70 research outputs found

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    Učenje angleščine na formalni ravni večinoma spremlja učence od prvega razreda osnovne šole dalje. S pričetkom zgodnjega poučevanja jezika je bilo potrebno razmisliti o didaktičnih pristopih k poučevanju mlajših otrok, ki se razlikujejo od poučevanja starejših učencev. Otroci so lahko neformalnega učenja jezika deležni že v vrtcu, kjer jezikovne šole ponujajo organizirano poučevanje tistim otrokom, ki se za to odločijo. Neformalno se lahko ljudje izobražujemo vse življenje, od vrtca do starosti. Med neformalne oblike izobraževanja mladine sodijo tudi poletni jezikovni tabori, kjer organizatorji pogosto združijo učenje jezika z drugimi aktivnostmi. Za učenje jezika je v takem okolju mogoče najti mnogo prednosti, saj okolje poletnega tabora omogoča sproščeno klimo in deluje precej bolj ne-šolsko, prav zato pa ustvarja dobre pogoje za uporabo bolj inovativnih učnih pristopov. Jezikovni tabor oziroma tečaj mora kljub svoji sproščenosti slediti in upoštevati nekatere smernice učenja tujega jezika, hkrati pa lahko v veliki meri vključuje lokalno okolje in poskrbi tudi za tovrstno izobraževanje. V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali, kako didaktično oblikovati program tedenskega učenja angleškega jezika v lokalnem okolju in kako v program vključiti danosti lokalnega okolja. Raziskava je bila študija primera na primeru enotedenskega tečaja angleščine v manjšem slovenskem kraju. Na primeru projekta smo si pogledali in s teorijo primerjali komponente didaktičnega oblikovanja pouka angleščine, dejavnike inovativnega učenja, značilnosti dobrih jezikovnih tečajev in taborov ter vključevanje in povezovanje z lokalnim okoljem. Z sedmimi udeleženci in tremi izvajalkami smo opravili intervju in izvedeli, kaj menijo o programu in kje vidijo možnosti za izboljšave. Rezultati so v veliki meri pokazali, da se tečaj drži predpisanih smernic za poučevanje tujega jezika in sledi učnemu načrtu. Med svojim delom organizatorke uporabljajo inovativne učne pristope in v življenje tečaja vključujejo lokalno okolje na različne načine, od sodelovanja z zanimivimi sokrajani in vaškimi kmeti, do obiska naravnih znamenitosti. Intervjuji z udeleženci so pokazali, da otrokom tak način poletnega učenja zelo ustreza in so tečaj radi obiskovali, saj jim je bilo dogajanje zanimivo. Izvajalke pa so poudarile, da v takem načinu dela vidijo mnogi prednosti, od avtonomnosti učitelja do lažje diferenciacije dela zaradi manjših skupin.Children start their formal English education in the first grade of primary school. Starting to teach a foreign language at such an early stage, the didactical approaches to teaching English have to be taken into consideration, since they differ from teaching older students. Children can take part in informal English learning while in kindergarten, where different language schools offer their English classes. Informal education can be spread through-out someone’s life. Summer language camps are also a way of informal language learning where language learning is often combined with other activities. There are many pros in learning English in such environment, since it is more relaxed, which is also one of the reasons why it’s easier to use innovative teaching approaches. Despite its relaxed environment, a language camp must still follow some guidelines on how to teach a foreign language, but at the same time has the ability to involve local environment in learning. In this master’s thesis, we wanted to see how to create a one-week English language programme in a local environment with regards to appropriate didactical approaches and including local environment as much as possible. We conducted a case study on an example of a one-week English language programme in a small Slovenian town. We compared the didactic approachesthe innovative methodsthe characteristic of good summer camps and the involvement of the local environment in theory and in practice, as seen on a project. We carried out interviews with seven participants and three teachers to find out, what they think about the programme and what they think could be improved. The results mostly showed that the programme is following the guidelines for teaching a foreign language and the National syllabus for English. The teachers were using innovative teaching approaches and including local environment in different ways – from discussions with local people and local farmers to visiting natural local sights. The interviews with the participants showed that children like this kind of summer learning and thought the activities were interesting. The teachers emphasised the advantages of this way of working, including autonomy of the teacher and easier differentiation of work because of smaller groups of children

    Thorstein Veblen's Theory of the leisure class

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    Thorstein Veblen’s Theory of the Leisure Class ist ein Schlüsselwerk der Institutionenökonomie, die exklusive Vereinnahmung als satirische Gesellschaftskritik ungerechtfertigt. Es implementiert Veblen’s Programm von Evolutionary Economics, einer Methode ökonomischer Theoriebildung die sich gegen den Neoklassizismus behaupten will. Die Diplomarbeit sucht die Bedeutung von Theory of the Leisure Class und dem implementierten Programm in der Fähigkeit, vier fundamentale methodologische Probleme neu zu lösen: causality – oder das Problem wie eine Erklärung in den Sozialwissenschaften auszusehen habe; agency/structure - oder das Problem der fundamentalsten Einheit der Erklärung, decison modeling - das Problem der Modellierung von menschlichem Entscheidungsverhalten; sowie specificity - das Problem der Relativität von Sozialem. Die entsprechende Problemsituation wird dazu aus Veblen’s Kritik zeitgenössischer ökonomischer Theorien entwickelt; die neuen Problemlösungen werden aus Theory of the Leisure Class abgeleitet. Die Lösungen haben gemeinsam, dass sie die Erklärungskraft einer daraus formulierten ökonomischen Theorie erheblich steigern, sie geht aber zu Lasten der Fertigkeit auch ökonomische Prognosen machen zu können.As a seminal work of Institutionalism Thorstein Veblen’s Theory of the Leisure Class is much more than a satiric comment on late 19th century upper society. It features the implementation of Veblen’s program of Evolutionary Economics, an alternative method of economic theory entirely different to neoclassical economics. The thesis aims to outline the importance of Veblen’s Theory of the Leisure Class and the implemented program by its ability to solve four methodological problems: causality – or the problem how to devise a scientific explanation in the social sciences; agency/structure – or the problem of the fundamental entity of explanation; decision modeling – the problem of modeling the human capacity for reasoning and decision-making; specificity – or the problem of how to cope with changing social surroundings. The respective problem situation is created by analyzing Veblen’s criticism of contemporary economic theories; the problem solutions are being inferred via Theory of the Leisure Class. A common characteristic of the solutions is their ability to alter the explanatory power of the resulting economic theory; however the price is its inability to make economic predictions

    Interactions between titanium dioxide nanoparticles and polyethylene microplastics: Adsorption kinetics, photocatalytic properties, and ecotoxicity

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    The present study investigated the adsorption mechanism of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (nTiO2) on poly-ethylene microplastics (MPs) and the resulting photocatalytic properties. This effort was supported by ecotoxi-cological assessments of MPs with adsorbed nTiO2 on the immobility and behaviour of Daphnia magna in presence and absence of UV irradiation. The results showed that nTiO2 were rapidly adsorbed on the surface of MPs (72% of nTiO2 in 9 h). The experimental data fit well with the pseudo-second order kinetic model. Both suspended nTiO2 and nTiO2 immobilized on MPs exhibited comparable photocatalytic properties, with the latter showing a lower effect on Daphnia mobility. A likely explanation is that the suspended nTiO2 acted as a ho-mogeneous catalyst under UV irradiation and generated hydroxyl radicals throughout the test vessel, whereas the nTiO2 adsorbed on MPs acted as a heterogeneous catalyst and generated hydroxyl radicals only locally and thus near the air-water interface. Consequently, Daphnia, which were hiding at the bottom of the test vessel, actively avoided exposure to hydroxyl radicals. These results suggest that the presence of MPs can modulate the phototoxicity of nTiO2 - at least the location at which it is active - under the studied conditions

    Exploring the impacts of microplastics and associated chemicals in the terrestrial environment – Exposure of soil invertebrates to tire particles

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    Highlights • Negative impacts of tire particles on soil invertebrates are possible at roadsides. • Tire particles slightly decreased reproduction and survival of springtail F. candida. • Tire particles decreased AChE activity of isopod P. scaber. • No dose-dependent effects of tire particles on enchytraeid E. crypticus observed. • Tire particles contained a variety of potentially harmful substances.Abrasion of tire wear is one of the largest sources of microplastics to the environment. Although most tire particles settle into soils, studies on their ecotoxicological impacts on the terrestrial environment are scarce. Here, the effects of tire particles (<180 μm) on three ecologically relevant soil invertebrate species, the enchytraeid worm Enchytraeus crypticus, the springtail Folsomia candida and the woodlouse Porcellio scaber, were studied. These species were exposed to tire particles spiked in soil or in food at concentrations of 0.02%, 0.06%, 0.17%, 0.5% and 1.5% (w/w). Tire particles contained a variety of potentially harmful substances. Zinc (21 900 mg kg−1) was the dominant trace element, whilst the highest concentrations of the measured organic compounds were detected for benzothiazole (89.2 mg kg−1), pyrene (4.85 mg kg−1), chlorpyrifos (0.351 mg kg−1), HCB (0.134 mg kg−1), methoxychlor (0.116 mg kg−1) and BDE 28 (0.100 mg kg−1). At the highest test concentration in soil (1.5%), the tire particles decreased F. candida reproduction by 38% and survival by 24%, and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity of P. scaber by 65%, whilst the slight decrease in the reproduction of E. crypticus was not dose-dependent. In food, the highest test concentration of tire particles reduced F. candida survival by 38%. These results suggest that micro-sized tire particles can affect soil invertebrates at concentrations found at roadsides, whilst short-term impacts at concentrations found further from the roadsides are unlikely

    Topology optimization of a bicycle crank arm

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    V magistrskem delu je predstavljeno optimalno snovanje gonilke kolesa, ki je eden od njegovih ključnih in najbolj obremenjenih delov. Zaradi tega je njeno snovanje v kombinaciji z željo po čim manjši končni masi zanimiv in aktualen izziv. V prvem delu je prikazan pregled literature s poudarkom na raziskavah s področja topološke optimizacije. Prikazani so tudi grafi sil, ki delujejo na gonilko v odvisnosti od kota zasuka gonilke ter zahteve standardov, ki jih morajo gonilke izpolnjevati. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov so bile določene sile, ki so bile v nadaljevanju uporabljene pri izvedbi simulacij in topološke optimizacije. Oblika in dimenzije začetnega optimizacijskega volumna so bili določeni na osnovi mer obstoječih gonilk. Narejene so bile začetne trdnostne analize, na osnovi katerih je bila v nadaljevanju izvedena topološka optimizacija. Iz oblike, pridobljene s topološko optimizacijo, je bil izdelan nov 3D model, ki upošteva tudi osnovne tehnološke in estetske zahteve. Zanj je bila izvedena kontrola napetostno-deformacijskih stanj z obremenitvenimi primeri, podanimi v standardu, ter primerjava z na tržišču obstoječo visokokakovostno gonilko.The master\u27s thesis presents the optimal design of the bicycle crank, which is one of its key and most stressed parts. For this reason, its design, in combination with the desire for the smallest possible final mass, is an interesting and relevant challenge. The first part presents a review of the literature with an emphasis on research in the field of topological optimization. Graphs of the forces acting on the crank depending on the angle of rotation of the crank and the requirements of the standards that the cranks must meet are also shown. On the basis of the obtained data, the forces were determined, which were subsequently used in the execution of simulations and topological optimizations. The shape and dimensions of the initial optimization volume were determined based on the dimensions of the existing cranks. Initial strength analyses were made, on the basis of which topological optimization was subsequently carried out. A new 3D model was created from the shape obtained by topological optimization, which also takes into account the basic technological and aesthetic requirements. It was tested for stress-strain states with the load cases specified in the standard, and compared with high-quality cranks available on the market

    Web service development with JBoss Fuse

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    Naloga obravnava razvoj spletne storitve z JBoss Fuse. Ta odprtokodni sistem je namenjen integraciji spletnih storitev, ki temeljijo na različnih tehnologijah. Kratko so opisane arhitekturne komponente: orodje Maven, posredniški strežnik Nexus, indeksni strežnik Solr, sistem OSGi, JBoss Fuse in orodje za orkestracijo procesa Apache Camel. Podrobno je opisan razvoj spletne storitve (zajem tečajnice in indeksiranje v strežnik Solr): - priprava razvojnega okolja, - priprava podatkovnega modela spletne storitve, - orkestriranje s potjo Camel in - izdelava konfiguracijske datoteke. Zagon razvite spletne storitve je obsegal: - pripravo distribucije spletne storitve, - pripravo kontejnerja in - pripravo konfiguracijskega profila kontejnerja. Odkrivanje nepravilnega delovanja storitve je kompleksno, krivulja učenja razvoja spletne storitve pa na začetku nizka. Kasneje, ko razvijalec razume arhitekturne komponente, je razvoj spletne storitve z JBoss Fuse hiter in učinkovit.In this research development of web service with JBoss Fuse is presented. This open source system is used for integration of web services which are based on different technologies. There are short descriptions of architectural components: Maven tool, Nexus proxy server, Solr index server, OSGi system, JBoss Fuse and the tool for orchestration of processes Apache Camel. Development of web service is described in details (fetch fund data and index it in Solr server): - setup of development environment, - preparation of data model for web service, - orchestration with Camel route, - creation of configuration file. The run of developed web service included: - preparation of distribution of web service, - setup fabric container, - preparation of configuration container profile. Testing and debugging of web service were complex, the learning curve of developing web sevice was low at the begining. After comprehension of architectural components development of web service is fast and efficient with JBoss Fuse

    Design and implementation of M-Bus module

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    Diplomsko delo opisuje ponovni razvoj M-Bus dela komunikacijskega modula za pametne števce družine AM500. Natančneje, gre za izhodni in merilni del manjšega M-Bus gospodarja, ki pošilja signale naprej na glavno tiskano vezje števca. V prvem poglavju je predstavljen pametni števec in namen komunikacije v njem. V drugem poglavju je opisana zgodovina komunikacije M-Bus, osnove serijske komunikacije, model OSI in kako je uporabljen pri M-Bus-u ter opis delovanja komunikacije M-Bus. Nato je opisan razvoj komunikacijskega modula, dane zahteve, opis napetostnega in tokovnega dela, opis mikrokrmilnika ATtiny10 ter opis risanja tiskanega vezja s programom Altium Designer. V naslednjem poglavju je opisana programska koda za mikroprocesor. Na koncu so predstavljeni rezultati testiranja.This thesis describes the development of M-Bus communication module for AM500 family of smart meters. More specifically, it describes the output and measurement part of M-Bus mini-master, which sends data to the main PCB of a smart meter. In the first chapter, smart meter and the purpose of its communications is presented. The second chapter describes the beginnings of M-Bus communication and its function, the basics of serial communication, the OSI model and how it applies to M-Bus. Then, the development and the requirements of M-bus module are described. This includes the output voltage part and the measurement of current part, which also describes the microcontroller ATtiny10. This chapter also includes the design of the printed circuit board, which was drawn using Altium Designer. This is followed by a description of the program code for the microcontroller. Finally, results of module testing are presented

    Implementation of human-machine interface for a modular production system

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    Diplomsko delo opisuje zasnovo aplikacije vmesnika človek-stroj na način, s katerim se lahko vsakodnevno srečamo v industriji. Predstavljena sta dva načina izvedbe take aplikacije ter njune prednosti in slabosti. Aplikacija je narejena za laboratorijski modularni proizvodni sistem. Sistem sestavlja pet delovnih postaj, ki delujejo vsaka zase in preko komunikacijskega vodila PROFINET komunicirajo med seboj. Vsaka postaja vsebuje po en krmilnik PLK (SIEMENS S7-1200), ki omogoča postavitev spletnega strežnika. Poleg tega je v strojno konfiguracijo projekta dodan še KTP900 Basic panel, ki prav tako komunicira s krmilniki preko vodila PROFINET. Vmesnik človek-stroj je narejen preko panela KTP900 Basic in preko spletnega strežnika posameznega krmilnika PLK. Aplikacija za panel je sestavljena v okolju »TIA Portal V13«. Ta aplikacija prikazuje stanja vseh krmilnikov. Na spletnih strežnikih posameznih krmilnikov tečejo aplikacije, napisane v jezikih HTML in Javascript. Dostop do aplikacij posameznih krmilnikov poteka preko pripadajočega IP-naslova, ki ga vtipkamo v spletni brskalnik. Vsaka od teh aplikacij prikazuje samo stanja posameznega krmilnika. V diplomskem delu je predstavljeno delovanje sistema. Opisani sta uporabljena strojna in programska oprema ter izvedba in delovanje aplikacije.The thesis describes the design of human-machine interface application in a way that can be seen in industry every day. Two different designs of application are introduced with their advantages and disadvantages. Application is made for a laboratory modular production system of 5 stations, which are working independently and are communicating with each other over PROFINET network. Each station includes one PLC (SIEMENS S7-1200), which supports web server hosting. Furthermore, a KTP900 Basic panel is added in hardware configuration, and it is communicating with other PLCs over PROFINET network. Human-machine interface application is made through KTP900 Basic panel and through webserver of each PLC. The panel application is made in »TIA Portal V13« environment. This application is presenting states of all controllers in the system. On web server of each controller runs an application written in HTML and JavaScript languages. Applications can be accessed via web browser with corresponding IP addresses. Each of these applications is only showing states of individual controller. This thesis roughly presents system operations. It also describes hardware and software that are used and explains the making of application and its operations