334 research outputs found

    A discrete-time system with uncertainty information

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    This paper considers a discrete-time queueing system with uncertainty information, that is, an arriving customer may opt, with a certain probability, to be served under a Last Come First Served (LCFS) discipline or, with complementary probability, becomes a negative customer. The arrival of a negative customer to the system removes the customer that is currently being served, if any, and has no effect on the system if the server is free. The input stream of the arriving customers is described by means of a Bernoulli process, and the service times are geometrically distributed. Breakdowns can occur, that is, the possibility of a server failure during the service time of a customer is considered, and the customer that was receiving its service in the moment of a failure of the server goes to the first place of the queue. The server has a general life time distribution, and the repair times are ruled by an arbitrary distribution. A thorough study of the model is carried out, and, using a generating function approach, the steady-state distributions of the number of customers in the queue and in the system are obtained.We also give a necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of the system. Characteristics measures of the model are also given. Finally, some numerical examples to illustrate the effect of the parameters on several performances measures of the system are presented.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Homenatge al doctor Jesús Lalinde Abadía

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    Producció científica de Jesús Lalinde Abadía. Presentació sistemàtica de tota la seva obra bibliogràfica iushistòrica

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    Aquesta relació bibliogràfica revisa, actualitza i complementa la feta fa dues dècades pels professors Arrieta Alberdi i Sánchez-Lauro en ocasió del llibre homenatge tributat per la Universitat de Barcelona al doctor Lalinde (vegeu Sixto SÁNCHEZ-LAURO i Jon ARRIETA ALBERDI, «Bibliografía del Prof. D. Jesús Lalinde Abadía», a Aquilino IGLESIA FERREIRÓS [dir.] i Sixto SÁNCHEZLAURO [ed.], Centralismo y autonomismo en los siglos XVI-XVII: Homenaje al profesor Jesús Lalinde Abadía, Barcelona, Publicacions Universitat de Barcelona, 1989, p. 27-57)

    Homenatge al doctor Jesús Lalinde Abadía

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    Reasons in arbitral awards: Arbitration in Equity, Arbitration in Law and Arbitration Without Law in International Trade

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    Analysis of the need and scope of the reasoning of the arbitral award in arbitration in equity, arbitration in law with choice of applicable law on the merits and arbitration in law without choice of applicable law on the merits, and mechanisms of control of the unreasoned award.Análisis de la necesidad y alcance de la motivación del laudo arbitral en el arbitraje de equidad, el arbitraje de Derecho con elección de ley aplicable y en el arbitraje de Derecho sin elección de la ley aplicable, y mecanismos de control del laudo inmotivado

    A discrete-time queueing system with feedback and optional service

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    Queueing systems constitute a central tool in modeling and performance analysis. These types of systems are in our everyday life activities, and the theory of queueing systems was developed to provide models for forecasting behaviors of systems subject to random demand. The practical and useful applications of the discrete-time queues make the researchers to con- tinue making an e ort in analyzing this type of models. Thus the present contribution relates to a discrete-time Geo/G/1 queue in which some messages may need a second service time in addition to the rst essential service. In day-to-day life, there are numerous examples of queueing situations in general, for example, in manufacturing processes, telecommunication, home automation, etc, but in this paper a particular application is the use of video surveil- lance with intrusion recognition where all the arriving messages require the main service and only some may require the subsidiary service provided by the server with di erent types of strategies. We carry out a thorough study of the model, deriving analytical results for the stationary distribution. The generating functions of the number of messages in the queue and in the system are obtained. The generating functions of the busy period as well as the sojourn times of a message in the server, the queue and the system are also provided.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Discrete-Time retrial queueing system with service upgrade

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    We study the Markov chain underlying the considered queueing system obtaining the gen- erating function of the number of customers in the orbit and in the system as well as the stationary distribution of the time that a customer spends in the server. We derive the stochastic decomposition law and as an application we give bounds for the proximity between the steady-state distributions for our queueing system and its corresponding standard system.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech