289 research outputs found

    Temperature response of ex-situ greenhouse gas emissions from tropical peatlands: Interactions between forest type and peat moisture conditions

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    Climate warming is likely to increase carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions from tropical wetlands by stimulating microbial activity, but the magnitude of temperature response of these CO2 and CH4 emissions, as well as variation in temperature response among forest types, is poorly understood. This limits the accuracy of predictions of future ecosystem feedbacks on the climate system, which is a serious knowledge gap as these tropical wetland ecosystems represent a very large source of greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. two-thirds of CH4 emissions from natural wetlands are estimated to be from tropical systems). In this study, we experimentally manipulated temperatures and moisture conditions in peat collected from different forest types in lowland neotropical peatlands in Panama and measured how this impacted ex-situ CO2 and CH4 emissions. The greatest temperature response was found for anaerobic CH4 production (Q10 = 6.8), and CH4 consumption (mesic conditions, Q10 = 2.7), while CO2 production showed a weaker temperature response (Q10 2 production was found under flooded oxic conditions. Net emissions of CO2 and CH4 were greatest from palm forest under all moisture treatments. Furthermore, the temperature response of CH4 emissions differed among dominant vegetation types with the strongest response at palm forest sites where fluxes increased from 42 ± 25 to 2166 ± 842 ng CH4 g−1 h−1 as temperatures were raised from 20 to 35 °C. We conclude that CH4 fluxes are likely to be more strongly impacted by higher temperatures than CO2 fluxes but that responses may differ substantially among forest types. Such differences in temperature response among forest types (e.g. palm vs evergreen broad leaved forest types) need to be considered when predicting ecosystem greenhouse gas responses under future climate change scenarios

    Interactions between labile carbon, temperature and land use regulate carbon dioxide and methane production in tropical peat

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    Tropical peatlands are a significant carbon store and contribute to global carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions. Tropical peatlands are threatened by both land use and climate change, including the alteration of regional precipitation patterns, and the 3–4 °C predicted warming by 2100. Plant communities in tropical peatlands can regulate greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes through labile carbon inputs, but the extent to which these inputs regulate the temperature response of CO2 and CH4 production in tropical peat remains unclear. We conducted an anoxic incubation experiment using three peat types of contrasting botanical origin to assess how carbon addition affects the temperature response (Q10) of CO2 and CH4 production. Peats from forested peatlands in Panama and Malaysia, and a converted oil palm and pineapple intercropping system in Malaysia, differed significantly in redox potential, total carbon and carbon: nitrogen ratio. The production of CO2 and CH4 varied significantly among peat types and increased with increasing temperature, with Q10s for both gases of 1.4. Carbon addition further increased gas fluxes, but did not influence the Q10 for CO2 or CH4 production or significantly affect the Q10 of either gas. These findings demonstrate that the production of CO2 and CH4 in tropical peat is sensitive to warming and varies among peat types, but that the effect of root inputs in altering Q10 appears to be limited. © 2019, The Author(s)

    Is intercropping an environmentally-wise alternative to established oil palm monoculture in tropical peatlands?

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    Tropical peatlands in Southeast Asia are important ecosystems that play a crucial role in global biogeochemical cycles, with a potential for strong climate feedback loops. The degradation of tropical peatlands due to the expansion of oil palm plantations and their impact on biodiversity and the carbon balance is a global concern. The majority of conversion of Southeast Asian peatlands to agriculture has been by smallholder oil palm farmers, who follow more varied cropping systems compared to industrial plantations, and have better scope for expansion of other alternative varied cropping systems if supported and encouraged. Using previously-published data on peat physicochemical properties, biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions from small-holder oil palm plantations, we determined that prolonged oil palm monocropping for two generations would result in loss of carbon and peat functional properties that may lead to potential declassification of peatlands. We propose intercropping during the early stages of oil palm as a wise alternative for already-existing plantations in tropical peatlands to ameliorate some of the negative environmental impacts of oil palm on the physio-chemical properties of peat. However, we emphasize the need to more fully explore the sustainability of intercropping systems throughout the life cycle of palm plantations on peatlands, and integrate with current management practices. We also emphasize the further need for research to fully assess the impacts of oil palm intercropping compared to widely-practiced oil palm monocropping. Finally, we suggest changes in government certification policies to encourage intercropping practices by smallholders

    Methane emissions from tree stems in neotropical peatlands

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    1.Neotropical peatlands emit large amounts of methane (CH4) from the soil surface, but fluxes from tree stems in these ecosystems are unknown. In this study we investigated CH4 emissions from five tree species in two forest types common to neotropical lowland peatlands in Panama.2.Methane from tree stems accounted for up to 30% of net ecosystem CH4 emissions. Peak CH4 fluxes were greater during the wet season when the water table was high and temperatures were lower. Emissions were greatest from the hardwood tree Campnosperma panamensis, but most species acted as emitters, with emissions declining exponentially with height along the stem for all species. 3.Overall, species identity, stem diameter, water level, soil temperature and soil CH4 fluxes explained 54% of the variance in stem CH4 emissions from individual trees. On the landscape level, the high high emission from Campnosperma panamensis forest these emitted comparable amounts of CH4 from tree stems as mixed forests at 340 kg CH4 day‐1 during flooded periods despite their substantially lower areal cover. 4.We conclude that emission from tree stems is an important emission pathway for CH4 flux from Neotropical peatlands, and that these emissions vary strongly with season and forest type

    To what extent can zero tillage lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from temperate soils?

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    Soil tillage practices have a profound influence on the physical properties of soil and the greenhouse gas (GHG) balance. However there have been very few integrated studies on the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) and soil biophysical and chemical characteristics under different soil management systems. We recorded a significantly higher net global warming potential under conventional tillage systems (26–31% higher than zero tillage systems). Crucially the 3-D soil pore network, imaged using X-ray Computed Tomography, modified by tillage played a significant role in the flux of CO2 and CH4. In contrast, N2O flux was determined mainly by microbial biomass carbon and soil moisture content. Our work indicates that zero tillage could play a significant role in minimising emissions of GHGs from soils and contribute to efforts to mitigate against climate change

    Root oxygen mitigates methane fluxes in tropical peatlands

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    Tropical peatlands are a globally important source of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Vegetation is critical in regulating fluxes, providing a conduit for emissions and regular carbon inputs. However, plant roots also release oxygen, which might mitigate methane efflux through oxidation prior to emission from the peat surface. Here we show, using in situ mesocosms, that root exclusion can reduce methane fluxes by a maximum of 92% depending on species, likely driven by the significant decrease in root inputs of oxygen and changes in the balance of methane transport pathways. Methanotroph abundance decreased with reduced oxygen input, demonstrating a likely mechanism for the observed response. These first methane oxidation estimates for a tropical peatland demonstrate that although plants provide an important pathway for methane loss, this can be balanced by the influence of root oxygen inputs that mitigate peat surface methane emissions

    Tropical wetlands: A missing link in the global carbon cycle?

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    Tropical wetlands are not included in Earth system models, despite being an important source of methane (CH4) and contributing a large fraction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from land use, land use change, and forestry in the tropics. This review identifies a remarkable lack of data on the carbon balance and gas fluxes from undisturbed tropical wetlands, which limits the ability of global change models to make accurate predictions about future climate. We show that the available data on in situ carbon gas fluxes in undisturbed forested tropical wetlands indicate marked spatial and temporal variability in CO2 and CH4 emissions, with exceptionally large fluxes in Southeast Asia and the Neotropics. By upscaling short-term measurements, we calculate that approximately 90 ± 77 Tg CH4 year−1 and 4540 ± 1480 Tg CO2 year−1 are released from tropical wetlands globally. CH4 fluxes are greater from mineral than organic soils, whereas CO2 fluxes do not differ between soil types. The high CO2 and CH4 emissions are mirrored by high rates of net primary productivity and litter decay. Net ecosystem productivity was estimated to be greater in peat-forming wetlands than on mineral soils, but the available data are insufficient to construct reliable carbon balances or estimate gas fluxes at regional scales. We conclude that there is an urgent need for systematic data on carbon dynamics in tropical wetlands to provide a robust understanding of how they differ from well-studied northern wetlands and allow incorporation of tropical wetlands into global climate change models

    Peat properties, dominant vegetation type and microbial community structure in a tropical peatland

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    Tropical peatlands are an important carbon store and source of greenhouse gases, but the microbial component, particularly community structure, remains poorly understood. While microbial communities vary between tropical peatland land uses, and with biogeochemical gradients, it is unclear if their structure varies at smaller spatial scales as has been established for a variety of peat properties. We assessed the abundances of PLFAs and GDGTs, two membrane spanning lipid biomarkers in bacteria and fungi, and bacteria and archaea, respectively, to characterise peat microbial communities under two dominant and contrasting plant species, Campnosperma panamensis (a broadleaved evergreen tree), and Raphia taedigera (a canopy palm), in a Panamanian tropical peatland. The plant communities supported similar microbial communities dominated by Gram negative bacteria (38.9–39.8%), with smaller but significant fungal and archaeal communities. The abundance of specific microbial groups, as well as the ratio of caldarchaeol:crenarchaeol, isoGDGT: brGDGTs and fungi:bacteria were linearly related to gravimetric moisture content, redox potential, pH and organic matter content indicating their role in regulating microbial community structure. These results suggest that tropical peatlands can exhibit significant variability in microbial community abundance even at small spatial scales, driven by both peat botanical origin and localised differences in specific peat properties