232 research outputs found

    Pattern of adult intestinal obstruction at Tenwek hospital, in south-western Kenya

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    Introduction: acute mechanical intestinal obstruction (IO) is one of the leading causes of surgical admissions in most emergency departments worldwide. The causes of IO vary significantly depending on geographical location. The aim of this study was to identify the etiology, management and outcomes of patients with acute mechanical IO presenting in south-western Kenya. Methods: a 4 year (November 2009–October 2013) retrospective review of all adult patients admitted with acute mechanical IO at Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kenya. Results: a total of 303 male and 142 female patients, presented with acute mechanical IO during the study period. Mean patient age was 40.6 years (range 17-91), with peak  incidence in those aged 31-40 years. The foremost signs and symptoms were abdominal pain (89.4%), abdominal tenderness (81.6%), vomiting (78%), abdominal distension (65.4%) and constipation (50.8%). Sigmoid volvulus (25.6%), adhesions (23.1%), small bowel volvulus (21.3%), and ileo-sigmoid knotting (8.5%) were the leading causes of IO. Laparotomy was undertaken in 361 (81.1%) cases, with bowel gangrene noted in 112 (30.4%). The overall morbidity and mortality rates were 15% and 4.5% respectively. Patients with gangrenous bowel at laparotomy had a higher morbidity rate (22.3% vs 9.6%, P=.001), a higher mortality rate (9.8% vs 3.2%, P=.02) and a longer duration of stay (9.9 days vs 7.6 days,  P=.0001) compared to those with viable bowel. Conclusion: the most common causes of IO in this study were sigmoid volvulus, adhesions, small bowel volvulus and ileo-sigmoid knotting. Presence of bowel gangrene was associated with higher morbidity and mortality rates

    Diferents maneres de descriure el mĂłn : una activitat introductĂČria de ciĂšncies a l’aula

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    En aquest treball s’estudia l’habilitat cognitivolingĂŒĂ­stica dels alumnes de 4t d’ESO davant del repte de descriure un objecte des del punt de vista de diferents disciplines cientĂ­fiques. Es tracta d’una activitat d’aula realitzada durant tres cursos lectius per introduir l’assignatura de fĂ­sica i quĂ­mica, i modificada en el seu disseny per les docents en base als resultats observats. Es proposa als alumnes mirar una mateixa imatge des de diverses perspectives que corresponen a les diferents Ă rees de ciĂšncies. S’analitzen les descripcions tant des del punt de vista lingĂŒĂ­stic com dels continguts de la disciplina, i s’identifiquen les dificultats de l’alumnat en seleccionar els aspectes rellevants, organitzar-los i caracteritzar-los adequadament

    Updated single and dual crop coefficients for tree and vine fruit crops

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    ReviewThe present study reviews the research on the FAO56 crop coefficients of fruit trees and vines performed over the past twenty years. The main objective was to update information and extend tabulated single (Kc) and basal (Kcb) standard crop coefficients. The selection and analysis of the literature for this review have been done to consider only studies that adhere to FAO56 method, computing the reference ET with the FAO Penman– Monteith ETo equation and field measuring crop ET with proved accuracy. The crops considered refer to vine fruit crops, berries and hops, temperate climate evergreen fruit trees, temperate climate deciduous fruit trees and, tropical and subtropical fruit crops. Papers satisfying the conditions expressed above, and that studied the crops under pristine or appropriate eustress conditions, were selected to provide for standard Kc and Kcb data. Preference was given to studies reporting on the fraction of ground cover (fc), crop height (h), planting density, crop age and adopted training systems. The Kc and Kcb values obtained from the selected literature generally show coherence relative to the crop biophysical characteristics and reflect those characteristics, mainly fc, h and training systems. The ranges of reported Kc and Kcb values were grouped according to crop density, particularly fc and h, and were compared with FAO56 (Allen et al., 1998) previously tabulated Kc and Kcb values, as well as by Allen and Pereira (2009) and Jensen and Allen (2016), which lead to define update indicative standard Kc and Kcb values. These values are aimed for use in crop water requirement computations and modeling for irrigation planning and scheduling, thus also aimed at supporting improved water use and saving in orchards and vinesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exosomal microRNAs in liquid biopsies: future biomarkers for prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer in males in the world. Plasma quantification of prostate-specific antigen substantially improved the early detection of prostate cancer, but still lacks the required specificity. Clinical management of prostate cancer needs advances in the development of new non-invasive biomarkers, ameliorating current diagnosis and prognosis and guiding therapeutic decisions. microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. These miRNAs are expressed in the cells and are also present in cell-derived extracellular vesicles such as exosomes. Exosomes have been shown to act as mediators for cell to cell communication because of the regulatory functions of their content. High levels of exosomes are found in several body fluids from cancer patients and could be a potential source of non-invasive biomarkers. In this review, we summarize the diagnostic and prognostic utility of exosomal miRNAs in prostate cancer

    On the parameters influencing the deposition of polystyrene colloidal crystals

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    Colloidal crystals of polystyrene particles of 1.0, 1.4 and 2.8 ÎŒm diameter have been prepared by vertical deposition. The influence of parameters such as temperature, particle size and concentration as well as dispersion medium has been studied. The size of domain and the crystalline structure of the particle arrays have been analyzed by optical microscopy. The quality of the crystals has been improved (minimizing cracks) by controlling sedimentation (density matching), evaporation (volatility of the medium) and drying (co-solvents)

    Influence of excesses of volatile elements on structure and composition of solution derived lead-free (Bi0.50Na0.50)1xBaxTiO3 thin films

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    The preparation of (Bi0.50Na0.50)1−xBaxTiO3 films requires a compositional/structural control, as they determine the functionality of these materials. We report a systematic compositional and structural analysis on (Bi0.50Na0.50)1−xBaxTiO3 films fabricated by chemical solution deposition. The effects of incorporating Na(I) and Bi(III) excesses are analyzed through the comparison of the compositional depth profiles of stoichiometric films (BNBT) and films containing excesses (BNBTxs). Heterogeneous compositional profiles with larger bismuth content close to the substrate and thicker film-substrate interfaces are observed in BNBTxs, unlike stoichiometric films, which show atomic concentrations that correspond to the nominal composition of the precursor solution. Excesses induce structural differences in depth, observing a shift of the region of coexistence of rhombohedral and tetragonal phases (morphotropic phase boundary) toward higher x values and the formation of thick film-substrate interfaces. In contrast, stoichiometric films have homogeneous compositional and structural profiles with the MPB placed close to that described for bulk ceramics.This work was financed by Spanish Project MAT2013-40489-P. D. PĂ©rez-Mezcua acknowledges the financial support of the FPU Spanish program (AP2012-0639). A portion of this research was carried out at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, a national user facility operated by Stanford University. D. Chateigner acknowledges the Conseil RĂ©gional de Basse Normandie for its partial financial of the four-circles X-ray diffractometer.Peer reviewe

    Obtaining of repair lime mortars by mixing aerial lime and nanosilica

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    This work deals with the effect of the nanosilica addition on the performance of aerial lime mortars. Several lime mortars were prepared and modified upon the addition of 3, 6, 10 and 20 wt.% of nanosilica. The presence of nanosilica increased the water demand of the fresh mixtures and reduced the appearance of superficial cracks after the spreading of the mortars onto a porous stone. Setting time underwent a delay when the amount of nanosilica ranged from 3 to 10 wt.%. However, samples with 20 wt.% of nanosilica showed a shortened setting time compared to plain lime mortars. Nanosilica reacted with Ca(OH)2 particles, yielding C-S-H compounds and, acting as a nanofiller, nanosilica also caused a pore blockage in the mesoporous range. These facts resulted in an increase in both compressive strength and durability after undergoing freezing-thawing processes. Overall, the addition of nanosilica clearly improves several characteristics of the aerial lime mortars in order to prepare enhanced mixtures to be used for restoration works

    Photoferroelectric thin films for flexible systems by a three-in-one solution-based approach

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    The effective incorporation of (multi)functional oxides into next-generation flexible electronics systems requires novel fabrication technologies that enable the direct integration of crystalline oxide layers in them. Unfortunately, this is considerably challenging due to the thermal incompatibility between the crystallization temperatures of metal oxides (>600 degrees C) and the thermal stability of the flexible polymer substrates conventionally used (<400 degrees C). Here, it is shown that BiFeO(3)thin films can be grown on flexible plastic by solution processing involving three different but complementary strategies to induce the crystallization of the perovskite phase at a lower temperature limit of 325 degrees C. This "three-in-one" approach is based on the synthesis of tailored metal precursors i) with a molecular structure resembling the crystalline structure of the oxide phase, which additionally allows both ii) photochemical and iii) internal combustion reactions taking place in the thin films. The flexible BiFeO(3)thin films obtained from a specifically designed molecular complex withN-methyldiethanolamine yield a large remnant polarization of 17.5 mu C cm(-2), also showing photovoltaic and photocatalytic effects. This result paves the way for the direct integration of an interesting class of oxides with photoferroelectric properties in flexible devices with multiple applications in information and communication technology, and energy

    Electrophoretic deposition of colloidal crystals assisted by hydrodynamic flows

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    Latex-based colloidal crystals have been grown by electrophoretic deposition. The deposition has been assisted by hydrodynamic von KĂĄrmĂĄn-like flows, which lead to quantitative improvements. It has been studied the influence of applied voltage, deposition time and flow rate on the number of deposited layers and on the mean domain size. The samples were studied with microscopy and precision weight measurement. It has been found that there is a critical time after which the deposition mechanism changes, and the behavior of the system before and after this critical time is considered. The mean domain size and the deposition time were reduced to non-dimensional forms which show the collapse of the data for different applied voltages and flow rates into one curve

    Solvent-free formation of cyclodextrin-based pseudopolyrotaxanes of polyethylene glycol: kinetic and structural aspects

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    Pseudopolyrotaxanes (PPRs) are supramolecular structures consisting of macrocycles able to thread on a linear polymer chain in a reversible, non-covalent way, often referred to in the literature as "molecular necklaces". While the synthesis and reaction mechanisms of these structures in solution have been widely described, their solvent-free production has received little attention, despite the advantages that this route may offer. We propose in this work a kinetic mechanism that describes the PPR formation in the solid phase as a process occurring in two consecutive stages. This mechanism has been used to investigate the spontaneous formation of a PPR that occurs when grinding alpha-Cyclodextrin (alpha-CD) with polyethylene glycol (PEG). In the threading stage, the inclusion of the polymer and subsequent release of the water molecules lodged in the cavity of the macrocycle cause vibrational changes that are reflected in the time-dependence of the FTIR-ATR spectra, while the further assembly of PPRs to form crystals produces characteristic reflections in the XRD patterns, due to the channel-like arrangement of CDs, that can be used to track the formation of the adduct in crystalline form. The effects that working variables have on the kinetics of the reaction, such as temperature, feed ratio, molar mass of the polymer and the introduction of an amorphous block in the polymer structure, have been investigated. The rate constants of the threading step increase with the temperature and the activation energy of the process increases at lower proportions of CD to PEG. This is attributed to the lower degree of covering of the polymer chain with CDs that reduces the hydrogen-bonding driven stabilization between adjacent macrocycles. The formation of crystalline PPR, which takes place slowly at room temperature, is markedly promoted at higher temperatures, with lower proportions of CD favoring both the formation and the growth of the crystals. The molar mass of the polymer does not modify the typical channel-like arrangement of packed PPRs but the conversion into crystalline PPR diminishes when using PEG1000 instead of PEG400. At a microscopic level, the crystals arrange into lamellar structures, in the order of hundreds of nm, embedded in an amorphous-like matrix. The introduction of a polypropylene oxide block in the structure of the polymer (Pluronic L62) renders poorer yields and a considerable loss of crystallinity of the product of the reaction. The methodology here proposed can be applied to the general case of inclusion complexes of CDs with drugs in the solid phase, or to multicomponent systems that contain polymers as excipients in pharmaceutical formulations along with CDs
