1,270 research outputs found

    Ventilation history of Nordic Seas overflows during the last (de)glacial period revealed by species-specific benthic foraminiferal 14C dates

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    Formation of deep water in the high-latitude North Atlantic is important for the global meridional ocean circulation, and its variability in the past may have played an important role in regional and global climate change. Here we study ocean circulation associated with the last (de)glacial period, using water-column radiocarbon age reconstructions in the Faroe-Shetland Channel, southeastern Norwegian Sea, and from the Iceland Basin, central North Atlantic. The presence of tephra layer Faroe Marine Ash Zone II, dated to ~26.7 ka, enables us to determine that the middepth (1179 m water depth) and shallow subsurface reservoir ages were ~1500 and 1100 14C years, respectively, older during the late glacial period compared to modern, suggesting substantial suppression of the overturning circulation in the Nordic Seas. During the late Last Glacial Maximum and the onset of deglaciation (~20–18 ka), Nordic Seas overflow was weak but active. During the early deglaciation (~17.5–14.5 ka), our data reveal large differences between 14C ventilation ages that are derived from dating different benthic foraminiferal species: Pyrgo and other miliolid species yield ventilation ages >6000 14C years, while all other species reveal ventilation ages <2000 14C years. These data either suggest subcentennial, regional, circulation changes or that miliolid-based 14C ages are biased due to taphonomic or vital processes. Implications of each interpretation are discussed. Regardless of this “enigma,” the onset of the Bølling-Allerød interstadial (14.5 ka) is clearly marked by an increase in middepth Nordic Seas ventilation and the renewal of a stronger overflow

    The Effects of Previous Misestimation of Task Duration on Estimating Future Task Duration

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    It is a common time management problem that people underestimate the duration of tasks, which has been termed the "planning fallacy." To overcome this, it has been suggested that people should be informed about how long they previously worked on the same task. This study, however, tests whether previous misestimation also affects the duration estimation of a novel task, even if the feedback is only self-generated. To test this, two groups of participants performed two unrelated, laboratory-based tasks in succession. Learning was manipulated by permitting only the experimental group to retrospectively estimate the duration of the first task before predicting the duration of the second task. Results showed that the experimental group underestimated the duration of the second task less than the control group, which indicates a general kind of learning from previous misestimation. The findings imply that people could be trained to carefully observe how much they misestimate task duration in order to stimulate learning. The findings are discussed in relation to the anchoring account of task duration misestimation and the memory-bias account of the planning fallacy. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Localized Populations of CD8low/− MHC Class I Tetramer+ SIV-Specific T Cells in Lymphoid Follicles and Genital Epithelium

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    CD8 T cells play an important role in controlling viral infections. We investigated the in situ localization of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-specific T cells in lymph and genital tissues from SIV-infected macaques using MHC-class I tetramers. The majority of tetramer-binding cells localized in T cell zones and were CD8+. Curiously, small subpopulations of tetramer-binding cells that had little to no surface CD8 were detected in situ both early and late post-infection, and in both vaginally and rectally inoculated macaques. These tetramer+CD8low/− cells were more often localized in apparent B cell follicles relative to T cell zones and more often found near or within the genital epithelium than the submucosa. Cells analyzed by flow cytometry showed similar populations of cells. Further immunohistological characterization revealed small populations of tetramer+CD20− cells inside B cell follicles and that tetramer+ cells did not stain with γδ-TCR nor CD4 antibodies. Negative control tetramer staining indicated that tetramer+CD8low/− cells were not likely NK cells non-specifically binding to MHC tetramers. These findings have important implications for SIV-specific and other antigen-specific T cell function in these specific tissue locations, and suggest a model in which antigen-specific CD8+ T cells down modulate CD8 upon entering B cell follicles or the epithelial layer of tissues, or alternatively a model in which only antigen-specific CD8 T cells that down-modulate CD8 can enter B cell follicles or the epithelium

    Early replication in pulmonary B cells after infection with marek's disease herpesvirus by the respiratory route

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    Natural infection with Marek's disease virus occurs through the respiratory mucosa after chickens inhale dander shed from infected chickens. The early events in the lung following exposure to the feather and squamous epithelial cell debris containing the viral particles remain unclear. In order to elucidate the virological and immunological consequences of MDV infection for the respiratory tract, chickens were infected by intratracheal administration of infective dander. Differences between susceptible and resistant chickens were immediately apparent, with delayed viral replication and earlier onset of interferon (IFN)-γ production in the latter. CD4+ and CD8 + T cells surrounded infected cells in the lung. Although viral replication was evident in macrophages, pulmonary B cells were the main target cell type in susceptible chickens following intratracheal infection with MDV. In accordance, depletion of B cells curtailed viremia and substantially affected pathogenesis in susceptible chickens. Together the data described here demonstrate the role of pulmonary B cells as the primary and predominant target cells and their importance for MDV pathogenesis. © 2009, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

    Metacarpal trabecular bone varies with distinct hand-positions used in hominid locomotion

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    Trabecular bone remodels during life in response to loading and thus should, at least in part, reflect potential variation in the magnitude, frequency and direction of joint loading across different hominid species. Here we analyse the trabecular structure across all non-pollical metacarpal distal heads (Mc2-5) in extant great apes, expanding on previous volume of interest and whole-epiphysis analyses that have largely focussed on only the first or third metacarpal. Specifically, we employ both a univariate statistical mapping and a multivariate approach to test for both inter-ray and interspecific differences in relative trabecular bone volume fraction (RBV/TV) and degree of anisotropy (DA) in Mc2-5 subchondral trabecular bone. Results demonstrate that while DA values only separate Pongo from African apes (Pan troglodytes, Pan paniscus, Gorilla gorilla), RBV/TV distribution varies with the predicted loading of the metacarpophalangeal (McP) joints during locomotor behaviours in each species. Gorilla exhibits a relatively dorsal distribution of RBV/TV consistent with habitual hyper-extension of the McP joints during knuckle-walking, whereas Pongo has a palmar distribution consistent with flexed McP joints used to grasp arboreal substrates. Both Pan species possess a disto-dorsal distribution of RBV/TV, compatible with multiple hand postures associated with a more varied locomotor regime. Further inter-ray comparisons reveal RBV/TV patterns consistent with varied knuckle-walking postures in Pan species in contrast to higher RBV/TV values toward the midline of the hand in Mc2 and Mc5 of Gorilla, consistent with habitual palm-back knuckle-walking. These patterns of trabecular bone distribution and structure reflect different behavioural signals that could be useful for determining the behaviours of fossil hominins

    Fast and slow components of interstadial warming in the North Atlantic during the last glacial

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    AbstractThe abrupt nature of warming events recorded in Greenland ice-cores during the last glacial has generated much debate over their underlying mechanisms. Here, we present joint marine and terrestrial analyses from the Portuguese Margin, showing a succession of cold stadials and warm interstadials over the interval 35–57 ka. Heinrich stadials 4 and 5 contain considerable structure, with a short transitional phase leading to an interval of maximum cooling and aridity, followed by slowly increasing sea-surface temperatures and moisture availability. A climate model experiment reproduces the changes in western Iberia during the final part of Heinrich stadial 4 as a result of the gradual recovery of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. What emerges is that Greenland ice-core records do not provide a unique template for warming events, which involved the operation of both fast and slow components of the coupled atmosphere–ocean–sea-ice system, producing adjustments over a range of timescales.</jats:p

    Absence of Inhibin Alpha and Retinoblastoma Protein Leads to Early Sertoli Cell Dysfunction

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    Sertoli cells, the support cells of mammalian spermatogenesis, are regulated by a number of nuclear factors and express retinoblastoma (RB) tumor suppressor protein. We hypothesized that RB is an important mediator of Sertoli cell tumorigenesis in inhibin α knockout (Inha KO) mice. In our previous mouse studies, we found that conditional knockout (cKO) of Rb in Sertoli cells caused progressive Sertoli cell dysfunction. Initially, loss of RB had no gross effect on Sertoli cell function as the mice were fertile with normal testis weights at 6 weeks of age, but by 10–14 weeks of age, mutant mice demonstrated severe Sertoli cell dysfunction and infertility. Although double knockout (dKO) of Rb and Inha did not result in exacerbation of the tumorigenic phenotype of Inha-null mice, we found that the dKO mice demonstrate an acceleration of Sertoli cell dysfunction compared to Rb cKO mice. Specifically, in contrast to Rb cKO mice, Inha/Rb dKO mice showed signs of Sertoli cell dysfunction as early as 4 weeks of age. These results demonstrate that RB is not essential for Sertoli cell tumorigenesis in Inha KO mice but that loss of Inha accelerates the infertility phenotype of Rb cKO mice