211 research outputs found


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    Bakteri asam laktat (BAL) telah banyak dipelajari karena potensi komersialnya, perannya dalam pengawetan makanan dan manfaatnya dalam bidang kesehatan. Beberapa studi telah menunjukkan bahwa BAL dapat mengurangi kondisi patologis penyakit akibat stres oksidatif, yang mengindikasikan bahwa BAL memiliki aktivitas antioksidan. Salah satu metabolit yang dihasilkan oleh BAL yang dapat berperan sebagai antioksidan adalah gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan aktivitas antioksidan BAL penghasil GABA dari produk komersial virgin coconut oil (VCO). Sebanyak 18 isolat BAL telah diisolasi dan 10 diantaranya berbentuk basil, sedangkan delapan lainnya berbentuk kokus. Seluruh isolat BAL bersifat Gram positif, katalase negatif dan dua BAL bersifat heterofermentatif. Isolat VB.3, VD dan VE.4 menghasilkan GABA tertinggi dalam MRS broth berisi 1% MSG, berdasarkan hasil analisa dengan kromatografi lapis. Produksi GABA ditingkatkan dengan mengoptimalkan waktu inkubasi dan konsentrasi MSG. Konsentrasi GABA pada sampel dianalisa dengan metode pre-staining kromatografi kertas. Peningkatan hasil GABA terjadi secara bertahap seiring dengan meningkatnya waktu inkubasi dari 24 hingga 72 jam dan konsentrasi MSG dari 0 sampai 7%. Konsentrasi GABA tertinggi dihasilkan oleh isolat VB.3 (19.5 mg/mL) setelah 72 jam inkubasi dalam MRS broth berisi 7% MSG. Selain itu, pada pengujian aktivitas antioksidan ketiga isolat BAL penghasil GABA tersebut, isolat VB.3 menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi terhadap DPPH, ABTS dan radikal hidroksil masing-masing sebesar 65.50%, 68.13% dan 88.02%. Isolat tersebut juga dapat bertahan hidup pada media berisi 0.2-1.0 mM H2O2. Setelah dikarakterisasi dengan urutan gen 16S rDNA, isolat VB.3 teridentifikasi sebagai Lactobacillus fermentum KF7. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa VCO dapat menjadi sumber BAL penghasil GABA yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan

    Effects of Grilling Of Beef and Chicken Satay on the Survival of Listeria Monocytogenes

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    The isolation and enumeration of heat-injured and non-injured of Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria species was studied in samples of chicken (40 samples) and beef (50 samples) satay isolated from 3 different vendors around Kajang and Bangi, Selangor. Samples of chicken satay were grilled by the vendors for 180 seconds while beef satay was grilled for 270 seconds. The internal temperature obtained was 64+40C measured by probe. This resulted to reduce total viable count of chicken satay and beef satay by 3 log reduction. Three different methods namely, U.S. FDA (Canadian Version), Overlay method (Compendium Method for the Microbiological Examination of Food (1995) and Thin Agar Layer (TAL) (Kang and Fung, 1999) were evaluated for the recovery of Listeria species from raw and grilled chicken satay and beef satay. TAL method gives higher recovery rates compared with OV while U.S FDA method unable to allow the recovery of Listeria species in raw and grilled satay. Listeria species isolated from raw chicken and beef satay using TAL method were L. monocytogenes, L. innocua, L ivanovii and L. grayi, respectively. Similar Listeria species were also detected in grilled chicken and beef satay after grilled to 180 s.. L. welshimeri is the only species was isolated in raw beef satay. On contrary, in OV agar, three species namely, L. monocytogenes,, L. innocua and L. ivanovii were recovered in chicken satay with grilling time 150 seconds. However, prolonged heating to 180 seconds resulted in destruction of all Listeria species. Three different internal temperature (600C, 700C and 800C) and 3 different storage temperature (40C, 300C and –200C) were studied in chicken satay inoculated with L. monocytogenes (~106-7 CFU/g). The population of L. monocytogenes increased rapidly on chicken satay stored at 300C for 24 hours. L. monocytogenes was also shown the ability to survive at refrigeration temperature for up to 7 days. In temperature storage at –200C, the population of L. monocytogenes remained 14 days only. A study of hemolysin gene using specific Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) showed that L. monocytogenes was found resistance to internal temperature of 60 and 700C but not at 800C. Results clearly demonstrated that the detection and enumeration of injured Listeria species was influenced by the medium used for the isolation. Microorganism that have been treated with a sub-lethal stress are considered injured if they fail to grow and produce colonies when they are plated on agar media containing selective agents. The interpretation results found that the pattern of growth of Listeria in satay (raw and grilled) was strongly influenced by the storage and internal grilling temperatures. Higher heating temperature resulted in destruction of L. monocytogenes in grilled satay

    Pengaruh Tadarus Al-Qur’an Terhadap Kecerdasan Spiritual (Ikhlas) Di SDIT MTA Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen Tahun 2014/2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) mengetahui pengaruh tadarus Al-Qur‟an terhadap kecerdasan spiritual (ikhlas) di SDIT MTA Gemolong kabupaten Sragen tahun 2014/2015, (2) Mengetahui besarnya tingkat pengaruh tadarus Al-Qur‟an terhadap kecerdasan spiritual (ikhlas) di SDIT MTA Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen tahun 2014/2015. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa SDIT MTA Gemolong tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Sampel penelitian diambil 15% dari populasi yang berjumlah 72 siswa. Penelitian ini terdapat dua variabel, yaitu tadarus Al-Qur‟an sebagai variabel bebas atau independent (X) dan kecerdasan spiritual (ikhlas) sebagai variabel terikat atau dependent (Y). Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan probabiliy sampling dengan proposional statified random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa angket, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik regresi linier sederhana, uji t, uji f, dan uji determinasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan (1) tadarus Al-Qur‟an berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kecerdasan spiritual (iklas) di SDIT MTA Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen tahun ajaran 2014/2015 yang ditunjukkan dengan uji hipotesis yang diperolah nilai signifikansi 0,000 ttabel yaitu 9,923 > 1,996 sedangkan perolehan dari uji keberartian linier adalah (0,000 ftabel dengan df (1,69) α = 5%, maka (98,462 > 3,98), (2) dari hasil uji determinasi sebesar 0,579 menunjukan bahwa tadarus Al-Qur‟an berpengaruh besar terhadap kecerdasan spiritual (ikhlas) di SDIT MTA Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen tahun 2014/2015 yang ditunjukan dengan hasil uji determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,579 artinya bahwa besarnya pengaruh tadarus Al-Qur‟an terhadap kecerdasan spiritual (ikhlas) adalah sebesar 57,9% sedangkan 42,1% sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti


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    AbstactUrgency curriculum and gender inclusive learning system because there are still many gaps in the world of education, especially in three aspects, namely access, participation and benefits and msih lack of participation of female learners in learning, low skill of women in technology mastery, there are still many curriculum and teaching materials that is bias gender and there is still a benefit gap in the curriculum and learning gained by male and female learners. It is the background of the importance of curriculum and gender inclusive learning. The curriculum and inclusive gender learning is a curriculum that integrates gender equality principles (taking into account equality of access, participation, control, benefits, and ensuring no gender discrimination in its various forms), or in curriculum documents in an attempt to achieve social justice. While gender-inclusive learning is learning that recognizes and considers the different needs, interests, experiences, and ways of learning of students and students caused by the construction of gender in their environment. Furthermore, to analyze the implementation of curriculum in gender inclusive learning the author presents the rubric of syllabus analysis and the rubric of analysis of learning implementation plan so that the implementation of learning is in accordance with the principles of gender equality.Keywords: Urgency Curriculum,  Gender Inclusive Learnin

    A Review of SCUBA Diving Impacts and Implication for Coral Reefs Conservation and Tourism Management

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    Dive tourism has become important in term of magnitude and significantly contributes to regional economies. Nevertheless, in the absence of proper controls and enforcement, unplanned tourism growth has caused environmental degradation which undermines the long-term sustainability of the tourism industry. The purpose of this paper is to explore factors that contribute to the SCUBA diving impacts on coral and fish communities. This paper explains the causes of a certain event, validating the problem of impacts, defining the core issues and identifies possible causes leading to an effect. The phenomenon of diving impacts on coral reefs is a result of intensive use of dive site over the long-term. The divers can reduce their impacts towards coral reefs through responsible diving behaviors. The causes of cumulative diver’s contacts are more complicated than it seems. In response, this paper proposes the best mitigation strategies that need to be considered for future dive tourism management


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    Abstrak: Hak waris bagi wanita telah diatur dalam hukum Islam secara gamblang dan tertera dalam firman-firman Allah swt dalam Al-Qur’an yang diwahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW, dan dalam pembagian harta warisan bagi wanita dalam Islam dibedakan dengan hak waris bagi laki-laki dengan alasan yang banyak diungkapkan baik dari para mufasir maupun para cendikiawan muslim. Namun kemudian hal itu menjadi perdebatan ketika para aktivis feminis mewacanakan kesetaraan gender dalam hal pembagian hak waris bagi wanita karena dianggap tidak “adil†dengan peranan wanita masa kini yang setara dengan para kaum laki-laki. Kemudian hal ini didukung dengan hukum positif di Negara kita yang mengatur tentang hak waris bagi wanita dan laki-laki secara gamblang tidak membedakan jenis kelamin.Tulisan ini bermaksud untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana peranan wanita masa kini dan bagaimana pembagian hak waris bagi wanita baik dalam perspektif Islam dan hukum positif di Indonesia.   Inheritance rights for women has been governed under Islamic law and explicitly stated in the words of Allah in the Qur'an revealed to the Prophet Muhammad , and the division of inheritance for women in Islam is distinguished by inheritance rights for men men with good reason that many of the commentators expressed or Muslim scholars . But then it becomes a debate when feminist activists mewacanakan gender equality in the division of inheritance rights for women because it is not " fair " to the role of women today is on par with the men . Then it is supported by the positive law in our country governing inheritance rights for women and men are not explicitly distinguish this type of kelamin.Tulisan intends to reveal how the role of women today and how the division of inheritance rights for women in both the Islamic perspective and positive law in Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Hak Waris Wanita, Hukum Islam, Hukum Positif

    Preliminary study: An investigation on learning assistance requirement among low achievers in primary schools

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    Learning is crucial for everybody regardless of their ability and achievement.Some children demonstrate inability in academic performance from their early stage of learning process; thus, categorized as low achievers (LA).In order to define learning difficulties and requirements among LA children, a qualitative study was conducted using three different techniques; i) semi- structured interview, ii) document review with LINUS content experts and iii) observation with students from five schools in Kedah and Perlis.The results reveal that, the LA children need a specific computer-based learning assistance as an alternative learning material to facilitate their learning process.Learning concepts are also discussed as an initial suggestion in this study

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Catatan Pesanan Menu Di Warung Kopi Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Rational Unified Processing

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    A coffee shop that uses a manual messaging system will require a lot of time and labor. This system is, of course, still efficient for small coffee shops or small number of visitors. However, a manual ordering system will be very inefficient in a coffee shop that is large and has many visitors. The manual ordering system in a coffee shop can cause some problems. The problem that is often faced is when the buyer has decided on the food and drink menu that he wants to order, the buyer has to wait a long time for the waiter to come to record the order or take a list of orders that have been written. This is because of the limitations of the waiter or at that time the waiter is also serving other buyers. In this study, an Application for Menu Order Notes in Website-Based Coffee Shops was made using the RUP Method. This application for coffee shops can be one of the best solutions to replace the process of recording menu orders using stationery or manual messaging systems, so that manual work that is prone to errors and less efficient can be reduced by using this application

    Exploring computer assisted learning for low achieving children: A comparative analysis study

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    Learning assistance or support is essential for a learner regardless of their cognitive ability and learning preference. Computer assisted learning (CAL) is one of the facilitation that widely explored as alternative learning assistances with different concepts, approaches, contents and target users. The main concern of this study is to explore and identify learning concepts and approaches that have been employed in previous research for normal and learning disabilities learners. In relation with the intention, 15 articles from past five years (2010-2015) are selected for review and analysis processes in this comparative analysis study.The finding shows some similarities and differences of CAL concept and approach for both type of learners. Some insights and suggestions are drawn based on the extracted concepts and approaches specifically for low achieving children as their learning assistance in primary school