8 research outputs found
Change of Taste Sensitivity of Clove Cigarette Smokers in Medan
Tongue has taste buds that contain taste receptor which affected by many factors, including smoking habit. Objective: To analyze the differences of sweet and bitter taste sensitivity in the pedicab driver clove cigarette smokers compared to non-smokers in Medan Padang Bulan. Methods: This study was conducted by placing the sweet taste strips and bitter taste strips on four taste receptors of the tongue, with increasing solution concentration in 74 subjects. This was a cross sectional study on pedicab driver population in Medan Padang Bulan. Results: There were differences between clove cigarette smokers and non-smokers on sweet taste examination (p<0.005). There was a difference between clove cigarette smokers and non-smokers on examination bitter taste receptors (p<0.005). On the clove cigarette smokers, there was no significant difference between sweet taste and bitter taste on the receptors itself. Conclusion: Non-smokers are more sensitive to sweet taste than the clove cigarette smokers. Bitter taste sensitivity is greater in cigarettes smokers than in non-smokers. Taste receptors on all location of the tongue could taste sweet and bitter substances, but a certain location of taste receptors were more sensitive compared to others
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan adanya
kecenderungan student-centered learning pada pembelajaran ikatan
kovalen berbantuan lesson analysis. Metode yang digunakan adalah
metode kualitatif dan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif
kualitatif . Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar
observasi, lembar Lesson Analysis (LA), dan video pembelajaran. Teknik
pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan perekaman.
Dari hasil analisis transkrip dialog berbantuan lesson analysis
pembelajaran pertama ikatan kovalen diperoleh 595 step terdiri dari 181
step pada sesi klasikal dan 414 pada sesi kelompok. Transkrip dialog
pada pembelajaran pertama ikatan kovalen sesi klasikal yaitu (2%), G
(2%), Ya/Tidak (9%), PK (3%), MM3 (2%), RS2 (2%), MP (0%), TD
(0%), TP (1%), TK (0%), LJ (2%), PM (0%). Hasil analisis transkrip
dialog berbantuan lesson analysis pembelajaran kedua ikatan kovalen
diperoleh 827 step terdiri dari 207 step pada sesi klasikal dan 620 step
pada sesi kelompok. Transkrip dialog pada pembelajaran kedua ikatan
kovalen sesi klasikal ditemukan perubahan yang ditandai dengan
munculnya kategori TR (2%), G (0%), Ya/Tidak (2%), PK (3%), MM3
(35%), RS2 (37%), MP (0%), TD (0%), TP (4%), TK (0%), LJ (4%),
PM (0%). Dari hasil kategorisasi menggunakan lesson analysis
pembelajaran pertama ikatan kovalen terlihat bahwa pembelajaran
cenderung berpusat pada guru (Teacher-Centered). Sedangkan hasil
kategorisasi menggunakan lesson analysis pembelajaran kedua ikatan
kovalen terlihat adanya perubahan yang menunjukkan bahwa
pembelajaran mulai berpusat pada siswa (Student-Centered).;--- This study aims to show the tendency of student centered
learning in covalent bonding assisted by lesson analysis. The method
used is qualitative method and the research design used is qualitative
descriptive and the research design used is descriptive qualitative. The
research instrument used was observation sheets, lesson analysis (LA)
sheets, and learning video. Data collection techniques used are
observation and recording. The result of the dialogue transcript assisted
with the first learning lesson analysis concept of covalent bonding
obtained 595 step consisted of 181 step in the classical session and 414
step in the group session. The dialogue transcript on the first learning of
covalent bonding in classical that is (2%), G (2%), Ya/Tidak (9%), PK
(3%), MM3 (2%), RS2 (2%), MP (0%), TD (0%), TP (1%), TK (0%),
LJ (2%), PM (0%). The result of dialogue transcript assisted with the
second learning lesson analysis concept of covalent bonding obtained
827 step consisted of 207 step in the classical session and 620 step in the
group session. Dialogue transcript on the second learning of covalent
bonding in classical session found changes that were marked by the
emergence of categories TR (2%), G (0%), Ya/Tidak (2%), PK (3%),
MM3 (35%), RS2 (37%), MP (0%), TD (0%), TP (4%), TK (0%), LJ
(4%), PM (0%). From the results of categorization using lesson analysis
on the first learning of covalent bonding indicate teacher-centered
learning. While the results of categorization using lesson analysis on the
second learning of covalent bonding that indicate that learning begins to
focus on students (Student-Centered
Pengaruh Riwayat Keluarga, Obesitas Dan Stress Psikosial Terhadap Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Ibu Pasangan Usia Subur Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Simalingkar
Hypertension a serious pubic health problem since it is directly related to morbidity and mortality rate. It is also a chronic disease which can cause complication which will eventually influence the process of women’s reproduction, especially of mother of eligible couples. It ranked the third of the top ten diseases in the working area of Simalingkar Community Health Center (“Puskesmasâ€), in 2016. The objective of the research was to find out which influenced of family history, obesity and psychosocial stress the incidence of hypertension of mother of eligible couples in the working area of Simalingkar Community Health Center. The research used observational analytic method with case-control study and retrospective design. The population was all productive-aged women in the working area of Simalingkar Community Health Center. The samples consisted of 68 respondents who were in the case group and the other 68 respondents in the control group, taken by using consecutive sampling technique. The data were analyzed by using univariate analysis, bivariate analysis with chi square test, and multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regression analysis. The result of the research showed that there was the influence of obesity p=0.003 (OR=2.95 CI 95% 1.438 – 6.058 and psychosocial stress p=0,008 (OR=2,63 CI 95% 1,282 - 5,426) on the incidence of hypertension, while history of family did not have any influence on the incidence of hypertension in the working area of Simalingkar Community Health Center. Obesity was the most dominant factor which influenced the incidence of hypertension of mother of eligible couples at OR= OR=2.95 (p<0.05). It is recommended that the health care providers at Simalingkar Community Health Center provide adequate information about hypertension for the people who should routinely control their blood pressure, have healthy eating pattern and lifestyle and do exercises regularly in order to avoid hypertension
Pengaruh Riwayat Keluarga, Obesitas Dan Stress Psikosial Terhadap Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Ibu Pasangan Usia Subur Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Simalingkar
Hypertension a serious pubic health problem since it is directly related to morbidity and mortality rate. It is also a chronic disease which can cause complication which will eventually influence the process of women’s reproduction, especially of mother of eligible couples. It ranked the third of the top ten diseases in the working area of Simalingkar Community Health Center (“Puskesmasâ€), in 2016. The objective of the research was to find out which influenced of family history, obesity and psychosocial stress the incidence of hypertension of mother of eligible couples in the working area of Simalingkar Community Health Center. The research used observational analytic method with case-control study and retrospective design. The population was all productive-aged women in the working area of Simalingkar Community Health Center. The samples consisted of 68 respondents who were in the case group and the other 68 respondents in the control group, taken by using consecutive sampling technique. The data were analyzed by using univariate analysis, bivariate analysis with chi square test, and multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regression analysis. The result of the research showed that there was the influence of obesity p=0.003 (OR=2.95 CI 95% 1.438 – 6.058 and psychosocial stress p=0,008 (OR=2,63 CI 95% 1,282 - 5,426) on the incidence of hypertension, while history of family did not have any influence on the incidence of hypertension in the working area of Simalingkar Community Health Center. Obesity was the most dominant factor which influenced the incidence of hypertension of mother of eligible couples at OR= OR=2.95 (p<0.05). It is recommended that the health care providers at Simalingkar Community Health Center provide adequate information about hypertension for the people who should routinely control their blood pressure, have healthy eating pattern and lifestyle and do exercises regularly in order to avoid hypertension
Peningkatan Literasi Ekonomi Tentang Audit Keuangan bagi Siswa SMP Negeri 9 Kota Sibolga
SMP Negeri 9 is located in the Sibolga Sambas sub-district together with SMP Negeri 10 Sibolga. The students of SMP Negeri 9 Sibolga have studied economic subjects but with limited learning media and their implementation in daily life, students are still not efficient. The benefits of studying Economics for a person students can train someone in developing a student's creative ideas, train a student to be socially minded, more thorough and economical, train a student in setting the priority scale of needs from the most important needs. The aim of this PkM is to increase students' insight into Economics because studying economics trains a student to be more independent in managing his needs, learning how to fulfill a student's needs. Training a student's time and financial management and understanding a student's life needs. In training a student in developing creative ideas. All PkM participants, namely class IX students, PkM was held in August for 1 month and this PkM activity has resulted in an understanding of economics such as students being able to audit cash in class and can already think about choosing an accounting major when entering high school (SMA). later. Students will be able to practice and understand from themselves about financial reports and the parts of the economy
Pengelolaan Kelas Online melalui Penggunaan Google Classroom dan Video Pembelajaran bagi Guru-Guru Sma Negeri 1 Sidikalang
The online learning system (in the network) is a learning system without face to face directly between teachers and students but is carried out online using the internet network. Educators must ensure that teaching and learning activities continue to run according to the demands of the curriculum, even though students are at home. With a situation like this, teachers are required to make learning innovations related to the media that will be used to deliver online learning effectively. The diversity of teacher competency levels in carrying out online learning requires socialization activities for online classroom management in terms of using google classroom and making learning videos uploaded to youtube. Seeing these conditions, the service team from HKBP Nommensen University lecturers collaborated with school leaders at SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang in terms of conducting socialization activities and online classroom management training through the learning media of google classroom and making learning videos uploaded on youtube. The results of the collaboration in the form of community service activities carried out can help teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang as evidenced by the average teacher already having online classes and being able to manage online classes through Google Classroom and make good learning videos
Peranan orang tua dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan islam pada anak menurut konsep Al-Qur’an Surat Lukman ayat 13
Skripsi ini berjudul “Peranan Orang Tua Dalam Mengimplementasikan Pendidikan Islam Pada Anak Menurut Konsep Al-qur’an Surat Lukman 13” sehingga muncul permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu mengingat betapa pentingnya peranan orang tua dalam menanamkan pendidikan Islam pada diri anak. Namun, proses penanaman pendidikan Islam tidak hanya didapat melalui pendidikan formal dan non formal saja. Tetapi yang terpenting adalah dengan cara memahami makna yang terkandung dalam al-qur’an yang merupakan sumber utama ajaran Islam. Surat Lukman ayat 13 adalah merupakan surat Al-Qur’an yang patut digali untuk menemukan peranan orang tua terhadap pendidikan Islam pada anak. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas maka yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana konsep Al-Qur’an surat Lukman ayat 13 tentang peranan orang tua dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan Islam pada anak. Oleh karena itu pembahasan penelitian ini berkenaan dengan pembahasan pendidikan Islam, dan kajian tafsir seputar penafsiran surat lukman ayat 13. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian perpustakaan. Sesuai dengan jenis penelitian, tehnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan pun adalah dengan metode dokumentasi. Sedangkan yang menjadi objek penelitian ini adalah konsep Al-qur’an surat lukman ayat 13. Sumber data terdiri dari sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Sedangkan analisa data yang digunakan adalah metode maudu’iy, hal ini dikarenakan penelitian ini termasuk penelitian tafsir. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Penafsiran surat Lukman ayat 13 pada dasarnya mengajarkan pendidikan aqidah (tauhid) yang merupakan hal paling pokok yang semestinya diajarkan kepada anak. Hal ini dikarenakan perkara ketauhi dan merupakan dasar sebelum mengajarkan perkara-perkara lainnya. Adapun peranan orang tua dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan Islam pada anak menurut konsep Al-Qur’an surat Lukman ayat 13 yaitu orang tua berperan dalam memberikan pendidikan tauhid pada anak dengan sentuhan kasih saying dan kelembutan. Di samping itu orang tua harus memiliki keteladanan yang baik, dan tak henti-hentinya menasehai anaknya, sebab ini merupakan metode yang dilakukan oleh luqman. Selanjutnya, dalam bergaul kepada anak-anaknya para orang tua harus berlaku santun, dalam rangka menjalin hubungan komunikasiyang efektif terhadap anaknya,sehingga hubungan yang baik tersebut dapat memudahkan orang tua dalam memberikan pendidikan islam pada anaknya
The effect of quality of implementation of pjj pjokc conditions, and achievement motivation on the students' learning outcomes of sma negeri 25 jakarta (during the covid-19 pandemic)
This study aims to determine the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable. Judging from the title of the thesis, there are three independent variables, namely the quality of PJJ PJOK, socio-economic conditions, achievement motivation. As the dependent variable is the learning outcomes of Physical Education students at SMA Negeri 25 JAKARTA. To determine the extent of the influence of the quality of PJJ PJOK, socio-economic conditions, achievement motivation on learning outcomes of PJOK students of SMA Negeri 25 Jakarta. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 25 Jakarta, Central Jakarta. The research was conducted using descriptive research methods with a quantitative approach. Descriptive research method is a method used to solve problems that exist in the present. Investigations in this method using interview techniques, questionnaires, observation. It can also use test techniques, case studies, cooperative or operational studies. Descriptive method is designed to gather information about real conditions now (while taking place). The main objective in using this method is to create descriptive, systematic, factual and accurate description of the facts, properties and relationships of the phenomena being investigated.Samples were taken as many as 85 people, namely students of SMA Negeri 25 Jakarta. The sampling technique used was the Slovin technique and the data collection method used a questionnaire. Data analysis used descriptive analysis and path analysis.The results of this study indicate that; (1) There is no direct influence between the quality of PJJ PJOK on Achievement Motivation for students of SMA Negeri 25 Jakarta, this is evidenced by a significance value of more than0.05 (0.873> 0.05); (2) There is a direct influence between the Socio-Economic Conditions on Achievement Motivation in SMA Negeri 25 Jakarta, this is evidenced by a significance value less than 0.05 (0.047 <0.05); (3) There is a direct influence between the quality of PJJ PJOK on learning outcomes for students at SMA Negeri 25 Jakarta, this is evidenced by a significance value less than 0.05 (0.004 <0.05); (4) There is no direct influence between socio-economic conditions on learning outcomes for students of SMA Negeri 25 Jakarta, this is evidenced by the significance value obtained greater than 0.05 (0.564> 0.05); (5) There is no direct influence between Achievement Motivation on Learning Outcomes in SMA Negeri 25 Jakarta, this is evidenced by the significance value obtained greater than 0.05, greater than 0.05 (0.393> 0.05); (6) There is no indirect effect of the Quality of PJJ PJOK through Achievement Motivation on Learning Outcomes in SMA Negeri 25 Jakarta, this is evidenced by the beta coefficient value which is smaller than the beta coefficient which directly affects the quality of PJJ PJOK on learning outcomes of dribbling by 0.310 ( -0.02<0.310); (7) There is no indirect effect between Socioeconomic Conditions through Achievement Motivation on Learning Outcomes in SMA Negeri 25 Jakarta, this is evidenced by the beta coefficient value which is smaller than the beta coefficient value, the direct effect of Socioeconomic Conditions on Learning Outcomes of 0.062 (0.020 <0.062).Keywords: quality of PJJ PJOK, socio-economic conditions, achievement motivation, learning outcome