11 research outputs found

    Vertical accretion rates of mangroves in northeast Brazil:Implications for future responses and management

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    Northeast (NE) Brazil has a semi-arid climate and low plant diversity mangroves confined to estuaries influenced by a meso-tidal regime (∼2.5 m). Whilst these mangroves are protected by state and federal legislation, large areas have been lost to urban encroachment and shrimp farms, a situation continuing today. This work discusses the potential impacts of sea level rise on mangroves in three estuaries in NE Brazil. The three sites witness decreasing annual precipitation associated with global climate change, which will have the dual effect of increasing water and salinity stress, decreasing productivity, as well as reducing inputs of allochthonous fluvial material. Simultaneously, since the 1990's local sea level rise (3.5 mm/yr) has been greater than the global average (3.2 mm/yr). Average accretion rates, derived from 137Cs and 210Pb dating in fringing mangroves in this study, are likely to be insufficient to maintain surface elevation and keep pace with sea level rise. Notwithstanding, historical data suggest that there has been no recorded mangrove loss as a result of sea level rise and in some areas a recorded gain in the upper estuarine mangrove reaches. At present there are limited inputs from the watershed in all three estuaries, mostly due to decreasing annual rainfall and river damming, limiting the transport capacity and hampering the export of sediments to the fringing mangroves and the sea and limiting the ability of the fringing mangroves to respond to sea level rise. However, this has been suggested to result in the accumulation of soils along river margins further upstream forming new islands and potentially expanding estuarine mangroves upstream. Both the fringing and the estuarine mangroves are surrounded by both licensed and unlicensed settlements, as well as dunes preventing expansion into higher elevation areas as a response to sea level rise. Recent changes to legislation protecting these ecosystems put a further strain on adaptation and resilience capacity, increasing the threat to these important coastal systems and the ecosystem services they provide

    Previsão da produção de fontes renováveis e não renováveis selecionadas da matriz energética brasileira

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    O estudo avaliou a evolução das produções relativas de fontes renováveis e não renováveis da Matriz Energética Brasileira entre os anos de 1970 e 2018. Foram estimados modelos de previsão para cada fonte energética e avaliaram-se os possíveis impactos dos preços do barril de petróleo sobre a previsão da produção dessas fontes. Os dados foram extraídos da International Energy Agency (IEA) e Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE). Elaboraram-se previsões para o período de 2020 a 2030 e optou-se pelo modelo Box-Jenkins. Para tanto se utilizaram três cenários de oscilação dos preços do petróleo.  Os ajustamentos obtidos foram robustos, de um ponto de vista estatístico, e os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que, com exceção da lenha,  as produções de todas fontes energéticas avaliadas  se mostraram sensíveis às alterações nos níveis de preços do barril de petróleo.  Desta forma, foram feitas as projeções com base nos cenários criados no estudo


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    The Brazilian rural environment underwent several transformations that currently collaborate for the new ways of production and modernization of work in the field. The question asked in the present study is whether these new labor habits contribute both to income generation and to the support of rural families, providing a broader economic and social perspective. In response to this problem, the aim is to estimate income differentials between agricultural and non-agricultural activities in the Brazilian Northeast. The data used come from the PNAD (2015) and the models used were Blinder-Oaxaca and RIF Regression. It can be seen that non-agricultural activities generate higher yields when compared to agricultural ones. Of all the variables used in the sample, schooling is the one that best explains the fact that nonagricultural activities earn higher incomes than agricultural ones, with the states of Alagoas, Ceará and Piauí contributing the most to income concentration in the Region. Finally, we prove the importance of non-agricultural activities for the development of rural Brazilian northeasternO meio rural brasileiro passou por diversas transformações que atualmente colaboram para as novas maneiras de produção e modernização do trabalho no campo. A questão indagada no presente trabalho é se esses novos hábitos laborais contribuem tanto para a geração de rendimentos como para a sustentação de famílias rurais, proporcionando a ampliação de perspectivas econômicas e sociais. Em resposta a esse problema, objetiva-se estimar os diferenciais de rendimentos entre as atividades agrícolas e não agrícolas no meio rural nordestino brasileiro. Os dados utilizados são provenientes da PNAD (2015) e os modelos usados foram Blinder-Oaxaca e RIF Regression. Constata-se que as atividades não agrícolas geram rendimentos maiores quando comparadas com as agrícolas. De todas as variáveis utilizadas na amostra, a escolaridade é a que explica melhor o fato de as atividades não agrícolas auferirem rendimentos superiores ao das agrícolas, sendo os Estados de Alagoas, Ceará e Piauí os que mais contribuem para a concentração de renda na Região. Por fim, comprova-se a importância das atividades não agrícolas para o desenvolvimento do meio rural nordestino brasileiro

    Diferenciais de rendimentos entre atividades agrícolas e não agrícolas no meio rural do Brasil

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    The objective of this study is to estimate income differentials between agricultural and nonagricultural activities in rural areas of the country. The data used are The objective of this study is to estimate income differentials between agricultural and nonagricultural activities in rural areas of the country. The data used are from PNAD (2015) and the models used were Blinder-Oaxaca and RIF Regression. It can be seen that nonagricultural activities generate higher incomes when compared to agricultural ones. Schooling is the variable that best explains the fact that nonagricultural activities earn higher incomes than agricultural ones.O objetivo desse estudo é estimar os diferenciais de rendimentos entre as atividades agrícolas e não agrícolas no meio rural do país. Os dados utilizados são provenientes da PNAD (2015) e os modelos usados foram Blinder-Oaxaca e RIF Regression. Constata-se que as atividades não agrícolas geram rendimentos maiores quando comparadas com as agrícolas. De todas as variáveis utilizadas na amostra, a escolaridade é a que explica melhor o fato de as atividades não agrícolas auferirem rendimentos superiores as agrícolas

    Simulando efeitos de fusÃes sobre equilÃbrio de preÃos: um estudo para o mercado brasileiro de automÃveis

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    This dissertation presents an analysis of mergers simulation on the Brazilian automobile market. The central objective is computing the effects of a merger in the equilibrium price. Postmerger equilibrium outcomes are simulated under some assumptions on the demand and the supply sides. This study applies a Nested Logit model to model the demand, as proposed by Berry (1994). From the demand side, own-price and cross-price elasticities were calculated and used to estimate unobserved marginal costs. On the supply side, an oligopoly framework with differentiated products and Bertrand-Nash equilibrium in prices is adopted. This analysis also assumes that there is not efficiency changes by merged firms, i.e., marginal cost are the same before and after the merger. Under this assumption, mergers have significant adverse effects on consumer welfare, mainly with the increase of the prices of the products. The mergers simulation is an approach to predict post-merger prices using information about premerger market conditions, while building on assumptions about the behavior of firms and consumers. Thus, the postmergers equilibriums were simulated using the demand estimates and the recovered marginal costs. The results confirm the expected increase in prices. This result is suitable with the expectation that the mergers would implicate in increases of market prices and, without increases of economical efficiency, they can impose losses for the consumers.A presente dissertaÃÃo apresenta uma anÃlise de simulaÃÃo de fusÃes no mercado brasileiro de automÃveis. O objetivo central da anÃlise à computar os efeitos de fusÃes no equilibrio de preÃos. Os resultados do equilibrio pÃs-fusÃo sÃo simulados sob algumas suposiÃÃes do lado da demanda e da oferta. Este estudo aplica o modelo Nested Logit para estimar os parÃmetros de demanda como o proposto por Berry (1994). No lado da demanda, as elasticidades preÃos prÃprias e cruzadas foram calculadas, as quais sÃo utilizadas para estimar custos marginais nÃo observados. No lado da oferta, foi adotada uma estrutura de oligopolio com diferenciaÃÃo de produto e um equilibrio de Bertrand-Nash. Esta anÃlise tambÃm assume que nÃo existem ganhos de eficiÃncia por parte das firmas fusionadas. Sob esta suposiÃÃo, as fusÃes possuem efeitos adversos significantes sobre o bem-estar dos consumidores, principalmente com o aumento dos preÃos dos produtos. A simulaÃÃo de fusÃes à uma ferramenta para prever preÃos pÃs-fusÃo aplicando informaÃÃes do mercado prÃ-fusÃes, enquanto faz suposiÃÃes sobre o comportamento de firmas e consumidores. Assim, equilÃbrios pÃs-fusÃes foram simulados usando as estimativas de demanda e os custos marginais recuperados. Os resultados do exercÃcio de simulaÃÃo confirmam os aumentos esperados nos preÃos dos produtos. Este resultado à condizente com a expectativa de que as fusÃes implicariam em aumentos de preÃos de mercado e, sem ganhos de eficiÃncia econÃmica, podem impor perdas para os consumidores

    Crédito rural e produção das lavouras temporárias nos distintos cenários do nordeste brasileiro

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    Rural credit is the main instrument of Brazilian agricultural policy supporting and providing farmers with greater investment in their production. However, when compared to other regions, the Northeast region requires greater attention, in addition, this region also presents heterogeneity. Thus, this study estimated the effect of rural credit destined to family farmers (Pronaf) on the total production of temporary crops in the region, discriminating in regions with semi-arid and non-semi-arid climate, in addition to the municipalities with irrigation poles and those that do not. The database was obtained from the following sources: PAM, IBGE, BCB, MDA, INMET and Global Climate Monitor; in the period from 2012 to 2017, due to the availability of data, and these were analyzed with the application of methods for panel data with random effects. The results showed that rural credit had a positive effect on the gross value of production during the period analyzed, despite the number of family farmers having no influence. In addition, the municipalities that have irrigation poles showed better results among the other groups, in contrast to the municipalities located in the semiarid region

    Human capital and wage inequality in Brazil: a decomposition analysis over the period 1995-2014

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    This paper investigates factors that may explain the reduction in wage inequality in Brazil between 1995 and 2014 using a decomposition method suggested by Yun (2006). This method is a synthesis of two another methods, a decomposition proposed by Juhn, Murphy and Pierce(1993) and the other was suggested by Fields (2003). The application of these methods provides a greater level of detail in the decomposition exercise by allowing get the price and quantity effects associated with each of the explanatory variables in the wage equation. The results based on PNAD data, shows that the recent decline in the wage inequality was due mainly to the human capital accumulation, while frictions in the labor market (segmentation and discrimination) seem to have played a secondary role in this process. The price effect associated with human capital was the main reason for this reduction and, in particular, the fall in returns to education played an important role in this result.Este artigo investiga fatores que podem explicar a redução da desigualdade salarial no Brasil entre 2001 e 2012, utilizando um método sugerido por Yun (2006). Este método corresponde a uma junção de outras duas formas de decomposição: Juhn Murphy e Pierce (1993) e Fields (2003). A aplicação conjunta destas metodologias proporciona um maior nível de detalhamento no exercício de decomposição, ao permitir obter os efeitos preço e quantidade associados a cada uma das variáveis explicativas da equação de salários. Os resultados encontrados, com base nos dados da PNAD, mostram que a recente queda da desigualdade salarial foi devida, essencialmente, à acumulação de capital humano, enquanto fricções no mercado de trabalho (segmentação e discriminação) parecem ter desempenhado um papel secundário nesse processo. O efeito preço associado ao capital humano respondeu por aproximadamente 70% dessa redução e, em particular, a queda dos retornos educacionais teve papel de destaque nesse resultado

    Capital humano e desigualdade salarial no Brasil: uma análise de decomposição para o período 1995-2014

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    Resumo Este artigo investiga fatores que podem explicar a redução da desigualdade salarial no Brasil entre 1995 e 2014, utilizando um método sugerido por Yun (2006). Este método corresponde a uma junção de outras duas formas de decomposição: Juhn Murphy e Pierce (1993) e Fields (2003). A aplicação conjunta dessas metodologias proporciona um maior nível de detalhamento no exercício de decomposição, ao permitir obter os efeitos preço e quantidade associados a cada uma das variáveis explicativas da equação de salários. Os resultados encontrados, com base nos dados da PNAD, mostram que a recente queda da desigualdade salarial foi devida, essencialmente, à acumulação de capital humano, enquanto fricções no mercado de trabalho (segmentação e discriminação) parecem ter desempenhado um papel secundário nesse processo. O efeito preço associado ao capital humano foi o principal responsável por essa redução e, em particular, a queda dos retornos educacionais teve papel de destaque nesse resultado

    Health-status outcomes with invasive or conservative care in coronary disease

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    BACKGROUND In the ISCHEMIA trial, an invasive strategy with angiographic assessment and revascularization did not reduce clinical events among patients with stable ischemic heart disease and moderate or severe ischemia. A secondary objective of the trial was to assess angina-related health status among these patients. METHODS We assessed angina-related symptoms, function, and quality of life with the Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ) at randomization, at months 1.5, 3, and 6, and every 6 months thereafter in participants who had been randomly assigned to an invasive treatment strategy (2295 participants) or a conservative strategy (2322). Mixed-effects cumulative probability models within a Bayesian framework were used to estimate differences between the treatment groups. The primary outcome of this health-status analysis was the SAQ summary score (scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better health status). All analyses were performed in the overall population and according to baseline angina frequency. RESULTS At baseline, 35% of patients reported having no angina in the previous month. SAQ summary scores increased in both treatment groups, with increases at 3, 12, and 36 months that were 4.1 points (95% credible interval, 3.2 to 5.0), 4.2 points (95% credible interval, 3.3 to 5.1), and 2.9 points (95% credible interval, 2.2 to 3.7) higher with the invasive strategy than with the conservative strategy. Differences were larger among participants who had more frequent angina at baseline (8.5 vs. 0.1 points at 3 months and 5.3 vs. 1.2 points at 36 months among participants with daily or weekly angina as compared with no angina). CONCLUSIONS In the overall trial population with moderate or severe ischemia, which included 35% of participants without angina at baseline, patients randomly assigned to the invasive strategy had greater improvement in angina-related health status than those assigned to the conservative strategy. The modest mean differences favoring the invasive strategy in the overall group reflected minimal differences among asymptomatic patients and larger differences among patients who had had angina at baseline