687 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Legal and Historical Perspectives on Piracy in the Gulf of Aden

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    This paper will consider piracy in Somalia, focusing on the two emerging perspectives that define the way that research and counter-piracy efforts are planned and executed. Through an examination of Somalia’s political and legal history, the violence which has occurred in the Gulf of Aden will be deconstructed and understood using socio-economic reasoning. The piracy for protection narrative will provide the groundwork for understanding the causes for piracy. The piracy for profit narrative will distinctly show why some researchers believe that piracy in the Gulf of Aden persisted for so many years. This paper will review certain counter-piracy measures, which are structured to address piracy from the different understandings of the criminal activity, framed by the two perspectives. Evaluation of these two perspectives along with the success rates of counter-piracy campaigns will show that the most effective way to combat international violence is using an internal and external understanding of the factors contributing to piracy

    The paradigm of management improvement by socio-humanitarian component of economic activity of an enterprise

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    Наукова дослідження скероване на збудження соціальної активності як сукупності форм людської діяльності, свідомо орієнтованої на вирішення завдань, які стоять перед суспільством, регіоном, соціальною групою трудового колективу в конкретний історичний період. На прикладі медичного, комунально-побутового та культурологічного обслуговування працюючих охарактеризовано його сучасний стан на вітчизняних машинобудівних підприємствах, запропоновано теоретико-методологічну модель (парадигму) її розвитку в ланцюзі держава – галузь, підприємство – споживачі продукції, робіт і послуг та основні напрями розвитку в контексті Європейської трансформації. В Україні, на даний час, спостерігається складний політичний процес, який переріс у гібридну війну. Тим часом, якими б не були складнощі політичних і міжнародних відносин, вони аж ніяк не відміняють проведення економічних і соціальних перетворень у господарському комплексі України загалом та в його соціогуманітарній компоненті зокрема.Currently in Ukraine there is a difficult political process which has grown into hybrid war. However, the complications of political and international relations do not abolish the economic and social changes in the economic sector of Ukraine, and particular in his socio-humanitarian component. Research work aims to excitation of social activity as totalities of forms of human activity oriented to solution of problems that society faces, region and social group of labor collective in a specific historical period. The level by socio-humanitarian development of labour staff of industrial enterprises as an economic component find expression in the set of conditions and relations, that determine life, labour, way of life and intellectually-cultural development of workers of this enterprise. The author characterizes the level of satisfaction of different necessities of people (not only physical but also social, intellectual, spiritual) which has been attained on the certain interval of time in a collective, and also determines and estimates the real economic sources, social and legal guarantees, providing of vital functions and further development of industrial collectives. A problem is examined in the context of quality of life that is characteristics not only of certain level of consumption of material and spiritual welfare, development of education, culture, medical service, safe environment, but also by qualitative communal and domestic service and by reliable insurance in case of temporal disability, safety of labour and employment in the conditions of enterprise

    Rich and Poor Divide: How Portrayals of the Poor and Poverty in News Media Perpetuate Stigma and Inequality

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    Discourses about people who are rich and those who are poor are pervasive in our society. Online news media is one of the ways in which these power dominated messages are disseminated. Forty online news articles from four major news outlets in Canada were examined using Critical Discourse Analysis. Questions about how the language used in these news articles perpetuates stigma for people who are poor were explored. The findings show that most news articles use some form of stigmatizing language that has a detrimental impact on how people living in poverty are perceived. Negative stereotypes were pervasive, especially in the more conservative leaning news organizations. Ways of changing this language, and methods for reducing stigma are investigated

    Perception and production of linguistic and musical rhythm by Korean and English middle school students

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    I examine rhythmic tendencies of Korean and Western middle school students in linguistic and abstract musical contexts using a series of speaking and clapping experiments. Results indicate a preference in both groups for beat subdivisions in small integer ratios and simple binary metric interpretations. These preferences are consistently more exaggerated in native English speaking students than in Korean students. Tempo was a significant factor in all tasks

    Protein and synthetic polymer injection for induction of obstructive hydrocephalus in rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The objective of this study was to develop a simple and inexpensive animal model of induced obstructive hydrocephalus with minimal tissue inflammation, as an alternative to kaolin injection.</p> <p>Materials</p> <p>Two-hundred and two male Sprague-Dawley rats aged 3 weeks received intracisternal injections of kaolin (25% suspension), Matrigel, type 1 collagen from rat tail, fibrin glue (Tisseel), n-butyl-cyanoacrylate (NBCA), or ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer (Onyx-18 and Onyx-34). Magnetic resonance imaging was used to assess ventricle size. Animals were euthanized at 2, 5, 10 and 14 days post-injection for histological analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Kaolin was associated with 10% mortality and successful induction of hydrocephalus in 97% of survivors (ventricle area proportion 0.168 ± 0.018). Rapidly hardening agents (fibrin glue, NBCA, vinyl polymer) had high mortality rates and low success rates in survivors. Only Matrigel had relatively low mortality (17%) and moderate success rate (20%). An inflammatory response with macrophages and some lymphocytes was associated with kaolin. There was negligible inflammation associated with Matrigel. A severe inflammatory response with giant cell formation was associated with ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Kaolin predictably produces moderate to severe hydrocephalus with a mild chronic inflammatory reaction and fibrosis of the leptomeninges. Other synthetic polymers and biopolymers tested are unreliable and cause different types of inflammation.</p


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    Versión revisada de una presentación en la Universidadde Sidney, en un encuentro sobre “Escalas de la economía”, en julio de 2016. Traductores: Aldo Avellaneda y Guillermo Vega

    Anatomic peculiarities of cervix uteri ligaments in pre- and postnatal human ontogenesis

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    Background: Uterus and uterine cervix ligament concept is a decisive factor for female pelvis surgery and for fundamental mechanisms of urogenitaldysfunction ascertainment.According to publications, there are contradictory ideas of morphologic organization of female pelvis connective tissue. Fromthis point of view necessity arises for system investigation of connective tissue around uterine and vagina in different age periods. Target: to ascertainpeculiarities of uterine cervix ligaments macro- and micro-structure at 1st, 2nd adult, elderly and senile periods of ontogenesis. Material and methods: Investigations have been performed in 35 anatomical specimens. The following investigational methods have been used:macroscopy, microscopy of consecutive histological sections series, conventional and thin preparations. Statistical data processing was performedwith licensed program “Statistica” use. Received indices confidence was determined with Student’s t-test use. Values with T<0,05 have been takenstatistically significant. Results: to ascertain peculiarities of uterine cervix ligaments their macro- and micro-structure in human ontogenesis using the morphologic and statisticsmethods. Conclusions: The ligaments of uterine cervix have specific morphologic peculiarities of their structure and topography, and they contain differentconstituent parts in different age periods


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    These researches were carried out on the use of insecticide for infected animals, depending on its quantity (volume), shape and disperse of the drop during spraying. We used the solution of EktosanTM&nbsp;(LTD “Brovapharma”, Ukraine) in dilution 1:1000, with spraying of external usage twice, against&nbsp;Bovicola bovis&nbsp;Linnaeus, 1758, (Trichodectidae, Mallophaga)&nbsp;spontaneous infected lactating dairy cows of 4-8 years of age and young cattle aged 4˗6 to 12 months during 2009˗2010 in the State breeding farm “Ploskivske”, Kyiv region, and in February-March, 2012 in the private farm “Volyn”, Rivne region of Ukraine. A total number of 464 hosts (cows and calves) were examined, out of which 356 animals or 76.72 % were infected by&nbsp;B. bovis.-&nbsp;Efficacy of three techniques of cattle treatment with insecticide was studied. The time-indexes (time-consuming) for treatment and prophylactic manipulations of animals were investigated and recorded. 100 % efficiency of three techniques with full-volume system sprayer (2000 cm3/animal), medium-volume sprayer (250 cm3/animal) and low-volume sprayer or fine-dispersed atomizer (100 cm3&nbsp;/animal) was established. According to the work time consuming, the least time for animals’ treatment technique spraying was spent by using a disinfection full-volume system sprayer “DUK”. Full time of this manipulation has taken 33 minutes. The most labor-intensive technique was with using a manual low-volume sprayer “Rosynka”. The work by this technique has taken 58 minutes,&nbsp;and was by 43.1 and 23.3 % minutes more in comparing to full-volume system and medium-volume system sprayers. The medium-volume system spraying technique for animals was more economically expedient, in accordance for employees’ labor expenses and EktosanTM&nbsp;insecticide price