308 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento das ações de um grupo de autocuidado em hanseníase como ferramenta de promoção da saúde

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    O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar as ações desenvolvidas em um ciclo anual do grupo de autocuidado para pessoas atingidas pela hanseníase de uma Unidade de Saúde de Família (USF) de um município do estado de Alagoas. Trata-se de um relato de experiência oriundo de um projeto de extensão. Os encontros foram marcados por momentos teórico-práticos que estimularam a consciência de risco das pessoas atingidas pela hanseníase e pelo protagonismo no processo saúde-doença. Assim, conclui-se que o grupo de autocuidado é um instrumento de empoderamento social vinculado à atenção básica, que tem como fundamento a promoção da saúde

    A Incubação como Fomento ao Desenvolvimento Local: A experiência junto ao CDCT – Centro de Desenvolvimento Comunitário das Timbaúbas

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    Incubação é um processo de fomento ao desenvolvimento de uma dada realidade, que busca alternativas para gerar trabalho e renda, e que se pauta segundo uma noção de economia solidária (ES). Este trabalho buscará relatar uma experiência de incubação ao bairro das Timbaúbas, em Juazeiro do Norte - CE. Esta experiência teve inicio em janeiro de 2010, quando a ITEPS (Incubadora Tecnológica de Empreendimentos Populares e Solidários) passou a auxiliar uma associação que já funcionava no referido bairro. O método de estudo desse processo foi a pesquisa-ação, em que através da interação entre incubadora e organização incubada (associação) foi possível vivenciar e analisar a estruturação, capacitação e mobilização do grupo incubado bem como a preparação para consolidar uma tecnologia social importante para o desenvolvimento local, nomeadamente um banco comunitário de desenvolvimento (BCD). Este trabalho avalia de maneira genérica benefícios da incubação para comunidade e as dificuldades de implantação desse processo

    GASTRONOMIA REGIONAL E HOSPITALIDADE: potencialidades de São Miguel do Gostoso como destino turístico

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    REGIONAL GASTRONOMY AND HOSPITALITY: potential of São Miguel do Gostoso as a tourist destinanionResumo: Restaurantes e bares asseguram a boa hospitalidade. A gastronomia constitui atrativo sazonal em forma de festivais, ou permanentes através das cozinhas típicas regionais. Para compreender o papel que a gastronomia exerce no destino de São Miguel do Gostoso/RN, realizou-se o presente estudo-piloto descritivo com turistas hospedados em 4 pousadas desse litoral. Os dados foram coletados através de enquetes sobre gastronomia aplicadas a 20 hóspedes durante outubro de 2016. A gastronomia local representa uma mescla à base de frutos do mar com influências da culinária sertaneja através da agricultura familiar; a qualidade dos serviços de hospedagem e restauração teve impacto positivo na hospitalidade, apesar da demora no serviço de mesa. A gastronomia pode contribuir para fidelização e divulgação do destino turístico.Palavras-chave: Cozinha Regional; Hospitalidade; Identidade cultural; Produto turístico; Rio Grande do Norte. Abstract: Restaurants and bars ensure good hospitality. Gastronomy composes a seasonal attraction in the form of festivals, and a permanent one through typical regional cuisines. To understand the relevance of gastronomy for São Miguel do Gostoso/RN, this descriptive pilot study was carried out with tourists staying at 4 inns on this coast. The data were collected through gastronomy surveys applied to 20 guests during October 2016. The local gastronomy represents a mixture based on seafood with influences of backcountry cuisine through family farming; the quality of accommodation and catering services had a positive impact on hospitality, despite delays in table service. The gastronomy can contribute to the loyalty and promotion of the tourist destination. Keywords: Regional Cuisine; Hospitality; Cultural Identity; Tourist Product; São Miguel do Gostoso.

    Genes de enterotoxinas, multirresistência a antimicrobianos e caracterização molecular de espécies de Staphylococcus spp. isoladas de leite bovino orgânico

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    The multidrug resistant and the emergence of methicillin-resistant staphylococci isolated from animals, food, and humans are public health concern. These microorganisms produce different toxins related to food poisoning in humans. This study aimed to characterize Staphylococcus spp. isolated from two organic milk farms in Brazil. A total of 259 milk samples were collected, from which 58 (22.4%) Staphylococcus spp. were isolated. The highest sensibility to ceftiofur and sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim was observed in 96.6% of Staphylococcus spp., and whereas 89% were resistant to penicillin G. The mecA gene was detected in 13.8% of the isolates. SEA and SEC were the most common enterotoxins detected. PFGE revealed genetic heterogeneity from S. intermedius and S. warneri analyzed, while S. aureus presented similar profiles among isolates from the two studied herds. To the best of our knowledge, the current study describes for the first time presence of enterotoxins, mecA gene, and genetic diversity of staphylococci isolated from organic dairy farms in Brazil.A emergência de estafilococos multirresistentes e resistentes à meticilina, isolados de animais, alimentos e humanos é uma preocupação em saúde pública. Esses micro-organismos produzem diferentes toxinas relacionadas à intoxicação alimentar em humanos. Este estudo caracterizou Staphylococcus spp. isolados em duas fazendas orgânicas no Brasil. Foram coletadas 259 amostras de leite em duas propriedades leiteiras orgânicas, nas quais 58 (22,4%) estirpes de Staphylococcus spp. foram isoladas. A maior sensibilidade dos isolados foi observada para ceftiofur e sulfametoxazol/trimetoprim em 96,6%. Em contraste, acima de 89% de resistência dos estafilicocos foi encontrada para penicilina G. O gene mecA foi identificado em 13,8% dos isolados. SEA e SEC foram as enterotoxinas mais comumente detectadas. PFGE revelou heterogeneidade genética entre S. intermedius e S. warneri, enquanto S. aureus demonstraram perfis semelhantes entre isolados dos dois rebanhos estudados. Relata-se pela primeira vez no Brasil a detecção de enterotoxinas, o gene mecA e diversidade genética em estafilococos isolados de vacas em produção orgânica

    Clinicopathologic features of nasopalatine duct cysts:a retrospective study in two Brazilian oral and maxillofacial pathology referral centers

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    Nasopalatine duct cyst (NDC) is the most common non-odontogenic cyst in the oral cavity. Clinically it is not difficult to suspect these lesions based on clinical and radiographic appearance. However, the histopathological diagnosis may be difficult due to the broad morphological diversity of these lesions. The objective was to analyze the clinicopathological features of NDCs diagnosed in two oral and maxillofacial pathology services in the Brazilian northeast. A retrospective clinicopathologic study was performed. A total of 18,121 clinical records of oral lesions from two oral and maxillofacial pathology services in Brazil were analyzed (2000-2020). All NDCs cases were revised and demographic, clinical, radiographic, and histopathological data were collected. Among 18,121 diagnoses in the oral pathology services, 45 (0.2%) were NDCs. The series comprises 24 males (53.3%) and 21 females (46.7%), with a mean age of 43.2 years-old. Most lesions were asymptomatic (n = 27, 60%) with an mean size of 2.1 cm. Microscopically, the non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium was the most common (66.7%). However, in 88.9% of cases, the epithelial lining was varied and composed of two or more types of epithelium. There was no significant association between the type of epithelium and the size of the cysts (p = 0.389). Nerve, blood vessels, hemorrhage, and chronic inflammatory infiltrate were commonly observed. In contrast, there was a low frequency of mucous glands, sebaceous glands, cholesterol clefts, and multinucleated giant cells. The clinical, radiographic, and microscopic findings observed in this study are similar to those reported in the literature. Due to the morphological diversity of NDC, it is needed to correlate its histopathological features with the clinical and radiographic findings to establish a correct diagnosis

    Differential microRNA Profile in Operational Tolerance: A Potential Role in Favoring Cell Survival

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    Background: Operational tolerance (OT) is a state of graft functional stability that occurs after at least 1 year of immunosuppressant withdrawal. MicroRNAs (microRNA) are small non-coding RNAs that downregulate messenger RNA/protein expression of innumerous molecules and are critical for homeostasis. We investigated whether OT in kidney transplantation displays a differential microRNA profile, which would suggest that microRNAs participate in Operational Tolerance mechanisms, and may reveal potential molecular pathways.Methods: We first compared serum microRNA in OT (n = 8) with chronic rejection (CR) (n = 5) and healthy individuals (HI) (n = 5), using a 768-microRNA qPCR-panel. We used the Thermo Fisher Cloud computing platform to compare the levels of microRNAs in the OT group in relation to the other study groups. We performed validation experiments for miR-885-5p, by q-PCR, in a larger number of study subjects (OT = 8, CR = 12, HI = 12), as individual samples.Results: We detected a differential microRNA profile in OT vs. its opposing clinical outcome—CR—suggesting that microRNAs may integrate transplantation tolerance mechanisms. Some miRNAs were detected at higher levels in OT: miR-885-5p, miR-331-3p, miR-27a-5p vs. CR; others, we found at lower levels: miR-1233-3p, miR-572, miR-638, miR-1260a. Considering highly predicted/experimentally demonstrated targets of these miRNAs, bioinformatics analysis revealed that the granzyme B, and death receptor pathways are dominant, suggesting that cell death regulation integrates transplantation tolerance mechanisms. We confirmed higher miR-885-5p levels in OT vs. CR, and vs. HI, in a larger number of subjects.Conclusions: We propose that epigenetics mechanisms involving microRNAs may integrate human transplantation tolerance mechanisms, and regulate key members of the cell death/survival signaling. miR-885-5p could favor cell survival in OT by diminishing the levels of CRADD/RAIDD and CASP3. Nonetheless, given the nature of any complex phenomenon in humans, only cumulative data will help to determine whether this microRNA differential profile may be related to the cause or consequence of operational tolerance

    Caracterização química da espécie Raphanus sativus L. submetida à diferentes condições de adubação e estresse hídrico

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    This study quantifies phenolic and flavonoid compounds and evaluates the antioxidant activity by the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) method, also identifying some secondary metabolites of R. sativus under organic fertilization and water stress. For this, a greenhouse experiment was carried out with the preparation of plant extracts (leaves and roots), quantification of phenolic and flavonoid compounds, analysis of antioxidant activity, and phytochemical screening. Different classes of secondary metabolites (catechins, steroids, saponins, among others) were identified. The DPPH method showed that the leaf extract has higher DPPH radical scavenging activity. The leaf extract had a high content of phenolic compounds, especially in treatments without water stress, either with organic fertilization (1925.59 mg GAE/g extract) or with mineral fertilization (2058.47 mg GAE/g extract). For root extracts, R. sativus developed under water stress and organic fertilization showed higher phenolic content (1383.24 mg GAE/g extract). Regarding flavonoid content, the root extract that showed the highest concentration corresponded to the treatment under water stress and without fertilization (82.1 mg QE/g extract). Therefore, radish was shown to be rich in bioactive compounds and with antioxidant potential in both its leaves and roots.Este estudo quantificou o teor de compostos fenólicos e flavonóides, avaliou a atividade antioxidante pelo método DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazil) e identificou alguns metabólitos secundários do R. sativus submetido a adubação orgânica e estresse hídrico. Foi realizado experimento em casa de vegetação e preparo dos extratos vegetal (folha e raiz), quantificação de compostos fenólicos e flavonóides, atividade antioxidante e a triagem fitoquímica. Foram identificadas  diferentes classes de metabólitos secundários (catequinas, esteróides, saponinas entre outras). Pelo método DPPH foi demonstrado que o extrato das folhas possuem maior eficiência quanto a captura do radical DPPH. O extrato das folhas apresentaram alto teor de compostos fenólicos, especialmente nos tratamentos sem estresse hídrico, seja com adubação orgânica (1925,59 mg EAG/g de extrato) ou com adubação mineral (2058,47 mg EAG/g de extrato). Para a raiz, a R. sativus desenvolvida sob estresse hídrico e adubação orgânica apresentou maior teor de fenóis (1383,24 mg EAG/g de extrato). Para o teor de flavonóides o extrato da raiz que apresentou maior concentração foi o estresse hídrico sem adubação (82,1 mg EQ/g de extrato). Portanto, foi possível observar que o rabanete é  rico em compostos bioativos e com potencial antioxidante, tantos suas folhas como em sua raiz. &nbsp

    Organic beet leaves and stalk juice attenuates the glutathione peroxidase increase induced by high-fat meal in dyslipidemic patients : a pilot double-blind, randomized, controlled trial

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    The beet, including the leaves and stalk (BLS), is a vegetable with great antioxidant potential. The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences in the nutritional composition and the concentration of total phenolics between the organic and conventional BLS and to verify whether the ingestion of an organic BLS juice containing different concentrations of polyphenols modulated some biomarkers of oxidative stress after the ingestion of a high-fat meal in individuals with dyslipidemia. A controlled, randomized, double-blind, crossover clinical trial with a washout period of 1 week was carried out. A 12-h fasting blood sample was collected. Afterward, the participants consumed a high-fat meal, followed by the ingestion of a placebo or one of the organic BLS juices containing either 32.0 or 77.5 mg/100 mL of polyphenols. Blood samples were obtained 30, 60, 120 and 180 min after the first blood collection. The composition analysis showed that organic BLS had a better nutritional composition than conventional ones. The high-fat meal induced postprandial hypertriglyceridemia after 120 min (p < 0.001) and increased the concentration of malondialdehyde after 30 min (p < 0.001). In addition, there was a significant increase in GPx in 30 min (p = 0.026). This increase was attenuated in the group that received the highest dose of polyphenols when compared with the placebo after 30 min (p = 0.045). Therefore, the organic BLS juice containing 77.5 mg of polyphenols was efficient at modulating one of the postprandial mechanisms of enzymatic antioxidant protection in individuals with dyslipidemia