320 research outputs found


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    In world of work there are many transformations associate with person and performance. In this scenario, the discussion about competences is useful, specially in the human resources practices adopted in the public sector. So, this research wanted to investigated, considering a review of literature and interviews with publics managers, how are the articulation between these subjects. Some results demonstrated that the way to implementation is beginning, however, the trajectory is long and with big difficulties such as culture and another vision and the necessity a new human resources practices implementation

    Nitrogen and potassium fertilization of Aster ericoides cultivated in greenhouse

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    O Aster ericoides é uma flor de corte recentemente introduzida no Brasil com grande potencial de produção e aceitação pelo mercado consumidor, mas são escassas as informações sobre o manejo da adubação, prática fundamental para desenvolvimento e qualidade da planta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar adubações nitrogenadas e potássicas na produção e absorção de nutrientes pelo Aster ericoides (White Master) cultivado em Latossolo Amarelo eutrófico em condições de estufa. O experimento foi instalado em delineamento de blocos completos em esquema fatorial (4x4) com 4 doses de N (0; 50; 75 e 100 kg ha-1 N), 4 doses de K (0; 52; 78; 104 kg ha-1 K2O) e 4 repetições no segundo ciclo da planta. A população foi de 400 mil plantas por hectare. Após 105 dias, foram colhidas dez hastes de cada parcela. A produção de matéria seca de hastes e folhas, número de flores por haste, número de ramificações laterais por haste não foram influenciadas pelos tratamentos. A dose de 46 kg ha-1 de N proporcionou máxima produção de matéria seca de flores (19,40 g planta-1) e a adubação com potássio não influenciou as características avaliadas. Estes resultados mostraram que é preciso ser cauteloso com as altas adubações de N e K no solo estudado para não reduzir a produção de matéria seca de flores. Mais estudos sobre a fertilização nitrogenada e potássica devem ser realizados para definir a recomendação de doses adequadas para o cultivo de Aster ericoides em condições tropicais.The Aster ericoides is a cut flower crop recently introduced into Brazil. It has great production potential and acceptation by consumer market but exist little information about fertilization management, essential to its development and quality. In this work we evaluated the nitrogen and potassium fertilization on dry matter yield and nutrient absorption by Aster ericoides (White Master) growing in a Typic Hapludox soil under greenhouse conditions. The experiment was set up in a completely randomized design factorial scheme (4 x 4) with 4 rates of N (0; 50; 75 and 100 kg ha-1 N), 4 rates of K (0; 52; 78; 104 kg ha-1 K2O) and 4 replicates at second cycle of culture. The population was maintained at 400,000 plants per hectare. After 105 days, ten stems of each plot were harvested. The stem and leaf dry matter production, number of flowers in each stem and number of principal lateral shoots in each stem were not influenced by treatments. The rate of 46 kg ha-1 of N resulted in maximum flower dry matter production (19.40 g plant-1) and potassium fertilization did not influence the evaluated characteristics. These results showed how necessary it is to be careful with N and K fertilization in this type of soil, to avoid reduced flower dry matter production. More studies about nitrogen and potassium fertilization should be done to define adequate recommendations for Aster ericoides planting under tropical conditions

    Cultivo vertical de mini melancia em função da altura de condução e densidade de plantas

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    The watermelon is traditionally cultivated horizontally on the ground. The cultivars of small fruits (1 to 3 kg), which reach better market prices, are also being grown in a greenhouse, where the plants are trained upward on vertical supports, with branches pruning and fruits thinning. These practices make possible an increase of the plant density, fruit quality and yield compared to the traditional growth system. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the influence of three training heights (1.7, 2.2 and 2.7 m) and two planting densities (3.17 and 4.76 plants m-2) over the productive and qualitative characteristics of mini watermelon "Smile" cultivated in greenhouse. The pruning was done at 43, 55 and 66 days after transplanting (DAT), when the plant height reached 1.7, 2.2 and 2.7 m, respectively. The dry mass of branches, petioles, leaves and total were affected by the training height, where the highest values were obtained by the plants pruned at 2.2 and 2.7 m. Leaf area, specific leaf area and leaf area index were not affected by the height of the plants. The training height of 2.7 m raised the total yield, however, marketable yield, average fruit mass and all the quality characteristics did not differ significantly from those obtained by the training height of 2.2 m. Regarding to plant density, the best option was 4.76 plants m-2, due to the increasing of marketable yield in 37.4% without reducing the average weight of fruits

    Yield and hollow stem disorder of winter cauliflower influenced by nitrogen and boron

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    A podridão parda é um problema comum em couve-flor que ocasiona sintomas semelhantes à deficiência de B. Sua ocorrência está associada, especialmente, ao nitrogênio e boro, mas há escassez de informações no Brasil. O experimento foi realizado de março a junho de 2006 em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito de doses de nitrogênio (100, 150, 200 e 250 kg ha-1) e boro (0 e 3 kg ha-1) na produtividade e na incidência de podridão parda da couve-flor ‘Júlia’ cultivada em Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, em Tietê (SP). A massa, o diâmetro das cabeças e a produtividade total tiveram valores médios satisfatórios: 0,782 kg, 17,74 cm e 15,64 t ha-1 respectivamente. O diâmetro das cabeças não foi influenciado pelos tratamentos, com média de 17,74 cm. As doses crescentes de N aumentaram linearmente a massa, a produtividade total e o teor de N nas cabeças. A aplicação de B aumentou seu teor na cabeça, a produtividade comercial e reduziu a podridão parda. Houve correlação negativa entre o teor de B nas cabeças com a incidência da podridão parda. A adubação com B para a couve-flor cultivada em solo com teor médio desse micronutriente foi necessária para reduzir esse distúrbio fisiológico.The hollow stem disorder is a common problem in cauliflower, resulting in similar symptom to B deficiency. Its occurrence is associated, specially to nitrogen and boron rates. There is few information about this subject in Brazil. The experiment was carried out from March to June/2006 in a randomized complete block design with 4 replications. The objective was to evaluate rates of nitrogen (100, 150, 200 and 250 kg ha-1) and B aplication (0 and 3 kg ha-1) on yield and hollow stem disorder of the cauliflower ‘Júlia’ cultivated in Kandiustalf at Tietê region, São Paulo State, Brazil. The curd diameter was not influenced by treatments and corresponding mean value was 17.74 cm. Nitrogen levels increased mean weight, yield and N content of curds. Fertilization increased boron contents in curds, commercial yield and reduced hollow stem disorder. There was a negative correlationship between B concentration at curds and hollow stem disorder incidence. Therefore, to reduce this physiological disorder the boron fertilization is required when cauliflower is grown even in soil with average B level


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    Introdução: A Periodontite Agressiva é considerada rara, caracteriza-se por rápida destruição das estruturas de suporte dos dentes em conjunto com níveis de placa não significantes ao grau de destruição, em indivíduos sistematicamente saudáveis. Além disso, a ocorrência familiar dos casos é outra característica da Periodontite Agressiva. Trata-se de uma doença complexa, com muitos fatores relacionados à sua manifestação: variações genéticas individuais; deficiência na resposta imunológica e microbiota subgengival patogênica. Com estas características, se torna importante elucidá-las para um tratamento correto ao paciente com Periodontite Agressiva. Objetivo: Este artigo tem como objetivo relatar um caso clínico onde se realizou o tratamento não cirúrgico da Periodontite Agressiva associado à antimicrobianos sistêmicos. Relato de Caso: a paciente no presente estudo foi diagnosticada comPeriodontite Agressiva Generalizada, onde o tratamento foi realizado na Clínica de Especialização de Periodontia da Faculdade de Odontologia de Valença no período de 2013 a 2015 e retornando no ano de 2018. O tratamento realizado foi conservador através de raspagem e alisamento radicular ultrassônico e manual em conjunto com antimicrobianos. A manutenção foi trimestral até o ano de 2015. Conclusão: Na Periodontite Agressiva é imperativo dar ênfase à progressão rápida, a pouca quantidade de placa e à agregação familiar para um diagnóstico rápido e a realização de um tratamento correto através de raspagem e alisamento radicular associado com antibioticoterapia, caracterizando o tratamento conservador. Entretanto, a terapia de manutenção e a cooperação do paciente são essenciais para alcançar sucesso no tratamento

    Abonos verdes en el rendimiento del perejil y la fertilidad del suelo en Piracicaba, Brasil

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    Los abonos verdes han sido utilizados con éxito en la producción de hortalizas como fuente de nitrógeno y como acondicionador del suelo, principalmente en áreas degradadas. Sin embargo, la información referente a esos efectos en el cultivo del perejil es escasa. Así, abonos verdes como Mucuna deeringiana, Crotalaria juncea y Crotalaria spectabilis fueron estudiados en las propiedades físicas y químicas del suelo y en la productividad de dos cultivares de perejil (Lisa Preferida y Graúda Portuguesa). Dos experimentos fueron realizados en el Departamento de Producción Vegetal de la Escuela Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, en Piracicaba-SP, Brasil. Se evaluaron propiedades físicas del suelo como la densidad (real o aparente), porosidad total, macroporosidad y microporosidad, que no fueron alteradas por los abonos verdes en relación al control en los dos experimentos. También propiedades químicas del suelo como el pH, contenido de materia orgánica y nutrimentos, quienes presentaron cambios en el segundo experimento, cuando las concentraciones de Ca, P y la suma de bases aumentaron con la aplicación de los abonos verdes de forma significativa. En suelos con alta fertilidad, como el estudiado, se dificulta encontrar beneficios a partir de una única fertilización con abonos verdes. La productividad del perejíl en el primer experimento aumentó en promedio 61% después de la fertilización con abonos verdes en relación al control (14,9 t ha-1), independiente de la especie de abonos verdes utilizada. En el segundo experimento, la productividad del perejíl no aumentó con la fertilización de esos abonos en relación al control, posiblemente porque las condiciones abióticas afectaron la producción de biomasa de los abonos verdes y del propio perejil producido en ese ciclo.Green manure has been employed successfully in vegetable production as a nitrogen source and for soil conditioning, especially in highly, intensively prepared soils. However, the information on the effects in parsley culture is very limited. The green manure species Mucuna deeringiana, Crotalaria juncea and Crotalaria spectabilis were studied for the physical and chemical soil properties and yield of two cultivars of parsley (Lisa Preferida and Graúda Portuguesa). Two experiments were conducted at the Crop Production Department at the Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. The soil physical properties, such as density, total porosity, macro and microporosity, were not affected by green manure, as compared to the control in both experiments. The chemical properties (pH, organic matter and nutrients content) only changed in the second experiment, significantly increasing the Ca and P concentration and bases sum with the green manure. In soils with high fertility, such as the one in this study, it is difficult to find benefits from a single green manure. The parsley yield increased on average 61% after green manure cultivation, as compared to the control (14.9 t ha-1), regardless of the green manure species used, only in the first experiment. In the second experiment, the parsley yield did not increase because of the green manure effects, as compared to the control, possibly because, in this cycle, the produced green manure biomass and the parsley yield were affected by abiotic conditions.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Estación Experimental Agrícola Fabio Baudrit Moreno (EEAFBM

    Green manure in parsley production and soil fertility in Piracicaba, Brazil

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 183-191).Green manure has been employed successfully in vegetable production as a nitrogen source and for soil conditioning, especially in highly, intensively prepared soils. However, the information on the effects in parsley culture is very limited. The green manure species Mucuna deeringiana, Crotalaria juncea and Crotalaria spectabilis were studied for the physical and chemical soil properties and yield of two cultivars of parsley (Lisa Preferida and Graúda Portuguesa). Two experiments were conducted at the Crop Production Department at the Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. The soil physical properties, such as density, total porosity, macro and microporosity, were not affected by green manure, as compared to the control in both experiments. The chemical properties (pH, organic matter and nutrients content) only changed in the second experiment, significantly increasing the Ca and P concentration and bases sum with the green manure. In soils with high fertility, such as the one in this study, it is difficult to find benefits from a single green manure. The parsley yield increased on average 61% after green manure cultivation, as compared to the control (14.9 t ha-1), regardless of the green manure species used, only in the first experiment. In the second experiment, the parsley yield did not increase because of the green manure effects, as compared to the control, possibly because, in this cycle, the produced green manure biomass and the parsley yield were affected by abiotic conditions.Los abonos verdes han sido utilizados con éxito en la producción de hortalizas como fuente de nitrógeno y como acondicionador del suelo, principalmente en áreas degradadas. Sin embargo, la información referente a esos efectos en el cultivo del perejil es escasa. Así, abonos verdes como Mucuna deeringiana, Crotalaria juncea y Crotalaria spectabilis fueron estudiados en las propiedades físicas y químicas del suelo y en la productividad de dos cultivares de perejil (Lisa Preferida y Graúda Portuguesa). Dos experimentos fueron realizados en el Departamento de Producción Vegetal de la Escuela Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, en Piracicaba-SP, Brasil. Se evaluaron propiedades físicas del suelo como la densidad (real o aparente), porosidad total, macroporosidad y microporosidad, que no fueron alteradas por los abonos verdes en relación al control en los dos experimentos. También propiedades químicas del suelo como el pH, contenido de materia orgánica y nutrimentos, quienes presentaron cambios en el segundo experimento, cuando las concentraciones de Ca, P y la suma de bases aumentaron con la aplicación de los abonos verdes de forma significativa. En suelos con alta fertilidad, como el estudiado, se dificulta encontrar beneficios a partir de una única fertilización con abonos verdes. La productividad del perejil en el primer experimento aumentó en promedio 61% después de la fertilización con abonos verdes en relación al control (14,9 t ha-1), independiente de la especie de abonos verdes utilizada. En el segundo experimento, la productividad del perejil no aumentó con la fertilización de esos abonos en relación al control, posiblemente porque las condiciones abióticas afectaron la producción de biomasa de los abonos verdes y del propio perejil producido en ese ciclo.Bibliografía: páginas 190-19

    Green manure in parsley production and soil fertility in Piracicaba, Brazil

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    1 recurso en línea (páginas 183-191).Green manure has been employed successfully in vegetable production as a nitrogen source and for soil conditioning, especially in highly, intensively prepared soils. However, the information on the effects in parsley culture is very limited. The green manure species Mucuna deeringiana, Crotalaria juncea and Crotalaria spectabilis were studied for the physical and chemical soil properties and yield of two cultivars of parsley (Lisa Preferida and Graúda Portuguesa). Two experiments were conducted at the Crop Production Department at the Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. The soil physical properties, such as density, total porosity, macro and microporosity, were not affected by green manure, as compared to the control in both experiments. The chemical properties (pH, organic matter and nutrients content) only changed in the second experiment, significantly increasing the Ca and P concentration and bases sum with the green manure. In soils with high fertility, such as the one in this study, it is difficult to find benefits from a single green manure. The parsley yield increased on average 61% after green manure cultivation, as compared to the control (14.9 t ha-1), regardless of the green manure species used, only in the first experiment. In the second experiment, the parsley yield did not increase because of the green manure effects, as compared to the control, possibly because, in this cycle, the produced green manure biomass and the parsley yield were affected by abiotic conditions.Los abonos verdes han sido utilizados con éxito en la producción de hortalizas como fuente de nitrógeno y como acondicionador del suelo, principalmente en áreas degradadas. Sin embargo, la información referente a esos efectos en el cultivo del perejil es escasa. Así, abonos verdes como Mucuna deeringiana, Crotalaria juncea y Crotalaria spectabilis fueron estudiados en las propiedades físicas y químicas del suelo y en la productividad de dos cultivares de perejil (Lisa Preferida y Graúda Portuguesa). Dos experimentos fueron realizados en el Departamento de Producción Vegetal de la Escuela Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, en Piracicaba-SP, Brasil. Se evaluaron propiedades físicas del suelo como la densidad (real o aparente), porosidad total, macroporosidad y microporosidad, que no fueron alteradas por los abonos verdes en relación al control en los dos experimentos. También propiedades químicas del suelo como el pH, contenido de materia orgánica y nutrimentos, quienes presentaron cambios en el segundo experimento, cuando las concentraciones de Ca, P y la suma de bases aumentaron con la aplicación de los abonos verdes de forma significativa. En suelos con alta fertilidad, como el estudiado, se dificulta encontrar beneficios a partir de una única fertilización con abonos verdes. La productividad del perejil en el primer experimento aumentó en promedio 61% después de la fertilización con abonos verdes en relación al control (14,9 t ha-1), independiente de la especie de abonos verdes utilizada. En el segundo experimento, la productividad del perejil no aumentó con la fertilización de esos abonos en relación al control, posiblemente porque las condiciones abióticas afectaron la producción de biomasa de los abonos verdes y del propio perejil producido en ese ciclo.Bibliografía: páginas 190-19

    Eritema Elevatum diutinum: uma resposta satisfatória à Dapsona: Erythema Elevatum diutinum: a satisfactory response to Dapsone

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    O Eritema Elevatum Diutinum é considerado uma dermatose rara e crônica, caracterizada por lesões em forma de placas ou nódulos em superfícies extensoras, ocorrendo mais comumente entre a terceira e sexta década de vida. Os achados histopatológicos a classificam como uma vasculite leucocitoclástica, com predomínio de polimorfonucleares. É importante que o dermatologista esteja atento na prática clínica para o diagnóstico de dermatoses pouco frequentes, para o seguimento adequado.  Relatamos o caso de um paciente de 78 anos, com acometimento em membros inferiores, com uma boa resposta à dapsona.                 &nbsp

    Outcomes of the first 54 pediatric patients on long-term home parenteral nutrition from a single Brazilian center

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    Objectives: Data on multidisciplinary programs dedicated to home parenteral nutrition (HPN) in Latin America are limited. This study describes the results of the first multidisciplinary pediatric intestinal rehabilitation program for HPN at a public tertiary hospital in Brazil. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed patients aged 0–18 years with intestinal failure (IF) who required parenteral nutrition (PN) for >60 days between January/2014 and December/2020. Results: Fifty-four patients were discharged on HPN (15 achieved enteral autonomy, 34 continued on HPN at the end of the study, 1 underwent intestinal transplantation, and 4 died). The median (IQR) age at the study endpoint of patients who achieved enteral autonomy was 14.1 (9.7–19) versus 34.7 (20.4–53.9) months in those who did not achieve enteral autonomy. Overall prevalence of catheter-related thrombosis was 66.7% and catheterrelated bloodstream infection rate was 0.39/1000 catheter-days. Intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD) was present in 24% of all patients; none of the patients who achieved enteral autonomy had IFALD. All patients showed significant improvement in anthropometric parameters during the HPN period. The sociodemographic characteristics of the patients’ family members were mothers less than 20 years old (7.5%), schooling time more than 10 years (55.5%), and household income between 1 and 3 times the minimum wage (64.8%). The 5-year survival rate for HPN is 90%, and 27.7% of patients achieve enteral autonomy. Conclusion: The treatment of pediatric patients with IF followed by a multidisciplinary pediatric intestinal rehabilitation program with HPN is feasible and safe in the Brazilian public health system