149 research outputs found

    Agro - pod an ecosystem of agriculral knowledge exchange in the Groblersdal area, Limpopo

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    This document is submitted in partial fulfillment for the Degree: Master of Architecture [Professional] at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, in the year 2018There are many threats facing the world’s population. Population growth, global warming and especially food security are challenging the conventional methods of food production that have used for centuries. These methods continue to impact the earth negatively and its ecosystems, hence the prevalence of the devastating effects of climate change on the earth. The resulting effects, coupled with our continued use of fossil fuels to keep up with a growing population can only harm the earth even further and therefore harm our very existence. My chosen site is an abandoned location along a T-junction just outside the town of Groblersdal in Limpopo. The site is already populated with street vendors who originate from the rural area surrounding the towns in the district. These vendors sell fresh produce sourced from the surrounding commercial farms. I find myself confounded by these vendors and their lack of produce variety and always wonder how they sustain their businesses with this typology. What especially bothers me about this dynamic is that these rural communities have been farming traditional crops historically and these highly nutritious crops have managed sustained to sustain them and their ancestors for centuries. These rural communities are native to the places where the crops are grown (or have become part of the culinary culture over time) and these crops are particularly well adapted to the prevailing conditions. With all this considered my intention is to design a self-sustaining hybrid agricultural support center and training facility. This facility will utilise community participation in the building process to promote economic empowerment and the preservation of local vernacular architectural methods and techniques. The programme aims to be inclusive in order to allow for all stakeholders to gain and impart knowledge, promoting a cycle of knowledge exchange By employing sustainable architectural interventions such as rainwater and energy harvesting, passive cooling systems and the preservation and re-use of resources, the architecture can become a transformative mechanism for change in the rural context and restore the pride of the Pedi peopleMT 201

    Strategic differentiation in European early-stage venture capital : influencing factors of portfolio support activities : an empirical study

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    In the last couple of years, European venture capital (VC) has been pacing astonishingly records. The deal value of European venture capital activity increased from €48.3b in 2020 to €105.6b in 2021, therefore more than doubling within 12 months (Farber & Patel, 2022b). Consequently, the competition between incumbents as well as new entrants in the European early-stage VC industry is picking up. This research paper highlights the relevance of portfolio support activities of early-stage VC firms in order to strategically differentiate from the competition and add value to their investments. The results of this empirical study imply the following key findings: 35 out of 43 VC firms that responded offer a minimum of 8 of 13 (61.5%) listed support activities. The results show that there is a significant effect of the lead investor role on the number of support activities offered. Lead investors focus more strongly on supporting their portfolio companies than non-lead investors. In addition, respondents that offered more support activities perceived them both as an important strategic differentiator and as a performance advantage. Surprisingly, neither the overall assets under management nor the number of partners had a significant effect on the support activities. However, a significant effect was found with respect to the number of portfolio companies. Hence, the more active companies a VC stated to have in the fund's portfolio, the more support activities the investor would offer. Overall, the findings highlight the relevance and coverage of operational involvement by early-stage VCs in Europe.Nos últimos dois anos, o capital de risco europeu (CR) tem vindo a bater recordes espantosos. O valor do negócio da actividade de capital de risco europeu aumentou de 48,3b euros em 2020 para 105,6b euros em 2021 (Farber & Patel, 2022b). Consequentemente, a concorrência entre os operadores históricos, bem como entre os novos participantes na indústria europeia de capital de risco em fase inicial, está a aumentar. Os resultados deste estudo empírico implicam as seguintes conclusões-chave: 35 das 43 empresas de capital de risco que responderam oferecem um mínimo de 8 das 13 (61,5%) actividades de apoio listadas. Os resultados mostram que existe um efeito significativo do papel do investidor principal no número de actividades de apoio oferece. Os investidores líderes concentram-se mais fortemente no apoio às empresas da sua carteira do que os investidores não líderes. Além disso, os inquiridos que ofereceram mais actividades de apoio consideraram-nas tanto como um importante diferenciador estratégico como uma vantagem em termos de desempenho. Surpreendentemente, nem os activos globais sob gestão nem o número de parceiros tiveram um efeito significativo sobre as actividades de apoio. Contudo, foi encontrado um efeito significativo no que diz respeito ao número de empresas da carteira. Assim, quanto mais empresas activas um CR afirmou ter na carteira dos fundos, mais actividades de apoio o investidor ofereceria. De um modo geral, as constatações revelam a relevância e a cobertura do envolvimento operacional por VC em fase inicial na Europa

    The Contextual Interference Effect in Learning an Open Motor Skill (Random Practice, Blocked Practice).

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    The purpose of this series of experiments was to assess contextual interference effects for novices learning an open skill. Previous research has found that a random practice schedule as opposed to a blocked or repetitious schedule of practice facilitates retention and transfer in the learning of motor skills. The task required female subjects to throw a ball at a target to coincide the arrival of a trackway of light with the arrival of the ball. All subjects were inexperienced in throwing and open sport skills. Experiment 1 was designed to test contextual interference results on novices learning an open skill and found support for past contextual interference for no-knowledge of results transfer, but not for novel stimulus speed transfer. The inability of the novice subjects to form solution strategies suggested the need for such strategies in order to take advantage of the processing demands of random practice. Experiment 2 employed verbal protocol methods to establish strategies used during the performance of the task by experienced female throwers. The strategies of the experienced throwers were then implemented into the practice trials of a new group of novice subjects in a third experiment to enhance development in the second stage of learning. The results of Experiment 3 did not follow predictions of contextual interference. These findings support previous research concerning the inability of novices to benefit from random practice when learning an open motor skill and suggests that certain learner characteristics and task parameters are necessary when random practice advantages are predicted

    Vom Lernen zum Anwenden

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    Women’s magazines and emancipation : a quantitative topic analysis of PETRA

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    Diese wissenschaftliche Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Zusammenhang von Emanzipation und der Auswahl der Titelthemen auf den Covern von Frauenzeitschriften. Als exemplarisches Beispiel fungiert die Frauenzeitschrift PETRA. Mithilfe einer quantitativen Themenanalyse werden alle Cover zwischen 1965 und 2011 ausgewertet und analysiert. Ziel ist es, festzustellen, ob sich die Themen auf den Covern der PETRA im Zuge der Frauenbewegung seit den 1960er Jahren verändert haben und ob sie die veränderten Lebenswelten der Frauen in der Bundesrepublik widerspiegeln

    School Operational Assistance Fund (BOS) Accounting Information System as an Internal Control Tool

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    This study examines the accounting information system as an internal control tool over cash deposits and disbursements on the School Operational Assistance Fund or in Indonesian called Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS). To enforce accountability and transparency in the use of the BOS Fund, which is one of the important sources of funds for education in Indonesia, it is very important to implement a strict monitoring mechanism. This research approach uses qualitative and descriptive research methods, which combine primary data collection, document analysis, interviews with stakeholders, and direct observation of the accounting information system that regulates the process of receiving and spending BOS funds. The framework includes elements of planning, in this case including the initial stage of making the RKAS, then implementation by carrying out the RKAS by procedures and paying attention to internal controls. Furthermore, the reporting stage leads to the realization of the RKAS, where all stages use an integrated information system. Based on the research results, SMK Darurrohman already has a computerized information system that is available to the public. This system is designed to receive and distribute BOS funds by the guidelines outlined in the BOS guidebook and adequate and accurate control mechanisms. Accounting information systems play a key role in supporting the implementation and maintenance of effective internal controls in an organization. Suggestions for the sustainability of BOS fund management for SMK Darurrohman Sukawangi include utilizing BOS to maintain and improve the quality and quantity of education, emphasizing routine, and implementing job rotation.This study examines the accounting information system as an internal control tool over cash deposits and disbursements on the School Operational Assistance Fund or in Indonesian called Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS). To enforce accountability and transparency in the use of the BOS Fund, which is one of the important sources of funds for education in Indonesia, it is very important to implement a strict monitoring mechanism. This research approach uses qualitative and descriptive research methods, which combine primary data collection, document analysis, interviews with stakeholders, and direct observation of the accounting information system that regulates the process of receiving and spending BOS funds. The framework includes elements of planning, in this case including the initial stage of making the RKAS, then implementation by carrying out the RKAS by procedures and paying attention to internal controls. Furthermore, the reporting stage leads to the realization of the RKAS, where all stages use an integrated information system. Based on the research results, SMK Darurrohman already has a computerized information system that is available to the public. This system is designed to receive and distribute BOS funds by the guidelines outlined in the BOS guidebook and adequate and accurate control mechanisms. Accounting information systems play a key role in supporting the implementation and maintenance of effective internal controls in an organization. Suggestions for the sustainability of BOS fund management for SMK Darurrohman Sukawangi include utilizing BOS to maintain and improve the quality and quantity of education, emphasizing routine, and implementing job rotation

    Konsep zero waste dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat perspektif ekonomi islam (studi pada kelompok harapan tani 1 Kota Palangka Raya)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi konsep zero waste dalam mendukung kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat khususnya kelompok harapan tani 1 kota Palangka Raya dan melihat persektif ekonomi Islam terhadap konsep zero waste dalam mendukung kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat. Jenis penelitian ini lapangan (field research) menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dan studi kasus yang berkaitan dengan konsep zero waste yang diterapkan kelompok Harapan Tani 1 untuk mendukung peningkatan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat. Penentuan subjek dalam ini penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan mendapat 4 subjek utama yang merupakan anggota kelompok Harapan Tani 1 dan 3 orang informan tambahan yang terdiri dari ketua, wakil ketua, dan bendahara kelompok Harapan Tani 1. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Pengabsahan data yang peneliti gunkan adalah teknik triangulasi sumber. Teknik analisis data dlakukan secara simultan dan berbentuk siklus dari collections, reduction, display, dan conclution. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Implementasi konsep zero waste pada kelompok Harapan Tani 1 dilakukan secara sederhana dengan pengolahan limbah dengan prinsip 3R yang dilakukan dilokasi yang sedekat mungkin dengan sumber limbah. Jika dilihat dari penerapan prinsip 3R maka yang lebih dominan dalam mendukung kesejahteraan ekonomi dalah prinsip recycle. Hal ini disebab hasil pengolahan limbah yang didapat selain dapat digunakan sendiri juga dapat dipasarkan. Sedangkan konsep zero waste dalam pertanian dilihat fiqh biah berfokus pada pemanfaatan dan pengolahan sumber daya. Melalui penerapan zero waste akan membentuk kesadaran para petani dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan yang mengarah pada produksi bersih dan terhindar dari sifat boros, sehingga tidak hanya mencoba peningkatan secara angka tetapi juga mencoba meningkatkan secara kesadaran. Konsep zero waste juga terdapat nilai ta’awun di dalamnya. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari adanya kerja sama yang dilakukan kelompok Harapan Tani 1 dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi anggotanya seperti adanya pengelolaan ternak, pengelolaan kopersai, simpan pinjam dan arisan. ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the implementation of the zero waste concept in supporting the economic welfare of the community, especially the Harapan Tani 1 group in the city of Palangka Raya and to see the Islamic economic perspective on the zero waste concept in supporting economic prosperity. This type of research is field research using qualitative methods with a descriptive approach and case studies related to the zero waste concept applied by the Harapan Tani 1 group to support the improvement of the economic welfare. Determination of subjects in this study using purposive sampling technique and obtained 4 main subjects, namely members of the Harapan Tani 1 group and 3 additional informants consisting of the chairman, vice chairman, and treasurer of the Harapan Tani 1 group. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the data that the researcher uses is source triangulation. Data analysis techniques are carried out simultaneously and in the form of cycles starting from collection, reduction, display, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the application of the concept of zero waste in the Harapan Tani 1 group is carried out in a simple way, namely waste processing with the 3R principle which is carried out as close as possible to the source of waste. When viewed from the application of the 3R principle, the more dominant in supporting economic welfare is the principle of recycling. This is because the results from the processing of waste obtained can not only be used, but can also be marketed. Meanwhile, the concept of zero waste in agriculture is seen by fiqh biah as a focus on resource utilization and processing. The application of zero waste will form farmers' awareness in preserving the environment that leads to clean production and avoid waste, so that they are not only trying to increase numbers but also increase awareness. The concept of zero waste also has the value of ta'awun in it. This can be seen from the cooperation carried out by the Harapan Tani 1 group in improving the economic welfare of its members such as livestock management, cooperative management, savings and loans and social gathering

    Garments in exchange - changing clothes around the world

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    Clothing and dress are among the most central and common aspects of social and cultural life around the world. Dress may be used to represent a person’s or a group’s identity, and to create similarity or difference. Clothes are deeply social as they are commonly handed on in families, among friends and in transnational communities. They may be changed over the course of a day and their styles change over time in response to global and local fashion trends. To explore the significance of clothing in identity formations, we have invited authors from around the world to reflect on this topic

    MeerKAT observations of three high-redshift galaxy clusters

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    Galaxy clusters are the largest, gravitationally-bound structures in the Universe, formed through the hierarchical merger of smaller structures. The most accepted view is that the merging process injects energy into the intracluster medium (ICM) and re-accelerates pre-existing particles and compresses magnetic fields, generating, eventually, synchrotron emission. Such radio emission appears as radio halos, i.e. central Mpc-size diffuse structures, mostly visible in merging or unrelaxed clusters and with a spatial correspondence with the thermal gas component of the ICM. Observations have probed radio halo properties mostly for clusters withM500 > 6×1014 M⊙ at intermediate redshifts (0.3 < z < 0.4), providing support to their connection between mergers, which provide the necessary energy to re-accelerate particles via turbulence. Probing the redshift evolution of radio halos is an important test of the turbulent re-acceleration scenario, as fewer halos are expected at high redshift, given the same mass interval. In this thesis, we present MeerKAT observations at 1.28 GHz of three high-redshift (PSZ2G254.08- 58.45, PSZ2G255.60-46.18 and PSZ2G277.76-51.74, in the 0.42 ≲ z ≲ 0.46 range) clusters, with masses M500 ≳ 6.2 × 1014 M⊙, selected for their disturbed dynamical state – inferred from existing X-ray observations. Our observations reached rms noise values between 20 and 23.5 μJy beam−1, with ∼ 4′′ angular resolution. No evidence of diffuse emission is found at ii full resolution. Low-resolution (∼ 30′′) images achieved rms noise levels of 30-50 μJy beam−1, amongst the deepest observations of high-redshift targets. One radio halo was detected in the least massive cluster PSZ2G254.08-58.45 extending over ∼ 500 kpc, with a 1.20 } 0.08 mJy integrated flux density. We placed a ∼1 mJy upper limit at 95% confidence level on the radio halo flux density for the other two targets. The radio-halo detection is consistent with the recent P1.4 GHz − M500 correlation from Cuciti et al. (2021b), while the upper limit on PSZ2G255.60-46.18 is consistent with being on the correlation. On the other hand, the upper limit on PSZ2G277.76-51.74 places the radio halo well below the correlation. Recently a 1.5 GHz survey (Giovannini et al., 2020) detected a slightly higher fraction of radio halos in clusters in the same redshift range, with power and size typically higher than what we found in our observations. Both observations are, however, not inconsistent with each other. Our results, although with limited statistics, do not disfavour the current scenario of radiohalo formation based on the turbulent re-acceleration model.Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Physics and Electronics, 202

    Peningkatan Aktivitasmembaca Permulaan Menggunakan Kartu Huruf pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di Kelas I Sekolah Dasar Negeri 14 Teraju Toba Sanggau

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    This research is aimed to knowing (a) do by using letter card can improve student creativity in recognizing letter form?(b) Do by using letter card can improve student creativity in reading correct pronunciation letter? (c) do by using letter card can improve student creativity in reading syllable ? (d) do by using letter card can improve student activity in reading a sentence? do by using letter card can improve result of students study evaluation? it is because the teacher using only uninteresting teachers guide book and dont use media. It can be seen in reading lesson, student still hasnt recognized the letter and cant read correct pronunciation. The aim of this research is to raise the understanding of reading beginner by using word card. This research using descriptive method and qualitative approach with the design of class behavior research. This design research consist of introduction (first observation), design, action implement, observation, and reflection.Data sources in this research is student in reading learning process by using word card media. First research instrument is the observer herself as a collector data using support instrument such as observation sheet. Data analyze is done by followed data slot analyze consist of collecting data, data reduction, giving data, and problem solving. The result of reading action implement by using word card media in every its cycle always increase. In first cycle the rate of succeed up to 64%. For the second cycle the rate of succeed up to 84,57%. It is showing that Indonesia learning uses card media can improve understanding begin reading for the first grade SDN 14 Teraju Toba, Sanggau
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