135 research outputs found
Combustion property analyses with variable liquid marine fuels in combustion research unit
The quality of ignition and co mbustion of four marine and power plant fuels were studied in a Combustion Research Unit, CRU. The fuels were low - sulphur Light Fuel Oil (LFO, baseline), Marine Gas Oil (MGO), kerosene and renewable wood - based naphtha. To meet climate change requirements a nd sustainability goals, combustion systems needs to be able to operate with a variety of renewable and ‘net - zero - carbon’ fuels. Due to the variations in the chemical and physical properties of the fuels, they generally cannot simply be dropped into existi ng systems. The aim of this research project was to understand how changes in fuel composition affect engine operation. The focus was on how various properties of the fuels impact on the combustion process – especially ignition delay and in - cylinder combus tion. The goal of the research project was to allow broad fuel flexibility without any or only minor changes to engine hardware. Before the engine tests, the CRU forms an easy and cost - effective device to find out the engine suitability of the fuel . The re sults showed that the ignition delay decreased expectedly with all fuels when the in - cylinder pressure and temperature increased. The differences in the maximum heat release rates between fuels decreased in high - pressure conditions. MGO had the shortest ig nition delay under both pressure and temperature conditions. Based on the CRU results MGO and kerosene are suitable to use in compression - ignited engines like the reference fuel LFO. In contrast renewable naphtha had a long ignition delay. If naphtha is us ed in a CI engine, the engine must be started and stopped with, e.g. LFO or MGO.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed
One-step method for the preparation of cationic nanocellulose in reactive eutectic media
A novel method based on the use of reactive eutectic media for the extraction of cellulose nanocrystals and their functionalization with positively charged functional groups in a one-step procedure is presented. With its ability to form strong hydrogen bonds, the eutectic medium serves as a cellulose-solubilizing agent, while the presence of a Leuckart reagent provides the reactivity toward the reductive amination of carbonyl groups in the cellulose chains. In the proposed method, amorphous cellulose domains are partially dissolved by undergoing aminolysis, resulting in the formation of water-dispersible nanocellulose products with high crystallinity.<br
Sillä hetkellä emme sureneet:surra-verbin konsonanttivartaloiset ja vokaalivartaloistuneet NUT- ja TU-partisiipit
Tiivistelmä. Tutkin pro gradu -työssäni surra-verbin NUT- ja TU-partisiippien vokaalivartaloistumista. Vokaalivartaloistuminen tarkoittaa kielen morfologista muutosta, jossa kaksivartaloisen sanan konsonanttivartalon tilalla yleistyy norminvastaisesti vokaalivartalo (esimerkiksi NUT-partisiipin yksikön nominatiivissa surrut > *surenut). Tutkimuksessani vertailin norminmukaisia surra-verbin NUT- ja TU-partisiippeja norminvastaisiin surra-verbin NUT- ja TU-partisiippeihin. Keräsin aineistoni Kielipankin konkordanssihakuohjelmalla eli Korpilla Suomi24-sivuston keskustelupalstoilta.
Tutkielmani tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisissa morfosyntaktisissa ja morfologisissa konteksteissa norminmukaisia ja -vastaisia surra-verbin NUT- ja TU-partisiippeja esiintyy. Vertailemalla aineistoni konsonantti- ja vokaalivartaloisia muotoja tarkastelin sitä, keskittyvätkö molemmat muodot samankaltaisiin rakenteisiin vai eroavatko niiden kontekstit jollain tapaa toisistaan. Aineistoni analyysi antoi myös tärkeää tietoa vokaalivartaloistumisen nykytilanteesta suomen kielessä.
Tärkeimpänä havaintona aineistostani tein sen, että vokaalivartaloistuneet surra-verbin NUT- ja TU-partisiipit esiintyvät samankaltaisissa morfosyntaktisissa ja morfologisissa rakenteissa kuin niiden konsonanttivartaloiset vastineet. Erityisesti aineistostani esille nousivat NUT- ja TU-partisiippien nominatiivimuodot, mikä on sinällään erikoista, sillä NUT- ja TU-partisiipeilla on täydellinen nominien luku- ja sijataivutus. Morfosyntaktisista konteksteista esille nousivat puolestaan erilaiset liittomuodot (perfektit, pluskvamperfektit ja kielteiset imperfektit) sekä verbiliitot. Koska tietyt morfosyntaktiset kontekstit edustuivat aineistossani enemmän kuin toiset, tein havainnon siitä, että vokaalivartaloiset muodot eivät yleisty aivan yhtä aikaa kaikissa lekseemin morfosyntaktisissa konteksteissa. Lisäksi samankaltaisuudet tukevat ajatusta siitä, että vokaalivartaloistuminen on ennemmin morfologista kuin semanttista, eli vokaalivartaloistuneissa surra-verbin NUT- ja TU-partisiippimuodoissa ei tapahdu minkäänlaista merkityksen erikoistumista. Aineistoni valossa näyttää siltä, että surra-verbin NUT- ja TU-partisiipeissa vokaalivartaloistumista tapahtuu niissä muotoryhmissä, joita kielenkäyttäjät tuottavat useimmiten myös norminmukaisesti. Lisäksi vokaalivartaloistumisen etulinjassa ovat käyttöfrekvenssiltään pienemmät muodot kuten translatiivit ja essiivit
Methanol-HVO blends for efficient low-temperature combustion: analytical research on fuel properties
Received: January 31st, 2023 ; Accepted: April 15th, 2023 ; Published: August 14th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] low-temperature combustion (LTC) engines can accommodate
ultra-high efficiency with near-zero NOx and PM emissions. Reaction kinetics is the governing
mechanism in LTC. Onboard fuel reactivity control is, thus, becoming an interesting concept that
ultimately provides pathways toward a fully fuel-flexible engine. No matter the technical
realisation - in-cylinder blending or pre-blending/emulsification - the reactivity control requires
fuels with complementary properties. Methanol and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) seem to
be one of the most promising, yet under-studied combination for LTC engines. They are both
renewable and can be mixed together. Methanol’s high knock resistance and large latent heat of
evaporation enable a wide engine load range, with a propensity to reduce NOx emissions and
mitigate thermal or mechanical stress. The same properties on the other hand require highly
reactive fuel to enable the mixture to self-ignite controllably in LTC conditions. HVO is amongst
the most reactive renewable alternatives and its clean paraffinic structure further mitigates
particle matter formation. - Importantly, in pre-blending HVO emulsification can resolve the
lubricity issues of methanol. In this paper, the aim was to study the engine-relevant properties of
HVO-methanol fuel blends. The analysed properties were the distillation properties, density,
kinematic viscosity, cetane index, and flash point. Based on the results, the suitability of the
chosen blend shares for LTC concepts was evaluated
Hallitusohjelma ja eläkeläisten toimeentulo
Tässä työpaperissa tarkastellaan 29.5.2015 nimitetyn pääministeri Sipilän hallituksen ohjelman vaikutuksia eläkeläisten toimeentuloon. Laskelmat koskevat indeksileikkausten vaikutuksia reaalituloihin, eläkeläisten siirtämistä yleisen asumistuen piiriin ja takuueläkkeen korotusta. Laskelmat ovat osaksi esimerkkilaskelmia, osaksi Kelan rekisteritietoihin perustuvia arvioita ja osaksi tulonsiirtojen ja verotuksen mikrosimulointiin perustuvia laskelmia
An arylthiazyne derivative is a potent inhibitor of lipid peroxidation and ferroptosis providing neuroprotection in vitro and in vivo
Lipid peroxidation-initiated ferroptosis is an iron-dependent mechanism of programmed cell death taking place in neurological diseases. Here we show that a condensed benzo[b]thiazine derivative small molecule with an arylthiazine backbone (ADA-409-052) inhibits tert-Butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP)-induced lipid peroxidation (LP) and protects against ferroptotic cell death triggered by glutathione (GSH) depletion or glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPx4) inhibition in neuronal cell lines. In addition, ADA-409-052 suppresses pro-inflammatory activation of BV2 microglia and protects N2a neuronal cells from cell death induced by pro-inflammatory RAW 264.7 macrophages. Moreover, ADA-409-052 efficiently reduces infarct volume, edema and expression of pro-inflammatory genes in a mouse model of thromboembolic stroke. Targeting ferroptosis may be a promising therapeutic strategy in neurological diseases involving severe neuronal death and neuroinflammation.Peer reviewe
Use of green solvents as pre-treatment of dissolving pulp to decrease CS2 consumption from viscose production
Choline chloride-based deep eutectic solvents are widely used in biomass processing. In this work, four different green solvent mixtures were used as pre-treatment of acid sulphite dissolving pulp with the hypothesis of increasing the possibilities to produce viscose fibres and decreasing the use of the harmful and toxic carbon disulphide in the process. The experiments were performed at two different pulp to solvent mass ratios. Pulp quality parameters were also measured to determine the suitability of the pretreatment: a-cellulose, viscosity, lignin and pentosan content. In addition, X-ray diffraction analysis of pulps at the best solid to liquid ratio was performed to obtain the influence of the crystallinity index. Best results were obtained with the use of lactic acid, with reactivity values close to 94%, giving a reduction of CS2 usage of 15.83%. Furthermore, a linear relationship between the crystallinity index calculated by the XRD and reactivity with a regression factor of 0.87 was found
Dissociable effects of monoamine reuptake inhibitors on distinct forms of impulsive behavior in rats
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