1,874 research outputs found

    Visualização de dados do portal da transparência da Câmara de Vereadores de Florianópolis

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Araranguá. Engenharia da Computação.Exercer a cidadania é colocar em prática direitos e deveres em busca de uma sociedade melhor, para que a solidariedade, justiça e liberdade estejam cada vez mais presentes e comuns. O direito à informação não é uma regalia, mas sim a expressão da liberdade e participação do cidadão. A informação transparente dos gastos públicos transformou-se em lei no ano de 2011 e a partir desta data, todo cidadão com acesso à internet pode consultar os gastos administrativos do país. O acesso à informação faz o cidadão ser mais participativo politicamente. Este trabalho consiste em analisar todos os dados no período de fevereiro de 2014 a junho de 2018 via portal de transparência da cidade de Florianópolis, do balancete dos vereadores do município, implementando uma ferramenta que os torna graficamente visíveis e permite, em sequência, uma análise não fragmentada do orçamento governamental. O desenvolvimento da ferramenta utilizou conceitos de banco de dados e programação PHP. Inicialmente é feita uma pesquisa bibliográfica, depois o levantamento dos dados do portal da transparência de Florianópolis, a conversão dos dados de PDF para CSV, o desenvolvimento em PHP para interpretar os dados em CSV e popular o banco, a leitura do banco de dados para apresentação gráfica e por final elabora-se um questionário para verificar a utilidade do sistema de visualização

    Patrimónios: centro histórico da Vila de Palmela

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    SIAM. Series Iberoamericanas de Museología. Año 3, Vol.

    High-frequency audiometry hearing on monitoring of individuals exposed to occupational noise: a systematic review

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    The literature reports on high-frequency audiometry as one of the exams used on hearing monitoring of individuals exposed to high sound pressure in their work environment, due to the method́s greater sensitivity in early identification of hearing loss caused by noise. The frequencies that compose the exam are generally between 9 KHz and 20KHz, depending on the equipment. This study aims to perform a retrospective and secondary systematic revision of publications on high-frequency audiometry on hearing monitoring of individuals exposed to occupational noise. This systematic revision followed the methodology proposed in the Cochrane Handbook, focusing on the question: “Is High-frequency Audiometry more sensitive than Conventional Audiometry in the screening of early hearing loss individuals exposed to occupational noise?” The search was based on PubMed data, Base, Web of Science (Capes), Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), and in the references cited in identified and selected articles. The search resulted in 6059 articles in total. Of these, only six studies were compatible with the criteria proposed in this study. The performed meta-analysis does not definitively answer the study's proposed question. It indicates that the 16 KHz high frequency audiometry (HFA) frequency is sensitive in early identification of hearing loss in the control group (medium difference (MD = 8.33)), as well as the 4 KHz frequency (CA), this one being a little less expressive (MD = 5.72). Thus, others studies are necessary to confirm the HFA importance for the early screening of hearing loss on individuals exposed to noise at the workplace.20328128

    A Novel Rework Costing Methodology Applied To a Bus Manufacturing Company

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    This paper focuses on the quality costs analysis in the automotive industry, specifically a bus manufacturing company. The main goal was to improve the quality costs indicator, by providing means to evaluate the failure cost within the productive process. Kaizen-lean principles were used as methodology. A quality cost analysis was made based on literature review and in an ISO standard in quality costs. Process analysis was made based on the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle. As the main achievements of this article, the quality costs were identified as well as its sources. Then, by collecting a very significant amount of data, from various departments, regarding each of the identified costs, it was possible to measure these costs and create a database to scorecard them – including rework costs. Due to the lack of rework costs information, a great part of this analysis focused on data collection and estimating/calculating these associated costs. Thus, it was possible to develop associated KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) to support decision making and a graphic indicator to show the overall balance between quality costs and non-quality costs. In this process, some difficulties were found as well as some opportunities for improvement. The critical ones were implemented during this project, while the others are scheduled for future work. In terms of a more technological approach to these studies, some autonomous systems can exist, although it comes at a great cost. However, the 4.0 Industry concept is evolving and fits perfectly in the quality costs monitorization context: an integrated information system with a global data network allows for a quick check-up of all the quality costs, by category, while freeing employees from doing this work manually.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Process mining: a framework proposal for pervasive business intelligence

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    In recent years, global growth slowed, the markets have matured and become more competitive. The impact of computing in organizations made information technology a strategic element to the acquisition and maintenance of competitive advantage. Based on the literature review in the related areas of Business Intelligence (BI) and Process Mining (PM), is presented a framework for improving the decision-making processes in organizations

    Portuguese oncologists’ practices regarding female fertility preservation: Which barriers most relate to these practices?

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    This study aims to investigate the current practice patterns of Portuguese oncologists with different clinical specialties regarding female fertility preservation (FP) and to determine the relative endorsement of different barriers to these practices. A total of 111 doctors with different clinical specialties assisting female cancer patients of childbearing age at Portuguese clinical institutions completed a self-report questionnaire to assess their current practice patterns regarding female FP and their perceptions of the barriers to these practices. Although the majority of the oncologists reported discussing the reproductive future with their patients, 2.8% and 7.2% of these clinicians reported never informing about the risk of infertility and about FP, respectively, and 75.8% of the participants have referred fewer than ten patients to a reproductive medicine doctor. Time with patients was the strongest endorsed barrier to these practices. A stronger endorsement of the barriers "oncologists' communication skills" and "patient-related factors" was related to a lower frequency of informing about both the risk of cancer-related infertility and about FP. It is important to overcome the intrinsic barriers that emerged as being the most relevant to oncologists' FP practices and that can be modified, namely the lack of communication skills and the oncologists' perceptions of their patients' characteristics

    Satisfacción y usabilidad de una tecnología de la información y la comunicación en la formación de enfermería: un estudio piloto

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    Background: The literature suggests that interactive educational tools can improve the teaching-learning process. Objective: To evaluate the usability and satisfaction capability of a technological platform, designed for nursing students, used as a support tool to learn the procedures related to patient positioning. Methodology: A study with 2 cross-reference evaluation moments was conducted. One hundred and twenty-two students enrolled in the 1st semester curricular unit of the Undergraduate Degree in Nursing, answered a questionnaire, for the assessment of the satisfaction level regarding the currently used model (with no access to the platform). Seventy-eight students enrolled in the second semester had access to the educational platform and gave their opinion on the efficacy, relevance, and responsiveness of the platform. Results: The students considered the tool useful. The overall evaluation had a mean of 8.01 (on a 0-10 scale). Conclusion: The correct use of the virtual learning object proves to be useful for the teaching-learning process, contributing to better learning and indirectly to the excellence of nursing care.Enquadramento: A literatura sugere que as ferramentas educacionais interativas podem constituir uma mais-valia para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Objetivo: Avaliar a usabilidade e a satisfação de uma plataforma tecnológica, destinada a estudantes de enfermagem, usando como objeto de apoio à aprendizagem, procedimentos relativos ao posicionar pessoa. Metodologia: Desenvolveu-se um estudo com 2 momentos de avaliação de referência cruzada. Cento e vinte e dois estudantes, inscritos numa unidade curricular no primeiro semestre do curso de licenciatura em enfermagem responderam a um questionário, para apurar a satisfação face ao modelo em uso (sem recurso à plataforma). Setenta e oito estudantes inscritos no segundo semestre tiveram acesso à plataforma educativa e deram a sua opinião quanto à eficácia, pertinência e responsividade da plataforma. Resultados: A ferramenta foi considerada útil, obtendo uma avaliação média de 8,01 (em 10). Conclusão: O uso correto de um objeto virtual de apoio à aprendizagem mostra facilitar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, contribuindo para uma melhor aprendizagem e indiretamente para a excelência dos cuidados de enfermagem.Marco contextual: La literatura sugiere que las herramientas educativas interactivas pueden constituir un beneficio para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Objetivo: Evaluar la usabilidad y satisfacción de una plataforma tecnológica, dirigida a estudiantes de enfermería, para lo cual se utilizaron, como objeto de apoyo al aprendizaje, procedimientos relacionados con el posicionamiento de la persona. Metodología: Se desarrolló un estudio con 2 momentos de evaluación de referencias cruzadas. Ciento veintidós estudiantes matriculados en una unidad curricular en el primer semestre del Grado de Enfermería respondieron a un cuestionario para evaluar su satisfacción en relación con el modelo en uso (sin utilizar la plataforma). Setenta y ocho estudiantes matriculados en el segundo semestre tuvieron acceso a la plataforma educativa y dieron su opinión sobre la efectividad, relevancia, pertinencia y la respuesta de la plataforma. Resultados: La herramienta se consideró útil, y obtuvo una evaluación media de 8,01 (sobre 10). Conclusión: El uso correcto de un objeto de apoyo al aprendizaje virtual facilita el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, lo que contribuye a un mejor aprendizaje e indirectamente a la excelencia en la atención de enfermería.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio