43 research outputs found

    Accelerating Tactile Internet with QUIC: A Security and Privacy Perspective

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    The Tactile Internet paradigm is set to revolutionize human society by enabling skill-set delivery and haptic communication over ultra-reliable, low-latency networks. The emerging sixth-generation (6G) mobile communication systems are envisioned to underpin this Tactile Internet ecosystem at the network edge by providing ubiquitous global connectivity. However, apart from a multitude of opportunities of the Tactile Internet, security and privacy challenges emerge at the forefront. We believe that the recently standardized QUIC protocol, characterized by end-to-end encryption and reduced round-trip delay would serve as the backbone of Tactile Internet. In this article, we envision a futuristic scenario where a QUIC-enabled network uses the underlying 6G communication infrastructure to achieve the requirements for Tactile Internet. Interestingly this requires a deeper investigation of a wide range of security and privacy challenges in QUIC, that need to be mitigated for its adoption in Tactile Internet. Henceforth, this article reviews the existing security and privacy attacks in QUIC and their implication on users. Followed by that, we discuss state-of-the-art attack mitigation strategies and investigate some of their drawbacks with possible directions for future workComment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    On Cross-Layer Interactions of QUIC, Encrypted DNS and HTTP/3: Design, Evaluation and Dataset

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    Every Web session involves a DNS resolution. While, in the last decade, we witnessed a promising trend towards an encrypted Web in general, DNS encryption has only recently gained traction with the standardisation of DNS over TLS (DoT) and DNS over HTTPS (DoH). Meanwhile, the rapid rise of QUIC deployment has now opened up an exciting opportunity to utilise the same protocol to not only encrypt Web communications, but also DNS. In this paper, we evaluate this benefit of using QUIC to coalesce name resolution via DNS over QUIC (DoQ), and Web content delivery via HTTP/3 (H3) with 0-RTT. We compare this scenario using several possible combinations where H3 is used in conjunction with DoH and DoQ, as well as the unencrypted DNS over UDP (DoUDP). We observe, that when using H3 1-RTT, page load times with DoH can get inflated by >>30\% over fixed-line and by >>50\% over mobile when compared to unencrypted DNS with DoUDP. However, this cost of encryption can be drastically reduced when encrypted connections are coalesced (DoQ + H3 0-RTT), thereby reducing the page load times by 1/3 over fixed-line and 1/2 over mobile, overall making connection coalescing with QUIC the best option for encrypted communication on the Internet.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures and 2 table

    rQUIC: Integrating FEC with QUIC for robust wireless communications

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    QUIC, fostered by Google and under standardization in the IETF, integrates some of HTTP/s, TLS, and TCP functionalities over UDP. One of its main goals is to facilitate transport protocol design, with fast evolution and innovation. However, congestion control in QUIC is still severely jeopardized by packet losses, despite implemented loss recovery mechanisms, whose behavior strongly depends on the Round Trip Time. In this paper, we design and implement rQUIC, a framework that enables FEC within QUIC protocol to improve its performance over wireless networks. The main idea behind rQUIC is to reduce QUIC's loss recovery time by making it robust to erasures over wireless networks, as compared to traditional transport protocol loss detection and recovery mechanisms. We evaluate the performance of our solution by means of extensive simulations over different type of wireless networks and for different applications. For LTE and Wifi networks, our results illustrate significant gains of up to 60% and 25% savings in the completion time for bulk transfer and web browsing, respectively.Özgü Alay was partially supported the Norwegian Research Council project No. 250679 (MEMBRANE). Ramón Agüero was partially supported by the Spanish Government (MINECO, MCIU, AEI, FEDER) by means of the projects ADVICE: Dynamic provisioning of connectivity in high density 5G wireless scenarios (TEC2015-71329-C2-1-R) and FIERCE: Future Internet Enabled Resilient Cities (RTI2018-093475-A-100)

    Robust QUIC: integrating practical coding in a low latency transport protocol

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    We introduce rQUIC, an integration of the QUIC protocol and a coding module. rQUIC has been designed to feature different coding/decoding schemes and is implemented in go language. We conducted an extensive measurement campaign to provide a thorough characterization of the proposed solution. We compared the performance of rQUIC with that of the original QUIC protocol for different underlying network conditions as well as different traffic patterns. Our results show that rQUIC not only yields a relevant performance gain (shorter delays), especially when network conditions worsen, but also ensures a more predictable behavior. For bulk transfer (long flows), the delay reduction almost reached 70% when the frame error rate was 5%, while under similar conditions, the gain for short flows (web navigation) was approximately 55%. In the case of video streaming, the QoE gain (p1203 metric) was, approximately, 50%.This work was supported in part by the Basque Government through the Elkartek Program under the Hodei-x Project under Agreement KK-2021/00049; in part by the Spanish Government through the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) through the Future Internet Enabled Resilient smart CitiEs (FIERCE) under Grant RTI2018-093475-AI00; and in part by the Industrial Doctorates Program of the University of Cantabria under Grant Call 2019

    Low-Latency Scheduling in MPTCP

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    The demand for mobile communication is continuously increasing, and mobile devices are now the communication device of choice for many people. To guarantee connectivity and performance, mobile devices are typically equipped with multiple interfaces. To this end, exploiting multiple available interfaces is also a crucial aspect of the upcoming 5G standard for reducing costs, easing network management, and providing a good user experience. Multi-path protocols, such as multi-path TCP (MPTCP), can be used to provide performance optimization through load-balancing and resilience to coverage drops and link failures, however, they do not automatically guarantee better performance. For instance, low-latency communication has been proven hard to achieve when a device has network interfaces with asymmetric capacity and delay (e.g., LTE and WLAN). For multi-path communication, the data scheduler is vital to provide low latency, since it decides over which network interface to send individual data segments. In this paper, we focus on the MPTCP scheduler with the goal of providing a good user experience for latency-sensitive applications when interface quality is asymmetric. After an initial assessment of existing scheduling algorithms, we present two novel scheduling techniques: the block estimation (BLEST) scheduler and the shortest transmission time first (STTF) scheduler. BLEST and STTF are compared with existing schedulers in both emulated and real-world environments and are shown to reduce web object transmission times with up to 51% and provide 45% faster communication for interactive applications, compared with MPTCP's default scheduler

    DASH QoE performance evaluation framework with 5G datasets

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    Fifth Generation (5G) networks provide high throughput and low delay, contributing to enhanced Quality of Experience (QoE) expectations. The exponential growth of multimedia traffic pose dichotomic challenges to simultaneously satisfy network operators, service providers, and end-user expectations. Building QoE-aware networks that provide run-time mechanisms to satisfy end-users’ expectations while the end-to end network Quality of Service (QoS) varies is challenging and motivates many ongoing research efforts. The contribution of this work is twofold. Firstly, we present a reproducible data-driven framework with a series of pre-installed Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) tools to analyse state of-art Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABS) algorithms by varying key QoS parameters in static and mobility scenarios. Secondly, we introduce an interactive Binder notebook providing a live analytical environment which processes the output dataset of the framework and compares the relationship of five QoE models, three QoS parameters (RTT, throughput, packets), and seven video KPIs