44 research outputs found

    Entre la cour et la révolutión: le métier d'un «marchand» dans l'Amérique quand elle a été siège de l'Empire portugais

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    O artigo discute a trajetória de Manuel Luís da Veiga que, como comerciante em Portugal (seu território natal), investiu na instalação de uma fábrica em Pernambuco após a chegada da família real no Rio de Janeiro, tendo em vista as transformações que à época se processavam no Império português. O foco da análise centra-se no campo das sociabilidades políticas, com destaque para a atuação de Veiga na corte carioca e sua produção literária sobre economia política, entendendo-as como duas dimensões indissociáveis de sua prática social. Defende-se aqui que sua trajetória ilumina um mundo em profunda mudança nos seus paradigmas, impossível de ser sintetizado pelo estabelecimento de um padrão preciso de distinção entre o que era antigo e o que era novidade no início dos oitocentos.The article discusses the trajectory of Manuel Luis da Veiga which, as a merchant in Portugal (where he was born) invested to install a factory in Pernambuco after the arrival of Real Family in the Rio de Janeiro, considering the changes, in these days, in the Portuguese Empire. It focuses the political sociabilities, remarking the role of Veiga in the court and his writings on political economy, understanding both as two linked dimensions of his social practice. It points out that his trajectory shows a deeply changing world in terms of paradigms, impossible to be understood simply in patterns of what was old or new in the beginning of XIX century.L'article présente la trajectoire de Manuel Luis da Veiga, marchand au Portugal, où il est né L'article présente, qui a investi dans l'édification d'un établissement industriel à Pernambuco après l'arrivée de la famille royale à Rio de Janeiro, dans le contexte des transformations subies à l'époque dans l'empire portugais. L'étude se détient en particulier sur les sociabilités politiques, en soulignant l'action de Veiga dans la Cour de Rio de Janeiro et sa production littéraire dans le domaine de l'économie politique, en concevant ces dimensions de sa pratique social comme indissociables. On soutient dans l'article le caractère emblématique de cette trajectoire dans la mesure où elle exprime un monde dont les paradigmes sont en train de changer en profondeur, sans que soit possible de préciser exactement les normes d'après lesquelles on pourrait distinguer entre ce qui était ancien et ce qui était nouveau aux débuts du XIXème siècle

    O Brasil nas letras de um pintor. Manuel de Araújo Porto Alegre (1806-1879)

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    Portugal, o Brasil e os Brasis: a diversidade dos territórios e as disputas pela soberania na construção de um novo Império monárquico na América

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    El artículo analiza los conflictos en torno al estatuto de los territorios del imperio portugués, especialmente en América, desde fines del siglo XVIII hasta la independencia de Brasil. Aborda las tensiones en torno a la soberanía y considera que desde fines del Setecientos fue posible proyectar una visión de unidad proporcionada por la monarquía, puesta en tensión y recreada en Brasil con la llegada de la corte portuguesa y en el momento constitucional de 1820. &nbsp

    ¿Un imperio entre repúblicas? : independencia y construcción de una legitimidad para la monarquía constitucional en el Brasil (1822-1834)

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    Este artículo pretende discutir el proceso de consolidación de un orden nacional en la América portuguesa a partir de la Independencia, introducida en la perspectiva del mundo Atlántico de profundas transformaciones en los paradigmas políticos, teniendo como foco la estructuración de las bases de una nueva legitimidad monárquica fundamentada en el constitucionalismo moderno. Se defiende, por un lado, que la recreación de la monarquía en el Brasil conseguiría dar forma a un régimen que tanto se adecuaba a las continuidades / rupturas sociales como también invertiría en una fuerte imagen de estabilidad y orden interna; y por otro, que es imprescindible que se entienda la experiencia brasileña no como una oposición, sino en sintonía con las dificultades vividas en el resto de América en la construcción de regímenes representativos supuestamente estables.This article analyses the process of consolidation of a national order in Portuguese America since the Independency embedded in an atlantic perspective of deep changes in politics. It focuses the build of a new monarchical legitimacy according to the modern constitutionalism. It points out, by one hand, that the reinvention of the monarchy in Brazil could sustain a regime well shaped to the politics changes and based in a strong image of stability and order; by other hand, that the brazilian political experience cannot be well understood in opposition but in relationship with what was happening in the whole America in terms of the construction of new representative regimes

    Uma cidade na transição. Santos : 1870-1913

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    LANNA, Ana Lúcia Duarte. Uma cidade na transição. Santos : 1870-1913. São Paulo/Santos: Hucitec, 1996

    Tropical Versailhes Empira, Monarchy and the Portuguese Royal court in Rio de Janeiro (1808-1821)

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    SHULTZ, Kirsten. Tropical Versailhes Empira, Monarchy and the Portuguese Royal court in Rio de Janeiro (1808-1821). New York/Londod: Routledge, 2001

    Justicia popular: Sobre la dimensión judicial del primer constitucionalismo iberoamericano

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    This article proposes that one of the most significant features of justice in the first Latin American constitutionalism, that developed in response to the crisis of the Iberian monarchies, is its popular dimension. This popular dimension was conditioned both by the difficulties of organizing a learned justice and by a strong distrust of the professional judges. Within the framework of a shared and highly determining legal tradition, and alongside the invocations of the law’s centrality, different forms of lay participation were constitutionally articulated in the administration of justice – either to judicially determine the law, either to elect, or to control who judicially determines the law. After rebuilding the normative discourse about justice and its institutions in this constitutionalism, we will pursue here the traces of such popular justice.This article proposes that one of the most significant features of justice in the first Latin American constitutionalism, that developed in response to the crisis of the Iberian monarchies, is its popular dimension. This popular dimension was conditioned both by the difficulties of organizing a learned justice and by a strong distrust of the professional judges. Within the framework of a shared and highly determining legal tradition, and alongside the invocations of the law’s centrality, different forms of lay participation were constitutionally articulated in the administration of justice – either to judicially determine the law, either to elect, or to control who judicially determines the law. After rebuilding the normative discourse about justice and its institutions in this constitutionalism, we will pursue here the traces of such popular justice.Se mantiene en este trabajo que una de las características más significativas de la justicia en el primer constitucionalismo latinoamericano, desarrollado en respuesta a las crisis de las monarquías ibéricas, fue su dimensión popular, que obedecía tanto a las dificultades de organizar una justicia letrada como a la fuerte desconfianza hacia los jueces profesionales. En el marco de la tradición jurídica compartida, muy determinante en este punto, y junto a invocaciones a la centralidad de la ley, se articularon entonces constitucionalmente diversas formas de participación decisoria de los legos en la administración de la justicia, ya sea para determinar judicialmente el derecho, ya sea para elegir o controlar quién determina judicialmente el derecho. Tras reconstruir el discurso normativo sobre la justicia y sus instituciones en este constitucionalismo, se rastrean aquí los trazos de dicha justicia popular

    "In brazilian costumes": justice and constitution in the ibero-america (C. 1750-1850)

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    Situando-se na intersecção entre constitucionalismo e independências, o artigo tem como objetivo discutir a dinâmica institucional da justiça na formação do Império do Brasil como parte de uma compartilhada tradição jurídica em todo o mundo ibero-americano, centrando-se no ciclo de mudanças ocorrido entre meados dos séculos XVIII e XIX. Para tanto, o recorte está nas garantias de justiça que, existentes na cultura do ius commune, seriam centrais aos novos estados independentes na América por meio da estatização de elementos que previam o funcionamento de uma antiga chave: a de que a “boa administração da justiça” dependia do “bom juiz”, e do seu reto comportamento, e não das leis e de sua devida aplicação. A partir da prevalência de uma justiça de juízes, conclui-se que, sem códigos, no sentido moderno, foi impossível se implantar um regime de justiça de leis.Standing at the intersection between constitutionalism and independence, the article aims to discuss the institutional dynamics of justice in the framing of the Empire of Brazil as part of a shared legal tradition throughout the Ibero-American world, focusing on the cycle of changes occurred between the mid-eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. For that, the enfasis is in the guarantees of justice, which, once embedded in the culture of ius commune, would be central to the new states in America through the statization of elements that ensured the operation of an old key: that the “good administration of justice” relied on “the good judge”, and his straight behavior, not on the laws and their proper application. From the prevalence of a “justice of judges”, the conclusion is that, without codes in the modern sense, it was impossible to implement a “legal justice” regimen