33 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan program perkuliahan termodinamika berbasis pemecahan masalah kolaboratif (PMK) berbantuan simulasi interaktif dan derivative games untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan berpikir reflektif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Design and Development Research (DDR) yang terdiri dari enam tahapan yaitu; analisis, tujuan, desain dan pengembangan, pengujian, evaluasi dan komunikasi hasil. Subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 23 mahasiswa kelompok eksperimen menggunakan program PMK berbantuan simulasi interaktif dan derivative games dan 18 mahasiswa kelompok kontrol menggunakan program perkuliahan konvensional. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes pemecahan masalah dan skala berpikir reflektif. Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas diperoleh 16 soal tes pemecahan masalah valid (CVR= 1) dan reliabel (r =0,81), sedangkan pada skala berpikir reflektif diperoleh 24 item butir pernyataan reliabel (r =0,73) dan 100 % model fit dengan data sesuai kriteria Goodness-of Fit Index. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh temuan sebagai berikut: (1) Program perkuliahan memiliki karakteristik membangun kesiapan mahasiswa dalam belajar, mengembangkan kemampuan eksplorasi masalah, mengaktifkan mahasiswa dalam proses pemecahan masalah bersama, melatihkan berpikir refleksi mahasiswa dan mampu mengases proses dan hasil pembelajaran. Selain itu, program ini memiliki spesifikasi media simulasi interaktif dan derivative games. (2) Kemampuan pemecahan masalah kelompok eksperimen lebih besar secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol dengan nilai p (aspek total) 0,000; p (Problem Schema) 0,000, p (Analogy) 0,015, p (Causal) 0,018 dan p (Argumentation) 0,016. (3) Kemampuan berpikir reflektif mahasiswa kelompok eksperimen lebih besar secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol dengan nilai p (level total) 0,000; p (understanding) 0,003, p (reflection) 0,000 dan p (critical reflection) 0,015 kecuali pada habitual action. (4) Mahasiswa memberikan respon setuju bahwa program memotivasi dalam belajar termodinamika sebesar (77,3%), simulasi interaktif dan derivative games membantu dalam penjelasan konsep (75,9%), meningkatkan keaktifan (77,9%), kemampuan pemecahan masalah (78,2 %) dan berpikir reflektif (71,7%). Keseluruhan hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa program yang dikembangkan efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan berpikir reflektif

    Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Riset untuk Mengeksplorasi Kreativitas Mahasiswa Calon Guru Fisika

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    Pembelajaran berbasis riset membantu mahasiswa calon guru fisika mengembangkan keterampilan penelitian mereka dan juga melatih kreativitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengeksplorasi kreativitas mahasiswa calon guru fisika melalui pembelajaran berbasis riset pada mata kuliah seminar fisika. Metode yang digunakan adalah deksriptif kuantitatif dan teknik pengambilan data menggunakan instrumen lembar observasi kreativitas dan angket respon terhadap pembelajaran berbasis riset. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kreativitas mahasiswa rata rata pada katergori sangat baik yaitu sebesar 82,8%. Hasil ini menyimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis riset dapat mengeksplorasi kreativitas. Mahasiswa juga merespon baik pembelajaran dengan metode riset ini dengan persentase 100 % menyatakan setuju dengan pembelajaran berbasis riset. hal karena mereka merasa tertantang dan menarik bagi mahasiswa dan sebagai dasar belajar meneliti untuk bekal penyelesaian tugas akhi

    Edukasi Pemahaman Covid-19 pada Pemudik dengan Status ODP (Orang Dalam Pengawasan) Di Desa Sumber Agung Kabupaten OKU Timur

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    Covid-19 merupakan virus yang telah menginfeksi manusia hampir diseluruh dunia pada awal tahun 2020. Virus ini telah masuk di Indonesia pada awal maret 2020 dan penyebarannya begitu cepat. Di Indonesia masa pandemik ini bertepatan dengan hari raya idul fitri 1441 H yang jatuh pada tanggal 23 mei 2020 oleh karena itu,  pemerintah menerapkan Pembatasan sosial berskala besar (PSBB) karena dipandang efektif dalam menekan atau membatasi pergerakan orang antar wilayah dan menghentikan penyebaran covid-19 ke berbagai wilayah Indonesia. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat khususnya warga yang berstatus ODP (Orang dalam Pengawasan) tentang bahayanya virus Covid-19, menjelaskan pencegahannya dan membiasakan pola hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS).  Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di desa sumber agung kabupaten OKU Timur Sumsel. Sasaran pengabdian ini adalah warga OKU Timur yang mudik dari daerah berdampak Covid-19. Warga mudik tersebut telah ditandai dengan status ODP. Edukasi ini memberikan dampak terhadap bertambahnya wawasan dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang bahayanya covid-19, menerapkan pola hidup bersih dan sehat serta membiasakan konsumsi madu untuk meningkatkan imunitas tubuh. Kegiatan ini mendapatkan respon positif oleh perangkat desa dan masyarakat sebagai upaya dalam pencegahan penyebaran Covid-19 di daerah

    Build Students' Research Skills Through Collaborative Real-World Analysis-Based Learning

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    Research skills are one of the skills that need to be built for students to face the challenges of the 21st Century. Therefore, this study aims to build research skills through the Collaborative Real-World Analysis (CReW-A) learning model. This study uses the One-Shot Case Study design. Respondents came from 21 Physics Education students who were grouped into seven research groups. Research skills were observed using a 5-point Likert rating scale observation sheet. Students research skills were analyzed using Rasch modeling, the Wright map technique combined with the Logit Value of Person (LVP). After applying the Collaborative Real World Analysis (CReW-A) learning model for four weeks, students' research skills were well-developed in most research groups. So, the Collaborative Real World Analysis (CReW-A) learning model that has been implemented has been able to build the research skills of physical education students. Therefore, in the future, students can use these skills to innovate to face the challenges of the 21st Century

    Pengembangan Instrumen Tes Multi Representasi pada Materi Termodinamika untuk Mengidentifikasi Kemampuan Representasi Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen tes multi representasi pada termodinamika untuk mengidentifikasi kemampuan representasi siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MA Al Musthofa Nusa Tunggal. Penelitian ini berlangsung pada semester dua tahun ajaran 2022/2023. Model penelitian yang digunakan adalah model penelitian pengembangan Akker et.al. Tahap penelitian ini terdiri dari 4 tahap, yaitu Penelitian Pendahuluan, Tahap Prototipe, Evaluasi Sumatif, dan Refleksi Sistematik dan Dokumentasi. Pada uji coba pada skala terbatas, diperoleh hasil kemampuan representasi siswa pada tipe soal verbal – verbal 80%, gambar-verbal 75%, verbal-matematis 68%, verbal-gambar 76%, gambar-matematis 54%. Kepraktisan instrumen yang diuji pada skala terbatas menghasilkan presentase rata-rata 88% dan berada pada kategori baik. Pada uji coba skala luas, diperoleh hasil kemampuan representasi siswa pada tipe soal verbal – verbal 85%, gambar-verbal 78%, verbal-matematis 55%, verbal-gambar 76%, gambar-matematis 50%. Kepraktisan instrumen pada uji coba skala luas diperoleh sebesar 83% dan berada pada kategori baik. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa instrumen tes yang dikembangkan valid dan praktis

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning untuk Menganalisis Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa SMP pada Materi Cahaya

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    The challenge of 21st century education is to prepare human resources who are required to have skills, one of which is problem solving. The Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model is considered effective in training problem-solving skills because it has constructivist characteristics with science learning. The purpose of this study was to analyze students' problem solving skills in the Light material through PBL learning. The research method used is quantitative with descriptive analysis. The research sample was 22 Tanah Merah Integrated Junior High School students grade IX. The data collection technique used the observation sheet of problem solving skills. The results showed that there was an increase in students' problem solving skills from the first to the third experiment. The increase with the highest percentage was in the third experiment with indicators of problem solving/ investigation by 90.9%. The average data for each problem solving indicator shows that students can understand the problem by 80.78%, collect data by 69.63%, carry out problem solving/investigation by 78.46%, and make conclusions by 66.67%. These results indicate that the Problem Based Learning model can be used as a science learning construction in improving problem solving skills

    Modeling of Dynamics Object with Non-Holonomic Constraints Based on Maple in Cylinder Coordinate R×S^1×SO(3)

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    Reliable real-time planning for dynamic systems is crucial in today's rapidly growing automated ecosystem, such as the environment and methods of planning a robotic system. This paper describes the rigid dynamics system with non-holonomic constraints on the R×S^1×SO(3) configuration space. The method used is the motion planning network and numeric treatment using physics computation which can be used for non-holonomic object systems that move in real-time with Jellets Invarian (JI) approach. The JI approach can result in a motion system equation and evaluate the model of an object with non-holonomic constraints and also display experimental results for navigation in the R×S^1×SO(3)  configuration space. The motion system with non-holonomic constraints used is Tippe top (TT). TT is a toy like a top which when rotated will flip itself with its stem. The author have finished in simulating the dynamics of TT motions in real time with the initial states that have been described with various coordinate in the   configuration space. Based on the results of previous studies on similar objects, TT was solved by the Eular-Lagrange Equation, Routhian Reduction Equation and Poincare. The author succeeded in describing the dynamics of TT motion in real time with predetermined initial conditions with various coordinates in the  R^2×SO(3) configuration space


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    Penelitian ini mendukung untuk mengevaluasi kelayakan instrumen tes termodinamika untuk mengevaluasi dan mengukur kemampuan pemecahan (PsACAr) pada calon siswa fisika guru. Metode yang digunakan adalah DDR ( Desain, Pengembangan dan Penelitian ). Sampel yang digunakan dalam uji kelayakan adalah 52 siswa calon guru fisika yang telah lulus mata kuliah termodinamika. Instrumen tes terdiri dari 20 Soal uraian termodinamika yang diterbitkan komponen pemecahan masalah; 1) Skema Masalah (Ps), 2) Analogi (A), 3) Kausal (C), 4) Argumentasi(Ar). Teknik analisis data untuk uji kelayakan isi instrumen divalidasi oleh lima ahli dan analisis menggunakan CVR dan uji kelayakan konstruk menggunakan analisis validitas ( Pearson product Moment ) dan reliabilitas uji ( Cronbach Alpha) . Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 15 instrumen tes pemecahan masalah (PcACAr) dinyatakan valid dengan nilai signifikansi (p) 16â ‰ ¤ "> 0,05 dan memiliki kategori reliabilitas tinggi dengan nilai 0,759. masalah termodinamika mahasiswa calon guru fisika.   

    Implementation of Scientific Literacy in The Independent Curriculum (Merdeka Curriculum) at Elementary School

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    This research aims to describe and analyze the implementation of scientific literacy in the Independent Curriculum (Merdeka Curriculum) for elemenary school. The steps include planning learning with scientific literacy, checking implementation of the Independent Curriculum, and evaluating the learning process with scientific literacy. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this research were Headmaster and teachers at 2 State elementary school of Gumawang, East Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU). Data collection through observation, interviews and document analysis related to the implementation of scientific literacy in the Merdeka curriculum. The validity of the collected data was tested using data and source triangulation techniques. The research results show that the implementation of scientific literacy in the Independent Curriculum in 2 State elementary school of Gumawang has experienced significant development. This is demonstrated by (1) A learning approach based on inquiry and experimentation, (2) Implementation of learning designed to emphasize in-depth understanding of scientific concepts and their application in everyday life, (3) The evaluation process carries out three evaluations, namely in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. The implementation of scientific literacy in the Meredeka Curriculum at 2 State elementary school of Gumawang is already underway in several driving schools, but there are several challenges that must be faced, including the lack of resources and training for teachers in adopting a more interactive scientific literacy approach, this is because there are still many teachers who are not used to it. with innovative learning methods that adopt the application of scientific literacy. Observation results show that reading literacy in elementary education level students is one aspect tha has not been fully implemented well. This is due to the lack of literacy among students. So the evaluation and measurement of scientific literacy skills needs to be improved to ensure the achievement of curriculum goals. This research provides an important contribution to understanding the implementation of scientific literacy in the Independent Curriculum at the elementary education level. The results of the research can be a basis for further development in efforts to improve the quality of education at the elementary level, with a focus on developing students' scientific literacy.  This research aims to describe and analyze the implementation of scientific literacy in the Independent Curriculum (Merdeka Curriculum) for elemenary school. The steps include planning learning with scientific literacy, checking implementation of the Independent Curriculum, and evaluating the learning process with scientific literacy. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this research were Headmaster and teachers at 2 State elementary school of Gumawang, East Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU). Data collection through observation, interviews and document analysis related to the implementation of scientific literacy in the Merdeka curriculum. The validity of the collected data was tested using data and source triangulation techniques. The research results show that the implementation of scientific literacy in the Independent Curriculum in 2 State elementary school of Gumawang has experienced significant development. This is demonstrated by (1) A learning approach based on inquiry and experimentation, (2) Implementation of learning designed to emphasize in-depth understanding of scientific concepts and their application in everyday life, (3) The evaluation process carries out three evaluations, namely in cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. The implementation of scientific literacy in the Meredeka Curriculum at 2 State elementary school of Gumawang is already underway in several driving schools, but there are several challenges that must be faced, including the lack of resources and training for teachers in adopting a more interactive scientific literacy approach, this is because there are still many teachers who are not used to it. with innovative learning methods that adopt the application of scientific literacy. Observation results show that reading literacy in elementary education level students is one aspect thathas not been fully implemented well. This is due to the lack of literacy among students. So the evaluation and measurement of scientific literacy skills needs to be improved to ensure the achievement of curriculum goals. This research provides an important contribution to understanding the implementation of scientific literacy in the Independent Curriculum at the elementary education level. The results of the research can be a basis for further development in efforts to improve the quality of education at the elementary level, with a focus on developing students' scientific literacy


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    Pendidikan IPA menekankan pada pemberian pengalaman langsung untuk mengembangkan kompetensi agar peserta didik mampu menjelajahi dan memahami alam sekitar secara ilmiah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keterampilan dasar kinerja ilmiah pada mahasiswa calin guru fisika. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dengan sampel 36 mahasiswa calon guru fisika. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket respon mahasiswa terhadap keterlaksanaan kegiatan praktikum dan wawancara dengan dosen pengampu. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 50% mahasiswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menganalisis data dan membuat kesimpulan