43 research outputs found

    El tratamiento periodístico del suicidio en diarios digitales de Argentina, España y Perú

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    This work shows an analysis of the journalistic treatment of four cases of suicide of international celebrities in digital newspapers of three Spanish-speaking countries: Argentina, Spain and Peru. Two of them, Argentina and Peru, regulate the treatment of suicide through their deontological codes. In Spain, none of the deontological codes applied at the national level do so. The chosen cases have been those of Chester Bennington, Robin Williams, Tony Scott and Alexander McQueen. Our goal was to identify the degree of adequacy of the media to self-regulation norms and to the recommendations of health professionals. We did an analysis of journalistic content, deontological codes and international guidelines prepared by health experts. The results reveal the dysfunction in the informative treatment and the deontological norms regarding the international directives.En este trabajo analizamos el tratamiento periodístico de cuatro casos de suicidio de personajes famosos internacionales en siete diarios digitales editados en tres países hispanohablantes: Argentina, España y Perú. Los dos sudamericanos regulan a través de sus códigos deontológicos el tratamiento del suicidio. En España, ningún código deontológico lo hace. Los casos seleccionados de Chester Bennington, Robin Williams, Tony Scott y Alexander McQueen garantizaban el seguimiento de la noticia y el hallazgo de un número de noticias representativo. Nuestro objetivo fue identificar el grado de adecuación de los medios a las normas de autorregulación y a las recomendaciones de profesionales de la salud. Aplicamos el análisis de contenidos periodísticos, de códigos deontológicos y de documentos internacionales elaborados por expertos en salud. Los resultados revelan la disfunción en el tratamiento informativo y las normas deontológicas respecto a las directivas internacionales

    Clinical relevancy and risks of potential drug–drug interactions in intensive therapy

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    AbstractPurposeEvaluate the potential Drug–Drug Interactions (pDDI) found in prescription orders of adult Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of a Brazilian public health system hospital; quantify and qualify the pDDI regarding their severity and risks to the critical patient, using the database from Micromedex®.MethodsProspective study (January–December of 2011) collecting and evaluating 369 prescription orders (convenient sampling), one per patient.ResultsDuring the study 1844 pDDIs were identified and distributed in 405 pairs (medication A×medication B combination). There was an average of 5.00±5.06 pDDIs per prescription order, the most prevalent being moderate and important interactions, present in 74% and 67% of prescription orders, respectively. In total, there were 9 contraindicated, 129 important and 204 moderate pDDIs. Among them 52 had as management recommendation to “avoid concomitant use” or “suspension of medication”, while 306 had as recommendation “continuous and adequate monitoring”.ConclusionThe high number of pDDIs found in the study combined with the evaluation of the clinical relevancy of the most frequent pDDIs in the ICU shows that moderate and important interactions are highly incident. As the majority of them demand monitoring and adequate management, being aware of these interactions is major information for the safe and individualized risk management

    Prevalence of potential drug-drug interactions in the intensive care unit of a Brazilian teaching hospital

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    Patients in intensive care unit are prescribed large numbers of drugs, highlighting the need to study potential Drug-Drug Interactions in this environment. The aim of this study was to delineate the prevalence and risk of potential drug-drug interactions between medications administered to patients in an ICU. This cross-sectional observational study was conducted during 12 months, in an adult ICU of a teaching hospital. Inclusion criteria were: prescriptions with 2 or more drugs of patients admitted to the ICU for >; 24 hours and age of ≥18 years. Potential Drug-Drug Interactions were quantified and classified through MicromedexTM database. The 369 prescriptions included in this study had 205 different drugs, with an average of 13.04 ± 4.26 (mean ± standard deviation) drugs per prescription. Potential Drug-Drug Interactions were identified in 89% of these, with an average of 5.00 ± 5.06 interactions per prescription. Of the 405 different pairs of potentially interacting drugs identified, moderate and major interactions were present in 74% and 67% of prescriptions, respectively. The most prevalent interaction was between dipyrone and enoxaparin (35.8%), though its clinical occurrence was not observed in this study. The number of potential Drug-Drug Interactions showed significant positive correlations with the length of stay in the intensive care unit, and with the number of prescribed drugs. Acknowledging the high potential for Drug-Drug Interactions in the ICU represents an important step toward improving patient safety and best therapy results

    Percepción de los estudiantes de Comunicación Social sobre la dicotomía ciencias/letras como marco de reflexión para incentivar la difusión de las ciencias

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    Nowadays, science journalism shares its role with other message transmitters. Moreover, it is a minority professional option. To find out the origin of this situation, we start from the proposal that Spanish universities train in a dichotomous academic structure, Science/Letters. In this academic structure, students in one branch of knowledge receive little training on the knowledge of the others. We analyze whether this academic organization influences the perception that Social Communication students have of the experimental sciences, nature, health, humanities and social sciences. To verify it, we surveyed journalism and audiovisual communication students. We used a printed questionnaire structured in open, dichotomous and scale questions. Then we applied descriptive statistics to the obtained data, which allowed us to verify that future journalists not only entered the undergraduate studies considering themselves Letters students, but they went through it without modifying that self-perception. One conclusion is that it is urgent to rethink the prevailing training to open it towards an integrative inter and transdisciplinary pedagogical conception, and to improve the presence of sciences on the news agenda.El periodismo científico comparte hoy su función con otros emisores de mensajes. Se suma que es una opción profesional minoritaria. Para averiguar el origen de esta situación partimos de que las universidades españolas forman en una estructura académica dicotómica ciencias/letras, en la que los estudiantes de una rama de conocimiento reciben escasa formación sobre los conocimientos de las otras. Analizamos si esta organización académica influye en la percepción que los estudiantes de Comunicación Social tienen de las ciencias experimentales, de la naturaleza, de la salud, de las humanidades y sociales. Para ello encuestamos a estudiantes de Periodismo y de Comunicación Audiovisual utilizando un cuestionario impreso estructurado en preguntas abiertas, dicotómicas y en escala. Luego aplicamos estadística descriptiva a los datos obtenidos, lo que permitió comprobar que los futuros periodistas no solo ingresan en la carrera considerándose de letras, sino que avanzan en ella sin modificar esa autopercepción. Una conclusión es que urge replantear la formación imperante para abrirla a una concepción pedagógica inter y transdisciplinar integradora que mejore la presencia de las ciencias en la agenda informativa

    Pharmacovigilance in oncology: pattern of spontaneous notifications, incidence of adverse drug reactions and under-reporting

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    Estudos de farmacovigilância são imprescindíveis em oncologia, pois os antineoplásicos possuem alta toxicidade e estreita janela terapêutica. Os objetivos deste estudo foram analisar o perfil das notificações espontâneas de reações adversas a medicamentos (RAM) em pacientes oncológicos e a incidência de RAM ao tratamento antineoplásico em um hospital terciário e universitário. Para compor o perfil de RAM, revisaram-se os formulários de notificação de reações em pacientes oncológicos do ano de 2010 e classificaram-se as reações conforme o medicamento envolvido, mecanismo, causalidade e gravidade. Para avaliar a incidência de reações, aplicou-se um questionário no momento da quimioterapia e a gravidade foi classificada pelos Critérios Comuns de Toxicidade. Apenas 10 reações foram notificadas ao Setor de Farmacovigilância, cujo perfil encontrado foi tipo B, grave, possível, e foram principalmente relacionadas aos compostos de platina e taxanos. Na análise da incidência das reações, observou-se que náusea, alopecia, fadiga, diarreia e distúrbio do paladar foram as reações mais frequentes relatadas por pacientes oncológicos, e as reações grau 3 e 4 não foram notificadas. De acordo com essas análises, propõe-se que os profissionais da saúde sejam treinados quanto às notificações e que farmacêuticos clínicos sejam cada vez mais inseridos neste contexto para redução da subnotificação de RAM.The high toxicity and narrow therapeutic window of antineoplastic agents makes pharmacovigilance studies essential in oncology. The objectives of the current study were to analyze the pattern of spontaneous notifications of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in oncology patients and to analyze the incidence of ADRs reported by outpatients on antineoplastic treatment in a tertiary care teaching hospital. To compose the pattern of ADR, the notification forms of reactions in oncology patients in 2010 were reviewed, and the reactions were classified based on the drug involved, mechanism, causality, and severity. To evaluate the incidence of reactions, a questionnaire at the time of chemotherapy was included, and the severity was classified based on the Common Terminology Criteria. The profiles of the 10 responses reported to the Pharmacovigilance Sector were type B, severe, possible, and they were primarily related to platinum compounds and taxanes. When the incidence of reactions was analyzed, it was observed that nausea, alopecia, fatigue, diarrhea, and taste disturbance were the most frequently reported reactions by oncology patients, and the grade 3 and 4 reactions were not reported. Based on this analysis, it is proposed that health professionals should be trained regarding notifications and clinical pharmacists should increasingly be brought on board to reduce under-reporting of ADRs

    Investigação de paternidade na ausência do suposto pai

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo esclarecer os profissionais que trabalham com processos de Investigação de Paternidade sobre os testes de DNA (Southern blot ou PCR) disponíveis no mercado, bem como orientar a escolha dos indivíduos que devem ser convocados para o teste de DNA na ausência do suposto pai. A técnica de PCR é menos trabalhosa, permite maior reprodutibilidade dos resultados entre diferentes laboratórios, sendo a técnica de escolha para exames de paternidade quando se dispõe do material genético do suposto pai. Por outro lado, esta técnica analisa locos com menor número de alelos, podendo levar a resultados inconclusivos quando a investigação é realizada na ausência do suposto pai. Nestes casos, a técnica de Southern blot é indicada, pois analisa regiões cromossômicas com maior polimorfismo genético, devendo-se analisar o maior número possível de supostos tios e/ou supostos irmãos com as suas respectivas mães.The aim of this paper is to clarify the professionals involved in Paternity Testing on the different DNA assays currently available (Southern blot or PCR),and focusing specially on the choice of other relatives that should be analyzed if the alleged father is absent. PCR is less cumbersome, allows better reproductibility among results from different laboratories and is indicated when DNA from the alleged father is avaiable. On the other hand, this technique analyzes loci with fewer alleles and may lead to inconclusive results when the DNA from the alleged father cannot be obtained. In these cases, Southern blot should be utilized because in this technique more polymorphic chromossom regions are analyzed. In addition, analysis of the highest possible number of alleged uncles/aunts and alleged brothers/sisters, preferentially envolving also their mothers, is highly recommended

    Implementación de un sistema de entrenamiento y enseñanza experimental para los temas de termodinámica y calorimetría instrumentado con labview para el laboratorio virtual de física de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi.

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    La termodinámica es la ciencia fundamental que estudia la materia, la energía y sus interacciones. Cualquier actividad de ingeniería implica interacción entre energía y materia por ello es difícil imaginar un área en la que no se le relacione con la termodinámica en algún aspecto. Por lo tanto lograr entender claramente los principios de la termodinámica ha sido parte esencial de la enseñanza de la ingeniería. La termodinámica se basa en nuestras experiencias diarias y en observaciones experimentales aplicadas en todo momento

    Implementación de un sistema de entrenamiento y enseñanza experimental para los temas de termodinámica y calorimetría instrumentado con labview para el laboratorio virtual de física de la Universidad Técnica De Cotopaxi

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    Technical University of Cotopaxi and its commitment to a future vision to the university’s students, has allowed this research will be applied to the Virtual Laboratory of Physics at this Prestige University. This contributes to the improving of the teaching-process learning for people who wish to provide his/her professional knowledge obtaining accurate and reliable results. Our main goal that led us to this research was the construction and performance of a set of sensors associated with a programming language like Labview which mainly refers the issues of thermodynamics and calorimetry, thus giving our scientific and technology contribution to other sector of the career of Engineering Sciences and Applications, those that can be overcome the teaching learning process. We facilitate and present an outline for future graduates to enable them to contribute with their acquaintance in and outside of their field, but at the same time, can help and contribute in other careers by creating suitable projects that provide the gratitude to the Institution.La Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi y su compromiso con visión a futuro frente a los jóvenes universitarios, ha permitido que la presente investigación que reposará en el Laboratorio Virtual de Física de la Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi se convierta en un aporte para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje, para todo profesional que desee impartir su cátedra obteniendo resultados fiables y con precisión. Nuestro objetivo principal que nos llevó a la presente investigación fue la construcción e implementación de un conjunto de sensores asociado con un lenguaje de programación como es LabView específicamente para los temas de termodinámica y calorimetría, dando así nuestro contingente tecnológico científico para otras áreas de la Carrera de Ciencias de la Ingeniería y Aplicadas demostrando que se puede superar el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje. Dejamos un gran ejemplo a futuros egresados para que puedan aportar con sus conocimientos no solo dentro de su campo, sino a la vez; puedan ayudar y contribuir en otras carreras creando proyectos propios que servirán para el agradecimiento de la Institución

    strategies based on m- learning for the english writing skills development.

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    El propósito de este artículo es analizar la utilización de aplicaciones móviles en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del idioma inglés, principalmente en el desarrollo de la destreza de la escritura en inglés. El aprendizaje electrónico móvil (m learning) beneficia el desarrollo desde una perspectiva innovadora, en la práctica del idioma inglés, generando una motivación en los estudiantes para aprender a escribir desde las nuevas tecnologías por lo que la investigación hace énfasis en la necesidad de los docentes de la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, conozcan, dominen y utilicen la gama de aplicaciones móviles que facilitan la enseñanza de esta habilidad productiva en el idioma inglés, a través del aprendizaje colaborativo y con la utilización de las TIC, que enriquecen el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje además de generar una alta motivación en el estudiante.  El presente artículo trata el contenido teórico conceptual tales como m learning, aplicaciones móviles y el aporte de las teorías del aprendizaje. Se realiza el análisis e interpretación de resultados, con la aplicación de los instrumentos a la población y muestra seleccionada, a partir de las estadísticas descriptivas, es decir el resultado de la aplicación de encuestas a estudiantes y docentes. En último lugar, se proponen un grupo de estrategias para el desarrollo de la habilidad de escritura en idioma inglés desde diferentes aplicaciones móviles. La investigación mantiene la importancia de la utilización y aplicación de las TIC como recursos didácticos innovadores respondiendo en sí a las necesidades en el campo del conocimiento y la práctica de los dicentes.The purpose of this article is to analyze the use of mobile applications in the English language teaching process, mainly in the development of the writing ability in English. Mobile learning (m learning) helps the development from an innovative perspective, the practice of the English language, generating a students´ motivation to learn to write from new technologies so the research emphasizes the need for teachers to the University of the Armed Forces ESPE, know, master and use the range of mobile applications that can facilitate the teaching of this productive skill in the English language, through collaborative learning and with the use of ICT, which enrich the teaching-learning process in addition to generating a greater motivation in students.  The article deals with the conceptual theoretical content of the fundamental categories such as m learning, mobile applications and the contribution of learning theories. In the same way, the analysis and interpretation of results is carried out, from the application of the instruments in the population and selected sample, from the descriptive statistics, in this case, the result of the application of surveys to students and teachers. Finally, a set of strategies for the development of the ability to write in English language from different mobile applications are proposed. The present research supports the importance of the use of ICT as innovative teaching resources that respond to the needs in the field of knowledge and practice of students