47 research outputs found
Preliminary Study on Functional Groups Characteristics of Asphalt Containing Rice Husk Silica
In this research, asphalt composite was produced by combining asphalt and rice husk silica. The ratio of asphalt and silica were 1:1.5; 1:1.7; and 1:1.9 respectively and calcined at temperature of 150 oC. Functional group characteristics of asphalt composites were examined by FTIR and XRD. The FTIR and XRD studies revealed that the main Functional groups are Si-O-Si, C-H, and structure amorph of silica
Pembelian impulsif pada e-commerce shopee (studi pada konsumen shopee di Jakarta Selatan)
Competition in the e-commerce world is rising so competitively. Every time e-commerce offers their products or services to their consumers attractively. This condition causes the consumers to vae more alternatives to shop, especially at Shopee Indonesia. The purposeof this study was to find out and analyze the effect of sales promotion, product quality,and electronic word of mouth on impulsive buying. This study used e-commerce Shopeeas the object. This is a quantitative study using primary data. The sample was taken using a purposive sampling technique with 75 respondents selected based on criteriathat had been determined. The data were analysed using SmartPLS. The result showedthat sales promotion have no significant effect on impulsive buying with the value of significance of 1,994. Another finding showed that product quality and electronic word of mouth have significant effect on impulsive buying with the value of significant is 2,475 and 3,679. Therefore, e-commerce Shopee must take advantage of product quality andelectronic word of mouth in order they have a competitive advantage
Analisis Kuantitatif Data Diffraksi Sinar X Fasa Keramik Crystoballite Berbasis Silika Sekam Padi dengan Metode Rietveld
Rietveld analysis is a means of revealing the detailed structure and composition of crystalline sample using x-ray powder diffraction data. This research presents the use of the Rietveld method using Rietica program to obtain the phase abundance of crystoballite crystal from rice husk sintered at 850oC, 950oC and 1100oC that has previously been demonstrated.The model parameters are refined by the methodof least squares until a good fit (2) to the observed data is obtained. The refined parameters in this study are background, scale factor, space groups, atom co-ordinates (U,V,W), preferred orientation, and the lattice parameters. The results showed that quantitative crystoballite crystal were 87.8, 89.8 and 98.4% weight, respectively. An acceptable result for estimation of lattice parameters and weightpercentage of crystoballite with reliability (2) was found to be < 4. The results also show that analysis by Rietveld method is efficient to control the quantity of crystoballite in the sintering process.Keywords: Rietveld, Rice Husk, X-Ray Diffractio
Kontribusi Pengajar Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam Membantu Pemulihan Traumatis Korban Pelecahan Seksual
Ide dasariah tulisan ini berangkat dari pada bulan Desember 2021, berbagai stasiun televisi dan platform media sosial mengulas maraknya pelecehan seksual yang terjadi baik di tanah air maupun di luar negeri. Berdasarkan laporan Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (KemenPPPA) melaporkan, korban kekerasan seksual mencapai angka tertinggi pada tahun 2020 yakni sekitar 7.191 kasus, sementara pada tahun 2020 jumlah kasus kekerasan pada anak dan perempuan mencapai 11.637. Di dalam menguraikan topik ini, peneliti menerapkan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literatur untuk menjawab dua inti utama pertanyaan penelitian pada topik ini, yaitu bagaimana gambaran penderitaan korban pelecehan seksual? dan bagaimana kontribusi pengajar pendidik agama Kristen (PAK) untuk membantu pemulihan traumatik korban? Temuan pada pembahasan pada topik ini, mereka yang pernah mengalami pelecehan seksual, mengalami penderitaan fisik, finansial, psikis serta spiritual. Kontribusi yang dapat dilakukan oleh pengajar PAK dengan menggagas dan melakukan PAK berbasis konseling dan mentoring. Tujuan penerapan dilaksanakan, pengajar hadir serta menemani korban sampai mengalami tahap pemulihan dari trauma yang dialami. Pendidikan seks yang terintegrasi dalam agama juga dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah agar tidak ada yang menjadi pelaku pelecehan seksual. Hal tersebut akan membantu jumlah pengurangan kasus pelecehan seksual.Ide dasariah tulisan ini berangkat dari pada bulan Desember 2021, berbagai stasiun televisi dan platform media sosial mengulas maraknya pelecehan seksual yang terjadi baik di tanah air maupun di luar negeri. Berdasarkan laporan Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (KemenPPPA) melaporkan, korban kekerasan seksual mencapai angka tertinggi pada tahun 2020 yakni sekitar 7.191 kasus, sementara pada tahun 2020 jumlah kasus kekerasan pada anak dan perempuan mencapai 11.637. Di dalam menguraikan topik ini, peneliti menerapkan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literatur untuk menjawab dua inti utama pertanyaan penelitian pada topik ini, yaitu bagaimana gambaran penderitaan korban pelecehan seksual? dan bagaimana kontribusi pengajar pendidik agama Kristen (PAK) untuk membantu pemulihan traumatik korban? Temuan pada pembahasan pada topik ini, mereka yang pernah mengalami pelecehan seksual, mengalami penderitaan fisik, finansial, psikis serta spiritual. Kontribusi yang dapat dilakukan oleh pengajar PAK dengan menggagas dan melakukan PAK berbasis konseling dan mentoring. Tujuan penerapan dilaksanakan, pengajar hadir serta menemani korban sampai mengalami tahap pemulihan dari trauma yang dialami. Pendidikan seks yang terintegrasi dalam agama juga dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah agar tidak ada yang menjadi pelaku pelecehan seksual. Hal tersebut akan membantu jumlah pengurangan kasus pelecehan seksual
Participatory Action dalam Pengembangan Kreativitas Kegiatan Pelepasan Siswa-Siswi di Taman Kanak-Kanak Kanisius Gendongan
This year's TK B student release activities are organized by the school, and this year is no exception. This program is held with the aim of giving awards to children as a symbol of graduation, giving a good impression, establishing intimacy with parents and as a sign of gratitude for entrusting their children to be educated by the school. This community service activity is focused on evaluating the activities of releasing Kindergarten B students and contributing ideas to the school. The object of the activity is Kanisius Gendongan Kindergarten Salatiga. The service technique is done by participatory action; the community service team observes and contributes to the management of the release and distribution of Kindergarten B student report cards, interviews, evaluations, and contributes ideas that are useful for the object of activity.Kegiatan pelepasan siswa TK B setiap tahunnya di selenggarakan oleh sekolah tidak terkecuali di tahun ini. Program ini diadakan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan penghargaan bagi anak sebagai simbol kelulusan, memberikan kesan yang baik, menjalin keakraban dengan orang tua dan sebagai tanda ucapan terima kasih karena telah mempercayakan anak mereka untuk di didik oleh pihak sekolah. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini di fokuskan untuk mengevaluasi kegiatan pelepasan siswa TK B dan memberikan sumbangan ide kepada pihak sekolah. Objek kegiatan yakni TK Kanisius Gendongan Salatiga. Teknik pengabdian di lakukan dengan cara participatory action; tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat melakukan pengamatan dan berkontribusi dalam pengelolaan kegiatan pelepasan dan pembagian rapor siswa TK B, wawancara, evaluasi, dan memberikan sumbangan ide yang bermanfaat bagi objek kegiatan
Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Fasa Crystoballite Berbasis Silika Sekam Padi dengan Metode Sintering (Solid State)
This study was carried out to characterize the formation of crystoballite crystall of silica extracted from rice husk by sintering. Extraction of silica using 5% KOH and 10% HCl solution was sintered at 750, 900, 1000,and 1100 C. The products were characterised in term of functional groups, microstructure and structure (FTIR, SEM and XRD). Characterisation of the silica using FTIR shows the presence of silanol and siloxane. XRD results confirmed that silica amorph was formed at 750C, through the intermediate formation of crystoballite 900, 1000, and 1100C. The formation of crystoballite structure increases with increasing temperature of sintering, which confirms the presence of regular particle size using SEM analysis.Keywords: Rice Husk, Silica, Crystoballite, FTIR, SEM and XR
Coal Ash Characteristic from Bukit Asam as Raw Material for Ceramics Production
This study was carried out to characterize coal ash obtained from Bukit Asam, Tarahan Lampung, after the samples were sintered at various temperatures ranging from 900C - 1300C. The characteristics of the investigated samples included density, porosity, hardness, structure and microstructure. The results indicated that porosity decreased with increasing sintering temperature, while density and hardness increased with increasing temperature. The x-ray diffraction (XRD) study revealed that the main crystalline phase was silicon dioxide (SiO2), with the minor constituents of CaSiO2, MgSiO3, FeSiO4 and Ca12Al14O33. SEM investigations clearly demonstrated the presence of a fine crystallised phase dispersed in the microstructure
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of pyrolysis temperatures on composition and electrical conductivity of carbosil produced from rice husk, by conducting pyrolysis experiments at three different temperatures of 200; 400; and 700 °C. The structure of the samples was characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The microstructure and elemental composition were characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS), and the electrical conductivity was measured using four probe method. The FTIR analyses revealed the existence of Si-O-Si and Si-OH functional groups, but no functional groups associated with carbon, confirming the formation of carbosil. This formation of carbosil is also supported by the results of EDS analyses which show the presence of only three elements of C, O, and Si, respectively. The XRD results indicate that the carbosils are amorphous, suggesting that no transformation of carbon and silica into crystalline phase to the limit of the temperatures applied. The carbosil formation decreased with increasing of pyrolysis temperature. The microstructure of the carbosils indicates that the higher the temperature, the smaller the grain size of the samples. The values of electrical conductivity of the samples are in the range of 1.13 x 10-3 to 6.81 x 10-3/(Ω.m) with the application of 10 tones compression pressure, but the conductivities of the sample prepared at 200 °C were found to increase with increased compression pressure to six fold from 6.81 x 10-3 to 41.94 x 10-3/(Ω.m) by increasing compression pressure to 80 tones. Based on these conductivity values, the samples are considered as semiconductor, suggesting the potential use of the carbosil in semiconductor devices
Karakteristik Silika Sekam Padi dari Provinsi Lampung yang Diperoleh dengan Metoda Ekstraksi
This study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of silica extracted from rice husk obtained from rice farming region of Tanggamus, the Province of Lampung. The silica was obtained using sol-gel method, which involves extraction of silica using alkalis solution and gelation of the silica using acid solution. It was found that the highest yield was obtained from the extraction using 5% KOH solution with the extraction time of 60 minutes, and gelation pH of 7.0. Characterization of the silica using FTIR spectroscopy revealed the existence of several functional groups including hydroxyl and siloxane. Analysis of the samples using XRD method revealed that the sample is mainly amorphous, with additional phase of crystobalite as a minor phase. SEM analysis indicates the existence of various particle sizes distributed irregularly, which reflects that homogeneous sample has not been achieved in this study
Karakteristik Silika Sekam Padi dari Provinsi Lampung yang Diperoleh dengan Metoda Ekstraksi
This study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of silica extracted from rice husk obtained from rice farming region of Tanggamus, the Province of Lampung. The silica was obtained using sol-gel method, which involves extraction of silica using alkalis solution and gelation of the silica using acid solution. It was found that the highest yield was obtained from the extraction using 5% KOH solution with the extraction time of 60 minutes, and gelation pH of 7.0. Characterization of the silica using FTIR spectroscopy revealed the existence of several functional groups including hydroxyl and siloxane. Analysis of the samples using XRD method revealed that the sample is mainly amorphous, with additional phase of crystobalite as a minor phase. SEM analysis indicates the existence of various particle sizes distributed irregularly, which reflects that homogeneous sample has not been achieved in this study