909 research outputs found

    Tratados de direitos humanos: hierarquia em relação à constituição federal do brasil

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    Este trabalho monográfico aborda a discussão acerca do posicionamento hierárquico a ser atribuído aos tratados que versam sobre direitos humanos. A questão que surge quando do estudo do tema decorre do fato de a Constituição Federal não especificar de forma nítida a colocação dos tratados de direitos humanos. Por isso, surgiram diversas teses que pretendem solucionar a lacuna deixada pelo legislador, teses essas aqui abordadas. A análise é feita levando-se em consideração a Emenda Constitucional nº 45, de 2004, que adicionou novo parágrafo ao artigo 5º da Constituição Federal, assim como os julgados proferidos recentemente pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal a respeito do tema

    Understanding occupational therapy students on primary health care training

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    The study aimed to describe and analyze the graduated training for primary health care (PHC) through the comprehension of seniors in occupational therapy. Anchored in the qualitative approach, the study investigated perspectives of 69 students of occupational therapy, last year, from nine occupational therapy courses in the state of São Paulo. The data were constructed in nine Conversation Wheels, one in each participating course. The field material favored the identification of two empirical categories: Students’ Knowledge about PHC and Essential Practical Theoretical Content for PHC Training. It is concluded that the different understandings presented by the students relate to the national curricular guidelines of occupational therapy, since these point to the understanding of PHC and the different sociocultural realities, already in the context of graduate training. In addition, the training processes investigated have promoted at least critical and available professionals to work in the PHC and carry out occupational therapeutic and interprofessional actions.O estudo buscou descrever e analisar a formação graduada para a atuação na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) por meio das compreensões de estudantes de último ano de terapia ocupacional. Ancorado na abordagem qualitativa, o estudo investigou perspectivas de 69 discentes de terapia ocupacional, de último ano, de nove cursos de terapia ocupacional do estado de São Paulo. Os dados foram construídos em nove Rodas de Conversa, uma em cada curso participante. O material de campo favoreceu a identificação de duas categorias empíricas: Conhecimentos dos Estudantes sobre APS e os Conteúdos Teórico Práticos Essenciais à Formação para APS. Conclui-se que as diferentes compreensões apresentadas pelos estudantes se relacionam com as diretrizes curriculares nacionais de terapia ocupacional, visto que estas apontam para o entendimento da APS e das diferentes realidades socioculturais, já no contexto da formação graduada. Além disso, os processos formativos investigados têm promovido, no mínimo, profissionais críticos e disponíveis a atuar na APS e realizar ações terapêuticas ocupacionais e interprofissionais

    Identificação das ações de terapeutas ocupacionais na atenção primária à saúde no Brasil/Identified actions of occupational therapists in primary health care in Brazil

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    É relevante conhecer a diversidade de práticas de terapeutas ocupacionais na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) no contexto brasileiro, devido esse nível assistencial apoiar o rearranjo da atenção à saúde à população. O estudo identificou ações e atividades realizadas por terapeutas ocupacionais na APS. Trata-se de pesquisa do tipo Survey, efetuada entre novembro de 2017 e fevereiro de 2018, através de Questionário On line autoaplicável com terapeutas ocupacionais da APS. Participaram 105 profissionais, a maioria do gênero feminino, com até 39 anos de idade e tempo de atuação na APS variando entre um e cinco anos, inseridos, sobretudo, em Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família das regiões sudeste e nordeste. Os profissionais informaram realizar atendimento individual (97,1%) e grupal (93,3%); atenção domiciliar (84,8%); apoio matricial (88,6%); educação em saúde (86,7%); promoção da saúde (95,2%); prevenção de doenças (89,5%); educação permanente e/ou continuada (84,8%); participação em reuniões de planejamento dos serviços (89,5%) e de articulação com redes saúde (81,9%). Também utilizam atividades, tecnologia assistiva e recursos terapêuticos em ações junto a pessoas com dificuldades na realização das atividades cotidianas. As práticas referidas indicam a integração dos profissionais às equipes e aos serviços de saúde e do território. A identificação das ações e atividades representa etapa inicial de construção de dados aprofundados sobre a atuação da terapia ocupacional na APS. Abstract It is relevant to know the diversity of practices of occupational therapists in Primary Health Care (PHC) in the Brazilian context, due to this level of support to the rearrangement of health care to the population. The study identified actions and activities performed by occupational therapists in PHC. This is a Survey-type, conducted between November 2017 and February 2018, through a self -administered On-line Questionnaire with PHC occupational therapists. A total of 105 professionals, most of them female, with up to 39 years of age and working time in PHC ranging from one to five years, were included, mainly in Expanded Core Family Health and Basic Care in the Southeast and Northeast Regions. The professionals reported individual care (97.1%) and group (93.3%); home care (84.8%); matrix support (88.6%); health education (86.7%); health promotion (95.2%); disease prevention (89.5%); continuing and/or continuing education (84.8%); participation in service planning meetings (89.5%) and articulation with health networks (81.9%). They also use activities, assistive technology and therapeutic resources in actions with people with limitations in daily activities. The practices referred to indicate the integration of the professionals to the teams and the health services and the territory. The identification of actions and activities represents an initial stage of construction of in-depth data on the performance of occupational therapy in PHC.Keywords: Primary Health Care; Occupational Therapy; Unified Health System

    Gender evaluation in human beings by occlusal radiographs

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    Abstract Aim: To analyze the dental arches by occlusal radiographs for possible gender differentiation. Methods: One hundred occlusal radiographic images were obtained. First, a median line and a line touching the vestibular portions of the projections of the maxillary central incisors were drawn. The intersection of these lines was called point I and from this point a line to the canine most vestibular portion was drawn, from the second premolar and second molar, from the left and right sides, in the maxillary and mandibular arches, thus obtaining the angle measurements. Line measurements relative to the width of the arches in three segments, canines, premolars and second molars were made. Results: The analyses performed by t-test indicated that all linear values obtained were statistically different (p<0.05), as may be seen in the values obtained from canine to canine, in which the female average was 3.48 cm (0.16) while the male average was 3.74 cm (0.21) and in respect to the angle measurements, only two angles have shown applicability in the definition of gender. Conclusions: Gender can be determined by analysis of occlusal radiographs with greater reliability when linear measurements are performed

    Portraits of the evaluation of higher education: presentation of cases from Brazil, Portugal and England

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    The globalization of the idea and evaluation processes of educational systems lead to the emergence of the debate about the relation between the homogeneity of the abstract universal models and the heterogeneity of the experiences with the evaluation in each national context. Therefore, such relationship is taken as the guiding principle of this article: the scenarios of the assessment of higher education in Brazil, Portugal and England are here scopes for a comparative analysis with the central purpose of characterizing and situating them in the broader or global context of state and supranational regulation. The National System of Evaluation of Higher Education (SINAES) in Brazil, the Portuguese Evaluation and Accreditation System (coordinated by the Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education, A3ES, a private law foundation), as well as the recent Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) from the United Kingdom serve as corpus for this study. The main conclusions of the study revolve around the narrowing of the relations between education and economics in higher education, expressed in the conceptions, regulations, criteria and the political and social uses of the evaluation systems of this level of education in the countries analyzed

    Portraits of the Evaluation of Higher Education: The Cases of Brazil, Portugal and England

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    The globalization of the idea and processes of evaluation of educational systems has made it possible among other discussions the emergence of the debate about the relation between the homogeneity of the abstractly universal models and the heterogeneity of the experiences with the evaluation in each national context Therefore this relationship is taken as the guiding principle of this article the scenarios of the evaluation of higher education in Brazil Portugal and England are here scopes for a comparative analysis with the central purpose of characterizing them on the one hand and situating them in the broader or global context of state and supranational regulation on the other The National System of Evaluation of Higher Education SINAES in Brazil the Portuguese Evaluation and Accreditation System coordinated by the Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education a private law foundation as well as the recent Teaching Excellence Framework TEF from the United Kingdom serve as corpus for this stud

    Seleção de genótipos de cupuaçu para um ambiente de sistema agroflorestal na Amazônia

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    The objective of this work was to select cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum) tree progenies and individuals based on their agronomic traits, and, indirectly, to identify those adapted to an agroforestry system (AFS) environment in the Brazilian Amazon. For this purpose, 25 full-sib progenies were planted and tested in consortium with black pepper (Piper nigrum), banana (Musa spp.), and bacuri (Platonia insignis) trees. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design, with five replicates and three plants per plot, from 2005 to 2019. For the statistical analyses, the phenotypic averages for production and incidence of witches’ broom disease, evaluated during 11 harvests, were used. Superior progenies and individuals were identified using the mixed model methodology (REML/BLUP), which led to the selection of ten plants from five families with superior agronomic traits. Cupuaçu tree progenies 6, 36, 37, 49, and 52 are the ones that best adapt to the environment of a multispecies AFS in the Amazon region because of their agronomic traits under competitive conditions. Ten matrices show agronomic potential and indirect adaptation to the AFS and can be used as clonal cupuaçu cultivars in this environment.O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar progênies e indivíduos de cupuaçuzeiro (Theobroma grandiflorum) com base em características agronômicas e, indiretamente, identificar aqueles adaptados a um ambiente de sistema agroflorestal (SAF) na Amazônia brasileira. Para tanto, 25 progênies de irmãos completos foram plantadas e testadas em consórcio com pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum), banana (Musa spp.) e bacuri (Platonia insignis). O experimento foi realizado em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições e três plantas por parcela, de 2005 a 2019. Para as análises estatísticas, foram utilizadas as médias fenotípicas de produção e incidência da vassoura de bruxa avaliadas durante 11 safras. Progênies e indivíduos superiores foram identificados pela metodologia de modelos mistos (REML/BLUP), o que resultou na seleção de dez plantas de cinco famílias com características agronômicas superiores. As progênies de cupuaçu 6, 36, 37, 49 e 52 são as que melhor se adaptam ao ambiente de um SAF multiespécies na região amazônica, em razão de suas características agronômicas em condições competitivas. Dez matrizes apresentam potencial agronômico e adaptação indireta ao SAF e podem ser utilizadas como cultivares clonais de cupuaçu nesse ambiente

    Quality evaluation: users' satisfaction of obstetric and mixed pediatric intensive care unit

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate users' satisfaction in two intensive care units (ICU). Method: Qualitative, descriptive and evaluative study performed in obstetric and mixed pediatric ICUs inside the Brazilian northeast. Fourteen children caregivers and newborns and fifteen women hospitalized were part of this study. The data analysis were based on content analysis and consequent category construction. This study was approved in ethical committee on the number 0001/201110 (CEDEP/UNIVASF). Results: Good reception on both ICUs was mentioned, trust in the team and care were positively evaluated. However, on the mixed pediatric ICU, it was mentioned that the use of technical terms on the information given made the understanding more difficult. On the obstetric ICU, it was pointed out that the care with exams and procedures emphasized humanization. Conclusion: The users' satisfaction is an important evaluation and management tool as a factor of (re)structure of management practice and healthcare

    Acúmulo de biomassa em função de doses de fósforo e inoculação de rizóbio em feijão-caupi

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     Estudos envolvendo a influência de doses de fósforo e avaliações do potencial simbiótico do rizóbio são escassos e indispensáveis para recomendações no manejo da cultura. Objetivou-se avaliar a biomassa de feijão-caupi em função das doses de fósforo, com e sem inoculação, em casa de vegetação e campo. Os experimentos foram conduzidos, em 2014/15 na Universidade Federal do Tocantins, com a cultivar BRS Novaera. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC) com três repetições em casa de vegetação e blocos casualizados (DBC) com quatro repetições em campo, em fatorial (2x6) sendo o primeiro (com e sem inoculação) e o segundo seis doses de fósforo (0, 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150 kg ha-1 de P2O5), totalizando 12 tratamentos. Foram avaliadas a massa seca da parte aérea, massa seca das raízes, número de nódulos e massa seca dos nódulos. Em casa de vegetação a inoculação com rizóbio apresentou resposta linear para a massa seca da parte aérea. Em campo a massa seca da parte aérea houve efeito quadrático e máximo de 48,51 g na dose de 60 kg ha-1 de P2O5 sem inoculação. O número e massa seca de nódulos foram superiores quando aplicado 90 kg ha-1 de P2O5 sem inoculação.

    Application of lean management tools in industry 4.0: a systematic review

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    The concept of Industry 4.0 is very recent and has not been fully consolidated, and, for this reason, comprehensive implementations by the industrial sector may not be prudent. Studies show that only fundamentals of Industry 4.0 do not guarantee characteristics such as quality, for example, in production processes. Thus, lean production concepts are probably being used together to cover deficiencies in Industry 4.0. In this work, a literature review is proposed that points out where lean production tools are being used in the production processes of Industry 4.0. Using the results of this search, an analysis of the most important lean production tools, which appear in the works, has been made. The analysis has shown what is being used, in terms of the lean tools, in the production processes of Industry 4.0, and what improvements are provided from these tools