14 research outputs found

    In-situ X-ray computed tomography characterisation of 3D fracture evolution and image-based numerical homogenisation of concrete

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    In-situ micro X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) tests of concrete cubes under progressive compressive loading were carried out to study 3D fracture evolution. Both direct segmentation of the tomography and digital volume correlation (DVC) mapping of the displacement field were used to characterise the fracture evolution. Realistic XCT-image based finite element (FE) models under periodic boundaries were built for asymptotic homogenisation of elastic properties of the concrete cube with Young’s moduli of cement and aggregates measured by micro-indentation tests. It is found that the elastic moduli obtained from the DVC analysis and the FE homogenisation are comparable and both within the Reuss-Voigt theoretical bounds, and these advanced techniques (in-situ XCT, DVC, micro-indentation and image-based simulations) offer highly-accurate, complementary functionalities for both qualitative understanding of complex 3D damage and fracture evolution and quantitative evaluation of key material properties of concrete

    Assessment of mechanical properties of human head tissues for trauma modelling

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    [EN] Many discrepancies are found in the literature regarding the damage and constitutive models for head tissues as well as the values of the constants involved in the constitutive equations. Their proper definition is required for consistent numerical model performance when predicting human head behaviour, and hence skull fracture and brain damage. The objective of this research is to perform a critical review of constitutive models and damage indicators describing human head tissue response under impact loading. A 3D finite element human head model has been generated by using computed tomography images, which has been validated through the comparison to experimental data in the literature. The threshold values of the skull and the scalp that lead to fracture have been analysed. We conclude that (1) compact bone properties are critical in skull fracture, (2) the elastic constants of the cerebrospinal fluid affect the intracranial pressure distribution, and (3) the consideration of brain tissue as a nearly incompressible solid with a high (but not complete) water content offers pressure responses consistent with the experimental data.Generalitat Valenciana, Grant/Award Number: PROMETEO 2016/007; Ministerio de Economia y Compatitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, Grant/Award Number: RTC-2015-3887-8Lozano-Mínguez, E.; Palomar-Toledano, M.; Infante, D.; Rupérez Moreno, MJ.; Giner Maravilla, E. (2018). Assessment of mechanical properties of human head tissues for trauma modelling. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 34(5):1-17. https://doi.org/10.1002/cnm.2962S117345Hyder, A. A., Wunderlich, C. A., Puvanachandra, P., Gururaj, G., & Kobusingye, O. C. (2007). 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