9 research outputs found

    Synthesis and vibration spectroscopy of nano-sized manganese oxides

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    The present study has been supported by the Latvian National Research Program IMIS2. One of us, IS, was supported by MES RF RFMEFI61615X0064.X-ray diffraction, micro-Raman and the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopies as well as magnetometry measurements were performed on nanosized manganese oxides to probe their phase composition and magnetic properties. It was shown that the XRD method is less sensitive to phase composition of manganese oxide samples than spectroscopic methods. While in some samples the XRD method recognised only the manganosite MnO phase, the Raman and FT-IR methods revealed additionally the presence of the hausmannite Mn3O4 phase.Ministry of Education and Science RF RFMEFI61615X0064; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Synthesis and vibration spectroscopy of nano-sized manganese oxides

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    The present study has been supported by the Latvian National Research Program IMIS2. One of us, IS, was supported by MES RF RFMEFI61615X0064.X-ray diffraction, micro-Raman and the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopies as well as magnetometry measurements were performed on nanosized manganese oxides to probe their phase composition and magnetic properties. It was shown that the XRD method is less sensitive to phase composition of manganese oxide samples than spectroscopic methods. While in some samples the XRD method recognised only the manganosite MnO phase, the Raman and FT-IR methods revealed additionally the presence of the hausmannite Mn3O4 phase.Ministry of Education and Science RF RFMEFI61615X0064; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Использование низкобелковых обогащенных крахмаломучных продуктов в диетотерапии больных фенилкетонурией детей в возрасте старше 1 года

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    Background. The nutrition of children with phenylketonuria includes specialized starch-based products, the range of which is constantly expanding. Our aim was to study the safety of the composition of starchy flakes enriched with a complex of fat-soluble vitamins, natural fruit and berry additives used in the food of children with phenylketonuria. Methods. The study included children under the age of 14 years who were compliant with the previously conducted hypophenylalanine diet, without acute infectious, severe somatic or neurological diseases. The investigated products (starch-rye, wheat, and wheat fruit flakes with a complex of provitamin A and vitamin E) were prescribed instead of previously used low-protein confectionery products in the amount of 20–25 g/day for children under 6 years, 30–40 g — for children aged 6 years and over. The products were given with the recommendation to use alternately, with a duration of at least 10 days, totally for 30 days of the study. The safety of the products was assessed by phenylalanine concentration in the blood (determined by the fluorimetric method). In addition, we assessed the organoleptic qualities of the products and the dynamics of physical development of children. Results. The study included 15 children, mean age 4.4 ± 1.9 years. The initial concentration of phenylalanine in the blood varied from 1.6 to 3.9 mg%, the median — 2.2 mg% (2.0; 2.8). In 30 days after inclusion of starchy flakes in the diet, the content of phenylalanine in the blood did not change and was 2.5 mg% (2.2; 2.7); p = 0.859. The organoleptic properties of the products were rated «excellent» by all patients and their parents (in children under 6 years, only according to the parents’ assessment). The indicators of physical development did not change. There was no adverse events (allergic reactions, dyspepsia, refusal to take food). Conclusion. Introduction of new functional products — low-protein starchy flakes enriched with a vitamin complex and natural fruit and berry additives — in the diet of children with phenylketonuria allows to maintain the level of phenylalanine in the blood at the level of reference values.Обоснование. В питании детей с фенилкетонурией широко используют специализированные продукты на основе крахмалов, ассортимент которых постоянно расширяется.Цель исследования — изучить безопасность состава хлопьев крахмаломучных, обогащенных комплексом жирорастворимых витаминов, натуральными плодовыми и ягодными добавками, используемых в пище детей с фенилкетонурией.Методы. В исследование включали детей в возрасте до 14 лет, комплаентных к ранее проводимой гипофенилаланиновой диете, без острых инфекционных, тяжелых соматических или неврологических заболеваний. Исследуемые продукты — крахмалоржаные, пшеничные и пшеничные плодово-ягодные хлопья с комплексом провитамина А и витамина Е — назначали взамен применявшихся ранее низкобелковых кондитерских изделий в количестве 20–25 г/сут детям младше 6 лет, по 30–40 г — детям, достигших возраста или старше 6 лет. Продукты выдавали с рекомендацией использовать поочередно, продолжительностью не менее 10 сут, всего на 30 сут исследования. Безопасность продуктов оценивали по концентрации фенилаланина в крови (определяли флюориметрическим методом). Дополнительно оценивали органолептические качества продуктов и динамику физического развития детей.Результаты. В исследование включили 15 детей, средний возраст 4,4±1,9 года. Исходная концентрация фенилаланина в крови варьировала от 1,6 до 3,9 мг%, медиана — 2,2 мг% (2,0; 2,8). Через 30 сут после включения в рацион крахмаломучных хлопьев содержание фенилаланина в крови не изменилось и составило 2,5 мг% (2,2; 2,7); р=0,859. Органолептические свойства продуктов были оценены на «отлично» всеми пациентами и их родителями (у детей в возрасте до 6 лет — только согласно оценке родителей). Показатели физического развития не изменились. Нежелательные явления (аллергические реакции, диспепсии, отказ от приема продуктов) не зафиксированы.Заключение. Введение в рацион детей с фенилкетонурией новых функциональных продуктов — хлопьев крахмаломучных низкобелковых, обогащенных витаминным комплексом и натуральными плодовыми и ягодными добавками, позволяет сохранять уровень фенилаланина в крови на уровне референсных значений.ИСТОЧНИК ФИНАНСИРОВАНИЯ Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта Федерального государственного научного учреждения «Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт крахмалопродуктов» Федерального агентства научных организаций (Московская область). Для целей исследования использовались продукты, безвозмездно предоставленные производителем (опытное производство ФГНУ «ВНИИК» ФАНО).КОНФЛИКТ ИНТЕРЕСОВ Т.Э. Боровик, Н.Н. Семёнова, О.Л. Лукоянова, Н.Г. Звонкова, Т.В. Бушуева, Т.Н. Степанова, В.А. Скворцова — проведение научно-исследовательских работ при поддержке компаний Heinz, Semper, Хипрока Нутришион Ист Лимитед. И.М. Гусева, Е.А. Рославцева, А.К. Геворкян, С.Т. Быкова, Т.Г. Калинина, С.Г. Калиненкова подтвердили отсутствие конфликта интересов.ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ ПРИЗНАТЕЛЬНОСТИ Выражаем благодарность к.м.н. С.Г. Калиненковой (Московский областной научно-исследовательский клинический институт им. М.Ф. Владимирского) за участие в выполнении лабораторной части данного исследования. 

    EPR, optical and thermometric studies of Cr3+ ions in the α-Al2O3 synthetic single crystal

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    The optical spectra of a single crystal of α-Al2O3Cr3+ were studied in a wide temperature range. The crystal was demonstrated to have a potential for optical thermometric applications. Three ways of measuring temperature were tested and analyzed: i) luminescence intensity ratio of the R1 and R2 lines; ii) change of the full width of half maxima of the R1 and R2 lines, and iii) thermal shifts of the R1 and R2 lines maxima. The highest absolute and relative sensitivities were obtained at cryogenic temperatures. In addition, the thermal shifts of the R lines were analyzed using the McCumber-Sturge equation to estimate the Debye temperature and the electron-vibrational interaction parameter

    Use of Low-Protein Enriched Starch Products in Diet Therapy of Children With Phenylketonuria Aged Over One Year

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    Background. The nutrition of children with phenylketonuria includes specialized starch-based products, the range of which is constantly expanding. Our aim was to study the safety of the composition of starchy flakes enriched with a complex of fat-soluble vitamins, natural fruit and berry additives used in the food of children with phenylketonuria. Methods. The study included children under the age of 14 years who were compliant with the previously conducted hypophenylalanine diet, without acute infectious, severe somatic or neurological diseases. The investigated products (starch-rye, wheat, and wheat fruit flakes with a complex of provitamin A and vitamin E) were prescribed instead of previously used low-protein confectionery products in the amount of 20–25 g/day for children under 6 years, 30–40 g — for children aged 6 years and over. The products were given with the recommendation to use alternately, with a duration of at least 10 days, totally for 30 days of the study. The safety of the products was assessed by phenylalanine concentration in the blood (determined by the fluorimetric method). In addition, we assessed the organoleptic qualities of the products and the dynamics of physical development of children. Results. The study included 15 children, mean age 4.4 ± 1.9 years. The initial concentration of phenylalanine in the blood varied from 1.6 to 3.9 mg%, the median — 2.2 mg% (2.0; 2.8). In 30 days after inclusion of starchy flakes in the diet, the content of phenylalanine in the blood did not change and was 2.5 mg% (2.2; 2.7); p = 0.859. The organoleptic properties of the products were rated «excellent» by all patients and their parents (in children under 6 years, only according to the parents’ assessment). The indicators of physical development did not change. There was no adverse events (allergic reactions, dyspepsia, refusal to take food). Conclusion. Introduction of new functional products — low-protein starchy flakes enriched with a vitamin complex and natural fruit and berry additives — in the diet of children with phenylketonuria allows to maintain the level of phenylalanine in the blood at the level of reference values


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    Background. There is no doubt that it is necessary to study the efficiency of milk formulas that are introduced into the Russian market of baby food. This applies to both new products and known brands of formulas whose composition is subject to change.Objective. Our aim was to assess the clinical efficacy of the adapted goat's milk formula in the diet of young infants.Methods. We conducted a prospective comparative study with healthy full-term  children aged 0–5 months being on a formula (main group) or breast feeding (comparison group). The tolerability of the adapted goat's milk formula, the dynamics of anthropometric indicators, changes in body composition as well as microscopic characteristics  of stool and general clinical and biochemical parameters  of peripheral blood were assessed after 1 month.Results. Good tolerability of the goat's milk formula was noted in 184 (96.8%) of 190 children in the main group. In the course of taking the product, the proportion of children with functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract decreased significantly from 57 (30%) to 27 (14%) (p < 0.001). Physical development,  complete blood count results, the levels of ferritin, prealbumin and 25(OH)D in children of the main group and the comparison group (n = 71) were comparable and were within the mean age parameters. Qualitative analysis of the level of specific IgE to goat's milk proteins did not reveal any sensibilization in any of the children receiving the milk formula, either at the beginning of the study or after 1 month of taking the product.Conclusion. The studied adapted goat's milk formula can be used in nutrition of young infants in cases of lack or absence of mother's milk

    Terutroban versus aspirin in patients with cerebral ischaemic events (PERFORM): a randomised, double-blind, parallel-group trial

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    Background: Patients with ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) are at high risk of recurrent stroke or other cardiovascular events. We compared the selective thromboxane-prostaglandin receptor antagonist terutroban with aspirin in the prevention of cerebral and cardiovascular ischaemic events in patients with a recent non-cardioembolic cerebral ischaemic event. <p/>Methods: This randomised, double-blind, parallel-group trial was undertaken in 802 centres in 46 countries. Patients who had an ischaemic stroke in the previous 3 months or a TIA in the previous 8 days were randomly allocated with a central interactive response system to 30 mg per day terutroban or 100 mg per day aspirin. Patients and investigators were masked to treatment allocation. The primary efficacy endpoint was a composite of fatal or non-fatal ischaemic stroke, fatal or non-fatal myocardial infarction, or other vascular death (excluding haemorrhagic death). We planned a sequential statistical analysis of non-inferiority (margin 1·05) followed by analysis of superiority. Analysis was by intention to treat. The study was stopped prematurely for futility on the basis of the recommendation of the Data Monitoring Committee. This study is registered, number ISRCTN66157730. <p/>Findings: 9562 patients were assigned to terutroban (9556 analysed) and 9558 to aspirin (9544 analysed); mean follow-up was 28·3 months (SD 7·7). The primary endpoint occurred in 1091 (11%) patients receiving terutroban and 1062 (11%) receiving aspirin (hazard ratio [HR] 1·02, 95% CI 0·94–1·12). There was no evidence of a difference between terutroban and aspirin for the secondary or tertiary endpoints. We recorded some increase in minor bleedings with terutroban compared with aspirin (1147 [12%] vs 1045 [11%]; HR 1·11, 95% CI 1·02–1·21), but no significant differences in other safety endpoints. <p/>Interpretation: The trial did not meet the predefined criteria for non-inferiority, but showed similar rates of the primary endpoint with terutroban and aspirin, without safety advantages for terutroban. In a worldwide perspective, aspirin remains the gold standard antiplatelet drug for secondary stroke prevention in view of its efficacy, tolerance, and cost

    Rationale and design of a randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study of terutroban 30 mg/day versus aspirin 100 mg/day in stroke patients: the prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events of ischemic origin with terutroban in patients with a history of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (PERFORM) study.

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    BACKGROUND: Ischemic stroke is the leading cause of mortality worldwide and a major contributor to neurological disability and dementia. Terutroban is a specific TP receptor antagonist with antithrombotic, antivasoconstrictive, and antiatherosclerotic properties, which may be of interest for the secondary prevention of ischemic stroke. This article describes the rationale and design of the Prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular Events of ischemic origin with teRutroban in patients with a history oF ischemic strOke or tRansient ischeMic Attack (PERFORM) Study, which aims to demonstrate the superiority of the efficacy of terutroban versus aspirin in secondary prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events. METHODS AND RESULTS: The PERFORM Study is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study being carried out in 802 centers in 46 countries. The study population includes patients aged > or =55 years, having suffered an ischemic stroke (< or =3 months) or a transient ischemic attack (< or =8 days). Participants are randomly allocated to terutroban (30 mg/day) or aspirin (100 mg/day). The primary efficacy endpoint is a composite of ischemic stroke (fatal or nonfatal), myocardial infarction (fatal or nonfatal), or other vascular death (excluding hemorrhagic death of any origin). Safety is being evaluated by assessing hemorrhagic events. Follow-up is expected to last for 2-4 years. Assuming a relative risk reduction of 13%, the expected number of primary events is 2,340. To obtain statistical power of 90%, this requires inclusion of at least 18,000 patients in this event-driven trial. The first patient was randomized in February 2006. CONCLUSIONS: The PERFORM Study will explore the benefits and safety of terutroban in secondary cardiovascular prevention after a cerebral ischemic event.Journal ArticleMulticenter StudyRandomized Controlled TrialResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Rationale and design of a randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study of terutroban 30 mg/day versus aspirin 100 mg/day in stroke patients: the prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events of ischemic origin with terutroban in patients with a history of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack (PERFORM) study.

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    BACKGROUND: Ischemic stroke is the leading cause of mortality worldwide and a major contributor to neurological disability and dementia. Terutroban is a specific TP receptor antagonist with antithrombotic, antivasoconstrictive, and antiatherosclerotic properties, which may be of interest for the secondary prevention of ischemic stroke. This article describes the rationale and design of the Prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular Events of ischemic origin with teRutroban in patients with a history oF ischemic strOke or tRansient ischeMic Attack (PERFORM) Study, which aims to demonstrate the superiority of the efficacy of terutroban versus aspirin in secondary prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events. METHODS AND RESULTS: The PERFORM Study is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study being carried out in 802 centers in 46 countries. The study population includes patients aged > or =55 years, having suffered an ischemic stroke (< or =3 months) or a transient ischemic attack (< or =8 days). Participants are randomly allocated to terutroban (30 mg/day) or aspirin (100 mg/day). The primary efficacy endpoint is a composite of ischemic stroke (fatal or nonfatal), myocardial infarction (fatal or nonfatal), or other vascular death (excluding hemorrhagic death of any origin). Safety is being evaluated by assessing hemorrhagic events. Follow-up is expected to last for 2-4 years. Assuming a relative risk reduction of 13%, the expected number of primary events is 2,340. To obtain statistical power of 90%, this requires inclusion of at least 18,000 patients in this event-driven trial. The first patient was randomized in February 2006. CONCLUSIONS: The PERFORM Study will explore the benefits and safety of terutroban in secondary cardiovascular prevention after a cerebral ischemic event