64 research outputs found

    Low-Frequency Noise in Vertical InAs/InGaAs Gate-All-Around MOSFETs at 15 K for Cryogenic Applications

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    Low-frequency noise (LFN), or 1/ f -noise, can be used effectively to evaluate device reliability which is a major concern in analog as well as digital circuits. In this work, we present 1/ f -noise characterization of vertical InAs/InGaAs gate-all-around (GAA) MOSFETs with a 70-nm gate length ( LG ) measured at cryogenic temperatures down to 15 K. The measurements at cryogenic temperatures reveal that the physical mechanism of 1/ f -noise changes from carrier number fluctuations at 300 K to mobility fluctuations at 15 K. We conclude that the channel conduction at 15 K is dominated by the nanowire core instead of the nanowire surface due to the effect of the border and interface traps freezing out. Vertical InAs/InGaAs GAA MOSFETs at 15 K, due to reduced surface scattering, exhibit a low value of Hooge parameter, αH ~ 5×10-6 and also have a low input-referred gate voltage noise spectral density, SVG=4.3μV2μm2 Hz -1 that are important for reliable cryogenic circuit applications

    The Nordic Corporate Governance Model

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    The Nordic Region is remarkable in many ways and has been the subject of increasing interest over the past years. The five countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden are culturally closely aligned and combine a well-functioning business sector and high GDP with an expansive welfare state and high taxes. What has been well less known outside the Nordic Region is the shared corporate governance model used by companies and for the first time a comprehensive study is available in English to explain this model. The main part of the study is the condensed presentation of the Nordic CG model. It is based on four country reports covering the three EU Member States (DK, F, S) and one EEA Member State (N). Each country report has been drawn up by a team consisting of a legal expert and a corporate governance expert with practical experience. To ensure that the report reflects actual practices, each team was assisted by a reference group consisting of business practitioners with extensive experience from large-cap listed companies and connections to the national CG code committees. To provide an international aspect, the renowned American scholar Ronald J Gilson contributed a comment on the report’s findings in a separate chapter. The key observation of the study is that the Nordic CG model allows the shareholder majority to effectively control and take long-term responsibility for the company that they own. The alleged risk of such a system – the potential that a shareholder majority misuses its power for its own benefit at the expense of minority shareholders – is effectively curbed through a well-developed system of minority protection. The result is a governance model that encourages strong shareholders to engage in the governance of the company in their own interest, while creating value for the company and all its shareholders

    Self-assembly of mechanoplasmonic bacterial cellulose-metal nanoparticle composites

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    Nanocomposites of metal nanoparticles (NPs) and bacterial nanocellulose (BC) enable fabrication of soft and biocompatible materials for optical, catalytic, electronic, and biomedical applications. Current BC-NP nanocomposites are typically prepared by in situ synthesis of the NPs or electrostatic adsorption of surface functionalized NPs, which limits possibilities to control and tune NP size, shape, concentration, and surface chemistry and influences the properties and performance of the materials. Here a self-assembly strategy is described for fabrication of complex and well-defined BC-NP composites using colloidal gold and silver NPs of different sizes, shapes, and concentrations. The self-assembly process results in nanocomposites with distinct biophysical and optical properties. In addition to antibacterial materials and materials with excellent senor performance, materials with unique mechanoplasmonic properties are developed. The homogenous incorporation of plasmonic gold NPs in the BC enables extensive modulation of the optical properties by mechanical stimuli. Compression gives rise to near-field coupling between adsorbed NPs, resulting in tunable spectral variations and enhanced broadband absorption that amplify both nonlinear optical and thermoplasmonic effects and enables novel biosensing strategies

    Kvinnligt företagande i förändring : Förändrade förutsättningar för kvinnors företagande i Umeå 1931-1972

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    Denna uppsats inom ekonomisk historia behandlar kvinnors företagande i Umeå mellan åren 1931 och 1972, och omfattar därmed en turbulent tid med depression, världskrig och välfärdsstatens framväxande i Sverige. Det kvinnliga företagandets utveckling har analyserats utifrån flera perspektiv. Ett historisk-institutionellt perspektiv har anammats för att avgöra den nationella såväl som den lokala politikens betydelse under hela den undersökta perioden. Uppsatsen har även inkluderat ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv, vilket har använts för att problematisera företagande – i dess strukturuppbyggnad såväl som själva begreppet. I studiet av företagen har det främst fokuserats på de för kvinnor tre viktigaste näringsgrenarna, vilka var tillverkningsindustri, varuhandel, och service och tjänster. De slutsatser som dragits är att kvinnors företagande minskade jämfört med mäns under det studerade tidsintervallet, samt att deras företag var betydligt mindre sett till omsättning och antal anställda. En av orsakerna bedöms ha varit att deras företagande inte diskuterades nämnvärt av politiker nationellt eller lokalt. Följaktligen kom de inte heller att vara de främsta förmånstagarna av den politik som bedrevs. Bland övriga orsaker har det dels funnits att kvinnors förutsättningar att bedriva företag försämrades under perioden till följd av institutionella förändringar, dels så kom dragkraften mot lönearbetet att växa i takt med de politiska ambitionerna och arbetarvänliga reformer som ämnade få kvinnor i sysselsättning. En övergriplig och betydande, om än något undanskymd, faktor har även varit en nedvärdering av kvinnors företagande inom samhället. Samtida förväntningar och syn på kvinnor försvårade mest sannolikt för dem att bedriva företag på samma villkor som män.   Key words: ekonomisk historia, kvinnors företagande, historisk-institutionellt perspektiv, genusteoretiskt perspektiv, näringsgrena

    Ministeromsättning och jämställdhet : Förutsättningar för kvinnor och män att stanna kvar vid ministerposten i Skandinavien

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    This paper studies ministerial turnover in Scandinavia, focusing on group level differences of outcome for men and women in ministerial positions and attempting to explain why these might occur. It also attempts to test the applicability and validity of earlier works on the Scandinavian setting, more specifically that of portfolio salience and its presumed interaction with turnover depending on government type. The paper draws on databases compiled of governments and their ministers, primarily analysing them through a multinomial logit model. It reports no significant differences that may be observed regarding the survival rates or duration for Scandinavian ministers, albeit women in ministerial positions seem to outperform their male peers slightly – in contrary to theory expectations. The results of the paper also partly support earlier studies which conclude that portfolio salience protects important ministers from being fired or quitting in disgrace, at least so in countries where governments consist predominantly of coalitions, and suggests an alternative reading of earlier theories that could explain why portfolio salience seemingly does not also protect important ministers from switching posts or being reshuffled

    Ministeromsättning och jämställdhet : Förutsättningar för kvinnor och män att stanna kvar vid ministerposten i Skandinavien

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    This paper studies ministerial turnover in Scandinavia, focusing on group level differences of outcome for men and women in ministerial positions and attempting to explain why these might occur. It also attempts to test the applicability and validity of earlier works on the Scandinavian setting, more specifically that of portfolio salience and its presumed interaction with turnover depending on government type. The paper draws on databases compiled of governments and their ministers, primarily analysing them through a multinomial logit model. It reports no significant differences that may be observed regarding the survival rates or duration for Scandinavian ministers, albeit women in ministerial positions seem to outperform their male peers slightly – in contrary to theory expectations. The results of the paper also partly support earlier studies which conclude that portfolio salience protects important ministers from being fired or quitting in disgrace, at least so in countries where governments consist predominantly of coalitions, and suggests an alternative reading of earlier theories that could explain why portfolio salience seemingly does not also protect important ministers from switching posts or being reshuffled

    Strategy Synthesis for Multi-agent Games of Imperfect Information With Partially Given Strategies

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    Finding strategies for games have been of interest tohumans throughout history. With the advancement of technologyand the way the financial market is compounded, enormous timeand resources are spent on modelling real world problems asgames and searching for strategies modelled to enhance produc-tivity and rule out inefficiencies. This thesis aims to investigate the existence of strategies that would allow players (agents)to complete common objectives when one category of agentsalready have a given strategy. This is done through studyingan example and investigating the application and implicationof the introduction of an abstraction function. The performedstudy concluded that if such a function could be more rigorouslymathematically formulated, it could increase the effectiveness ofstrategy searches and synthesis in the field.Människor har alltid varit intresserade avatt hitta strategier för spel. I och med teknikens utveckling ochfinansmarknadens uppbyggnad läggs enorm tid och resurser påatt modellera verkliga problem som spel och söka efter strategierför att öka produktiviteten och minska ineffektivitet. Syftet medrapporten är att undersöka om det finns strategier som gör detmöjligt för spelarna (agenterna) att uppnå gemensamma mål nären kategori av agenter redan har en given strategi. Detta görsgenom att studera ett exempel och undersöka tillämpningar ochkonsekvenserna av att införa en abstraktionsfunktion. I studiendrogs slutsatsen att om en sådan funktion kunde formulerasstrikt matematiskt skulle den kunna öka effektiviteten i strate-gisökningar inom området.Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockhol