234 research outputs found

    A characteristic free criterion of birationality

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    One develops {\em ab initio} the theory of rational/birational maps over reduced, but not necessarily irreducible, projective varieties in arbitrary characteristic. A numerical invariant of a rational map is introduced, called the Jacobian dual rank. It is proved that a rational map in this general setup is birational if and only if the Jacobian dual rank attains its maximal possible value. Even in the "classical" case where the source variety is irreducible there is some gain for this invariant over the degree of the map as it is, on one hand, intrinsically related to natural constructions in commutative algebra and, on the other hand, is effectively straightforwardly computable. Applications are given to results so far only known in characteristic zero. In particular, the surprising result of Dolgachev concerning the degree of a plane polar Cremona map is given an alternative conceptual angle.Comment: 24 page

    Algebraic methods for parameterized codes and invariants of vanishing ideals over finite fields

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    Let K be a finite field with q elements and let X be a subset of a projective space P^{s-1}, over the field K, which is parameterized by Laurent monomials. Let I(X) be the vanishing ideal of X. Some of the main contributions of this paper are in determining the structure of I(X) and some of their invariants. It is shown that I(X) is a lattice ideal. We introduce the notion of a parameterized code arising from X and present algebraic methods to compute and study its dimension, length and minimum distance. For a parameterized code arising from a connected graph we are able to compute its length and to make our results more precise. If the graph is non-bipartite, we show an upper bound for the minimum distance. We also study the underlying geometric structure of X.Comment: Finite Fields Appl., to appea

    Monomial transformations of the projective space

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    We prove that, over any field, the dimension of the indeterminacy locus of a rational transformation ff of PnP^n which is defined by monomials of the same degree dd with no common factors is at least (n2)/2(n-2)/2, provided that the degree of ff as a map is not divisible by dd. This implies upper bounds on the multidegree of ff

    Plane Cremona maps: saturation and regularity of the base ideal

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    One studies plane Cremona maps by focusing on the ideal theoretic and homological properties of its homogeneous base ideal ("indeterminacy locus"). The {\em leitmotiv} driving a good deal of the work is the relation between the base ideal and its saturation. As a preliminary one deals with the homological features of arbitrary codimension 2 homogeneous ideals in a polynomial ring in three variables over a field which are generated by three forms of the same degree. The results become sharp when the saturation is not generated in low degrees, a condition to be given a precise meaning. An implicit goal, illustrated in low degrees, is a homological classification of plane Cremona maps according to the respective homaloidal types. An additional piece of this work relates the base ideal of a rational map to a few additional homogeneous "companion" ideals, such as the integral closure, the μ\boldsymbol\mu-fat ideal and a seemingly novel ideal defined in terms of valuations.Comment: New version only 36 pages, one typo correcte

    Symbolic powers of monomial ideals and Cohen-Macaulay vertex-weighted digraphs

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    In this paper we study irreducible representations and symbolic Rees algebras of monomial ideals. Then we examine edge ideals associated to vertex-weighted oriented graphs. These are digraphs having no oriented cycles of length two with weights on the vertices. For a monomial ideal with no embedded primes we classify the normality of its symbolic Rees algebra in terms of its primary components. If the primary components of a monomial ideal are normal, we present a simple procedure to compute its symbolic Rees algebra using Hilbert bases, and give necessary and sufficient conditions for the equality between its ordinary and symbolic powers. We give an effective characterization of the Cohen--Macaulay vertex-weighted oriented forests. For edge ideals of transitive weighted oriented graphs we show that Alexander duality holds. It is shown that edge ideals of weighted acyclic tournaments are Cohen--Macaulay and satisfy Alexander dualityComment: Special volume dedicated to Professor Antonio Campillo, Springer, to appea

    Extending Landsat 8: Retrieval of an Orange contra-Band for Inland Water Quality Applications

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    The Operational Land Imager (OLI) onboard Landsat 8 has found successful application in inland and coastal water remote sensing. Its radiometric specification and high spatial resolution allows quantification of water-leaving radiance while resolving small water bodies. However, its limited multispectral band set restricts the range of water quality parameters that can be retrieved. Identification of cyanobacteria biomass has been demonstrated for sensors with a band centered near 620 nm, the absorption peak of the diagnostic pigment phycocyanin. While OLI lacks such a band in the orange region, superposition of the available multispectral and panchromatic bands suggests that it can be calculated by a scaled difference. A set of 428 in situ spectra acquired in diverse lakes in Belgium and The Netherlands was used to develop and test an orange contra-band retrieval algorithm, achieving a mean absolute percentage error of 5.39 % and a bias of −0.88 % in the presence of sensor noise. Atmospheric compensation error propagated to the orange contra-band was observed to maintain about the same magnitude (13 % higher) observed for the red band and thus results in minimal additional effects for possible base line subtraction or band ratio algorithms for phycocyanin estimation. Generality of the algorithm for different reflectance shapes was tested against a set of published average coastal and inland Optical Water Types, showing robust retrieval for all but relatively clear water types (Secchi disk depth > 6 m and chlorophyll a < 1.6 mg m−3). The algorithm was further validated with 79 matchups against the Ocean and Land Colour Imager (OLCI) orange band for 10 globally distributed lakes. The retrieved band is shown to convey information independent from the adjacent bands under variable phycocyanin concentrations. An example application using Landsat 8 imagery is provided for a knowncyanobacterialbloominLakeErie,US.ThemethodisdistributedintheACOLITEatmospheric correction code. The contra-band approach is generic and can be applied to other sensors with overlapping bands. Recommendations are also provided for development of future sensors with broad spectral bands with the objective to maximize the accuracy of possible spectral enhancement

    Combinatorics of a certain ideal in the Segre coordinate ring

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    We focus on a 'fat' model of an ideal in the class of the canonical ideal of the Segre coordinate ring, looking at its Rees algebra and related arithmetical questions.124113285329