31 research outputs found

    Antilisterial active compound from lactic acid bacteria present on fresh iceberg lettuce

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    Pediococcus pentosaceus DT016, a bacteriocin producing strain, was isolated from fresh lettuce. A protein with antilisterial activity (bacDT016), between 11 to 17 kDa, was identified and characterized as the bioactive substance from the LAB culture. Highest bacteriocin production was noted after 15 h of growth. Antibacterial activity was affected by some enzymes and detergents, as well as by temperatures equal or above 80 ºC. DT016 strain contains an 1110 bp DNA fragment with homology to pediocin AcH/PA-1

    Flora de Grão-Mogol, Minas Gerais: Solanaceae

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    Notas taxonômicas em Verbenaceae do Brasil

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    Como parte da revisão da família Verbenaceae para a Flora do Brasil são apresentados dois sinônimos novos, e uma combinação nova no gênero Lantana, bem como um nome novo, dez sinônimos novos e dez lectotipificações no gênero Lippia e dois sinônimos novos em Stachytarpheta

    Biochemical and colour changes of watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) during freezing and frozen storage

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    The effects of water blanching, freezing, and frozen storage during 400 days at three different temperatures (-7, - 15 and -30 degrees C), on watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) colour Hunter Lab parameters, chlorophyll degradation, vitamin C content loss and peroxidase (POD) activity were evaluated. The blanching induced significant changes on colour values and chlorophylls and vitamin C contents. POD activity was reduced 85% from its initial value. Freezing did not affect chlorophylls and vitamin C levels, however, promoted significant differences in colour values and POD residual activity. During frozen storage, ascorbic acid (AA) and POD activity degradations followed first-order kinetics, and colour parameters (L(H) . a(H) . b(H), -a(H)/b(H,) L(H) . a(H)/b(H), L(H)/a(H) and hue (h(H)(0))) were Successfully described by zero-order kinetics. The Storage temperature effect Was Successfully described by the Arrhenius law. Chlorophylls and dehydroascorbic acid (DHAA) contents were kept constant during frozen storage. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Typification and authorship of Drosera intermedia (Droseraceae)

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    Drosera intermedia is lectotypified with the herbarium specimen on which the type drawing in the 1798 protologue was based. The collection history of the specimen, the history of the botanical drawing as original material, and the correct nomenclatural author and publication date of the name are presented based on historical notes and literature. Additionally, the global distribution of the species is given, including the first record from Africa

    Ewing Sarcoma/Pnet pre-sacral: case report

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    Ewing’s sarcoma is a type of bone tumor that has aggressive behavior, which mainly affects individuals below 30 years and predominantly in males. The family of tumors includes Ewing a spectrum of neuroectodermal of primitive cells tumors which are embryonic cells migrating from the neural crest. In this report we present a male patient, 19 years, admitted to the emergency room with back pain, weakness of the lower limbs, difficulty urinating and right femur fracture a year ago. Requested magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvis and lumbosacral spine showed a presacral mass lesion and extramedullary and intradural lesions. Patient has been subjected to the pathological examination that showed Ewing’s sarcoma / primitive neuroectodermal tumor. Surgery for spinal decompression and subsequent radiotherapy and chemotherapy have been conducted.O sarcoma de Ewing é um tipo de tumor ósseo, de comportamento agressivo, que acomete principalmente indivíduos abaixo dos 30 anos e com predomínio no sexo masculino. A família de tumores de Ewing compreende um espectro de neoplasias de células neuroectodérmicas primitivas as quais são células embrionárias que migram da crista neural. Neste relato apresenta-se paciente do sexo masculino, 19 anos, admitido na emergência com quadro de lombalgia, fraqueza de membros inferiores, dificuldade de urinar e fratura de fêmur direito há um ano. Solicitada ressonância magnética da pelve e coluna lombosacra que evidenciaram lesão expansiva pré-sacral e lesões extramedulares e intradurais. Paciente submetido a exame anatomopatológico que evidenciou sarcoma de Ewing/Tumor Neuroectodérmico Primitivo. Realizado tratamento cirúrgico para descompressão medular e posterior radioterapia e quimioterapi

    Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais: Droseraceae

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    O estudo da família Droseraceae é parte do levantamento da "Flora da Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brasil", É representada naquela área pelo gênero Drosera com três espécies: D. chrysolepis Taub., D. communis A. St.-Hi!. e D. montana A. St,-Hil. São apresentadas chaves para as espécies, descrições e ilustrações, além de comentários sobre a distribuição geográfica

    Flora de Grão-Mogol, Minas Gerais: Droseraceae

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