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    Numerous emerging markets have undergone or are still undergoing substantial transition processes. The aim of this paper is to provide, on the example of the Russian bakery industry, a deeper understanding of and a longitudinal perspective on how the transition process and institutional changes in the economy are reflected in the evolution of an industry. The changes at the industry level have been driven not only by the economic transition, but also by strategic choices of market players. These choices are linked to the intensity and nature of the intra-industry rivalry and finding a new balance of cooperation and competition in the industry. The study aims to contribute to the literature by providing a rich contextual understanding of the industry evolution over the transition period. We apply classic industry analysis to investigating the key driving forces of competition. On the other hand, we focus on the manner in which industry players select a governance mechanism, replacing the previous centrally planned system. The findings of the study demonstrate persistent heterogeneity within the selected industry, resulting in substantial differences in the nature and the process of industry evolution.Mnoga tranzicijska gospodarstva prošla su ili još uvijek prolaze značajne promjene. Ciljevi ovog rada jesu na primjeru pekarske industrije u Rusiji pružiti dublje razumijevanje i longitudinalnu perspektivu o tome kako se tranzicijski proces i institucionalne promjene u gospodarstvu odražavaju na napredak neke industrije. Promjene na razini industrije nisu vođene samo gospodarskom tranzicijom već i strateškim odlukama sudionika na tržištu. Te su odluke povezane s intenzitetom i prirodom natjecanja unutar industrije te pronalaženjem nove ravnoteže između suradnje i natjecanja u industriji. Istraživanjem se nastoji ostvariti doprinos postojećoj literaturi kroz pružanje boljeg razumijevanja konteksta napretka industrije u tranzicijskom razdoblju. Primjenjujemo klasičnu analizu industrije kako bismo istražili ključne pokretačke sile konkurencije. S druge strane, fokusiramo se na to kako sudionici u industriji odabiru mehanizme vladanja zamjenjujući prethodno postojeći sustav centralnog planiranja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju postojanu heterogenost unutar izabrane industrije, što rezultira bitnim razlikama u prirodi i procesu razvoja industrije

    Influence of fertilizing with modern complex organic-mineral fertilizers to grain yield and quality of winter wheat in the southern steppe of Ukraine

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    Saabunud / Received 13.09.2020 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 22.12.2020 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 31.12.2020 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Antonina Panfilova [email protected] article presents the results of using different varieties, variants of nutrition and their impact on the yield and grain quality of winter wheat. Experimental studies were conducted during 2011–2016 on the experimental field of the Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Ukraine. The technology of growing winter wheat in the experiment, except the studied factors, was generally accepted to the existing zonal recommendations for the southern steppe of Ukraine. The predecessor was peas (Pisum sativum L.) It was determined that the higher grain yield and slightly better quality indicators differed grain of the studied winter wheat varieties with the joint use of pre-sowing application of N30P30 and foliar fertilizing of winter wheat crops twice during the vegetation season by Escort-bio. Thus, for this variant of nutrition, the crude gluten content of winter wheat grain was 24.2 up to 25.1%, the protein content was 12.9 up to 13.2%, and the conditional protein yield of from 1 ha of sowing area was 0.58–0.66 t depending on the studied variety. At the same time, on average, according to the nutrition factor, plants of the 'Zamozhnist' variety in comparison with the 'Kolchuga' variety formed more by 9.3% of the grain, which had the best quality indicators

    Visual Modeling of Integrated Constructs in Mathematics As the Base of Future Teacher Creativity

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    Visual modeling concept of integrated constructs (essence) of mathematical objects in teacher training of humanistic area is presented as technology of education in problem solving. The main goal of innovative approach is student’s activity in mathematics on generating of concrete essence manifestations on concepts, methods, theorems, algorithms, procedures and so on. Such student’s activity should be: · Success in an area of actual interests and person’s experience and reached by perception; · Have high level of variability in visual modeling; · Success in domain of reflection process stimulation. Similar creative behavior of persons is typical for actors, dancing, and figure skating and so on. Now we show that such technology will be fruitful for teacher training in mathematics for humanistic specialties

    Ettevõtte vabatahtliku tegevuse mõju ühiskondlikule aktiivsusele Tagasi kooli näitel

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    The ATP-dependent generation of membrane potential by sub-bacterial vesicles from the marine bacterium, Vibrio alginolyticus

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    AbstractAddition of ATP leads to the accumulation of the permeant anion PCB− by sub-bacterial vesicles from Vibrio alginolyticus. This accumulation is caused by Δψ generation by ATPase, the effect being inhibited by CCCP, gramicidin D and DCCD. Δψ values may be increased by incubation of sub-bacterial vesicles at room temperature and with the protein fraction isolated according to Beechey et al. [(1975) Biochem. J. 148, 533–537] from another portion of the sub-bacterial vesicles. Δψ generation is observable only in the presence of Mg2+ at high concentrations (optimum ≈ 30 mM). Proceeding from experimental data we assume that Mg2+ reduces passive H+ conductivity of the vesicle membranes. Thus, a Δψ-generating ATPase has been shown for the first time in V. alginolyticus membranes

    Effect of Iron Nanopowder on Flammability of Epoxy Composites

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    Reducing the flammability of polymeric materials is a serious problem that needs to be solved. The paper presents the results of a study of the effect of iron nanopowders, used as filler, on the flammability of epoxy polymers. Epoxy composites filled with 5 wt. % of iron nanopowder and 10 wt. % of boric acid separately, as well as in combination were prepared. The flammability of the prepared samples was evaluated by determining the ignition temperature and time-to-ignition

    The Asymmetry of the Rights of the Victim and the Accused (Suspect)

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    The Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation has considerably extended the rights of crime victim, making him a more active participant of the criminal trial. However, the analysis of legislation and law enforcement practice shows that in Russia the victims, both de jure and de facto are disadvantaged, the level of legal protection of the victim is significantly lower than the suspect's and that of the accused. The constitutional principle of trial proceedings on the basis of adversarial nature and equality of the parties presupposes parity of rights of the victim and the accused (suspect) as the parties to the criminal legal dispute

    Role of YidC in folding of polytopic membrane proteins

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    YidC of Echerichia coli, a member of the conserved Alb3/Oxa1/YidC family, is postulated to be important for biogenesis of membrane proteins. Here, we use as a model the lactose permease (LacY), a membrane transport protein with a known three-dimensional structure, to determine whether YidC plays a role in polytopic membrane protein insertion and/or folding. Experiments in vivo and with an in vitro transcription/translation/insertion system demonstrate that YidC is not necessary for insertion per se, but plays an important role in folding of LacY. By using the in vitro system and two monoclonal antibodies directed against conformational epitopes, LacY is shown to bind the antibodies poorly in YidC-depleted membranes. Moreover, LacY also folds improperly in proteoliposomes prepared without YidC. However, when the proteoliposomes are supplemented with purified YidC, LacY folds correctly. The results indicate that YidC plays a primary role in folding of LacY into its final tertiary conformation via an interaction that likely occurs transiently during insertion into the lipid phase of the membrane