1,152 research outputs found
Control by model error estimation
Modern control theory relies upon the fidelity of the mathematical model of the system. Truncated modes, external disturbances, and parameter errors in linear system models are corrected by augmenting to the original system of equations an 'error system' which is designed to approximate the effects of such model errors. A Chebyshev error system is developed for application to the Large Space Telescope (LST)
Classificació paleoecològica de les formes dels rudistes -una eina per a l'anà lisi paleoambiental
Els rudistes com a suspensÃvors epibentònics sèssils sols podien adaptar-se a les pressions ambientals per mitjà del creixement de la closca. Per això, les closques dels rudistes mostren una sèrie de formes, les caracterÃstiques bà siques de les quals estan en estreta relació amb el carà cter de l'hà bitat que ocupaven. Skelton & Gili (en premsa) classifiquen les closques dels rudistes en tres morfotipus ecològics generals, basats en els paradigmes definits per Skelton (1979a). En aquest treball exposem els trets principals d'aquesta classificació, fent ressaltar les seves implicacions paleoecològiques. Elevadors (elevators): tot el marge de creixement de la valva fixa estava involucrat en el creixement cap amunt. L'Ãndex d'elevació, E, que comprèn la mitjana entre la mà xima (α) i la mÃnima (β) inclinació de la paret externa del marge de creixement de la valva fixa, s'aproximava a 90°. E podia variar, pero el lÃmit inferior per al creixement normal és per definició E=45°. Aconseguien l'estabilització per la implantació passiva de la valva fixa en el sediment, eventualment reforçada per la fixació lateral en els veïns. Ocupaven substrats tous, generalment fangosos, amb acumulació neta positiva. Els rudistes elevadors estaven, doncs, restringits a ambients d'energia baixa a moderada, rarament subjectes a torrents tractius. Adherents (clingers): una part del marge de creixement de la valva fixa creixia directament sobre el substrat, cimentant-se, si era dur, (adherents fixos) o adaptant-se a la seva superfÃcie (adherents friccionals). Com que (β tendia aixi a 0°, E havia de ser per definició 0.75. Ocupaven substrats des de relativament estables a durs amb sedimentació neta de negligible a positiva, però amb fluxos de sediment solament ocasionals. La majoria dels rudistes adherents podien afrontar entrades de sediment intermitents fent crèixer cap amunt, escalonadament, la superfÃcie de creixement basal. Les condicions de corrent associades podien implicar la inhibició freqüent o regular de deposició, però els torrents tractius eren rars. Ajaçats (recumbents): la clau d'aquest morfotipus era també l'estabilització, generant amb els marges Mures de les valves sobre el substrat una base ampla per a la closca. E era aixÃ, una altra vegada < 45°. Però a diferència de l'adherent, l'à rea de contacte amb el substrat (inestable), A, tenia poca importà ncia per a 1'estabilització. Els rudistes ajaçats extremaven els dià metres efectius del contorn de la base de la closca (és a dir A') de manera que aquesta adquiria una forma arquejada o estrellada que resistia la boleiada i soscavació dels corrents. En consequència, A/A' era menor que 1, i per definició havia de ser < 0.75. Ocupaven sorres calcà ries mòbils, amb removiments de sediment freqüents i sedimentació positiva neta negigible
The protocataclasite dilemma: in situ 36Cl and REE-Y lessons from an impure limestone fault scarp at Sparta, Greece
Reconstructions of palaeoseismicity are useful for understanding and mitigating seismic hazard risks. We apply cosmogenic 36Cl exposure-age dating and measurements of rare-earth elements and yttrium (REE-Y) concentrations to the palaeoseismic history of the Sparta Fault, Greece. Bayesian-inference Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) modelling of 36Cl concentrations along a 7.2 m long vertical profile on the Sparta Fault scarp at Anogia indicate an increase in the average slip rate of the scarp from 0.8–0.9 mm yr−1 6.5–7.7 kyr ago to 1.1–1.2 mm yr−1 up to the devastating 464 BCE earthquake. The average exhumation of the entire scarp up to the present day is 0.7–0.8 mm yr−1. Modelling does not indicate additional exhumation of the Sparta Fault after 464 BCE. The Sparta Fault scarp is composed of fault breccia, containing quartz and clay-lined pores, in addition to host-rock-derived clasts of calcite and microcrystalline calcite cement. The impurities control the distribution of REE-Y in the fault scarp surface and contribute spatial variation to 36Cl concentrations, which precludes the identification of individual earthquakes that have exhumed the Sparta Fault scarp from either of these data sets. REE-Y may illustrate processes that localize slip to a discrete fault plane in the Earth's near-surface, but their potential use in palaeoseismicity would benefit from further evaluation.</p
Targeting Mr Average: Participation, gender equity and school sport partnerships
The School Sport Partnership Programme (SSPP) is one strand of the national strategy for physical education and school sport in England, the physical education and school sport Club Links Strategy (PESSCL). The SSPP aims to make links between school physical education (PE) and out of school sports participation, and has a particular remit to raise the participation levels of several identified under-represented groups, of which girls and young women are one. National evaluations of the SSPP show that it is beginning to have positive impacts on young people's activity levels by increasing the range and provision of extra curricular activities (Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), 2003, 2004, 2005; Loughborough Partnership, 2005, 2006). This paper contributes to the developing picture of the phased implementation of the programme by providing qualitative insights into the work of one school sport partnership with a particular focus on gender equity. The paper explores the ways in which gender equity issues have been explicitly addressed within the 'official texts' of the SSPP; how these have shifted over time and how teachers are responding to and making sense of these in their daily practice. Using participation observation, interview and questionnaire data, the paper explores how the coordinators are addressing the challenge of increasing the participation of girls and young women. The paper draws on Walby's (2000) conceptualisation of different kinds of feminist praxis to highlight the limitations of the coordinators' work. Two key themes from the data and their implications are addressed: the dominance of competitive sport practices and the PE professionals' views of targeting as a strategy for increasing the participation of under-represented groups. The paper concludes that coordinators work within an equality or difference discourse with little evidence of the transformative praxis needed for the programme to be truly inclusive. © 2008 Taylor & Francis
Unravelling the evolution of Africa's drainage basins through a widespread freshwater fish, the African sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus
Aim The formation history of Africa's current river basins remains largely unknown. In order to date changes in landscape and climate, we studied the biogeography of the African freshwater fish with the largest natural distribution. We also validated biogeographical units. Location Continental Africa. Taxon Clarias gariepinus sl. Methods We investigated mitochondrial cytb sequences of 443 individuals from 97 localities, using a haplotype network and a genetic landscape analysis. We inferred a dated phylogeny using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference approaches and reconstructed ancestral areas with S-DEC and S-DIVA models. Microsatellite genotyping complemented the mitochondrial approach in the Congo basin, where the latter revealed complex patterns. Results Limited differentiation is found in northern and south-western Africa, and sharp genetic differentiation in the continent's east and centre. Populations with affinities to neighbouring basins occur at the edges of the Congo province. High diversity exists in the south of the Congo basin. The Zambezi province is partitioned into eastern, central and western sectors. In the east, specimens were related to those from the Congo. In the west, they were similar to Southern representatives. Phylogenetic inference placed the origin of C. gariepinus in the East Coast, with intraspecific diversification starting around the Great Lakes. These events occurred ca. 4.8-1.65 and 2.3-0.8 MYA respectively. Main conclusions Clades of C. gariepinus sl. show a clear geographical signature. The origin of C. gariepinus in the East Coast and diversification around the Great Lakes coincided with the periods of increased aridity. Low genetic differentiation in northern and southern Africa may result from connectivity during recent periods of higher rainfall. In contrast to other widespread African freshwater fish, colonization rather than extinction seemed to mediate distribution patterns. This can be explained by a high ecological tolerance. We highlight the species' suitability to study landscape and climate evolution at various scales.Peer reviewe
Geometry of Star-Forming Galaxies from SDSS, 3D-HST and CANDELS
We determine the intrinsic, 3-dimensional shape distribution of star-forming
galaxies at 0<z<2.5, as inferred from their observed projected axis ratios. In
the present-day universe star-forming galaxies of all masses 1e9 - 1e11 Msol
are predominantly thin, nearly oblate disks, in line with previous studies. We
now extend this to higher redshifts, and find that among massive galaxies (M* >
1e10 Msol) disks are the most common geometric shape at all z < 2. Lower-mass
galaxies at z>1 possess a broad range of geometric shapes: the fraction of
elongated (prolate) galaxies increases toward higher redshifts and lower
masses. Galaxies with stellar mass 1e9 Msol (1e10 Msol) are a mix of roughly
equal numbers of elongated and disk galaxies at z~1 (z~2). This suggests that
galaxies in this mass range do not yet have disks that are sustained over many
orbital periods, implying that galaxies with present-day stellar mass
comparable to that of the Milky Way typically first formed such sustained
stellar disks at redshift z~1.5-2. Combined with constraints on the evolution
of the star formation rate density and the distribution of star formation over
galaxies with different masses, our findings imply that, averaged over cosmic
time, the majority of stars formed in disks.Comment: Published in ApJ Letter
A national survey of services for the prevention and management of falls in the UK
Background: The National Health Service (NHS) was tasked in 2001 with developing service provision to prevent falls in older people. We carried out a national survey to provide a description of health and social care funded UK fallers services, and to benchmark progress against current
practice guidelines.
Methods: Cascade approach to sampling, followed by telephone survey with senior member of the fall service. Characteristics of the service were assessed using an internationally agreed taxonomy. Reported service provision was compared against benchmarks set by the National
Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
Results: We identified 303 clinics across the UK. 231 (76%) were willing to participate. The majority of services were based in acute or community hospitals, with only a few in primary care or emergency departments. Access to services was, in the majority of cases, by health professional
referral. Most services undertook a multi-factorial assessment. The content and quality of these assessments varied substantially. Services varied extensively in the way that interventions were delivered, and particular concern is raised about interventions for vision, home hazard modification, medication review and bone health.
Conclusion: The most common type of service provision was a multi-factorial assessment and intervention. There were a wide range of service models, but for a substantial number of services, delivery appears to fall below recommended NICE guidance
A consideration of the challenges involved in supervising international masters students
This paper explores the challenges facing supervisors of international postgraduate students at the dissertation stage of the masters programme. The central problems of time pressure, language difficulties, a lack of critical analysis and a prevalence of personal problems among international students are discussed. This paper makes recommendations for the improvement of language and critical thinking skills, and questions the future policy of language requirements at HE for international Masters students
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