411 research outputs found

    Effect of soil moisture condition on the conversion rate of oxamyl.

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    The decomposition of oxamyl in four soils under moist conditions was measured in incubation experiments at 15 deg C. Half-lives of oxamyl in soils with moisture tensions of approx. -9.8 X 103 Pa were 13 days in a clay loam, 14 days in a loamy sand, 34 days in a peaty sand and 39 days in a humic loamy sand. The rate of oxamyl decomposition in the clay loam decreased with decreasing soil moisture content down to values for below wilting point. Oxamyl decomposition in the humic loamy sand decreased with decreasing soil moisture content, but increased sharply in the very dry range. (Abstract retrieved from CAB Abstracts by CABI’s permission

    Operative planning in Thoracic Surgery: A pilot study comparing imaging techniques and 3D printing.

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    BACKGROUND: Careful preoperative planning in thoracic surgery is essential for positive outcomes especially in video assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) where palpation and 3-dimensional imaging is restricted. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of different imaging techniques such as Computerized Tomography (CT) scanning, maximal intensity projection (MIP) imaging, 3-dimensional (3D) reconstruction as well as 3D printing, to define the anatomy of the hilar structures prior to anatomical lung resection. METHODS: All patients undergoing elective lung resections by VATS for cancer under a single surgeon were identified over a three-month period. A single surgeon was asked to record the number of pulmonary artery branches supplying the lobe to be resected using the preoperative CT scan, MIP images and 3D reconstructed CT images. 3 patients had their lung hilum printed. These were then compared to the intraoperative findings. RESULTS: 16 patients had their preoperative imaging analyzed. A further 3 patients had their lung hilum 3D printed. Although not statistically significant, the 3D prints of the hilum were found to be the most accurate measurement with a correlation of 0.92. CT, 3D reconstructed CT and MIP images tended to under recognize the number of arterial branches and therefore scored between 0.26 and 0.39 in terms of absolute agreement with the number of arteries found at operation. CONCLUSIONS: 3D printing in the planning of thoracic surgery may suggest a benefit over contemporary available imaging modalities and the use of 3D printing in practicing operations is being established

    Volatilization of fenpropimorph and clopyralid after spraying onto a sugar beet crop

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    Volatilization rates of pesticides were measured with two micrometeorological methods. For fenpropimorph, the highest rates (1.3-3.0% per hour) were measured in the first hours after application. The rate gradually declined to less than 0.01% per houron the sixth day. Clopyralid had much lower volatilization rates. They were highest (0.1% per hour) on the day after the day of application and declined below the detection limit (less than 0.01% per hour) on the sixth day after application. Rates calculated with the aerodynamic method were slightly higher than those calculated with the Bowen ratio

    Motion-Based Technical Skills Assessment in Transoesophageal Echocardiography

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    This paper presents a novel approach for evaluating technical skills in Transoesophageal Echocardiography (TEE). Our core assumption is that operational competency can be objectively expressed by specific motion-based measures. TEE experiments were carried out with an augmented reality simulation platform involving both novice trainees and expert radiologists. Probe motion data were collected and used to formulate various kinematic parameters. Subsequent analysis showed that statistically significant differences exist among the two groups for the majority of the metrics investigated. Experts exhibited lower completion times and higher average velocity and acceleration, attributed to their refined ability for efficient and economical probe manipulation. In addition, their navigation pattern is characterised by increased smoothness and fluidity, evaluated through the measures of dimensionless jerk and spectral arc length. Utilised as inputs to well-known clustering algorithms, the derived metrics are capable of discriminating experience levels with high accuracy (>84 %)

    Моделювання процесу обробки на фрезерному верстаті 6Р13Ф3 та прогнозування показників процесу стружкоутворення

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    Розроблено методологію побудови раціональної з точки зору витрат ресурсів обчислювальної системи скінчено-елементної сітки складної технологічної системи, що включає елементи різної маси, жорсткості та розмірів, а також рухомі та нерухомі з’єднання зі скінченою величиною контактної жорсткості. Проведені пошукові розрахунки процесу стружкоутворення у абсолютно жорсткій та податливій технологічній системах, результати яких показали, що переміщення у технологічній системі в момент врізання призводять до запізнення початку сталого стружкоутворення, додаткового тертя зубів о заготовку без різання та активації вібрацій. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2685

    In-One-Continuity Rectal Excision and Anal Mucosectomy of a Giant Villous Adenoma: An Alternative Surgical Approach

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    Background: The authors present a woman suffering from McKittrick-Wheelock syndrome (MKWS) with a giant rectal villous adenoma. MKWS is a rare disorder caused by fluid and electrolyte hypersecretion from a rectal tumor. The most frequently reported tumors are villous adenomas. Symptoms of dehydration with severe hyponatremia, hypokalemia, metabolic acidosis and acute renal failure are typical in MKWS. Several options for operation have been reported, such as a transsacral approach (according to Kraske), transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) or total mesorectal excision (TME). In this case we report an alternative surgical approach: in-one-continuity transanal mucosectomy and transabdominal TME with a handsewn colonic-anal anastomosis. Case: A 54-year-old woman had a history of hospital admissions because of repeated bouts of dehydration with electrolyte disorders since 2004. At admission she presented with prerenal azotemia, hyponatremia and severe hypokalemia in combination with watery stools. At colonoscopy an 8-cm villous adenoma was seen in the rectum. Dehydration and electrolyte disturbances were treated by appropriate intravenous fluid administration. An in-one-continuity anal mucosectomy and complete rectal excision were performed and restored by a handmade colonic-anal anastomosis. Postoperative recovery was uneventful. Conclusion: MKWS can be a difficult problem to assess in both gastroenterological and nephrological ways. Patients may develop severe complications which require surgical intervention in some cases. In-one-continuity transanal mucosectomy and rectum excision with a handmade colonic-anal anastomosis seemed to be a new and solid surgical therapeutic option in this case

    Voedselveiligheid, ketens en toezicht op controle

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    This AFSG, RIKILT and LEI report reviews legislation and private quality control systems related to food safety. For the IKB Pigs case, it then investigates which legal requirements are also incorporated in this private regulation. The report further describes how compliance with this system is safeguarded in practice. Finally, in relation to 'Audit Monitoring', several conclusions and recommendations are made. In dit rapport van AFSG, RIKILT en LEI wordt een overzicht gegeven van de met het oog op voedselveiligheid relevante wet- en regelgeving en private kwaliteitsborgingsystemen. Vervolgens is voor de case IKB Varkens nagegaan welke wettelijke eisen ook in deze pri-vate regeling zijn opgenomen. Tevens is in beeld gebracht hoe de naleving van dit systeem in de praktijk wordt gewaarborgd. Ten slotte worden met het oog op 'Toezicht op Controle' enkele conclusies getrokken en aanbevelingen gedaan.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,