155 research outputs found

    Communication Technology: Rebuilding a Better Global Civilization on Earth

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    The evolution of communication technology fuels ongoing introspection among humans, shaping their self-perception and worldview. As reliance on these tools deepens, individuals delve into their existence and the societal constructs that govern their lives, potentially steering the development of communication tech for global betterment. Historically, humans have pondered their role as sources of authority and meaning. Liberal perspectives frame humans as subjective authorities, emphasizing internal experiences to inspire universal meaning. In contrast, Dataists view humans as sources of authority and meaning within collective narratives, highlighting the richness of intersubjective experiences among many individuals in one world. Utilizing advanced communication technology, notably computer algorithms, to interpret collective human narratives, this paper suggests a pathway for enhancing global civilization. It advocates harnessing technology, specifically algorithmic intelligence, to restore a cohesive global identity founded on principles of freedom and equality. Employing phenomenological methods, this research examines human experiences within the realm of communication technology, drawing on humanism, subjectivism, intersubjectivism, and dataism as theoretical frameworks


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    Pada pembangunan gedung Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Pertamina Sorong ditemukan bahwa bagian pelat atap gedung saat dihentakan kaki terjadi getaran yang cukup terasa. Perencanaan awal pelat diasumsikan sebagai pelat atap biasa namun terdapat penambahan beban berupa beberapa buah tendon air dan solar water heater. Oleh karena itu, muncul kekhawatiran akan kemampuan struktur pelat tersebut dalam memikul beban – beban yang bekerja pada struktur tersebut. Pihak kontraktor akhirnya menambahkan perkuatan berupa penebalan pelat di daerah pusat pembebananan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi kekuatan dari struktur balok dan pelat setelah diberi perkuatan berupa penebaan pelat terhadap pembebanan yang bekerja, sehingga dapat diketahui kekuatan dari struktur balok dan pelat terhadap pembebanan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan yaity dengan menganalisis momen ultimit yang dapat ditahan oleh pelat dan balok. Selain itu, dilakukan pengecekan terhadap lendutan yang diijinkan oleh pelat tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa desain perkuatan struktur pelat dinyatakan aman. Hal ini didasari oleh hasil pengecekan kemampuan balok dan pelat dalam menahan pembebanan yang terjadi di atasnya. Selain itu, hasil analisis terhadap lendutan pelat masih dalam batas ijin (aman)

    Quine, Ontology, and Physicalism

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    Quine's views on ontology and naturalism are well-known but rarely considered in tandem. According to my interpretation the connection between them is vital. I read Quine as a global epistemic structuralist. Quine thought we only ever know objects qua solutions to puzzles about significant intersections in observations. Objects are always accessed descriptively, via their roles in our best theory. Quine's Kant lectures contain an early version of epistemic structuralism with uncharacteristic remarks about the mental. Here Quine embraces mitigated anomalous monism, allowing introspection and the availability in principle of full physical descriptions of the perceptual states which get science off the ground. Later versions abandon these ideas. My epistemic-structural interpretation explains why. I argue first-personal introspective access to mental states is incompatible with global epistemic structuralism

    How to ask sensitive questions in conservation: A review of specialized questioning techniques

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    Tools for social research are critical for developing an understanding of conservation problems and assessing the feasibility of conservation actions. Social surveys are an essential tool frequently applied in conservation to assess both people’s behaviour and to understand its drivers. However, little attention has been given to the weaknesses and strengths of different survey tools. When topics of conservation concern are illegal or otherwise sensitive, data collected using direct questions are likely to be affected by non-response and social desirability biases, reducing their validity. These sources of bias associated with using direct questions on sensitive topics have long been recognised in the social sciences but have been poorly considered in conservation and natural resource management. We reviewed specialized questioning techniques developed in a number of disciplines specifically for investigating sensitive topics. These methods ensure respondent anonymity, increase willingness to answer, and critically, make it impossible to directly link incriminating data to an individual. We describe each method and report their main characteristics, such as data requirements, possible data outputs, availability of evidence that they can be adapted for use in illiterate communities, and summarize their main advantages and disadvantages. Recommendations for their application in conservation are given. We suggest that the conservation toolbox should be expanded by incorporating specialized questioning techniques, developed specifically to increase response accuracy. By considering the limitations of each survey technique, we will ultimately contribute to more effective evaluations of conservation interventions and more robust policy decisions

    The southern Laurentide Ice Sheet

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    ver was a milestone that summarized our knowledge of the Quaternary of the U.S. in a single volume. Glacial geology was a major component of the volume, and it contained 125 pages on the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) in the U.S. In the present volume, almost 40 years later, many fewer pages are devoted to the same topic, indicating the vast increase in other aspects of Quaternary studies. In the U.S., glacial geology has expanded greatly in knowledge and interest, and now glacial geologists have a much richer field and variety of techniques with which to study Quaternary history. The other chapters in this book are a clear indication of the diversity of fields that now make up what traditionally was classified as glacial geology or did not exist before 1965. Radiocarbon dating remains the most important tool for determining the chronology of the last glaciation. Accelerato

    Linked surveys of health services utilization

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