168 research outputs found

    Why has no other European country adopted the Research Excellence Framework?

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    Most European countries have followed the UK's lead in developing performance-based research funding systems (PRFS) for their universities. However, what these countries have not done is adopt the same system, the Research Excellence Framework being its most recent iteration. Instead, many use indicators of institutional performance for funding decisions rather than panel evaluation and peer review. Gunnar Sivertsen has examined systems throughout Europe and finds the REF to be quite unique as a combination of performance-based institutional funding and research evaluation. While most countries do both, they do so in independent setups and with different, less expensive methodologies

    MĂ„ling av forskningsaktiviteten ved helseforetakene: Vitenskapelige artikler og doktorgrader som resultatindikatorer

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    I denne rapporten presenteres et utviklingsarbeid som NIFU har utfÞrt i 2001 og 2002 under ledelse av Norges forskningsrÄd (Medisin og helse) og etter oppdrag fra Helsedepartementet. FormÄlet med arbeidet har vÊrt Ä finne fram til hensiktsmessige data og indikatorer for mÄling av forskningsaktiviteten ved helseforetakene. De to indikatorene som er valgt ligger pÄ resultatsiden av forskningen: avlagte doktorgrader i tilfeller hvor forskningen i hovedsak er utfÞrt ved helseforetakene, samt indekserte vitenskapelige artikler hvor helseforetakene er kreditert som forfatteradresse i artiklene

    Female researchers are more read and less cited because they more often engage in research for societal progress

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    The gender gap in citations between male and female researchers is well documented. However, the reasons for this gap are less certain and widely contested. Discussing findings from a mixed methods analysis of research publications from Norway, Lin Zhang and Gunnar Sivertsen find that whilst papers authored by female researchers are less cited, they are more frequently engaged with by readers. Through closer analysis of the abstracts of these papers, they argue that these papers more often involve projects aimed at societal progress, which overall are less valued by academics and receive fewer citations

    Article Processing Charges (APCs) and the new enclosure of research

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    Drawing on a recent analysis of APC pricing and movements within the commercial publishing sector, Gunnar Sivertsen and Lin Zhang argue that APCs have now firmly established themselves as the predominant business model for academic publishing. Highlighting the inequalities inherent to this model, they posit now is the time to consider alternatives

    ForskningsmÄling og evaluering i humaniora og samfunnsvitenskap

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    Humaniora og samfunnsvitenskap mangler god dekning i tradisjonelle bibliometriske data og indikatorer som er basert pĂ„ Scopus og Web of Science – se figur 1. Den viser dekningen av norske vitenskapelige publikasjoner i de to datakildene. Bildet vil vĂŠre noenlunde det samme for Danmark. Dekningen av fagene Ăžker noe fra Ă„r til Ă„r, men humaniora og samfunnsvitenskap har likevel systematisk manglende dekning fordi man der publiserer bĂ„de nasjonalt og internasjonalt, og bĂ„de i bĂžker og tidsskrifter

    The use of Gold Open Access in four European countries: An analysis at the level of articles

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    We assess the use and potential of Gold Open Access (OA) in Finland, Flanders (Belgium), Norway, and Poland by comparing data at the level of articles from full-coverage databases in each country. The inclusion of the journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is used as a reference to determine Gold Open Access. Gold OA is on the rise in all four countries and across fields, but some countries, especially Norway, and some fields have a substantially larger proportion of OA publications than others, with the overall share of Gold OA ranging from 5.7% to 17.3%. Especially in the SSH, a mixture of local and international journals can be found, many of which are not indexed in databases like Web of Science. As such, our results indicate that an overview of the state of Gold OA is preferably obtained by comparing DOAJ to a full-coverage database

    Hvis Tine visste hva Tine vet En aksjonsbasert introduksjon av praksisfellesskap i Tine RĂ„dgivning og Medlem

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    Problemstillingen er formulert som et spÞrsmÄl om hvordan vi ved hjelp av aksjonsforskning kan legge til rette for at praksisfellesskap kan bli en vesentlig del av kompetansestrategien i avdelingen. Ut fra problemstillingen Þnsket vi Ä finne svar pÄ tre forskningsspÞrsmÄl, som i) er det ledelsesutfordringer med bruk av praksisfellesskap, ii) betydningen av forstÄ fra ulike kunnskapssyn og iii) effekt av kreative innslag og kunst som verktÞy i menneskelig samhandling

    Bibliodiversity - what it is and why it is essential to creating situated knowledge

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    Vibrant scholarly communities are sustained by publishing outlets that allow researchers to address diverse audiences. Whereas, attention is often focused on international publication, much of this work is supported by publications that address national and regional audiences in their own languages. In this post, Elea Giménez Toledo, Emanuel Kulczycki, Janne Pölönen and Gunnar Sivertsen explain the importance of bibliodiversity to sustaining knowledge ecosystems and argue that bibliodiversity is essential to ensuring that the transition to an open book future continues to support the creation of situated knowledge

    Monitoreringssystem for forskning og innovasjon innen helse og omsorg. Et forprosjekt for Ă„ undersĂžke mulighetene

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    I dette forprosjektet undersÞkes mulighetene for Ä etablere et helhetlig monitoreringssystem som kan gi et lÞpende kunnskapsgrunnlag for prioritering av og satsing pÄ forskning og innovasjon innen helse og omsorg. Dette kan skje ved at indikatorene for forskning og innovasjon knyttes til helseindikatorer.Norges forskningsrÄ

    Towards characterising negative impact:Introducing Grimpact

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    This paper categorises the nature of what we have labelled as the potential for ‘GrImpact’, in the evaluation of the wider influence of research, beyond academia. As the impact agenda broadly defined grows to include more formally criteria that consider the value of research beyond academia, so too does the pressure to ensure that these assessments of public value are conducted with the public’s best interests in mind. In many cases, any negative impact from research cannot be foreseen at the time of the evaluation, making it vital that any kinds of rewards for impact stimulate only positive public benefits (aka “the right type” of impact). Using a series of case studies of identified “negative impact” this paper explores the concept of Grimpact, as well as creates typologies of its characteristics and precursors
