68 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Kreativitas Ditinjau dari Pola Asuh Orang Tua pada Anak TK di Desa Kemasan Polokarto Sukoharjo Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the difference of creativity in terms of parenting parents on kindergarten children in the village Kemasan, Polokarto, Sukoharjo. This research is a comparative descriptive. Data collection techniques such as questionnaires. The population in this study as many as 124 person, and sample as many as 102 (standard error of 1%). The technique of sampling using proportional random sampling.Analysis of the results using statistical analysis techniques One Way Anova. The results show the value of 153.793 F count> F table at 3.09 and 0.000 sig. probability value <0.05, so that Ho refused and Ha accepted means there is a difference. The highest level of creativity with an average value 50,03 is permissive parenting. The authoritarian parenting has an average value 35,78 and democratic parenting has an average value 43,27

    Pengaruh Larutan Madu terhadap Tekanan Darah Lanjut Usia Hipertensi

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of honey solution intervention on systolic blood pressure and elderly diastole in the Aisyiyah Nursing Home Surakarta. Method of this research using Quasi-experimental approach with a pre-posttest control group design with 24 respondents selected by purposive sampling and divided into 4 groups there are O1 (70 gr honey), O2 (35 gr honey), K- (control with hypertension) and K+ (control with normotensive). Measurement of blood pressure using an Omron Sphygmomanometer. Paired Sample T-test was used to determine the effect of blood pressure before and after the intervention. The One Way ANOVA test was used to see differences in the average blood pressure data before the intervention. The results showed that there was an effect of honey solution on systolic blood pressure before and after intervention with p = 0,000 (p 0,05), as well as diastolic blood pressure in the statistical test, showed that there was an effect of honey solution on blood pressure diastole before and after intervention with p = 0,001 (p 0,05). So, there was a significant effect on the intervention of honey solution with 35 and 70 gr honey dose on systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the elderly


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    Antologi geguritan Lintang Ing Langit Wengi kalebu sastra Jawa modern kang dianggit dening Ardini Pangastuti. Cacahe geguritan sajrone antologi ana 69 geguritan nggunakake basa Jawa Anyar. Antologi geguritan iki nggunakake tembung - temb ung kang dirakit dening pangripta kanthi premati. Geguritan sajrone antologi akeh kang ngrembug bebener, saengga nyurasa filosofis kang ndadekake penasarane pamaos. Pangripta uga nggunakake basa kang endah kanthi pilihan tembung lan ukara kang trep. Bab ma u ndadekake kawigatene pan ulis kanggo nliti antologi iki. Underane panliten, yaiku: (1) Kepriye aspek filosofise geguritan arupa loro - loroning atunggil?, (2) Kepriye panggunane basa kanggo medharake aspek filsafate panggurit?. Adhedhasar underane panliten kasebut ancase panliten, yaiku: (1) Njlentrehake aspek filosofise geguritan arupa loro - loroning atunggil, (2) Njlentrehake panggunane basa kanggo medharake aspek filsafate panggurit. Filsafat mujudake ilmu ngenani tresna kawicaksanan. Filsafat minangka il mu kearifan kang nanggepi samubarang kang ana ing panguripan (Endraswara, 2012:2). Miturut pamawase Endraswara ilmu filsafat nduweni telung aspek yaiku ontologi, epistemologi, lan aksiologi. Katelu aspek kasebut bakal digunakake kanggo nganalisis objek. Ka nggo nyengkuyung, panliten iki bakal nggoleki prinsip - prinsip panggunane basa kanthi pamarkan stilistik. Teori kang digunakake yaiku teorine Nurgiyantoro, kang ngandharake ilmu kang nyinaoni lelewane basa sawijine karya sastra (Nurgiyantoro, 2013:369). M etodhe panliten kanthi objek antologi geguritan Lintang Ing Langit Wengi iki nggunakake metode deskriptif kualitatif . Sumber dhata panliten yaiku geguritan filosofis kang cacahe ana 24 geguritan. Dhata kang utama yaiku arupa tembung lan frasa sajrone antol ogi geguritan Lintang Ing Langit Wengi. Dhata ing panliten iki diklumpukake kanthi teknik waca, cathet, lan kapustakan. Panliti nganalisis nggunakake metodhe analisis deskriptif kanthi pamarekan filosofis lan stilistik. Isi sajrone antologi geguritan Lint ang Ing Langit Wengi arupa kawicaksanan Jawa kang asipat loro - loroning atunggil. Ngenani reriptane Pengeran ing ndonya kaya dene, mati lan urip, Gusti lan manungsa, bungah lan susah, biyen lan saiki. Panggunane basa ana rong perangan yaiku, kapisan pamilih ing tembung kang ana sajrone panliten iki yaiku titi swara (purwakanthi guru swara lan purwakanthi guru lumaksita), titi tembung (tembung saroja), lan titi makna (dasanama). Kapindho, lelewane basa kang ana sajrone antologi geguritan LILW yaiku majas perso nifikasi lan pencitraan

    The Nucleotide Sequence of the Matrix (M) Protein Gene of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) Strain AF 2240

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    The complete nucleotide sequence of the matrix (M) protein gene of the local Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain AF 2240 was determined. Based on consensus primers, several segments of the M gene were reverse transcribed and amplified by the polymerase chain reaction. The RT-PCR products were cloned into a plasmid vector pCR™2.1. The DNA inserts in the clones were then cycle-sequenced. The start and polyadenylation signals have been identified. Assuming that the M gene starts and terminates at these sequences, the M gene is 1223 nucleotides long and encodes an open reading frame of 364 amino acids, corresponding to a polypeptide calculated molecular weight of 40 kDa. The M protein, is both hydrophobic and basic. Phylogenetic analysis shows that the strain has a close relationship with the North American Fontana strain. The M protein amino acid sequence also shows similarities with members of the Rub ulavirus genus such as the Simian virus 5, the human parainfluenza virus type 4 and the mumps virus. Similarities of the amino acid sequence also exist between the local strain and other members of the Paramyxovirus and Morbillivirus genus


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    ABSTRAK Skripsi ini membahas tentang kedudukan filsafat dan agama dalam pemikiran filsafat al-Farabi (257 H/870 M), yaitu pemikiran al-Farabi yang menekankan kedudukan antara filsafat dan agama. Tujuannya adalah untuk “melihat kedudukan antara filsafat dan agama dalam pemikiran al-Farabi” sehingga tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman antara filsafat dan agama mengingat al-Farabi dijuluki oleh orang timur sebagai “al-muallim al-tsani” atau “yang kedua”. Aristoteles" dan otoritas terbesar setelah Aristoteles. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada dua persoalan, yaitu bagaimana al-Farabi melihat posisi antara filsafat dan agama, dan bagaimana argumentasi memperkuat posisi filsafat dan agama dalam pemikiran al-Farabi. Menggunakan metode analisis data filosofis, historis, dan deskriptif. Dalam penelitian terakhir, ditemukan pemikiran al-Farabi dalam menjelaskan argumentasinya. ia memulai dengan dua pendekatan, yaitu agama (wahyu) dan filsafat Aristoteles dalam bukunya Metafisika. Mengenai posisi filsafat dalam Islam, filsafat memiliki tempat yang cukup penting dalam Islam dengan beberapa fakta. Dalam kajian Islam pemikiran filosofis ini kemudian dapat digunakan dalam memahami agama Islam, dengan maksud agar hikmah, hakekat atau esensi ajaran agama Islam dapat dipahami dan dipahami secara menyeluruh. Dalam hal ini, al-Farabi mencoba menyesuaikan posisi filsafat dan agama yang keduanya saling berhubungan dan konsisten. al-Farabi tertarik pada esensi realitas, percaya bahwa filsafat Yunani dan Islam memiliki kesamaan dengan pertanyaan tentang kebenaran. yaitu haqq. untuk menemukan kebenaran. Islam menuntut para filosof Muslim melalui ajaran Al-Qur'an menuju Kebenaran – yaitu Allah, dan filsafat Yunani membimbing mereka melalui pemikiran dan penalaran menuju kebenaran, yaitu hakekat segala sesuatu. Dengan demikian filsafat berfungsi untuk menyampaikan kebenaran yang lebih bermakna dalam bentuk yang dapat dipahami oleh masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Kedudukan, Filsafat, Agama, al-Farabi


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    Pelaku home industry cenderung kurang update dalam mempromosikan hasil kerajinannya, sehingga dalam hal pemasaran hanya diseputaran lingkungannya saja. Jika dioptimalkan teknik pemasaran hasil produk kerajinan ini mampu meningkatkan omset penjualan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi keluarga ibu-ibu pelaku home industry. Terlebih lagi di masa pandemi covid 19 yang mewajibkan masyarakat untuk membatasi aktivitas diluar rumah. Dengan kebijakan pembatasan aktivitas masyarakat membuat para pelaku home industry semakin terpuruk dalam hal pemasaran. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan metode pengenalan media sosial yang mencakup beragam media sosial yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam mempromosikan hasil produk kerajinan home industry kepada ibu-ibu pelaku home industry, kemudian melakukan pelatihan langsung guna menunjang kemampuan mengoperasikan media sosial. Kegiatan ini berdampak positif bagi para pelaku home industry di Kelurahan Bailang, Kota Manado, karena selama ini mereka hanya mempromosikan hasil produknya melalui mulut ke mulut atau hanya lewat toko kelontong yang dibuat sekedarnya. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan pada penggunaan media sosial dan peningkatan keterampilan serta menambah wawasan dalam rangka meningkatkan penjualan dan tentunya meningkatkan pendapatan bagi pelaku home industry

    Corneal integrity after wearing circle contact lenses bought from unlicensed vendors / Siti Fathimah Roslan

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    Purpose: To investigate the effects and complications of CCL bought from the unlicensed vendors towards the corneal integrity, which include tear break-up time, corneal epithelium and corneal topography. Methods: Eleven female subjects with age range of 21 to 25 years old who had been wearing hydrogel circle contact lenses (CCL) bought from unlicensed vendors had come to Contact Lens Clinic, UiTM Puncak Alam to participate in this cross-sectional study. To measure the tear break-up time, the time of the tears had evaporated to the air had been observed under the slit lamp and measured in seconds. Corneal epithelium had been observed under the slit lamp to see whether there was any corneal staining, neovascularization or infiltrates. The values of simulated keratometry, surface asymmetrical index and surface regularity index had been recorded from the corneal topography findings. The risk factors of the variation of corneal integrity obtained such as wearing time per day, wearing duration, lens tightness and technique used by the wearers to clean the lenses had been recorded. The correlation between the risk factors and the corneal integrity had been analysed. Results: There were seven subjects who only soaked the lenses in MPS without rubbing before and after wearing them. Ten subjects were found having TBUT lower than 5 seconds. Seven of the subjects came with tight lens fitting (>60%) while the others were optimum. Four subjects presented with no staining while the others had either trace, mild or severe staining on both eyes. There were mild and trace corneal infiltrates seen in two subjects. Corneal neovascularization was unremarkable on three subjects while trace, mild and moderate neovascularization were observed on the others’ both eyes. The mean simK for both meridians on both eyes were within the normal limit. Conclusion: The contact lens wearers should be educated about proper contact lens care and regimen. The act of simply buying the CCL from the unlicensed vendors without any ongoing supervision from the authorized contact lens practitioner led to poor contact lens care practice. As there was no fitting assessment done by the unlicensed vendors, people who bought the CCL from them were under the risks of getting poor contact lens fitting, which could lead to several corneal complications

    Power System Protection Coordination Studies at Gas Processing Plant B (GPPB), PETRONAS Gas Berhad (PGB), Paka

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    Power system protection coordination is a study on protection for power system from any fault such as overcurrent, earthfaulth or any abnormal system operating condition that can cause failure to the systems component for example transformer, generator and transmission line. If any faults occur, the protection devices will recognize faults and initiate action to clear the fault from the system. In Gas Processing Plant B (GPPB), the protection system is an important part to take care but sometimes for some reason, the protection system is not work as what we want, therefore the studies on this project will be help the company to improve the current protection systems. This study is based on some characteristics in power system protection and develops the current power system protection coordination for Gas Processing Plant B (GPPB). With this new protection system coordination, the author hopes to help the company to improve the current protection systems