Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Catatan Pesanan Menu Di Warung Kopi Berbasis Website Menggunakan Metode Rational Unified Processing


A coffee shop that uses a manual messaging system will require a lot of time and labor. This system is, of course, still efficient for small coffee shops or small number of visitors. However, a manual ordering system will be very inefficient in a coffee shop that is large and has many visitors. The manual ordering system in a coffee shop can cause some problems. The problem that is often faced is when the buyer has decided on the food and drink menu that he wants to order, the buyer has to wait a long time for the waiter to come to record the order or take a list of orders that have been written. This is because of the limitations of the waiter or at that time the waiter is also serving other buyers. In this study, an Application for Menu Order Notes in Website-Based Coffee Shops was made using the RUP Method. This application for coffee shops can be one of the best solutions to replace the process of recording menu orders using stationery or manual messaging systems, so that manual work that is prone to errors and less efficient can be reduced by using this application

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