27 research outputs found

    Leadership Of The Head Of Culture, Tourism, Youth And Sports Department In Development Of Nyi Mas Gandasari Site Tourist Destination In Depok District, Cirebon Regency

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    The research that the author has done is about the leadership of the Head of Culture and Tourism Department in the Development of the Nyi Mas Gandasari Site Tourist Destination in Depok District, Cirebon Regency. Based on the observations made by the author, there are symptoms of problems in the development of tourist destinations for the Nyi Mas Gandasari Site in Depok District, Cirebon Regency, that is the less optimal development of the Nyi Mas Gandasari Site carried out by the Cirebon Regency Culture and Tourism Department. Based on these problems, there is an identification of the problem, such as How the Role of the Culture and Tourist Department Leadership in the development of the Nyi Mas Gandasari Site Tourism Destination in Depok District, Cirebon Regency, what are the obstacles to the role of the Culture and Tourism Department Leadership in the Development of the Nyi Mas Gandasari Site Tourist Destination in Depok District Cirebon Regency and what efforts are made to overcome obstacles in the Leadership of the Head of the Culture and Tourism Department in the development of the Nyi Mas Gandasari Site Tourist Destination in Depok District, Cirebon Regency. The purpose of the research that the authors do is to find out how the leadership of the Head of the Culture and Tourism Department in the development of the Nyi Mas Gandasari Site Tourist Destination in Depok District, Cirebon Regency and what factors influence the development of the Nyi Mas Gandasari Site Tourist Destination in Depok District, Cirebon Regency. The research method used is a qualitative method which is descriptive in nature. The research that the author does is to explore, find and explain the leadership of the Head of the Culture and Tourism Department in developing the Nyi Mas Gandasari Site Tourist Destination in Depok District, Cirebon Regency. The results of the leadership research of the Head of the Culture and Tourism Department in the development of the Nyi Mas Gandasari Site Tourist Destination in Depok District, Cirebon Regency, are that the development of cultural heritage in Cirebon Regency is not yet optimal and does not have a legal umbrella related to the preservation of cultural heritage in Cirebon Regency

    The Effect Of Cognitive Competency On Early Adolescent Digital Literation Skills

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    This study aims to see the effect of cognitive competency levels C1-Knowledge, C2-Comprehension, and C3-Application on digital literacy skills in early adolescents. In this study cognitive competence is limited to three aspects, such as knowledge, understanding, and application. The research method used a survey by looking at the effect using simple regression analysis. The results showed that the cognitive competency level of knowledge in digital literacy skills was in the top position of 97.0%, the level of application cognitive competence in digital literacy skills was in the second position of 89.0%, the level of cognitive competence in understanding digital literacy skills was in the third position of 80. , 3%. The conclusion in this study is that there is an effect of cognitive competence on digital literacy skills of early adolescents with a knowledge level of C1-Knowledge 97.0% It shows the concept of students' digital literacy skills in remembering and storing information very well, understanding C2-Understanding 80.3% Shows the concept of students 'digital literacy skills in understanding and choosing information well, C3-Application 89.0% Shows the concept of students' digital literacy skills in applying (using) information well


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    Masalah yang sering dihadapi oleh pemerintah kota salah satunya adalah penertiban ruang publik, atau secara khusus masalah pedagang kaki lima. Pedagang kaki lima secara umum memang cukup rumit untuk ditertibkan jika dibadingkan dengan masalah penyandang masalah kesejahteraan Sosial (PMKS). Karena bukan saja masalah pembubaran lalu kemudian melakukan pembinaan, namun bagaimana cara merelokasi para pedagang agar tetap berjualan dan tidak mengurangi omzet penjualan. Karena itu, hal ini merupakan tugas pokok dari pemerintah Kabupaten Cirebon khususnya kantor bagi petugas Satpol PP dalam menangani masalah pedagang kaki lima. Kebutuhan ekonomi yang mendesak yang membuat para pedagang berjualan di flayover atau bawah jembatan dan trotoar jalan yang dilarang oleh pemerintah daerah. Persoalan yang timbul apakah Implementasi Kebijakan Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima oleh Satpol PP (Studi Kasus Jalan Fatahillah) bisa berjalan optimal. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan amanah Perda No 7 tahun 2015 mengenai ketertiban umum. Adanya kebijakan mengenai ketertiban umum yang dilakukan pemerintah daerah bertujuan supaya para pedagang berjualan di tempat yang seharusnya tidak melanggar sehingga dapat tercipta kebersihan, keindahan dan ketertiban. Adapaun metode yang gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan metode analisis kualitatif. Metode analisis kualitatif merupakan metode dengan menganalisis informasi dan data yang didapatkan peneliti dalam penelitian. Dengan demikian informasi yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini adalah pada bidang ketertiban umum dan ketentraman masyarakat, kepala seksi ketertiban umum dan ketentraman masyarakat dan pedagang kaki lima. Kemudian metode pengumpulan datanya adalah dengan menggunakan metode wawancara,observasi ,analisis data dan keabsahan data. Hasil penelitiannya menunjukan bahwa Implementasi Kebijakan Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima oleh Satpol PP Kabupaten Cirebon (Studi Kasus Jalan Fatahillah) belum optimal hal ini masih banyak permasalahan diantaranya belum adanya kebijakan Peraturan Daerah mengenai penertiban pedagang kaki lima. Teori yang diambil menggunakan teori Van Meter dan Van Horn meliputi dengan mengkaji kefektifan dan manfaat dari kebijakan, Sumberdaya, pelaksana kebijakan, penanganan dalam Pelaksana,Kondisi Lingkungan , Sosial, dan Politik. Penunjang ketertiban belum optimal. Kata Kunci : Implementasi Kebijakan, Pedagang Kaki Lima, SATPOL P


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    Fokus utama dalam penelitian ini adalah implementasi kebijakan pengembangandan pemberdayaan lembaga komunikasi sosial kelompok informasi masyarakat diKelurahan Kejaksan Kota Cirebon. Masalah diidentifikasikan sebagai berikut: (1)Bagaimana implementasi kebijakan kelompok informasi masyarakat di KelurahanKejaksan, (2) Faktor-faktor apa yang menjadi pendukung dan penghambatimplementasi kebijakan pemerintah dalam pengembangan dan pemberdayaanlembaga komunikasi sosial kelompok informasi masyarakat di Kelurahan KejaksanKota Cirebon, (3) Upaya-upaya apa yang dilaksanakan dalam pengembangan danpemberdayaan lembaga komunikasi sosial kelompok informasi masyarakat diKelurahan Kejaksan Kota Cirebon. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitiandeskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi danwawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa kelompok informasimasyarakat itu sebagai fasilitator bagi masyarakat, sebagai mitra dari pemerintahdaerah, sebagai penyerap dan penyalur aspirasi masyarakat, sebagai arusinformasi, dan sebagai terminal informasi bagi masyarakat. Dalam pelaksanaankebijakan pemerintah mengenai pengembangan dan pemberdayaan lembagakomunikasi sosial kelompok informasi masyarakat di Kelurahan Kejaksanditemukan dimensi lain, yaitu pentingnya anggaran dana dan monitoring selainfaktor-faktor implementasi kebijakan yang dijadikan sebagai pendekatan di dalampenelitian ini.Kata Kunci : Implementasi, Kebijakan Publik, Pemberdayaan, KIM


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    ABSTRACTThis thesis is the result of research conducted by researchers about: "IMPLEMENTATION POLICIES OF THE BAN ON ALCOHOL (CASE STUDY IN SUB Karangampel DISTRICT INDRAMAYU." Based on the study, researchers found some indicators of problem as much going on juvenile delinquency shown lately as fights individually or group, drunk-drunk, extortion, theft, thefts and assault in the District Karangampel Indramayu and juvenile delinquency is the case in the District Indramayu regency Karangampel today is perompokan and fights indicated by alcoholic beverages.The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of policies on the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in an effort to tackle juvenile delinquency by Head in District Karangampel Indramayu district, to determine the factors of policy implementation prohibition of alcohol in the District Karangampel Indramayu district, to identify any obstacles faced by camat in the implementation of policies prohibiting alcoholic beverages in the district of Indramayu district Karangampel.This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach, so that the data obtained through library and field study. In a literature study obtained data contained in books, websites etc. While field studies include observation, interviews, and documentation. This study uses the theory of Sabatier and Mazmanian which suggests three variables that affect the performance of the implementation which includes (1) the characteristics of the issues to be controlled; (2) the characteristics of the policy / legislation; (3) The policy environment variable. Furthermore, juvenile delinquency theories of juvenile delinquency Soetjiningsih that divides into (1) ordinary delinquency; (2) delinquency that leads to the violation; (3) Special delinquency.Based on the results of the study showed that the implementation of the policy of prohibition of alcoholic beverages in tackling juvenile delinquency in the district of Indramayu district Karangampel still not optimal. Because there are many sellers or merchants liquor clandestinely sell liquor to the public and are most often purchased to the merchant are teenagers

    Impelementasi Kebijakan Pelayanan Perijinan Usaha Pasar Modern di Kota Cirebon (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Kesambi)

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    ABSTRACT The modern market is not much different from the traditional market, but the market of this type of seller and buyer does not transact directly but the buyer sees the price tag listed in the barcode, is in the building and the service is self-service or serviced by the sales clerk. Items sold, other than foodstuffs such as food; fruit, vegetables, meat; most of the other items sold are goods that can last a long time. Examples of modern markets are hypermarts, supermarkets (supermarkets), and minimarkets. Modern markets in this sense, including minimarkets, supermarkets, hypermarkets. Most of the owners of this modern market are big businessmen. It is undeniable that the existence of modern markets has now become the demands of the consequences of a thriving lifestyle in our society. Modern market is not only a place to shop but also other activities, such as just a walk, hang out with friends and family.This writing aims to describe Implementation Policy Service License Market Modern Business in Cirebon City, Case Study in Kecamatan Kesambi. The background does this writing because in this case it is the other side that the implemented policy implementation has not run optimally.This writing is directed to know the extent to which the implementation of policies on the development and licensing of modern markets by the Department of Industry, Trade and Cooperative Micro Small Medium Enterprises Cirebon City, and the Investment Board and Licensing Services Cirebon City in a case study in Kecamatan Kesambi, and factors anything that affects the implementation.The writing method used is using qualitative method through descriptive approach, by taking the location of writing at Department of Industry, Trade, and Cooperative Micro Small Medium Enterprises of Cirebon City, and Capital Investment and Licensing Service of Cirebon City in case study in Kecamatan Kesambi, Key informants in this paper are the Head of Industry, Domestic Trade and Economic Section, Kecamatan Development of Kesambi and then informants supporting the Staff of Industry Sector, Domestic Trade of Cirebon City, Head of the Cirebon City Licensing Service, Head of Kesambi sub-district, Kesambi Community.Â


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    This thesis entitled " Relationship With Manager Control By Employees At Work Effectiveness PT PLN ( Persero ) Rayon Jatibarang " . The problem in this study is the lack of achievement of employee effectiveness caused by less than optimal supervision by managers PT.PLN ( Persero ) Jatibarang Rayon . The purpose of this study was to determine how the relationship Oversight By Manager Effectiveness Working With Employees In PT PLN ( Persero ) Jatibarang Rayon . The research hypothesis is that the authors propose " There is a positive and significant relationship between the Supervisory Relationship Manager By Employees At Work With The effectiveness of PT PLN ( Persero ) Rayon Jatibarang " . Statistical hypothesis , namely , Ho ( null hypothesis ) count = rs rs table ( there is a positive relationship and By significantly between Control Manager Effectiveness Working With Employees ) . The method I use in this thesis is a survey method . Methods of survey research that is done on large populations and small population , but the data is the data of the studied samples diamil of the population , while according to the level eksplanasinya the writer in the research study is associative ( relationship ) , correlation method were looking for how much the relationship among the variables x ( supervision ) with variable y ( effectiveness ) . Data analysis technique used is quantitative analysis ( data in the form of numbers or statistical formula as data processing ) . And hypothesis testing using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient formula . The population in this study amounted to 20 respondents . Sampling technique using sampling techniques Saturated ( Engineering Census ) . Based on the results obtained that the variable Oversight By PT.PLN Manager ( Persero ) Jatibarang Rayon is good enough , yet less than optimal . As can be seen from the success of its implementation which reached 58.53 % with a total score of 878 . Variable Effectiveness At Work Employee PT PLN ( Persero ) Rayon Jatibarang are pretty good at the interval level . This is evident from the total score of 491 or 61.37 % . Relationship Between Supervision By Manager With Employees At Work Effectiveness PT PLN ( Persero ) Jatibarang Rayon is at the level of correlation is quite good , where the calculated value of 0.647 rs , rs As compared with a table for 20 people for a number of respondents 0.377 , then2the value is significant . With the hypothesis that the authors proposed and tested acceptabl


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    ABSTRACT Pengelolaan arsip dalam organisasi atau perusahaan sangat penting dalam menunjang kegiatan administrasi demi kelangsungan suatu organisasi, dalam Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomer 43 tahun 2009 tentang kearsipan, dijelaskan bahwa arsip adalah rekaman kegiatan atau peristiwa dalam berbagai bentuk dan media sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang dibuat dan diterima oleh lembaga negara, pemerintah daerah,lembaga pendidikan,perusahaan,organisasi,politik,organisasi kemasyarakatan, dan perseorangan dalam melaksanakn kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Pengelolaan kearsipan terbagi menjadi: arsip dinamis, arsip statis, di dalam pengelolaan kearsipan perlu adanya sumber daya manusia dan penggunaan sarana dan prasarana, akan tetapi pada kenyataannya masih banyak instansi-instansi atau organisasi yang masih mempunyai permasalah mengenai kearsipan dikarenakan pengelolaan kearsipannya tidak sesuai dengan peraturan yang dinilai menghambat pekerjaan. Oleh karena itu, skripsi ini diberi judul “Pengelolaan Sistem Kearsipan Pada Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Kota Cirebonâ


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh Tomcir dalam membangun eksistensi sebagai brand lokal Cirebon dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Objek penelitian ini adalah Tomcir (Atom Kocir) dengan akun media sosial Instagram Tomcir Bakpia’e Wong Cerbon. Subyek penelitiannya adalah orang-orang yang dapat memberikan informasi mengenai Tomcir (Atom Kocir) yaitu pemilik dan beberapa konsumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tomcir (Atom Kocir) mampu mempertahankan eksistensinya dan bersaing dengan kompetitor lain di kota cirebon. Pelayanan Tomcir mampu memberikan kepuasan dan loyalitas konsumen dan peningkatan penjualan yang diperoleh. Hasil penelitian diantaranya, 1) Bagaimana komunikasi pemasaran Tomcir (Atom Kocir) dalam membangun eksistensi sebagai brand lokal Cirebon. 2) Apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambat komunikasi pemasaran Tomcir (Atom Kocir) sebagai brand lokal Cirebon. 3) Bagaiman upaya dalam meningkatkan penjualan Tomcir (Atom Kocir) agar tetap membangun eksistensi sebagai produk lokal. Kata kunci: Komunikasi pemasaran, promosi, Tomcir (Atom Kocir) ABSTRACT This study aims to find out how marketing communication conducted by Tomcir in building existence as a local Cirebon brand by using qualitative descriptive methods. The object of this research is Tomcir (Atomic Atomic) with Instagram social media account Tomcir Bakpia'e Wong Cirebon. The research subjects are people who can provide information about Tomcir (Atomic Atomic), namely the owner and several consumers. The results showed that Tomcir (Atomic Kocir) was able to maintain its existence and compete with other competitors in the city of Cirebon. Tomcir services are able to provide customer satisfaction and loyalty and increase sales obtained. Research results include 1) How Tomcir marketing communications (Atomic Kocir) in building existence as a Cirebon local brand. 2) What are the supporting factors and inhibitors of marketing communication Tomcir (Atomic Kocir) as a Cirebon local brand? 3) How is the effort to increase Tomcir sales (Atomic Atomic) in order to continue to build existence as a local product?                                                           Keywords: Marketing communication, promotion, Tomcir (Atom Kocir


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    ABSTRACT The study entitled "Study of Education Policy and Training Studies in an Effort to Improve Employee Performance in the Civil Service Agency and Training Education in Cirebon City (Case Study of Technical Training)". The title was raised because the employee's performance was caused by the lack of optimal implementation of education and training program policies, therefore it was suspected that the implementation of education and training program had an impact on employee performance which was still not optimal in accordance with the targets achieved. The implementation of Education and Training Policies that are still not optimal is felt to affect the performance of employees, because it can hamper the interests of the implementation of duties, the implementation of cooperative relationships, and the interests of the results achieved in the organization. This study aims to find out directly in the implementation of education and training programs in improving employee performance, to determine the inhibiting factors of employee performance at the Cirebon City Personnel Training and Education Agency. The study was conducted using qualitative research methods, this method uses data collection techniques: library studies, interviews, observation, documentation. The study was conducted at the Cirebon City Personnel and Education Training Agency, with Secretary informants and other employee. The results of the study: 1) the implementation of education and training programs is not optimal with the existing policies that cause adverse impacts on employee performance, 2) The inhibiting factors of the implementation of education and training policies are due to the quality of human resources that are not optimal, and 3) supporting factors the implementation of education and training policies has the capability of the implementing apparatus and the Civil Service Standard Operating Procedure as a guide in working