164 research outputs found

    From the Marginal Immigrant to the Mobile Citizen: Reconstruction of Identity of Romanian Migrants in Spain

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    This paper looks into the complex interplay of identity (re)construction as conducted by Romanian immigrants to Spain within the context of the enlargement of the European Union towards Eastern Europe. By using qualitative research techniques, the paper attempts to highlight how the migration process, which is closely tied to border dynamics and European expansion occurring in stages from 1990 to the present, has influenced the (re)construction of identity and the change of discourse among immigrants. As part of the analysis, the study looks into the factors that contribute to the initial loss of the components of identity, identity reconstruction, and the types of identity emerging from the process of mobility. Finally, the paper examines to what extent immigrants' temporary work movements influence the nature of identity construction. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.This paper comes as a result of the research project entitled ‘Eastern European migration to Spainin the context of border geopolitics: circulatorymobility and return’ (CSO 2010-14870), withfunding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and coordination by the author, PhD Postdoctoral Researcher ‘Ramón y Cajal’ (RyC 2009-03834)Peer reviewe

    La inmigración irregular en Europa Oriental: la frontera entre Rumanía, Moldavia y Ucrania

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    Es cada vez mayor la intensidad de la inmigración irregular que, proveniente de países asiáticos y africanos, pasa a la UE mediante la frontera situada entre Rumanía, Moldavia y Ucrania. Es cada vez mayor la intensidad de la inmigración irregular que, proveniente de países asiáticos y africanos, pasa a la UE mediante la frontera situada entre Rumanía, Moldavia y Ucrania. Este ARI estudia dicha inmigración, sus rutas y el tráfico de personas, evaluando los factores de riesgo existentes. Realiza una breve radiografía de las políticas llevadas a cabo por los países implicados en estrecha colaboración con las acciones y la estrategia de la UE en la región. Las conclusiones apuntan a posibles medidas para armonizar la necesidad de movimiento de las personas situadas más allá de la frontera actual de la UE con la seguridad del continente europeo

    La frontera este de la Unión Europea escenario actual y estrategias de futuro

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    During the 20th century, the European continent has been through a process of important geopolitical and cultural change. Contacts between different forces not always led to a greater convergence. Persisting differences are reflected in the variety and intensity of the current relations between the European Union and its new neighbours, and the contacts established between these states that now share the border with the EU. The purpose of this article is to introduce those countries which border the European Union from the East, namely Ukraine and Moldova as well as regional and global problems this countries are facing in the wider context of geopolitics, security and stability. Attention is being drawn to the role which the EU is playing at present and might play in the future, in terms of the development of the aforementioned countries, which have declared their entry into the NATO and EU as a long-term objective.A lo largo del siglo XX se produjeron grandes cambios geopolíticos y culturales en el continente europeo. Las fuerzas intervinientes no dieron lugar, necesariamente, a una mayor convergencia. Las diferencias se reflejan en la variedad e intensidad de las relaciones que mantiene actualmente la Unión Europea (UE) con sus nuevos países vecinos, y de las relaciones entabladas entre dichos países. El propósito de este artículo es presentar los países de la frontera Este de la UE —Ucrania, y la R. Moldova con su problemática regional y global, vinculada a asuntos geopolíticos, de seguridad y estabilidad. Atenderemos al papel que tiene y debe tener la UE en el desarrollo de estos países que tienen como meta el ingreso a largo plazo en las estructuras euroatlánticas

    Smuggling and trafficking of Romanian women in the Region of Madrid

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    Tras la caída de los regímenes comunistas y el desplome soviético en el Este de Europa, ocurrieron transformaciones trascendentales. Con el telón de fondo de las transiciones económicas, políticas y sociales, aumentó de la emigración procedente de estos países, hacia los países desarrollados de la UE. Entre los múltiples tipos de emigraciones que se realizaron a partir de los años noventa, apareció en el escenario, la cara más oscura de la inmigración irregular: el tráfico de mujeres. El artículo analiza desde una perspectiva social el fenómeno del tráfico de mujeres procedentes en Rumanía, con destino España, Comunidad de Madrid. Se analiza el contexto, la situación en el origen, la organización del tráfico y la dramática situación de las víctimas en el destino. La autora considera que a pesar de las dificultades a la hora de medir y cuantificar el tráfico de mujeres, es importante realizar la aproximación a la víctima para conocer la realidad sobre esta cara negra y oculta de la inmigración internacional.After the fall of the communist regimes and the Soviet collapse in the East of Europe, transcendental transformations happened. With the basic curtain of the economic transitions, political and social, the fury of the emigration coming from these countries untied, towards the developed countries of the EU. Between the multiple types of emigrations that were realised from the Nineties, within the industry of the migration, appeared in the scene, the darkest face of immigration to irregular: the traffic of women. The article analyzes from a social perspective the phenomenon of the traffic of originating women in Rumania, with Spain destiny, Community of Madrid. We analyze the situation in the origin, the organization of the traffic and the dramatic situation of the victims in the destiny. The author considers that in spite of the difficulties at the time of measuring and quantifying the traffic of women, it is important to realise the approach to the victim to know the reality on this black face and hides of international immigration

    Géopolitique des frontières et des migrations de la Russie post soviétique

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    This article examines the geopolitics of Russia’s borders after the collapse of the USSR. It wants to make a meeting between the geopolitics of border and migration research fields are separated from each other (Gielis, 2009). The first part presents Russia as a space of global migration, while the second part analyzes the labyrinth border between Russia and the European Union (EU), countries in the nearby vicinity, and the countries of Central and Eastern Asia and China. Then it explores the significance of cross-border migration, presenting irregular migration and migration routes of entry, exit and transit from Asia and Africa pass through Russian territory in search of the western dream. The findings point to a renewal of border studies, to look into the shadows of the migration situation of the vast and unknown territory of Russia.El artículo analiza la geopolítica de las fronteras de Rusia, después del desplome de la URSS. Se propone lograr un encuentro entre la geopolítica fronteriza y las migraciones, ámbitos de investigación separados en la actualidad (Gielis, 2009). La primera parte, presenta a Rusia como espacio de migración internacional, mientras que la segunda parte analiza el laberinto fronterizo de Rusia con la Unión Europea (UE), los países de la vecindad próxima, y los países de Asia Central y China. A continuación, se explora el significado de los movimientos migratorios transfronterizos, presentando la migración irregular y las rutas de migración de entrada, salida y de tránsito, que, procedentes de Asia y África atraviesan el territorio ruso para llegar a los países occidentales. Las conclusiones apuntan hacia una renovación de los estudios fronterizos para indagar en las sombras de la realidad migratoria del vasto y desconocido territorio de Rusia.Cet article examine la géopolitique des frontières de la Russie après l’effondrement de l’URSS. Il veut faire une réunion entre la frontière et les champs de recherche sur la migration sont séparés les uns des autres (Gielis, 2009). La première partie présente la Russie comme un espace de migrations au niveau international, tandis que la seconde partie analyse la frontière entre le labyrinthe de la Russie et l’Union Européenne (UE), les pays dans les environs immédiats, et les pays d’Asie centrale et orientale et Chine. Explore, ensuite l’importante de la migration transfrontalière, en présentant la migration irrégulière et les voies de migration de transit en provenance d’Asie et d’Afrique passent par le territoire russe à la recherche du rêve occidental Les résultats soulignent un renouvellement des études des frontières, de regarder dans l’ombre de la situation migratoire du territoire vaste et inconnu de la Russie

    Sobrevivir a la transición. La emigración internacional de rumanos desde un enfoque territorial

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    The article analyzes the context of the Rumanían transition in narrow link with the migratory process begun with the fall of the totalitarian regime of 1989. It emphasizes in the process of political and economic transformation, in the regional development and in the way that the same one influences the decision of the Rumanían citizens to emigrate. The first part analyzes the context of the transition, whereas the second one approaches the social changes and the crisis as reason of the emigration. Finally, it emphasized the positive consequences and denials of the emigration.El artículo analiza el contexto de la transición rumana y su relación con el proceso migratorio iniciado con la caída del régimen totalitario de 1989. Hace hincapié en la transformación política y económica, en el desarrollo regional y en el modo en que el mismo influye en la decisión de emigrar de los ciudadanos rumanos. La primera parte analiza el contexto de la transición, mientras que la segunda aborda los cambios sociales y la crisis como causa de la emigración. Finalmente, se destacan las consecuencias positivas y negativas de la emigración

    Uneven mobility experiences: Life-strategy expectations among Eastern European undergraduate students in the UK and Spain

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    This article looks at the uneven mobility experiences of Eastern European (EE) undergraduate students within the European Union (EU) as a fundamental aspect of human intra-European mobility. It addresses the issue of student mobility by focusing on two samples of Romanian and Bulgarian undergraduates studying in the UK and Spain, after the EU enlargement towards the East. Based on 70 in-depth qualitative interviews, the study evaluates the motivations, experiences and expectations of students and their families in the context of life-course trajectories. I argue that the socio-economic situation of the country of origin, the different strategies used by EE students and their families, and the country they choose for study overseas – the UK or Spain – create uneven mobility and influence their future life-strategy mobility after graduation. The main thematic findings, that is, mobility as a platform for permanent migration and family reunification, uncertain mobility as a tool for competition, and mobility for return, show the relation between the reasons why students study overseas and subsequent mobility aspirations. The conclusions highlight the need to integrate mobile students into the study of mobility as pivotal actors in the global circuit of mobility who favour both host and origin societies.This article comes as a result of the research project entitled: ‘Eastern European migration to Spain in the context of border geopolitics: circulatory mobility and return’ (CSO 2010-14870), with funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and coordination by the author, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Researcher ‘Ramón y Cajal’ (RYC 2009-03834)Peer reviewe

    Learning Mobility Challenging Borders: Cross-border Experiences of eastern European Immigrants in Spain

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    [EN] This article examines the cross-border mobility practices of eastern European immigrants across and within European Union (EU) borders, taking into account the changes in the patterns of the EU border regime, which have affected mobility in the last 20 years. Drawing on empirical research with references to in-depth qualitative interviews of eastern immigrants in Spain, this article highlights the ways in which the emerging models of cross-border mobility management are producing new geographies of the EU border. On the one hand, (re)bordering makes human mobility difficult, while, on the other hand, networked bordering facilitates mobility. The conclusions confirm that the flexibility of the European border allows the mobility of people, and also indicate that, while crossing borders, eastern Europeans learn about mobility and practice it as citizens of Europe.Peer reviewe

    20 años después. Nuevos valores en la sociedad civil de la Rumanía postcomunista

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    El artículo presenta la influencia de los cambios ocurridos en la estructura de la sociedad civil rumana, en los últimos 20 años. Analiza la aparición de la nueva Rumanía social, a partir de una sociedad civil débil, con una clase intelectual en declive. Además de indagar en los cambios políticos y sociales, y su reflejo en la sociedad rumana, el artículo detecta y analiza los mecanismos y modelos de “éxito”, tal como los percibe y fomenta el pueblo rumano. Se evidencia que a falta de confianza en la actuación del Estado, la población crea sus propias estrategias de supervivencia.The article presents the influence of the changes happened in the structure of the Rumanian civil society, in the last 20 years. It analyzes the appearance of the new social Rumania, from a weak civil society, with an intellectual class in decline. Besides investigating in the political and social changes and their reflection in the Rumanian society, to the article it detects and it analyzes the mechanisms and models of “success”, it perceives as them and it foments the Rumanian town. The article evidence that for want of confidence in the action of the State, the population creates own strategies of survival

    Spain, a new country of immigration in Europe

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    Spania, noua destinaţie a imigraţiei în Europa. Datorită poziţiei geografice Spania este o punte între Europa, America Latină şi lumea islamică. Această localizare a avut o influenţă decisivă în momentul inserţiei acestei ţări în circuitele migratorii internaţionale. Nu întâmplător, principlale fluxuri migratorii direcţionate spre această ţară provin din America Latină şi din sud-estul Europei.Acest articol descrie emigraţia contemporană din Spania, stat cu o poziţie geopolitică cheie în circuitele migratorii mondiale. Sunt analizate cauzele acestor migraţii şi politicile spaniole în domeniul regularizării imigranţilor ca şi efectele pe termen lung ale fenomenului migratoriu