406 research outputs found

    Textiles as Material Gestalt: Cloth as a Catalyst in the Co-designing Process

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    Textiles is the common language within Emotional Fit, a collaborative research project investigating a person-centred, sustainable approach to fashion for an ageing female demographic (55+). Through the co-designing of a collection of research tools, textiles have acted as a material gestalt for exploring our research participants' identities by tracing their embodied knowledge of fashionable dress. The methodology merges Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, co-design and a simultaneous approach to textile and garment design. Based on an enhanced understanding of our participants textile preferences, particular fabric qualities have catalysed silhouettes, through live draping and geometric pattern cutting to accommodate multiple body shapes and customisation. Printedtextiles have also been digitally crafted in response to the contours of the garment and body and personal narratives of wear. Sensorial and tactile interactions have informed the engineering and scaling of patterns within zero-waste volumes. The article considers the functional and aesthetic role of textiles

    Local industrial strategy and skills policy in England: Assessing the linkages and limitations ā€“ a case study of the Sheffield City Deal

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    This paper examines changes in local economic development policy which occurred between 2010 and 2015, with a focus on the relationship between industrial strategy and skills policy. Under the Coalition Government, Local Enterprise Partnerships were established and tasked with facilitating local growth, and to do so many identified a set of (potential) growth sectors for industrial strategy to support. These sectors tended to be drawn from a relatively narrow range of industries which therefore often excluded a large proportion of the local economy. An important focus of the support for growth sectors for many has been through an ambition to influence the local skills system. Skills policy more broadly has been an important dimension of devolution, and a number of City Deals have included elements of skills policy. Echoing previous national policy however, the focus of local concerns with skills under devolution has been framed largely with reference to skills gaps and shortages. While specific skills gaps and shortages can be identified, this paper questions whether this default position is reflected widely, and as such, if a narrow focus on skills supply is a sufficient approach. It is argued that to support local growth across a broad base, greater attention needs to be paid to stimulating employer demand for skills through better integrating industrial and innovation policy with skills policymaking across a wider section of the local economy. To support these arguments we present a case study of the Sheffield City Deal

    The realities of being young, unemployed and poor in post-industrial Britain

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    Poverty is a complex cultural phenomenon that is very much in existence in contemporary post-industrial Britain. A young personā€™s poverty-striken situation, in addition to their marginalised hierarchal position, shapes their repetitive life cycle comprising different but interrelated forms of marginality. The young people in this ethnographic study were found to experience marginalisation in their education, training and work spheres, as well as in their community, family and home. The purpose of this article is to carefully analyse the link between marginalised young peopleā€™s (in)ability to participate in key social systems and their (lack of) access to financial, cultural and social resources

    Linking the sectoral employment structure and household poverty in the United Kingdom

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    Structural changes in the labour markets of developed economies, and changes in their institutional characteristics, have led to growing unease about the nature of low-paid employment. Related concerns have been expressed about the persistence of low-pay, the fragmentation of work and the growth of under-employment. While all these factors have potential implications for individualsā€™ earnings, less is known about the connection between labour market change, patterns of sectoral growth and decline and household poverty outcomes. This article shows distinct patterns of poverty outcomes by sector of employment, after controlling for other factors. However, household characteristics, in particular the presence of a second earner, do strongly mitigate the poverty risk. Overall, the findings demonstrate that policymakers need to develop a coherent policy towards poverty that recognises the nature of jobs growth and the distribution of ā€˜good jobsā€™ across households

    Development and validation of a reference marker for identification of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria associated with diabetes chronic wound ulcers using PCR denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis

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    Introduction: Diabetes chronic wounds consist with a diverse microbial community and unculturablespecies may be highly prevalent.Objectives: This study aimed to establish a bacterial reference marker consisting of a group ofchronic wound related bacteria, using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gelelectrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) for profiling of bacteria in diabetes chronic wound infections.Methods: DNA was extracted from the known wound bacterial strains. PCRā€“DGGE was performedusing eubacterial specific primers targeting V2-V3 region of 16S rDNA. DGGE was performed usinga 30-55% denaturing gradient. Migration position of each organism was detected on DGGE gel andimportant organisms were selected. Equal volume from PCR products of each selected organism wasmixed, diluted with gel loading dye in 1:1.5 ratio and used for all DGGE gels. The ladder was thensubjected to species identification of fifteen tissue debridement specimens obtained from diabeteschronic wound ulcers. The identification efficacy was tested by sequencing.Results: DNA of bacterial pathogens which showed different migration distances on the gel werecombined and used as a reference panel. This bacterial ladder consisted of eleven different bacterialspecies including Bacteroides sp., S. aureus, Acineto bacter sp., P. aeruginosa, Streptococcus Group Aand Group B sp., E. faecalis, Providencia sp., Veillonella sp., E .coli and Enterobacter sp. Accordingto the reference panel, Pseudomonas species were abundant. Further the results were confirmed bysequencing.Conclusion: Reference marker allows comparative analysis of DGGE patterns and can be used as atool for presumptive identification of polymicrobial microbiota in chronic wound infections

    Cytomegalovirus, Epsteinā€“Barr virus and risk of breast cancer before age 40 years: a caseā€“control study

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    We investigated whether there is an association between cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) IgG levels and risk of breast cancer before age 40 years. CMV and EBV IgG levels were measured in stored plasma from 208 women with breast cancer and 169 controls who participated in the Australian Breast Cancer Family Study (ABCFS), a population-based case-control study. CMV and EBV IgG values were measured in units of optical density (OD). Cases and controls did not differ in seropositivity for CMV (59 and 57% respectively; P=0.8) or EBV (97 and 96% respectively; P=0.7). In seropositive women, mean IgG values were higher in cases than controls for CMV (1.20 vs 0.98 OD, P=0.005) but not for EBV (2.65 vs 2.57 OD, P=0.5). The adjusted odds ratios per OD unit were 1.46 (95% CI 1.06-2.03) for CMV IgG and 1.11 (0.93-1.33) for EBV IgG. The higher mean CMV IgG levels found in women with breast cancer could be the result of a more recent infection with CMV, and may mean that late exposure to CMV is a risk factor for breast cancer

    Endogenous technological change, innovation diffusion and transitional dynamics in a nonlinear growth model

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    This paper addresses capital accumulation and capital productivity change in an economy with endogenous technological change and floors and ceilings in activity. The properties of the resulting two-variable nonlinear differential equation system are studied in some detail. The welfare implications are also considered. When discrete lags are introduced, wide-ranging behaviour emerges, which includes convergence to a steady-state, catastrophes, hysteresis, limit cycles and chaos. Simulations illustrate the results. It is found that external shocks, such as the diffusion of innovations from elsewhere, do not just change the level of the steady-state equilibrium but also the dynamical properties of the paths of output and productivity

    Razvoj selektivnih biofarmaceutika iz glikoproteina E i I iz Herpes simplex virusa tipa 1 koji blokiraju neutralizaciju onkolitskih virusa posredovanu antitijelima

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    Future cancer therapies will be molecular cures. They will correct, block or destroy cancer cells by targeting molecular changes that lead to carcinogenesis. Destroying cancer cells can be done using oncolytic viruses. By blocking antibody mediated neutralization of oncolytic viruses, Herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins E and I could be used in the adjuvant treatment of cancer for improving the chances of oncolytic viruses to kill cancer cells in vivo.Terapija karcinoma će u budućnosti biti na molekularnoj razini. Bit će moguće promijeniti, blokirati ili uniÅ”tavati stanice ciljanim utjecanjem na molekularne promjene koje vode do karcinogeneze. UniÅ”tavanje stanica karcinoma moći će se ostvariti pomoću onkolitskih virusa. U pomoćnoj terapiji karcinoma moći će se koristiti glikoproteini E i I iz Herpes simplex virusa tipa 1 koji blokiraju neutralizaciju onkolitskih virusa posredovanu antitijelima, čime se povećavaju Å”anse da onkolitski virusi uniÅ”te stanice karcinoma in vivo

    The geography of wage inequality in British cities

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    There is widespread concern about the scale and implications of urban inequality in Great Britain, but little evidence on which cities are the most unequal and why. This paper investigates patterns of wage inequality in 60 British cities. It has two principal goals: (1) to describe which cities are most unequal and (2) to assess the important determinants of inequality. The results show a distinct geography of wage inequality, the most unequal cities tend to be affluent and located in parts of the Greater South East of England. A central determinant of these patterns is the geography of highly skilled workers. Because of this, the geography of urban wage inequality reflects the geography of affluence more generally
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