1,095 research outputs found

    The Prevalence of Traumatic Brain Injury and an Investigation of Behavioural, Emotional and Executive Functioning in a Sample of Male Young Offenders

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    Introduction: Previous research describes significant associations between criminal offending behaviour and traumatic brain injury (TBI). In young offenders, particularly, TBI is significantly more prevalent than in the general youth population. This association might be explained by the fact that key TBI sequelae (e.g., aggression, behavioural and cognitive impulsivity, emotional dysregulation) can place individuals at risk for criminal offending. However, at least two critical questions remain relatively under-investigated: Is there crossnational variability in the prevalence of TBI in young offenders and in the emotional, behavioural, and cognitive profile of young offenders with and without TBI? Few studies report on prevalence of TBI in young offender populations from low- or middle-income countries (LMICs), and fewer describe the neuropsychological profiles of TBI-afflicted young offenders from LMICs. Method: Participants were a South African sample of 25 young offenders and 56 non-offender controls. Conducting such investigations in South Africa is valuable because (a) crime rates, particularly those related to violent offences, are higher in this country than elsewhere in the world, and (b) the prevalence of TBI in South Africa is three times the global rate. All participants were administered self-report measures of emotion regulation, aggression, antisocial behaviour, as well as standardized tests of various executive functions (planning, cognitive flexibility, generative fluency, inhibition, problem solving, and rule learning/maintenance) from the Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS) battery. I also gathered self-report information about their history of TBI, including whether it was accompanied by loss of consciousness (LoC). Results: Prevalence of TBI was higher in offenders (n = 18/25; 72%) than in non-offenders (n = 24/56; 43%). Offenders reported experiencing more severe TBI: The distribution of TBI with LoC was significantly different across offender and non-offender groups, p < .001. Analyses detected significant main effects of offender status on all outcomes; significant main effects of TBI on emotion regulation, aggression, and antisocial behaviour; and significant offender x TBI interaction effects on emotion regulation and aggression, ps < .036. Conclusion: These findings are broadly consistent with previous studies in this literature. Hence, the present study confirms the importance of understanding associations between TBI and offending (particularly in LMICs) and how the co-occurrence of the two is predictable and can have cumulative effects on affect, behaviour, and cognition. Because sustaining a TBI is preventable, describing the risk for negative outcomes and the socioeconomic costs thereof can inform policy development, rehabilitation planning, and initiatives to reduce recidivism rates

    Urban Criminology – Criminology of the Urban

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    Effect of THI on milk coagulation properties of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperature-humidity index (THI) on the milk coagulation properties of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle from northeast part of Italy. A total of 592 individual milk samples from six dairy herds were evaluated. The milk coagulation properties traits analysed were milk rennet coagulation time and curd firmness, as well as the fat, protein, and casein contents, pH, milk aptitude to coagulate (IAC), and the somatic cell count. The THI was determined during the periods of sample collection. The THI results showed that values of up to 75 did not significantly change the IAC values; however, when the THI values were above 75, the IAC decreased significantly. The control of THI can be used to guarantee appropriate milk coagulation properties

    Exploring the Relationships Between Rap and Hip-Hop Music Use and Objectified Body Consciousness, Body Dissatisfaction, and Gender Norms in Female Juvenile Delinquents

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    Various forms of portable media (e.g., television, movies, magazines, internet, music) are increasingly accessible to and used by the average adolescent in the U.S. (American Psychological Association [APA], 2007; Ward, 2003). Two of the most popular genres of adolescent entertainment, rap and hip-hop music are frequently criticized for their use of misogynistic images and lyrics that objectify women and glorify sex, drug use, and violence (Bretthauer, Zimmerman & Banning, 2006; Conrad, Dixon & Zhang, 2010; Ward, 2003). Although understudied, one could argue that increased accessibility to and use of such media that fosters sexually-explicit and -objectifying messages common in Western culture could influence body image and behavior of adolescent girls. Furthermore, the negative life experiences and periods of crisis commonly experienced by adolescent girls in trouble with the law (e.g., juvenile justice involvement, trauma, drug use), may make the messages promoted in rap and hip-hop music even more influential and detrimental. Therefore, using theories of objectification and adolescent development as a theoretical framework, the overarching purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between the consumption of rap and hip-hop music and internalization of media-based appearance ideals, objectified body consciousness, negative conventions of femininity, body dissatisfaction, sexual and criminal activity, and drug use in racially diverse female juvenile delinquents. A sample of 159 girls detained in a juvenile detention center in Las Vegas, Nevada, completed self-report measures of objectified body consciousness, thin-ideal media internalization, adolescent femininity ideology, body esteem, and a participant survey. Mean comparisons with published norms indicated less acceptance of negative conventions of femininity, thin-ideal media internalization, body dissatisfaction, and body shame than published norms. As expected, rap and hip-hop music consumption was positively correlated with sexual behavior, marijuana use, and certain criminal behaviors. Regression analyses suggested that acceptance of negative conventions of femininity and thin-ideal media internalization predicts objectified body consciousness and body dissatisfaction (including decreased sexual attractiveness, increased weight concern, and decreased physical attractiveness). Furthermore, having an objectified relationship with one\u27s body predicts body dissatisfaction. Overall, these results suggest that for the girls in this sample, media internalization and traditional gender norms result in self-objectification, increased body shame and body surveillance. Media literacy and strength-based programming within juvenile detention facilities may be an effective form of intervention to promote greater awareness of the detrimental effects of media and gender norm internalization in this population

    Vergleichende Analyse der differentiellen Expression spezifischer Gene in Plattenepithelkarzinomen aus dem Kopf- und Halsbereich

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    Es war das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit, die differentielle Expression von den vier Genen EGFR, JNK3, IR und LOXL4 in 58 Biopsaten von Plattenepithelkarzinomen im Kopf-Hals-Bereich zu analysieren. Hierzu wurde aus den Homogenaten von schockgefrorenen Karzinombiopsaten die RNA extrahiert und elektrophoretisch aufgetrennt. Die Detektion der einzelnen Gene erfolgte mit der Northern-Hybridisierungsmethode und durch den Einsatz DIG-markierter genspezifischer Sonden. Zum Vergleich der Expressionshöhe dieser Gene wurden gesunde Schleimhautbiopsate und Epithelzellkulturen des oberen Aerodigestivtraktes simultan untersucht und das Expressionsprofil der einzelnen Gene untereinander verglichen. Als Bewertungsmaßstab diente die Expressionsbestimmung des konstitutionell exprimierten Gens GAPDH. Die Auswertung erfolgte unter Berücksichtigung von verschiedenen klinisch-histopathologischen Parametern wie TNM-Stadium, Geschlecht der Patienten und ihr Alter bei Biopsatentnahme. LOXL4 und EGFR wurden bei den Karzinomproben überexprimiert und JNK3 reprimiert. LOXL4 war positiv bei 71 % der untersuchten Karzinombiopsaten und bei 9 % der benignen Proben (p = 0,0002). EGFR wurde bei 78 % der malignen und 36 % der benigne Proben exprimiert (p = 0,01) und JNK3 bei 12 % der malignen und 45 % der benignen Proben (p = 0,02). Der Unterschied bei der IR-Expression war nicht signifikant (79 % positive maligne, 73 % positive benigne Proben, p = 0,7). Der Unterschied zu benignen Proben war bei LOXL4 am deutlichsten. Die Bestimmung der LOXL4-Expression könnte demnach in Grenzfällen einen Beitrag zur Klärung der Dignität von Kopf-Hals-Tumoren beisteuern. Eine simultane Analyse von zwei der vier untersuchten Gene ist nicht erforderlich, da dadurch das Merkmal für Tumorspezifität nicht erhöht wird. Der Nachweis der IR-Expression liefert keinen Hinweis für Tumorspezifität, da dieses Gen auch in gesunden Zellen stark exprimiert wurde. Bei keinem der hier untersuchten Gene konnte ein Zusammenhang zwischen ihrer Expression und dem Tumorstadium nachgewiesen werden, auch wenn für LOXL4 inzwischen Untersuchungen vorliegen, nach denen die Expression signifikant mit Befall der regionären Lymphknoten ansteigt. Unter Zuhilfenahme des LOXL4-Antigens wird gegenwärtig eine Tumorvakzine entwickelt. Aktuelle Tumortherapie-Ansätze richten sich bereits gegen das EGFR-, das JNK3- und das IR/IGF1R-System

    Helping John to Make Informed Decisions on Using Social Login

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    Users make two privacy-related decisions when signing up for a new Service Provider (SP): (1) whether to use an existing Single Sign-On (SSO) account of an Identity Provider (IdP), or not, and (2) the information the IdP is allowed to share with the SP under specific conditions. From a privacy point of view, the use of existing social network-based SSO solutions (i.e. social login) is not recommended. This advice, however, comes at the expense of security, usability, and functionality. Thus, in principle, it should be up to the user to consider all advantages and disadvantages of using SSO and to consent to requested permissions, provided that she is well informed. Another issue is that existing social login sign-up interfaces are often not compliant with legal privacy requirements for informed consent and Privacy by Default. Accordingly, our research focuses on enabling informed decisions and consent in this context. To this end, we identified users’ problems and usability issues from the literature and an expert cognitive walkthrough.We also elicited end user and legal privacy requirements for user interfaces (UIs) providing informed consent. This input as used to develop a tutorial to inform users on the pros and cons of sign-up methods and to design SSO sign-up UIs for privacy. A between-subject laboratory study with 80 participants was used to test both the tutorial and the UIs. We demonstrate an increase in the level to which users are informed when deciding and providing consent in the context of social login

    Alterações ambientais urbanas na área da bacia hidrográfica da barragem Mãe D'Água: evolução da ocupação e do uso da terra

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    Este trabalho consiste em uma anáhse das alterações ambientais decorrentes da urbanização a partir da evolução da cobertura vegetal e do uso da terra em uma subbacia pertencente à bacia hidrográfica do Arroio Dilúvio situada na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Estado do Rio Grande do Sul para a realiação deste estudo fez se necessãrio conhecer os mais importantes elementos indicadores das condições ambientais da ãrea ao longo do seu processo de ocupação. Para tanto, procurou-seresgatar as condições ambientais em diferentes fases temporais: antes ou durante a expansão urbana: imediatamente antes e durante as principais intervenções antrópicas e depois das principais intervenções decorrentes do processo de expansão urbana. Com isso, o processo de evolução da cobertura vegetal e o uso ela terra expressaram as relações sócio-econômicas do território, revelando a apropriação da natureza pela sociedade e suas alterações ambientais. O reconhecimento das condições ambientais no momento de ruptura das direções processuais naturais foi fimdamental para a avaliação das alterações dos processos antrópicos em relação aos processos naturais originais.This work consists in an analysis of ihe environmental alterations deriving from ihe urbanization from the vegetation and soil use in a sub-basin belonging to the Dilúvio Stream's Hydrographic Basin located in Porto Alegre city metropolitan region, state of Rio Grande do Sul. To carry out such study it was necessary to know the most important elements that indicate the environmental conditions of the studied area along its process of occupation. For such purpose it was necessary to reclaim the environmental conditions in different time phases: before or during the urban expansion: immediately before and during the main anthropological interventions and after the main interventions resulting from the urban expansion process. Consequently, the process of vegetation and soil use evolution showed the social and economical relations of the tenitory. revealing the appropriation of the nature by the society and its environmental alterations. The recognltion of the environmental conditions at the rupture moment of the natural processing directions was essential to evaluate the alterations of the anthropological processes conceming the Oliginal natural process

    Considerações sobre o ambiente urbano: um estudo com ênfase na geomorfologia urbana

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    This work consists of an urban environment study in a sub-basin of Dilúvio stream's hydrographic basin located in Porto Alegre City Metropolitan Region, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, for apprehending the effects on and responses of the environment to the urbanization process in such area. Accordingly, a comprehensive knowledge of nature and society dynamics and how they articulate is envisaged. The environmental analysis is divided into the following stages: geomorphologic and superficial covering material characterization (original and anthropogenic morphology); analysis on the socioeconomic features from the study on the vegetal covering and soil use evolution and effects of the juridical aspects on the urban space arrangement. As a result of the research carried out, environmental data expressing the changes on the environment caused by urbanization processes were generated.Este trabalho consiste em uma análise ambiental urbana que busca apreender os efeitos e respostas do ambiente ao processo de urbanização. Para isso procura, de forma integrada, conhecer a dinâmica da natureza e da sociedade e suas articulações. O presente estudo é realizado em uma sub-bacia pertencente à bacia hidrográfica do arroio Dilúvio situada na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A análise engloba várias etapas: caracterização geomorfológica (morfologia original e antropogênica) e do material de cobertura superficial, análise da qualidade das águas superficiais, análise das questões sócio-econômicas pelo estudo da evolução da cobertura vegetal e uso da terra e os efeitos dos aspectos jurídicos na organização do espaço urbano. Como resultado da pesquisa, foram produzidos dados ambientais que expressam as alterações do ambiente devido ao processo de urbanização