36 research outputs found

    La Región de Murcia en los manuales escolares de educación secundaria. Una narrativa a la sombra de España y Europa

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    Social science textbooks are the most widely read historical narrative, and for much of the population constitute the only reading they will ever have done on the subject . Hence the need to analyze in detail what types of content and activities these books contain. The pre-eminence of textbook as the main educational resource in Spain remains overwhelming, both in primary and secondary education. This derives from the conceptual model assigned to humanistic subjects like history. Along with the lecture and rote examination, the manual gives us a picture of the advances and setbacks in the teaching of history in Spain. While studies on issues regarding national identity and narrative are abundant, there is a conspicuous lack of coverage in the manuals of the different autonomous communities since educational power was transferred to them. In both quantitative and qualitative terms, the relevance given to the regions is far inferior to that given to state and universal contents (Eurocentric), and the latest laws have only led to more of a setback. Our examination of the case of the Region of Murcia seeks to reveal the continuity of clichés that simplify and distort the history of this territory, preventing students from acquiring a minimum background knowledge of the region’s diversity of landscapes, cultures and lifestyles. To this end we have analyzed nine history textbooks of the 1st, 2nd and 4th years of Secondary Education, covering the last two decades and three most recent education laws (LOGSE, LOE and LOMCE).Los manuales escolares de ciencias sociales son la narrativa histórica más leída, en muchos casos la única para gran parte de la población en toda su vida. De ahí la necesidad de analizar al detalle qué tipo de contenidos y actividades contienen. La preeminencia del libro de texto como principal recurso educativo en España sigue siendo abrumadora, tanto en Educación Primaria como Secundaria. Ello deriva del modelo conceptual asignado a materias humanísticas como la historia. Junto con la lección magistral y el examen memorístico, el manual nos explica los avances y retrocesos en la enseñanza de la historia en España. Los estudios sobre cuestiones identitarias y narrativas de corte nacional son muy abundantes. Pero se echa en falta un acercamiento al papel asignado en los manuales a las distintas comunidades autónomas, desde que se transfieren las competencias educativas a las mismas. Su relevancia cuantitativa y cualitativa, frente a los contenidos estatales y universales (eurocéntricos), es mucho menor y las últimas leyes han supuesto un retroceso. La aproximación al caso de la Región de Murcia pretende desvelar la continuidad de tópicos que simplifican y falsean la historia de este territorio, impidiendo que los estudiantes adquieran un mínimo bagaje sobre la diversidad de paisajes, culturas y formas de vida. Para ello se analizan nueve manuales de historia de 1.º, 2.º y 4.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, que abarcan las dos últimas décadas y tres leyes educativas (LOGSE, LOE y LOMCE)

    Importancia de los preconceptos en la adquisición de conocimientos en materias científico-técnicas

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    [Resumen] La cantidad de preconceptos que los alumnos poseen antes de abordar el estudio de un tema influye de manera notable en la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos. Se ha diseñado una estrategia de enseñanza aprendizaje basada en el uso de cuestionarios y prácticas de ordenador realizadas con Easy Java Simulations. Las áreas trabajadas fueron mecánica, electromagnetismo y termodinámica. Se han detectado varias ideas preconcebidas y erróneas sobre todo en la parte de mecánica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la estrategia diseñada ha resultado útil al cometido abordado.[Abstract] The amount of preconceptions that students have before approaching the study of a topic has a significant influence on the acquisition of new knowledge. A teaching-learning strategy has been designed based on the use of questionnaires and computer practices carried out with Easy Java Simulations. The areas worked on were mechanics, electromagnetism and thermodynamics. Several preconceptions and erroneous ideas have been detected, especially in the mechanics part. The results obtained show that the designed strategy has been useful for the task undertaken.http://hdl.handle.net/2183/2879

    Design and Validation of the Adaptation to Change Questionnaire: New Realities in Times of COVID-19

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    Emotional and cognitive-behavioral factors influence people’s adaptability to change. Based on this premise, the objective of this study was to develop, evaluate and validate the Adaptation to Change Questionnaire (ADAPTA-10) for identifying those who show poor adaptability to adverse situations, such as those caused by COVID-19. This study was carried out in a sample of 1160 adults and produced a 10-item instrument with good reliability and validity indices. It is an effective tool useful in research and in clinical practice. Calculation tables are provided for the general Spanish population and by sex to evaluate adaptability to change. The two-dimensional structure proposed in the original model was confirmed. This instrument will enable the needs for adaptation to the new reality associated with COVID-19 to be detected and also other situations in which the subject becomes immersed which demand adaptation strategies in the new situation lived in

    Fundamento y diseño de un proyecto de evaluación de la integración educativa de los niños con necesidades especiales por su deficiencia visual

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    Este artículo pretende dar a conocer una investigación de evaluación de la educación integrada con niños ciegos y deficientes visuales en España que se está realizando por la O.N.C.E. con un grupo de profesores de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. En él se hace un resumen de los objetivos y naturaleza de la investigación evaluativa emprendida, valorativa, iluminativa y formativa, y un análisis del diseño, variables y metodología usada en la investigaciónThis article feports a research work on the evaluation of educational integration with blind and visually handicapped children in Spain. The research is being conducted by the O.N.C.E. in collaboration with a group o teachers of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. It outlines the objectives and nature of the evaluative study undertaken (valuative, instructive and formative) and analyzes the design, thé variables and the methodology used in the stud

    GENYOi005-A: An induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) line generated from a patient with Familial Platelet Disorder with associated Myeloid Malignancy (FPDMM) carrying a p.Thr196Ala variant

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    Familial Platelet Disorder with associated Myeloid Malignancy (FPDMM) is a rare platelet disorder caused by mutations in RUNX1. We generated an iPSC line (GENYOi005-A) from a FPDMM patient with a non-previously reported variant p.Thr196Ala. Non-integrative Sendai viruses expressing the Yamanaka reprogramming factors were used to reprogram peripheral blood mononuclear cells from this FPDMM patient. Characterization of GENYOi005-A included genetic analysis of RUNX1 locus, Short Tandem Repeats profiling, alkaline phosphatase enzymatic activity, expression of pluripotency-associated factors and differentiation studies in vitro and in vivo. This iPSC line will provide a powerful tool to study developmental alterations of FPDMM patientsThis work was supported by the Ramon y Cajal (RYC-2015-18382) to PJR founded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER (CP12/03175 and CPII17/00032) to V.R-M., (PI17/01311) to M.L.L and J.R., (PI17/01966; Fundación Mutua Madrileña AP172142019; Premio Lopez Borrasca SETH 2019; GRS2061/A/19) to J.M.B. and (CPII15/00018 and PI16/01340) to PJR; by the Chair "Doctors Galera-Requena in cancer stem cell research" (CMC-CTS963) to J.A.M. and C.G-L