10 research outputs found

    The RNA-binding protein Igf2bp3 is critical for embryonic and germline development in zebrafish

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    The ability to reproduce is essential in all branches of life. In metazoans, this process is initiated by formation of the germline, a group of cells that are destined to form the future gonads, the tissue that will produce the gametes. The molecular mechanisms underlying germline formation differs between species. In zebrafish, development of the germline is dependent on the specification, migration and proliferation of progenitors called the primordial germ cells (PGCs). PGC specification is dependent on a maternally provided cytoplasmic complex of ribonucleoproteins (RNPs), the germplasm. Here, we show that the conserved RNA-binding protein (RBP), Igf2bp3, has an essential role during early embryonic development and germline development. Loss of Igf2bp3 leads to an expanded yolk syncytial layer (YSL) in early embryos, reduced germline RNA expression, and mis-regulated germline development. We show that loss of maternal Igf2bp3 function results in translational de-regulation of a Nodal reporter during the mid-blastula transition. Furthermore, maternal igf2bp3 mutants exhibit reduced expression of germplasm transcripts, defects in chemokine guidance, abnormal PGC behavior and germ cell death. Consistently, adult igf2bp3 mutants show a strong male bias. Our findings suggest that Igf2bp3 is essential for normal embryonic and germline development, and acts as a key regulator of sexual development

    N-terminal acetylation and arginylation of actin determines the architecture and assembly rate of linear and branched actin networks

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    The great diversity in actin network architectures and dynamics is exploited by cells to drive fundamental biological processes, including cell migration, endocytosis and cell division. While it is known that this versatility is the result of the many actin-remodeling activities of actin-binding proteins, such as Arp2/3 and Cofilin, recent work also implicates post-translational acetylation or arginylation of the actin N-terminus itself as an equally important regulatory mechanism. However, the molecular mechanisms by which acetylation and arginylation alter the properties of actin are not well understood. Here, we directly compare how processing and modification of the N-terminus of actin affects its intrinsic polymerization dynamics and its remodeling by actin-binding proteins that are essential for cell migration. We find that in comparison to acetylated actin, arginylated actin reduces intrinsic as well as formin-mediated elongation and Arp2/3-mediated nucleation. By contrast, there are no significant differences in Cofilin-mediated severing. Taken together, these results suggest that cells can employ these differently modified actins to regulate actin dynamics. In addition, unprocessed actin with an N-terminal methionine residue shows very different effects on formin-mediated-elongation, Arp2/3-mediated nucleation, and severing by Cofilin. Altogether, this study shows that the nature of the N-terminus of actin can promote distinct actin network dynamics, which can be differentially used by cells to locally finetune actin dynamics at distinct cellular locations, such as at the leading edge

    Rapid production of pure recombinant actin isoforms in Pichia pastoris

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    Actins are major eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins, which perform many important cell functions, including cell division, cell polarity, wound healing, and muscle contraction. Despite obvious drawbacks, muscle actin, which is easily purified, is used extensively presently for biochemical studies of actin cytoskeleton from other organisms / cell types. Here we report a rapid and cost-effective method to purify heterologous actins expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Actin is expressed as a fusion with the actin-binding protein thymosin β4 and purified using an affinity tag introduced in the fusion. Following cleavage of thymosin β4 and the affinity tag, highly purified functional full-length actin is liberated. We purify actins from S. cerevisiae, S. pombe, and the β- and γ- isoforms of human actin. We also report a modification of the method that facilitates expression and purification of arginylated actin, a form of actin thought to regulate actin dendritic networks in mammalian cells. The methods we describe can be performed in all laboratories equipped for molecular biology, and should greatly facilitate biochemical and cell biological studies of the actin cytoskeleton

    The RNA-binding protein Igf2bp3 is critical for embryonic and germline development in zebrafish [pre-print]

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    The ability to reproduce is essential in all branches of life. In metazoans, this process is initiated by formation of the germline, a group of cells that are destined to form the future gonads, the tissue that will produce the gametes. The molecular mechanisms underlying germline formation differs between species. In zebrafish, development of the germline is dependent on the specification, migration and proliferation of progenitors called the primordial germ cells (PGCs). PGC specification is dependent on a maternally provided cytoplasmic complex of ribonucleoproteins (RNPs), the germplasm. Here, we show that the conserved RNA-binding protein (RBP), Igf2bp3, has an essential role during early embryonic development and germline development. Loss of Igf2bp3 leads to an expanded yolk syncytial layer (YSL) in early embryos, reduced germline RNA expression, and mis-regulated germline development. Maternal mutants affecting igf2bp3 exhibit abnormal PGCs and adult igf2bp3 mutants show male biased sex ratios. Therefore, Igf2bp3 is required for normal embryonic and germline development

    mNG-tagged fusion proteins and nanobodies to visualize tropomyosins in yeast and mammalian cells

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    Tropomyosins are structurally conserved α-helical coiled-coil proteins that bind along the length of filamentous actin (F-actin) in fungi and animals. Tropomyosins play essential roles in the stability of actin filaments and in regulating myosin II contractility. Despite the crucial role of tropomyosin in actin cytoskeletal regulation, in vivo investigations of tropomyosin are limited, mainly due to the suboptimal live-cell imaging tools currently available. Here, we report on an mNeonGreen (mNG)-tagged tropomyosin, with native promoter and linker length configuration, that clearly reports tropomyosin dynamics in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Cdc8), Schizosaccharomyces japonicus (Cdc8) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Tpm1 and Tpm2). We also describe a fluorescent probe to visualize mammalian tropomyosin (TPM2 isoform). Finally, we generated a camelid nanobody against S. pombe Cdc8, which mimics the localization of mNG–Cdc8 in vivo. Using these tools, we report the presence of tropomyosin in previously unappreciated patch-like structures in fission and budding yeasts, show flow of tropomyosin (F-actin) cables to the cytokinetic actomyosin ring and identify rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton during mating. These powerful tools and strategies will aid better analyses of tropomyosin and F-actin cables in vivo