11,946 research outputs found

    Flight characteristics of a manned, low-speed, controlled deep stall vehicle

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    A successful manned, low speed, controlled deep stall flight research program was conducted at NASA Ames Research Center's Dryden Flight Research Facility. Piloting techniques were established that enabled the pilot to attain and stabilize on an angle of attack in the 30 deg to 72 deg range. A flight determined aerodynamic data base was established for angles of attack as high as 72 deg. Poor lateral directional flying qualities were encountered at angles of attack above 60 deg. Insight into the high angle of attack lateral directional dynamics was gained through a basic root locus analysis

    A comparison of Wortmann airfoil computer-generated lift and drag polars with flight and wind tunnel results

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    Computations of drag polars for a low-speed Wortmann sailplane airfoil are compared with both wind tunnel and flight test results. Excellent correlation was shown to exist between computations and flight results except when separated flow regimes were encountered. Smoothness of the input coordinates to the PROFILE computer program was found to be essential to obtain accurate comparisons of drag polars or transition location to either the flight or wind tunnel flight results

    The Utility of Text: The Case of Amicus Briefs and the Supreme Court

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    We explore the idea that authoring a piece of text is an act of maximizing one's expected utility. To make this idea concrete, we consider the societally important decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States. Extensive past work in quantitative political science provides a framework for empirically modeling the decisions of justices and how they relate to text. We incorporate into such a model texts authored by amici curiae ("friends of the court" separate from the litigants) who seek to weigh in on the decision, then explicitly model their goals in a random utility model. We demonstrate the benefits of this approach in improved vote prediction and the ability to perform counterfactual analysis.Comment: Working draf

    WaND Briefing Note 28 Revised Options for UK Domestic Water Reduction - A Review

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    Demand pressure on UK water supplies is expected to increase in the next 20 years driven by increasing population, new housing development and reducing household size. Regionally and at town level migration will also affect demand particularly in the South-East which is forecast to have a larger than average growth in population and house building. The water demand moderating trends that are considered to have the greatest effect on UK consumption, in approximate order, are: 1. Metering 2. Low flush toilets 3. Normal showers 4. Efficient washing machines 5. Dishwashers 6. Cistern displacement devices (in existing homes with large cisterns) 7. Water efficient gardening measures can play an important role in reducing demand during critical drought period

    The Options for UK Domestic Water Reduction: A Review

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    Demand pressure on UK water supplies is expected to increase in the next 20 years driven by increasing population, new housing development and reducing household size. Regionally and locally migration will also afect demand particularly in the South-East. The water reduction trends that will have the greatest reduction effect on UK consumption are: 1. For new homes; metering and new efficiencies in design and construction (e.g. low flush toilets, heating and plumbing efficiences) 2. For established housing; metering and modern washing machines

    In-flight total forces, moments and static aeroelastic characteristics of an oblique-wing research airplane

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    A low-speed flight investigation has provided total force and moment coefficients and aeroelastic effects for the AD-1 oblique-wing research airplane. The results were interpreted and compared with predictions that were based on wind tunnel data. An assessment has been made of the aeroelastic wing bending design criteria. Lateral-directional trim requirements caused by asymmetry were determined. At angles of attack near stall, flow visualization indicated viscous flow separation and spanwise vortex flow. These effects were also apparent in the force and moment data

    Flight-determined aerodynamic derivatives of the AD-1 oblique-wing research airplane

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    The AD-1 is a variable-sweep oblique-wing research airplane that exhibits unconventional stability and control characteristics. In this report, flight-determined and predicted stability and control derivatives for the AD-1 airplane are compared. The predictions are based on both wind tunnel and computational results. A final best estimate of derivatives is presented

    Helium in Double-Detonation Models of Type Ia Supernovae

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    The double-detonation explosion model has been considered a candidate for explaining astrophysical transients with a wide range of luminosities. In this model, a carbon-oxygen white dwarf star explodes following detonation of a surface layer of helium. One potential signature of this explosion mechanism is the presence of unburned helium in the outer ejecta, left over from the surface helium layer. In this paper we present simple approximations to estimate the optical depths of important He I lines in the ejecta of double-detonation models. We use these approximations to compute synthetic spectra, including the He I lines, for double-detonation models obtained from hydrodynamical explosion simulations. Specifically, we focus on photospheric-phase predictions for the near-infrared 10830 \AA~and 2 μ\mum lines of He I. We first consider a double detonation model with a luminosity corresponding roughly to normal SNe Ia. This model has a post-explosion unburned He mass of 0.03 M⊙M_{\odot} and our calculations suggest that the 2 μ\mum feature is expected to be very weak but that the 10830 \AA~feature may have modest opacity in the outer ejecta. Consequently, we suggest that a moderate-to-weak He I 10830 \AA~feature may be expected to form in double-detonation explosions at epochs around maximum light. However, the high velocities of unburned helium predicted by the model (∼19,000\sim 19,000~km~s−1^{-1}) mean that the He I 10830 \AA~feature may be confused or blended with the C I 10690~\AA~line forming at lower velocities. We also present calculations for the He I 10830 \AA~and 2 μ\mum lines for a lower mass (low luminosity) double detonation model, which has a post-explosion He mass of 0.077 M⊙M_{\odot}. In this case, both the He I features we consider are strong and can provide a clear observational signature of the double-detonation mechanism.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted by A&

    Detecting the signatures of helium in type Iax supernovae

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    Recent studies have argued that the progenitor system of type Iax supernovae must consist of a carbon-oxygen white dwarf accreting from a helium star companion. Based on existing explosion models invoking the pure deflagration of carbon-oxygen white dwarfs, we investigate the likelihood of producing spectral features due to helium in type Iax supernovae. From this scenario, we select those explosion models producing ejecta and 56^{56}Ni masses that are broadly consistent with those estimated for type Iax supernovae (0.014 - 0.478~M⊙M_{\odot} and ∼0.003\sim0.003 - 0.183~M⊙M_{\odot}, respectively). To this end, we present a series of models of varying luminosities (−18.4≲MV≲−14.5-18.4 \lesssim M_{\rm{V}} \lesssim -14.5~mag) with helium abundances accounting for up to ∼\sim36\% of the ejecta mass, and covering a range of epochs beginning a few days before B−-band maximum to approximately two weeks after maximum. We find that the best opportunity for detecting \ion{He}{i} features is at near-infrared wavelengths, and in the post-maximum spectra of the fainter members of this class. We show that the optical spectrum of SN~2007J is potentially consistent with a large helium content (a few 10−2 M⊙^{-2}~M_{\odot}), but argue that current models of accretion and material stripping from a companion struggle to produce compatible scenarios. We also investigate the presence of helium in all objects with near-infrared spectra. We show that SNe~2005hk, 2012Z, and 2015H contain either no helium or their helium abundances are constrained to much lower values (≲\lesssim10−3 M⊙^{-3}~M_{\odot}). Our results demonstrate the differences in helium content among type Iax supernovae, perhaps pointing to different progenitor channels. Either SN~2007J is an outlier in terms of its progenitor system, or it is not a true member of the type Iax supernova class.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
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