90 research outputs found

    Proposta de automatização de unidades de informação a partir da interconectividade da Internet das Coisas

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Educação. Curso de Biblioteconomia.O advento das tecnologias vem revolucionando e modificando o cotidiano como não visto antes. Deste advento tecnológico surge então a Internet das Coisas – IoT, que tem como principio a representação de qualquer coisa física no meio virtual. Tendo como tema principal o advento tecnológico na área biblioteconômica e tendo em vista o ambiente de unidades de informação. Será apresentado no estudo todo histórico do paradigma da IoT como também outras tecnologias que mostram como a mesma funciona e quais suas vantagens. Com o paradigma da Internet das Coisas juntamente com a tecnologia de Realidade Virtual – RV, a qual será explicado seus conceitos e apresentado suas noções básicas junto com suas técnicas e ferramentas associadas, o propósito do estudo é com este advento tecnológico propor um modelo de unidade de informação automatizada avaliando possíveis cenários de integração entre Realidade Virtual e Internet das Coisas em um ambiente de unidade de informação

    A (im) possibilidade da aplicação do princípio da insignificância pela autoridade policial no momento da lavratura do auto de prisão em flagrante

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no Curso de Direito da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.A presente monografia tem o escopo de pesquisar as implicações jurídicas da aplicação do Princípio da Insignificância pela Autoridade Policial no momento da lavratura do Auto de Prisão em Flagrante. Apesar de não haver uma conceituação objetiva e expressa no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, o trabalho acadêmico visa demonstrar o esforço de doutrinadores e dos nossos tribunais na efetiva aplicação do Princípio da Insignificância como instituto de Intervenção Penal Mínima. Essa falta de conceituação e o zelo em aplicá-lo têm sido o maior obstáculo ao seu reconhecimento e aplicação pela polícia judiciária, tendo em vista que os órgãos jurisdicionais ainda mitigam tal atribuição, mostrando-se irresolutos, numa visão formalista de que sua aplicação dar-se-ia pelo senso pessoal de justiça, e ao juízo de valor da Autoridade Policial. O artigo 17 do Código de Processo Penal normatiza que a Autoridade Policial não pode arquivar o inquérito policial, e em que pese não ser este o propósito do estudo, há soluções legais e humanamente equilibradas para que o Direito Penal não se furte em garantir as liberdades individuais, aplicando suas sanções de forma eficaz, necessária e minimamente possíveis na proporção da ofensa ao bem jurídico tutelado

    Relationship of morphometry and competition with growth of Trichilia claussenii in fragment of Semidecidual Forest, RS.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivos determinar a relação de variáveis morfométricas e de índices de competição com o crescimento em diâmetro de Trichilia claussenii, em um fragmento da Floresta Estacional Semidecidual na região central do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados utilizados neste estudo foram obtidos de 29 árvores amostradas por classe diamétrica, denominadas árvores centrais, com diâmetro à altura do peito (d) igual ou superior a 10,0 centímetros, distribuídas em 51 parcelas permanentes, totalizando 0,51 hectares. Cada árvore central teve as seguintes variáveis mensuradas: altura total e altura comercial do fuste, diâmetro à altura do peito, diâmetro da copa e comprimento de copa. Posteriormente, calcularam-se alguns parâmetros morfométricos, assim como alguns índices de competição dependentes e independentes da distância. A análise de correlação de Pearson e análise de regressão foram utilizadas para verificar a relação entre as variáveis morfométricas, os índices de competição e o incremento em diâmetro. Concluiu-se que existe associação entre o incremento em diâmetro de Trichilia claussenii e a competição, sendo que o crescimento em diâmetro possui maior relação com o índice Bal de competição.Palavras-chave: Catiguá; floresta nativa; biometria florestal. AbstractRelationship of morphometry and competition with growth of Trichilia claussenii in fragment of Semidecidual Forest, RS. This study aimed to determine the relationship of morphometric variables and indices of competition with the growth in diameter of Trichilia claussenii, in a fragment of semideciduous forest in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul. The data used in this study were obtained from 29 sampled trees by diameter class, called central trees with diameter at breast height (d) not less than 10.0 cm, from 51 permanent plots, totaling 0.51 ha. Each central tree had measured the following variables: total height and commercial height, stem diameter at breast height, crown diameter and crown length. Subsequently, it was calculated some morphometric parameters, as well as some competition indexes dependent and independent of distance. The Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to verify the relationship between the morphometric variables, competition indexes and diameter increment. It was concluded that there is an association between the increase in diameter of Trichilia claussenii and competition, where the growth in diameter has a greater relationship with Bal index of competition.Keywords: Catigua; native forest; forest biometrics.This study aimed to determine the relationship of morphometric variables and indices of competition with the growth in diameter of Trichilia claussenii, in a fragment of semideciduous forest in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul. The data used in this study were obtained from 29 sampled trees by diameter class, called central trees with diameter at breast height (d) not less than 10.0 cm, from 51 permanent plots, totaling 0.51 ha. Each central tree had measured the following variables: total height and commercial height, stem diameter at breast height, crown diameter and crown length. Subsequently, it was calculated some morphometric parameters, as well as some competition indexes dependent and independent of distance. The Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to verify the relationship between the morphometric variables, competition indexes and diameter increment. It was concluded that there is an association between the increase in diameter of Trichilia claussenii and competition, where the growth in diameter has a greater relationship with Bal index of competition

    Serum cytokine responses over the entire clinical-immunological spectrum of human leishmania (l.) infantum chagasi infection

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    The clinical-immunological spectrum of human Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi infection in Amazonian Brazil was recently reviewed based on clinical, DTH, and IFAT (IgG) evaluations that identified five profiles: three asymptomatic (asymptomatic infection, AIsubclinical resistant infection, SRIand indeterminate initial infection, III) and two symptomatic (symptomatic infection, SIAmerican visceral leishmaniasis, AVLand subclinical oligosymptomatic infection, SOI). TNF-alpha, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 serum cytokines were analyzed using multiplexed Cytometric Bead Array in 161 samples from endemic areas in the Brazilian Amazon: SI [AVL] (21 cases), III (49), SRI (19), SOI (12), AI (36), and a control group [CG] (24). The highest IL-6 serumlevels were observed in the SI profile (AVL)higher IL-10 serum levels were observed in SI than in SOI or CG and in AI and III than in SOIhigher TNF-alpha serum levels were seen in SI than in CG. Positive correlations were found between IL-6 and IL-10 serum levels in the SI and III profiles and between IL-6 and TNF-alpha and between IL-4 and TNF-alpha in the III profile. These results provide strong evidence for associating IL-6 and IL-10 with the immunopathogenesis of AVL and help clarify the role of these cytokines in the infection spectrum.Instituto Evandro Chagas (Secretaria de Vigilancia em Saude, Ministerio da Saude, Brazil)Nucleo de Medicina Tropical (Universidade Federal do Para, Brazil)Laboratorio de Investigacao Medica (LIM)-50 (Hospital de Clinicas (HC)-Faculdade de Medicina (FM)-Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil)Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) [2006/56319-1]Parasitology Department, Evandro Chagas Institute, Surveillance Secretary of Health, Ministry of Health, Ananindeua, PA, BrazilAlbert Einstein Israelite Hospital, São Paulo, SP, BrazilDivision of Immunology, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, BrazilPathology Department, Medical School of São Paulo University, São Paulo, SP, BrazilTropical Medicine Nucleus, Federal University of Pará, Belém, PA, BrazilDivision of Immunology, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, BrazilFAPESP: 2006/56319-1Web of Scienc

    Serum Cytokine Responses over the Entire Clinical-Immunological Spectrum of Human Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi

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    The clinical-immunological spectrum of human Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi infection in Amazonian Brazil was recently reviewed based on clinical, DTH, and IFAT (IgG) evaluations that identified five profiles: three asymptomatic (asymptomatic infection, AI; subclinical resistant infection, SRI; and indeterminate initial infection, III) and two symptomatic (symptomatic infection, SI; American visceral leishmaniasis, AVL; and subclinical oligosymptomatic infection, SOI). TNF-α, IL-4, IL-6, and IL-10 serum cytokines were analyzed using multiplexed Cytometric Bead Array in 161 samples from endemic areas in the Brazilian Amazon: SI [AVL] (21 cases), III (49), SRI (19), SOI (12), AI (36), and a control group [CG] (24). The highest IL-6 serum levels were observed in the SI profile (AVL); higher IL-10 serum levels were observed in SI than in SOI or CG and in AI and III than in SOI; higher TNF-α serum levels were seen in SI than in CG. Positive correlations were found between IL-6 and IL-10 serum levels in the SI and III profiles and between IL-6 and TNF-α and between IL-4 and TNF-α in the III profile. These results provide strong evidence for associating IL-6 and IL-10 with the immunopathogenesis of AVL and help clarify the role of these cytokines in the infection spectrum

    Neurobehavioral And Oxidative Stress Alterations Following Methylmercury And Retinyl Palmitate Co-Administration In Pregnant And Lactating Rats And Their Offspring

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    Fish consumption and ubiquitous methylmercury (MeHg) exposure represent a public health problem globally. Micronutrients presented in fish affects MeHg uptake/distribution. Vitamin A (VitA), another fish micronutrient is used in nutritional supplementation, especially during pregnancy. However, there is no information about the health effects arising from their combined exposure. The present study aimed to examine the effects of both MeHg and retinyl palmitate administered to pregnant and lactating rats. Thirty Wistar female rats were orally supplemented with MeHg (0,5 mg/Kg/day) and retinyl palmitate (7500 μg RAE1/Kg/day), either individually or in combination from the gestational day 0 to weaning. In dams, maternal behavior was scored. In neonatal and infant offspring, associative learning and neurodevelopment were evaluated. Further periadolescent male and female pups were assessed for open field, habituation and object recognition using episodic-like memory paradigm. Maternal and offspring redox parameters were evaluated. Our results showed no effects of MeHg-VitA co-administration in the quality of maternal care but showed subtle alterations in the pro-oxidant response of the hippocampus. In offspring, MeHg-VitA co-exposure affected early associative learning in neonatal pups, with no further modifications in neurodevelopment, and no locomotor or exploratory alterations in later developmental stages. Habituation was altered in a sex-dependent manner, but no overall memory disturbances were encountered

    Effects Of Methylmercury And Retinol Palmitate Co-Administration In Rats During Pregnancy And Breastfeeding: Metabolic And Redox Parameters In Dams And Their Offspring

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    Ubiquitous low-dose methylmercury (MeHg) exposure through an increased fish consumption represents a global public health problem, especially among pregnant women. A plethora of micronutrients presented in fish affects MeHg uptake/distribution, but limited data is available. Vitamin A (VitA), another fish micronutrient is used in nutritional supplementation, especially during pregnancy. However, there is no information about the health effects arising from their combined exposure. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine the effects of both MeHg and retinyl palmitate administered on pregnant and lactating rats in metabolic and redox parameters from dams and their offspring. Thirty Wistar female rats were orally supplemented with MeHg (0,5 mg/kg/day) and retinyl palmitate (7500 µg RAE/kg/day) via gavage, either individually or in combination from the gestational day 0 to weaning. For dams (150 days old) and their offspring (31 days old), glycogen accumulation (hepatic and cardiac) and retinoid contents (plasma and liver) were analyzed. Hg deposition in liver tissue was quantified. Redox parameters (liver, kidney, and heart) were evaluated for both animals. Cytogenetic damage was analyzed with micronucleus test. Our results showed no general toxic or metabolic alterations in dams and their offspring by MeHg-VitA co-administration during pregnancy and lactation. However, increased lipoperoxidation in maternal liver and a disrupted pro-oxidant response in the heart of male pups was encountered, with apparently no particular effects in the antioxidant response in female offspring. GST activity in dam kidney was altered leading to possible redox disruption of this tissue with no alterations in offspring. Finally, the genomic damage was exacerbated in both male and female pups. In conclusion, low-dose MeHg exposure and retinyl palmitate supplementation during gestation and lactation produced a potentiated pro-oxidant effect, which was tissue-specific. Although this is a pre-clinical approach, we recommend precaution for pregnant women regarding food consumption, and we encourage more epidemiological studies to assess possible modulations effects of MeHg-VitA co-administration at safe or inadvertently used doses in humans, which may be related to specific pathologies in mothers and their children

    Panorama das Intervenções Coronárias Percutâneas em Oclusões Totais Crônicas em Centros Participantes do LATAM CTO Registry no Brasil

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    Background: Major advances have been seen in techniques and devices for performing percutaneous coronary interventions (PCIs) for chronic total occlusions (CTOs), but there are limited real-world practice data from developing countries. Objectives: To report clinical and angiographic characteristics, procedural aspects, and clinical outcomes of CTO PCI performed at dedicated centers in Brazil. Methods: Included patients underwent CTO PCI at centers participating in the LATAM CTO Registry, a Latin American multicenter registry dedicated to prospective collection of these data. Inclusion criteria were procedures performed in Brazil, age 18 years or over, and presence of CTO with PCI attempt. CTO was defined as a 100% lesion in an epicardial coronary artery, known or estimated to have lasted at least 3 months. Results: Data on 1196 CTO PCIs were included. Procedures were performed primarily for angina control (85%) and/or treatment of moderate/severe ischemia (24%). Technical success rate was 84%, being achieved with antegrade wire approaches in 81% of procedures, antegrade dissection and re-entry in 9%, and retrograde approaches in 10%. In-hospital adverse cardiovascular events occurred in 2.3% of cases, with a mortality rate of 0.75%. Conclusions: CTOs can be treated effectively in Brazil by using PCI, with low complication rates. The scientific and technological development observed in this area in the past decade is reflected in the clinical practice of dedicated Brazilian centersinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio