197 research outputs found


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    Objective: This work was aimed to formulate and evaluate the effect of zein on Ciprofloxacin HCl floating tablets. According to previous studies, it was set up to be useful against bacteria i.e. Helicobacter pylori which leads to peptic ulcers. Thus, it is quite necessary to enhance the Gastric Retention Time for similar medicines. Methods: 12 different floating tablets of Ciprofloxacin HCl were formulated with wet granulation method with a rise in the concentration of zein. Further, all different formulations prepared were evaluated for different parameters i.e. pre-compression considerations, along with post-compression factors like weight variation, content uniformity, thickness, visual assessment, hardness, friability, buoyancy studies i.e. total floating time as well as floating lag time, swelling index, dissolution and drug release kinetics. Results: The F6 formulation was considered to be among finest formulation with appropriate hardness. It was found that with the increasing concentration of zein, the hardness of tablets was also increased. It showed TFT of more than 7 h, FLT of 310 sec, a swelling index time of 99.5 % in 4 hr, while drug release kinetics was found to follow Higuchi Model. Conclusion: Overall it was also found that HPMCK-100M is more effective as compared to HPMC-K15M and Zein has a major role in increasing the hardness of tablets. In the future, the investigation will be continued with the following studies: An in vivo study and a long-term stability study

    Methionine-functionalized graphene oxide/sodium alginate bio-polymer nanocomposite hydrogel beads: Synthesis, isotherm and kinetic studies for an adsorptive removal of fluoroquinolone antibiotics

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    This work was supported by Pt. Ravishankar Research Fellowship Scheme, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India (grant number V.R. No. 3114/4/Fin./Sch.//2018). This work was also supported by national funds through FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the Scientific Employment Stimulus-Institutional Call (CEECINST/00102/2018) and by the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry-LAQV, financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020).In spite of the growing demand for new antibiotics, in the recent years, the occurrence of fluoroquinolone antibiotics (as a curative agent for urinary tract disorders and respiratory problems) in wastewater have drawn immense attention. Traces of antibiotic left-overs are present in the water system, causing noxious impact on human health and ecological environments, being a global concern. Our present work aims at tackling the major challenge of toxicity caused by antibiotics. This study deals with the efficient adsorption of two commonly used fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotics, i.e., Ofloxacin (OFX) and Moxifloxacin (MOX) on spherical hydrogel beads generated from methionine‒functionalized graphene oxide/ sodium alginate polymer (abbreviated Met-GO/SA) from aqueous solutions. The composition, morphology and crystal phase of prepared adsorbents were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) and thermogravimetric analysis/differential thermogravimetry (TGA/DTG). Batch adsorption tests are followed to optimize the conditions required for adsorption process. Both functionalized and non-functionalized adsorbents were compared to understand the influence of several experimental parameters, such as, the solution pH, contact time, adsorbent dosage, temperature and initial concentration of OFX and MOX on adsorption. The obtained results indicated that the functionalized adsorbent (Met-GO/SA) showed a better adsorption efficiency when compared to non-functionalized (GO/SA) adsorbent. Further, the Langmuir isotherm was validated as the best fitting model to describe adsorption equilibrium and pseudo second-order-kinetic model fitted well for both types of adsorbate. The maximum adsorption capacities of Met-GO/SA were 4.11 mg/g for MOX and 3.43 mg/g for OFX. Thermodynamic parameters, i.e., ∆G°, ∆H° and ∆S° were also calculated. It was shown that the overall adsorption process was thermodynamically favorable, spontaneous and exothermic in nature. The adsorbents were successfully regenerated up to four cycles with 0.005 M NaCl solutions. Overall, our work showed that the novel Met-GO/SA nanocomposite could better contribute to the removal of MOX and OFX from the liquid media. The gel beads prepared have adequate features, such as simple handling, eco-friendliness and easy recovery. Hence, polymer gel beads are promising candidates as adsorbents for large-scale water remediation.publishersversionpublishe

    Continuum of care for HIV-positive women accessing programs to prevent parent-to-child transmission: Findings from India

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    This study examined the efforts of PPTCT programs in different cities in India to offer women a continuum of care, and shows that the programs have both strengths and shortcomings. The government launched a national treatment program that offers antiretroviral therapy (ART) to HIV-positive women, children below 15 years of age, and men. However, since the start-up of the ART program there have been concerns about limited access to and utilization of these services by women and children. To address these shortcomings, the PPTCT programs studied should strengthen their referral systems to public and private treatment and family planning services, better equip PPTCT providers to inform and counsel women about these topics, and engage NGOs in the community that have outreach services to maintain contact with women over time and link them and their families to a continuum of care

    О некоторых аспектах проблемы формирования рынка труда в Украине и в Крыму

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    В статье дан анализ современного состояния рынка труда в Украине и в Крыму, выявлены причины и особенности безработицы, определены задачи государства в этой связи, предложены мероприятия по их разрешению.Про деякі аспекти проблеми формування ринку праці в Україні і в Криму. У статті даний аналіз сучасного стану ринку праці в Україні й у Криму, виявлено причини й особливості безробіття, визначені завдання держави в цьому зв'язку, запропоновані заходи щодо їхнього вирішення.In article the analysis of a modern condition of a labour market in Ukraine and in Crimea is given, the reasons and features of unemployment are revealed, problems of the state in this connection are determined, actions under their sanction are offered

    Influence of Different Landuse Management on Soil Biological Properties and other C Fractions under Semi-Arid Benchmark Soils of India: Global Theme on Agroecosystems Report no. 41

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    Fifty two pedons spread over 28 benchmark spots of Vertisols and Alfisols were studied for soil biological properties and other C fractions (soil microbial biomass c, soil respiration dehydrogenase activity, soil microbial biomass N, mineralizable N, water soluble C and soluble carbohydrates, water stable aggregates, water stable aggregates C, humic and fulvic acid C, etc.) in different systems viz., agricultural, horticultural, forest and wasteland. The agricultural system represents dominant crops namely cereals, soybean and cotton. The horticultural system represents mandarins. The forest systems represent teak and sal. The selections of benchmark spots were limited to a mean annual rainfall range from 1448 to 520 mm in semi-arid tropics. The present experiment was conducted under various bio-climatic condition such as sub-humid moist (>1200 mm), sub-humid dry (1200-100 mm), semiarid dry (1000-850mm), semi-arid moist (850-550 mm) and arid (<550 mm). The active pools of SMBC comprised 3.2 to 5.6 % of SOC in Vertisols and 1.2 to 5.7 % of SOC in Alfisols. WSC comprised 0.80 to14.1 % of SOC in Vertisols and 1.5 to 4.9 % of SOC in Alfisols. WSCarbohydrates comprised 15-40.3 % of SOC in Vertisols and 10.5 to 25 % of SOC in Alfisols. In sub-humid moist regions, the SMBC content followed the order: forest (teak)> soybean-wheat>paddy-wheat>cotton (HM). In sub-humid dry regions of Vertisols, the SMBC was maximum under horticultural system (citrus), followed by intercropping (cotton + pigeonpea) and mango-orchard. In semi-arid moist regions, SMBC and SR were higher under intercropping system (soybean+ pigeon pea) compared to soybean –gram system. The soil biological activity in terms of SMBC, SMBN can be improved with concomitant increase of water-soluble carbon and carbohydrates by better management practices. Among field crops, legume-based intercropping system (soybean + pigeonpea and greengram + pigeonpea) restored higher amount of SOC, SMBC compared to double crop in rotation (soybean-wheat/paddy-paddy cropping system). Among the horticultural-based cropping systems, citrus with high management has better SOC restoration compared to mango orchard. Cotton-based cropping system either as intercropping or sequential cropping registered least improvement of SOC storage. In Vertisols, the percentage of water stable aggregates and concentration of carbon in WSA was higher than Alfisols. Water stable aggregates, carbon concentration increased with decrease in size class. By and large, the maximum concentration of SOC in the water stable aggregates was observed in <0.1 mm size aggregates. In 0-30 cm soil depth, passive fraction of HA-C was relatively higher than FA-C in surface whereas FA-C increased with soil depth. The percent variations in passive fractions among different cropping systems were not pronounced as compared to active and slow pool of C

    Use of thiopurines in inflammatory bowel disease : an update

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), once considered a disease of the Western hemisphere, has emerged as a global disease. As the disease prevalence is on a steady rise, management of IBD has come under the spotlight. 5-Aminosalicylates, corticosteroids, immunosuppressive agents and biologics are the backbone of treatment of IBD. With the advent of biologics and small molecules, the need for surgery and hospitalization has decreased. However, economic viability and acceptability is an important determinant of local prescription patterns. Nearly one-third of the patients in West receive biologics as the first/initial therapy. The scenario is different in developing countries where biologics are used only in a small proportion of patients with IBD. Increased risk of reactivation of tuberculosis and high cost of the therapy are limitations to their use. Thiopurines hence become critical for optimal management of patients with IBD in these regions. However, approximately one-third of patients are intolerant or develop adverse effects with their use. This has led to suboptimal use of thiopurines in clinical practice. This review article discusses the clinical aspects of thiopurine use in patients with IBD with the aim of optimizing their use to full therapeutic potential.Peer reviewe

    EGFR Targeted Theranostic Nanoemulsion for Image-Guided Ovarian Cancer Therapy

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    Platinum-based therapies are the first line treatments for most types of cancer including ovarian cancer. However, their use is associated with dose-limiting toxicities and resistance. We report initial translational studies of a theranostic nanoemulsion loaded with a cisplatin derivative, myrisplatin and pro-apoptotic agent, C6-ceramide

    Cancer chemotherapy and beyond: Current status, drug candidates, associated risks and progress in targeted therapeutics

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    Cancer is an abnormal state of cells where they undergo uncontrolled proliferation and produce aggressive malignancies that cause millions of deaths every year. With the new understanding of the molecular mechanism(s) of disease progression, our knowledge about the disease is snowballing, leading to the evolution of many new therapeutic regimes and their successive trials. In the past few decades, various combinations of therapies have been proposed and are presently employed in the treatment of diverse cancers. Targeted drug therapy, immunotherapy, and personalized medicines are now largely being employed, which were not common a few years back. The field of cancer discoveries and therapeutics are evolving fast as cancer type-specific biomarkers are progressively being identified and several types of cancers are nowadays undergoing systematic therapies, extending patients’ disease-free survival thereafter. Although growing evidence shows that a systematic and targeted approach could be the future of cancer medicine, chemotherapy remains a largely opted therapeutic option despite its known side effects on the patient’s physical and psychological health. Chemotherapeutic agents/pharmaceuticals served a great purpose over the past few decades and have remained the frontline choice for advanced-stage malignancies where surgery and/or radiation therapy cannot be prescribed due to specific reasons. The present report succinctly reviews the existing and contemporary advancements in chemotherapy and assesses the status of the enrolled drugs/pharmaceuticals; it also comprehensively discusses the emerging role of specific/targeted therapeutic strategies that are presently being employed to achieve better clinical success/survival rate in cancer patients.All the authors are highly grateful and acknowledge to the authority of the respective departments and institutions for their support in carrying out this research. The authors also express their sincere gratitude to the unknown referee for critically reviewing the manuscript and suggesting useful changes. This research was funded by "Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI) del Gobierno de Canarias” (No. ProID2020010134), and o´Caja Canarias (Project No. 2019SP43).Peer reviewe