376 research outputs found

    Cálculo mental y estimación: métodos, resultados de una investigación y sugerencias para su enseñanza

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    El cálculo mental y la estimación han sido descuidados en la enseñanza de las matemáticas. El propósito de este artículo es el de presentar algunas ideas que han surgido de la investigación de estos temas, y que pueden ser de provecho para ejecutarlas en el salón de clase. Se exponen también los resultados de un estudio de cálculo mental con niños mexicanos, los cuales indican que los niños necesitan de una instrucción activa de estos temas que refleje algunas de las estrategias fundamentales como son la descomposición y el redondeo, y la de pasos repetidos, descritas en el artículo

    La pertinencia de la instrucción diferenciada y las inteligencias múltiples al diseñar actividades para la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera: Programación Anual y Unidad Didáctica

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    En la tarea de diseño de actividades para la clase de inglés, la consideración de la instrucción diferenciada así como de la existencia distinta inteligencias resulta de gran importancia para los docentes en su deber de conocer y atender las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes y facilitar un aprendizaje efectivo, sobretodo teniendo en cuanta que la diversidad está muy presente en nuestra sociedad y las aulas son un reflejo de ésta

    Production of Transglutaminase by Streptoverticillium ladakanum NRRL-3191 Using Glycerol as Carbon Source

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    The enzyme transglutaminase (TG) catalyses the formation of covalent bonds between adjacent proteins, thereby improving the gel structure of proteins and has important applications for the food industry. The aims of this work were: (i) to elucidate the effect of agitation speed during the biotechnological production of TG by Streptoverticillium ladakanum NRRL-3191 using glycerol as carbon source; and (ii) to improve TG production by optimising the composition of media based on glycerol, xylose and casein. An agitation speed of 250 rpm and a fermentation time of 72 h resulted in the optimal enzymatic activity (0.628 U/mL) with a productivity of 0.087 U/(mL·h). The composition of media with glycerol, xylose and casein were optimised using an experimental design to improve TG production. The model predicts that the maximum TG activity (0.725 U/mL) can be obtained using glycerol 50.5 g/L and casein 20 g/L without the addition of xylose

    Community forest and mushrooms: Collective action initiatives in rural areas of Galicia

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    Galicia is a region situated in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula where community forests are very much spread. This kind of ownership is held by local communities that, collectively, decide how to manage the forest and its mycological resources as part of its non-timber forest products. In this work, we characterize and analyse the existing governance modalities for the collective use of mycological resources in both their material and immaterial aspects, and we do it by applying a social-ecological system framework combined with a knowledge economy model. Up to 21 mycological use initiatives have been identified and inventoried. Most of them manage the common resource through mycological reserves (open or closed), but there are others that produce and sell mushrooms. The work shows how communities use their governance mechanisms to define rules aimed at improving sustainability and the influx of revenues. In addition, we analyse how some of these initiatives are starting to manage their common immaterial resources (associated with values such as quality and with ecocertifications, etc.), and to develop innovative strategies (short supply chains) for the purpose of improving their position in the value chain. The text discusses community management as a strategy that allows combining sustainability objectives in the management of mycological resources with the raising of revenues in the long term. Finally, we underline the need for public policies that support successful experiences and strengthen the capacity of community institutions to appropriate the value they generate.This work has been developed within the framework of a project entitled “La construccion ´ social de la calidad alimentaria: Mediaciones entre la produccion ´ y el consumo en una economía basada en el conocimiento” (“The social construction of food quality: Mediation between production and consumption in a knowledge-based economy”) (Ref. CSO2017- 85188-r), which has benefitted from the Aid to RDI Projects initiative of the Programa Estatal de Investigacion, ´ Desarrollo e Innovacion ´ orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation focused on Societal Challenges), developed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.S

    Production of microbial transglutaminase on media made from sugar cane molasses and glycerol

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    Transglutaminase is an enzyme that catalyses an acyl transfer reaction between γ-carboxamide groups of glutaminyl residues and lysine residues in proteins. Due to this property, this enzyme is used for enhancing textural properties of protein-rich food. The transglutaminase used as food additive is obtained by microorganisms, mainly by Streptoverticillium ladakanum. On the other hand, sugar cane molasses is a viscous liquid rich in noncrystallized carbohydrates (saccharose, glucose and fructose). In this work, the feasibility of using sugar cane molasses as a carbon source for the production of microbial transglutaminase by Streptoverticillium ladakanum NRRL 3191 has been studied. Carbon sources including sugar cane molasses (60 g of total sugars per L), glycerol (60 g/L) and their mixture in a ratio of 1:1 (30 g/L of each) were evaluated. Time course of microbial growth, transglutaminase activity and carbon source consumption were determined every 24 h during 120 h of fermentations at three agitation speeds (200, 300 or 400 rpm). The results showed that with the increase in agitation speed, the biomass concentration increased up to 8.39 g/L in the medium containing sugar cane molasses alone or the mixture of molasses and glycerol. The highest transglutaminase activity was obtained at 400 rpm in the medium containing a mixture of molasses and glycerol, reaching 0.460 U/mL, while in the medium containing sugar cane molasses alone, the activity was 0.240 U/mL, and using glycerol alone it was 0.250 U/mL. These results show that sugar cane molasses is a suitable medium for transglutaminase production when it is combined with glycerolA grant from FOMIX CONACYT – Gobierno de Tamaulipas (Ref. 2004/1055) to author Portilla-Rivera is gratefully acknowledged. The authors are grateful to Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain) for the financial support of this work (Project: AGL2006-08250/ALI)S


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    El ejercicio profesional del Médico Veterinario Zootecnista esta relacionado con muchos procesos biotecnológicos. La biotecnología en su definición más amplia, incluye la idea del uso de organismos biológicos con la finalidad de facilitar o mejorar la obtención de productos derivados de ellos, podríamos decir que ésta ha acompañado al hombre desde los inicios de la civilización y que ha alcanzado a diversas áreas de interés humano como son los alimentos, la medicina, procesos industriales, la agricultura y la medicina veterinaria y la zootecnia. Por lo que el presente curso pretende dar al alumno un panorama generadle algunos de los aspectos más relevantes de la biotecnología que tienen un impacto en el área del conocimiento profesional de un médico Veterinario Zootecnista, con un enfoque teórico práctico en algunas áreas, y teórico en otras; tales como la ingeniería genética, Proteómica, inmunología, la reproducción y producción animal y diagnóstico de enfermedades infecciosas y genéticas. Así como, los aspectos bioéticos esenciales en la manipulación y manejo sanitario de los animales de laboratorio

    Community forest and mushrooms: Collective action initiatives in rural areas of Galicia

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    [EN] Galicia is a region situated in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula where community forests are very much spread. This kind of ownership is held by local communities that, collectively, decide how to manage the forest and its mycological resources as part of its non-timber forest products. In this work, we characterize and analyse the existing governance modalities for the collective use of mycological resources in both their material and immaterial aspects, and we do it by applying a social-ecological system framework combined with a knowledge economy model. Up to 21 mycological use initiatives have been identified and inventoried. Most of them manage the common resource through mycological reserves (open or closed), but there are others that produce and sell mushrooms. The work shows how communities use their governance mechanisms to define rules aimed at improving sustainability and the influx of revenues. In addition, we analyse how some of these initiatives are starting to manage their common immaterial resources (associated with values such as quality and with ecocertifications, etc.), and to develop innovative strategies (short supply chains) for the purpose of improving their position in the value chain. The text discusses community management as a strategy that allows combining sustainability objectives in the management of mycological resources with the raising of revenues in the long term. Finally, we underline the need for public policies that support successful experiences and strengthen the capacity of community institutions to appropriate the value they generateS

    Retrato robot del perfil geográfico de la delincuencia juvenil. Un análisis de la movilidad criminal en la ciudad de Albacete

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    En la actualidad todas las disciplinas que abordan el estudio de la delincuencia reconocen que la comprensión del fenómeno delictivo mejora si se tiene en cuenta el componente espacial o geográfico. Los ambientes han mostrado poseer ciertas características que fomentan o facilitan el delito, y los delincuentes gravitan en torno a aquellos ambientes vulnerables o lucrativos. En este sentido, gran parte de la literatura científica enmarcada en la categoría de criminología ambiental se ha consagrado a estudiar la existencia de patrones en el desplazamiento de los delincuentes en la búsqueda de objetivos. Un hallazgo compartido por la mayoría de investigaciones es que, por lo general, los individuos responden al principio del mínimo esfuerzo y se desplazan distancias relativamente cortas para cometer delitos. No obstante, se han documentado que dicha distancia es dependiente de otros factores como la naturaleza del hecho delictivo, la franja horaria, la relación víctima-victimario, el valor del bien deseado, etc. En el caso de la delincuencia juvenil, la evidencia empírica apunta a una menor movilidad criminal que en el caso de los adultos. A pesar de ello, en España no se ha realizado estudios que apoyen esta afirmación. Por ello, el objetivo de presente trabajo se dirige a conocer si los viajes sirven a algún propósito útil para los delincuentes juveniles, es decir, que les mueve a desplazarse. Para tratar de dar respuesta a esta pregunta, se ha analizado la relación entre distancia de decaimiento y algunas características del delito. Los resultados obtenidos han evidenciado que, por lo general, los delincuentes juveniles cometen los delitos en un entorno cercano, durante el desarrollo de otras actividades cotidianas no delictivas. Así, parecería confirmarse la idea de que el delito surge más bien como una oportunidad, en medio de las actividades normales de los jóvenes, en dónde existe algún elemento que funciona como precipitador de la conducta delictiva.Este trabajo se ha realizado con una ayuda del Plan Nacional I+D+i del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, “Análisis criminológico de la justicia penal en España. Una profundización sobre el proceso de producción de datos oficiales y sobre la eficacia del sistema de justicia” (DER2011-28769)

    Media Roles in the Online News Domain: Authorities and Emergent Audience Brokers

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    This article empirically tests the role of legacy and digital-born news media, mapping the patterns of audience navigation across news sources and the relationship between news providers. We borrow tools from network science to bring evidence that suggest legacy news media retain control of the most central positions in the online news domain. Great progress has been made in discussing theoretically the impact of the Internet on the news media ecology. Less research attention, however, has been given to empirically testing changes in the role of legacy media and the rising prominence of digital-born outlets. To fill this gap, in this study we use the hyperlink-induced topic search algorithm, which identifies authorities by means of a hyperlink network, to show that legacy media are still the most authoritative sources in the media ecology. To further substantiate their dominant role, we also examine the structural position of news providers in the audience network. We gather navigation data from a panel of 30,000 people and use it to reproduce the network of patterns of news consumption. While legacy news media retain control of the brokerage positions for the general population, our analysis - focused on patterns of young news consumers - reveals that new digital outlets also occupy relevant positions to control the audience flow. The results of this study have substantive implications for our understanding of news organizations’ roles and how they attain authority in the digital age