132 research outputs found

    Early diagenesis of phosphorus in continental margin sediments

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    Most of the organic material in the oceans that reaches the sea floor is deposited on continental margins and not in the deep sea. This organic matter is the principal carrier of phosphorus (P) to sediments. A part of the organic material is buried definitely. The other part decomposes, resulting in a release of dissolved HP0 42-to the pore water. This HP0 42-either returns to the overlying water and becomes available for uptake by phytoplankton, or is retained in the sediment in an organic or inorganic form.Quantification of the P release from and P retention in sediments on relatively short time scales of days to years is necessary for a correct understanding of the nutrient dynamics in regional seas such as, for example, the North Sea. An accurate assessment of the modem global ocean burial flux of reactive P (i.e potentially bioavailable P) and the burial flux in the geological past is important for understanding the global oceanic P cycle. This, in turn, can provide insight in possible controls on organic C burial and atmospheric concentrations of C0 2 and 0 2 , because P may limit oceanic primary production and thus determine the amount of organic material in the oceans on geological time scales.The research presented in this thesis concentrates on the short-term processes controlling sediment P release and retention in temperate, non-upwelling, continental margin environments. The research commenced with a laboratory study on the effect of organic matter deposition and macrofauna on sediment-water exchange and retention of P in Fe oxide-poor, sandy sediments (Chapter 2). A suspension of dead algal cells (Phaeocystis sp.) was applied to sediment in experimental systems (boxcosms), either once or every week during 19 weeks. The results demonstrate that deposition of organic matter on this type of sediment enhances pore water concentrations and sediment-water exchange of HP0 42-. The enhanced HP0 42-release was due to microbially mediated mineralization of the organic material and due to direct release of HP0 42-from the algal cells (lysis). A major portion of the algal material remained at the sediment-water interface and this organic layer probably regulated the sediment-water exchange of HP0 42-directly. The activity of the macrofauna was mainly limited to reworking of the sediment. The effect of the macrofauna on the sediment-water exchange Of HP0 42-was negligible. In the boxcosms to which organic material was added only once, the concentration of NaOH-extractable sediment P increased following the addition, especially in the presence of macrofauna.Sorption of P to Fe oxides is the most important short-term process responsible for the retention of P in sediments. Using a combination of differential X-ray diffraction (DXRD) and extraction procedures, the character of the Fe oxides that bind P in 4 North Sea sediments was studied (Chapter 3). The results indicate that poorly crystalline ferrihydrite and akageneite were present in the fine sediment fraction (< 10 μm) of surface samples from all locations. Combination of these results with bulk sediment extractions of Fe and P and sorption characteristics for P provides evidence for the dominant role of poorly crystalline Fe oxides for the binding of P in these North Sea sediments. These poorly crystalline Fe oxides are suggested to act as both a temporary and permanent sink for P.The redox conditions in continental margin sediments can vary both seasonally and spatially. To obtain more insight in the redox conditions in North Sea sediments, the Mn and Fe cycle at 15 locations in 4 different sedimentary environments was studied in 2 contrasting seasons (Chapter 4). The quality and quantity of the organic matter deposited in each environment was found to determine whether sediments become sufficiently depleted of 0 2 and NO 3-to allow for (1) Fe and Mn reduction and (2) escape of dissolved Fe 2+and Mn 2+to the overlying water. A steady- state diagenetic model describing solid phase and pore water metal profiles was developed and applied to Mn and Fe data for 11 and 3 stations, respectively. The model results demonstrate that (1) reversible sorption in combination with sediment mixing can enhance diffusive transport of dissolved metals; (2) precipitation of Fe 2+and Mn 2+in the form of reduced authigenic minerals can explain the reversal of the pore water Fe 2+and Mn 2+gradients at depth at many stations, and (3) in most North Sea sediments, Fe and Mn oxides do not play an important role as redox intermediates in organic C oxidation (accounting for < 4 %); only in the depositional environment of the Skagerrak, metal oxide reduction may contribute substantially to organic C oxidation (-20%).Reversible sorptive reactions can both constrain and enhance the flux of HP0 42-from the sediment to the overlying water. The role of sorption in sediment-water exchange of HP0 42-in North Sea sediments was investigated for 15 locations in 2 seasons (Chapter 5). P sorption data, pore water HP0 42-profiles, solid phase results and measured and calculated rates of sediment- water exchange of HP0 42-were combined. Sorption was found to play an important role in controlling sediment-water exchange of HP0 42-during at least part of the year in 3 of the 4 North Sea environments. At most stations, adsorption limits the flux of HP0 42-to the overlying water. At one station in the Skagerrak, however, desorption is responsible for the maintenance of a flux of HP0 42-to the overlying water. A onedimensional reaction-diffusion model describing the sedimentary P cycle was developed and applied to the results for 2 stations, The model results show that both enhanced retention and enhanced release due to sorption can be adequately described when simultaneous equilibrium and first-order reversible sorptive reactions are assumed.P bound in authigenic minerals may not be solubilized again, whereas Fe-bound and organic P can still be released upon deep burial. Therefore, more insight in the extent of authigenic P mineral formation in continental margin sediments is important. A combination of pore water and solid phase analysis was used to determine whether authigenic carbonate fluorapatite (CFA) is currently forming at two locations on a North Atlantic continental platform (Chapter 6). Results of selective extractions suggest that an authigenic P phase is forming at the expense of Fe-bound P at both stations. A steady-state diagenetic model for the P cycle was developed and applied to the data of I station. The model results indicate that CFA formation can account for the observed increase of authigenic P with depth at this station. Furthermore, the results show that an intense cycling of P between Fe-bound P and pore water HP0 42-at the redox interface can create conditions beneficial for CFA formation. This internal P cycle is driven by downward, bioturbational transport of mainly in-situ formed Fe-bound P into the reduced sediment zone. Losses from the internal P cycle due to CFA formation and HP0 42+diffusion are compensated for by sorption of HP0 42-released from organic matter to Fe oxides. Fe bound P thus acts as an intermediate between organic P and CFA. Burial of CFA can account for between 25 and 70% of the total burial flux of reactive P and thus may act as an important sink for P in this low sedimentation, continental margin environment

    Warming, euxinia and sea level rise during the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum on the Gulf Coastal Plain: implications for ocean oxygenation and nutrient cycling

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    The Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum(PETM, ?56 Ma) was a ?200 kyr episode of globalwarming, associated with massive injections of 13C-depletedcarbon into the ocean–atmosphere system. Although climatechange during the PETM is relatively well constrained,effects on marine oxygen concentrations and nutrientcycling remain largely unclear. We identify the PETM in asediment core from the US margin of the Gulf of Mexico.Biomarker-based paleotemperature proxies (methylationof branched tetraether–cyclization of branched tetraether(MBT–CBT) and TEX86) indicate that continental air andsea surface temperatures warmed from 27–29 to ?35 ?C,although variations in the relative abundances of terrestrialand marine biomarkers may have influenced these estimates.Vegetation changes, as recorded from pollen assemblages,support this warming.The PETM is bracketed by two unconformities. It overliesPaleocene silt- and mudstones and is rich in angular(thus in situ produced; autochthonous) glauconite grains,which indicate sedimentary condensation. A drop in the relativeabundance of terrestrial organic matter and changesin the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages suggest that risingsea level shifted the deposition of terrigenous material landward.This is consistent with previous findings of eustatic sealevel rise during the PETM. Regionally, the attribution of theglauconite-rich unit to the PETM implicates the dating of aprimate fossil, argued to represent the oldest North Americanspecimen on record.The biomarker isorenieratene within the PETM indicatesthat euxinic photic zone conditions developed, likely seasonally,along the Gulf Coastal Plain. A global data compilationindicates that O2 concentrations dropped in allocean basins in response to warming, hydrological change,and carbon cycle feedbacks. This culminated in (seasonal)anoxia along many continental margins, analogous to moderntrends. Seafloor deoxygenation and widespread (seasonal)anoxia likely caused phosphorus regeneration fromsuboxic and anoxic sediments.We argue that this fueled shelfeutrophication, as widely recorded from microfossil studies,increasing organic carbon burial along many continentalPublished by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.Warming, euxinia and sea level rise during the PETMmargins as a negative feedback to carbon input and globalwarming. If properly quantified with future work, the PETMoffers the opportunity to assess the biogeochemical effects ofenhanced phosphorus regeneration, as well as the timescaleson which this feedback operates in view of modern and futureocean deoxygenation

    Understanding Environmental Changes in Temperate Coastal Seas : Linking Models of Benthic Fauna to Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes

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    Coastal seas are highly productive systems, providing an array of ecosystem services to humankind, such as processing of nutrient effluents from land and climate regulation. However, coastal ecosystems are threatened by human-induced pressures such as climate change and eutrophication. In the coastal zone, the fluxes and transformations of nutrients and carbon sustaining coastal ecosystem functions and services are strongly regulated by benthic biological and chemical processes. Thus, to understand and quantify how coastal ecosystems respond to environmental change, mechanistic modeling of benthic biogeochemical processes is required. Here, we discuss the present model capabilities to quantitatively describe how benthic fauna drives nutrient and carbon processing in the coastal zone. There are a multitude of modeling approaches of different complexity, but a thorough mechanistic description of benthic-pelagic processes is still hampered by a fundamental lack of scientific understanding of the diverse interactions between the physical, chemical and biological processes that drive biogeochemical fluxes in the coastal zone. Especially shallow systems with long water residence times are sensitive to the activities of benthic organisms. Hence, including and improving the description of benthic biomass and metabolism in sediment diagenetic as well as ecosystem models for such systems is essential to increase our understanding of their response to environmental changes and the role of coastal sediments in nutrient and carbon cycling. Major challenges and research priorities are (1) to couple the dynamics of zoobenthic biomass and metabolism to sediment reactive-transport in models, (2) to test and validate model formulations against real-world data to better incorporate the context-dependency of processes in heterogeneous coastal areas in models and (3) to capture the role of stochastic events.Peer reviewe

    Phosphorus cycling and burial in sediments of a seasonally hypoxic marine basin

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    Recycling of phosphorus (P) from sediments contributes to the development of bottom-water hypoxia in many coastal systems. Here, we present results of a year-long assessment of P dynamics in sediments of a seasonally hypoxic coastal marine basin (Lake Grevelingen, the Netherlands) in 2012. Sequential phosphorus extractions (SEDEX) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) indicate that P was adsorbed to Fe-(III)-(oxyhydr)oxides when cable bacteria were active in the surface sediments in spring. With the onset of summer hypoxia, sulphide-induced dissolution of the Fe-(III)-(oxyhydr)oxides led to P release to the pore water and overlying water. The similarity in authigenic Ca-P concentrations in the sediment and suspended matter suggest that Ca-P is not formed in situ. The P burial efficiency was ≤ 32%. Hypoxia-driven sedimentary P recycling had a major impact on the water-column chemistry in the basin in 2012. Water-column monitoring data indicate up to ninefold higher surface water concentrations of phosphate in the basin in the late 1970s and a stronger hypoxia-driven seasonal P release from the sediment. The amplified release of P from the sediment in the past is attributed to the presence of a larger pool of Fe-bound P in the basin prior to the first onset of hypoxia. Given that P is not limiting, primary production in the basin has not been affected by the decadal changes in P availability and recycling over the past 40 years. The changes in P dynamics on decadal time scales wer

    Mn∕Ca intra- and inter-test variability in the benthic foraminifer <i>Ammonia tepida</i>

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    The adaptation of some benthic foraminiferal species to low-oxygen conditions provides the prospect of using the chemical composition of their tests as proxies for bottom water oxygenation. Manganese may be particularly suitable as such a geochemical proxy because this redox element is soluble in reduced form (Mn2+) and hence can be incorporated into benthic foraminiferal tests under low-oxygen conditions. Therefore, intra- and inter-test differences in foraminiferal Mn∕Ca ratios may hold important information about short-term variability in pore water Mn2+ concentrations and sediment redox conditions. Here, we studied Mn∕Ca intra- and inter-test variability in living individuals of the shallow infaunal foraminifer Ammonia tepida sampled in Lake Grevelingen (the Netherlands) in three different months of 2012. The deeper parts of this lake are characterized by seasonal hypoxia/anoxia with associated shifts in microbial activity and sediment geochemistry, leading to seasonal Mn2+ accumulation in the pore water. Earlier laboratory experiments with similar seawater Mn2+ concentrations as encountered in the pore waters of Lake Grevelingen suggest that intra-test variability due to ontogenetic trends (i.e. size-related effects) and/or other vital effects occurring during calcification in A. tepida (11–25 % relative SD, RSD) is responsible for part of the observed variability in Mn∕Ca. Our present results show that the seasonally highly dynamic environmental conditions in the study area lead to a strongly increased Mn∕Ca intra- and inter-test variability (average of 45 % RSD). Within single specimens, both increasing and decreasing trends in Mn∕Ca ratios with size are observed. Our results suggest that the variability in successive single-chamber Mn∕Ca ratios reflects the temporal variability in pore water Mn2+. Additionally, active or passive migration of the foraminifera in the surface sediment may explain part of the observed Mn∕Ca variability

    Clinical characteristics of women captured by extending the definition of severe postpartum haemorrhage with 'refractoriness to treatment': a cohort study

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    Background: The absence of a uniform and clinically relevant definition of severe postpartum haemorrhage hampers comparative studies and optimization of clinical management. The concept of persistent postpartum haemorrhage, based on refractoriness to initial first-line treatment, was proposed as an alternative to common definitions that are either based on estimations of blood loss or transfused units of packed red blood cells (RBC). We compared characteristics and outcomes of women with severe postpartum haemorrhage captured by these three types of definitions. Methods: In this large retrospective cohort study in 61 hospitals in the Netherlands we included 1391 consecutive women with postpartum haemorrhage who received either ≥4 units of RBC or a multicomponent transfusion. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of women with severe postpartum haemorrhage defined as persistent postpartum haemorrhage were compared to definitions based on estimated blood loss or transfused units of RBC within 24 h following birth. Adverse maternal outcome was a composite of maternal mortality, hysterectomy, arterial embolisation and intensive care unit admission. Results: One thousand two hundred sixty out of 1391 women (90.6%) with postpartum haemorrhage fulfilled the definition of persistent postpartum haemorrhage. The majority, 820/1260 (65.1%), fulfilled this definition within 1 h following birth, compared to 819/1391 (58.7%) applying the definition of ≥1 L blood loss and 37/845 (4.4%) applying the definition of ≥4 units of RBC. The definition persistent postpartum haemorrhage captured 430/471 adverse maternal outcomes (91.3%), compared to 471/471 (100%) for ≥1 L blood loss and 383/471 (81.3%) for ≥4 units of RBC. Persistent postpartum haemorrhage did not capture all adverse outcomes because of missing data on timing of initial, first-line treatment. Conclusion: The definition persistent postpartum haemo

    Marine pollution: Give more priority to phosphorus studies

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    Reconstructing the history of euxinia in a coastal sea

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    Areas of the coastal ocean where oxygen is low or absent in bottom waters, so-called dead zones, are expanding worldwide (Diaz and Rosenberg, 2008). Increased inputs of nutrients from land are enhancing algal blooms, and the sinking of this organic matter to the seafl oor and subsequent decay leads to a high oxygen demand in bottom waters. Depending on the physical characteristics of the coastal system, this may initiate periodic or permanent water column anoxia and euxinia, with the latter term implying the presence of free sulfi de (Kemp et al., 2009). Global warming is expected to exacerbate the situation, through its effects on oxygen solubility and water column stratifi cation. In many modern coastal systems, anthropogenic changes are superimposed on natural variation and lack of knowledge of such variation makes the prediction of future changes in water column oxygen challenging (e.g., Grantham et al., 2004). That natural drivers alone can be the cause of widespread coastal anoxia is evident from studies of greenhouse periods in Earth’s past, including the oceanic anoxic events of the Cretaceous and Toarcian (Jenkyns, 2010)