413 research outputs found

    The quality of courses in a campus outside of headquarters: a study under the student optics from the Hedperf scale

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    The aim of this descriptive research was to identify the opinion of students of the Administration, Accounting Sciences, Production Engineering and Social Work courses of the same Academic Unit on an off campus, on the quality of these [courses], using the dimensions of the Higher Education Performance (Hedperf) scale. The data, collected through a survey with the use of questionnaires, after tabulations showed that most of the students in the four courses agree with the existence of quality in all dimensions - reputation, access, academic aspects, programmatic content and non-academic aspects. It was confirmed that the students agree that the dimensions evaluated, in all the courses, present quality, emphasizing as best evaluated the dimensions “Reputation” and “Access”. “Programmatic Content” and “Non-Academic Aspects” in all courses are the dimensions with the lowest quality-concordance indices, especially in relation to flexible and structured teaching plans, and also for services provided by staff administrative. It is noteworthy the course of Production Engineering, which among all, presented the lowest indices of quality assessment in all dimensions.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Buscou-se, nesta pesquisa descritiva, identificar a opinião de discentes dos cursos de Administração, Ciências Contábeis, Engenharia de Produção e Serviço Social, de uma mesma Unidade Acadêmica em um campus fora de sede, sobre a qualidade destes [cursos], utilizando as dimensões da escala Higher Education Performance (Hedperf). Os dados, coletados por meio de levantamento (survey) com o uso de questionários, após tabulados evidenciaram que a maioria dos discentes, nos quatro cursos, concordam com a existência de qualidade em todas as dimensões - reputação, acesso, aspectos acadêmicos, conteúdos programáticos e aspectos não acadêmicos. Confirmou-se que os discentes concordam que as dimensões avaliadas, em todos os cursos, apresentam qualidade, destacando-se como melhor avaliadas as dimensões “Reputação” e “Acesso”. “Conteúdos Programáticos” e “Aspectos Não Acadêmicos”, em todos os cursos, são as dimensões com os índices mais baixos de concordância quanto a qualidade, especialmente em relação a planos de ensino flexíveis e estruturados e, ainda, quanto a serviços prestados por pessoal administrativo. Chama a atenção o curso de Engenharia de Produção, que entre todos, apresentou os menores índices concordância quanto à avaliação da qualidade em todas as dimensões

    Using the bar-velocity to predict the one-repetition maximum in the power clean from the knee

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    This study investigated the predictive validity and reliability of the load-velocity relationship with the one-repetition maximum test (1RM) in power clean from the knee exercise (PC). Initially, 12 healthy young males, with no PC experience, underwent eight sessions to learn the PC technique. After the learning period, the participants visited the laboratory on four more occasions with intervals between the visits from 72 to 96 h. The first two sessions were dedicated to the actual 1RM tests, while the last two sessions were performed to measure the barbell’s load-velocity relationship at 30%, 45%, 60%, 75%, and 90% of PC 1RM. The highest peak velocity recorded at each load was used to establish the linear regression equation and, consequently, to predict 1RM values. As a result, a low validity was observed between the highest actual 1RM value and the predicted 1RM in sessions 1 and 2 (typical errors = 3.6 to 5.0 kg, coefficients of variation = 6.03 to 8.21%, effect sizes = -1.23 to -1.00, and Bland-Altman bias = 8.5 to 11.7 kg). For reliability, higher measurement errors (intraclass correlation coefficient, typical error, coefficient of variation, and width of limits of agreement at 95%) were observed for the predicted 1RM compared to the actual 1RM test. In conclusion, the load-velocity relationship was not able to predict the 1RM value with high accuracy in the PC from the knee. Moreover, the predicted 1RM presented inferior reliability than the actual 1RM test

    Dormancy overcoming in seeds of cajá-manga (Spondias dulcis)

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    The propagation of ‘cajá-manga’ (Spondias dulcis) is usually performed by seeds. The presence of dormancy is an obstacle for seedling production and the commercial use of its main product, the fruit. This research aimed to evaluate the use of phytoregulators associated with the scarification of the distal region of the embryo in dormancy overcoming and in the standardization of germination of ‘cajá-manga’ seedlings. Endocarps extracted from fruits of six matrices were subjected to the following treatments: control (T1), mechanic scarification in the distal region of the embryonic axis (T2); all following treatments involved scarification and imbibition in a solution of: water for 6h (T3); GA3 (750 mgL-1) for 6h (T4); GA3 (350 mg L-1) for 12h (T5); Cytokinin (750 mg L-1) for 6h (T6); Cytokinin (350 mg L-1) for 12h (T7); GA3 and Cytokinin (750 mg L-1) for 6h (T8); and GA3 and Cytokinin sowing 25 endocarps in expanded polystyrene trays using a washed sand substrate. The following variables were evaluated: emergence, first emergence count, emergence speed index, mean emergence time, shoot and root length of seedlings, and relative emergence frequency. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with 9 treatments and four replications consisting of 25 endocarps each. The data obtained were subjected to the F Test at a 1% level of probability, as well as to the Scott-Knott method. The use of mechanic scarification in the opposite region of the embryonic axis, followed by the imbibition in a solution of gibberellin + cytokinin at the concentration of 350 mgL-1 for 12 hours is promising for dormancy overcoming in seeds of Spondias dulcis.The propagation of ‘cajá-manga’ (Spondias dulcis) is usually performed by seeds. The presence of dormancy is an obstacle for seedling production and the commercial use of its main product, the fruit. This research aimed to evaluate the use of phytoregulators associated with the scarification of the distal region of the embryo in dormancy overcoming and in the standardization of germination of ‘cajá-manga’ seedlings. Endocarps extracted from fruits of six matrices were subjected to the following treatments: control (T1), mechanic scarification in the distal region of the embryonic axis (T2); all following treatments involved scarification and imbibition in a solution of: water for 6h (T3); GA3 (750 mgL-1) for 6h (T4); GA3 (350 mg L-1) for 12h (T5); Cytokinin (750 mg L-1) for 6h (T6); Cytokinin (350 mg L-1) for 12h (T7); GA3 and Cytokinin (750 mg L-1) for 6h (T8); and GA3 and Cytokinin sowing 25 endocarps in expanded polystyrene trays using a washed sand substrate. The following variables were evaluated: emergence, first emergence count, emergence speed index, mean emergence time, shoot and root length of seedlings, and relative emergence frequency. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with 9 treatments and four replications consisting of 25 endocarps each. The data obtained were subjected to the F Test at a 1% level of probability, as well as to the Scott-Knott method. The use of mechanic scarification in the opposite region of the embryonic axis, followed by the imbibition in a solution of gibberellin + cytokinin at the concentration of 350 mgL-1 for 12 hours is promising for dormancy overcoming in seeds of Spondias dulcis

    Características morfológicas e composição bromatológica do capim-buffel sob diferentes alturas de corte e resíduo

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a produção de lâminas e hastes e a composição bromatológica do capim-buffel sob diferentes alturas de corte e resíduo. Foi utilizado um delineamento em blocos casualizados em um arranjo fatorial 2x2referente a combinações entre duas alturas de corte (60 e 80 cm) e duas alturas de resíduo (20 e 40 cm), com cinco repetições, totalizando 20 unidades experimentais. Para cada época de corte e tratamentos colheram-se amostras para determinar os componentes morfológicos e a composição bromatológica, que foi realizada no Laboratório de Nutrição Animal do Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba. A massa seca de lâmina total (MSLT) teve efeito (P<0,05) em relação às diferentes alturas de resíduo e corte tanto para a produção total como para o corte, sendo que o tratamento 20-60 obteve menor valor. Foi verificado efeito (P<0,05) para os teores de FDN do capim-buffel, em que os tratamentos 20-80 e 40-60 obtiveram menores teores de FDN. Altura de resíduo 40 cm proporciona maior quantidade de lâminas e consequentemente, maior teor de proteína bruta e menores percentuais de fibra em detergente neutro, para o capim-buffel.Palavras-chave: Cenchrus ciliaris. Lâmina/haste. Matéria seca

    Natural Coinfection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli in a feral pigeon (Columba livia)

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    Background: Rock pigeon (Columba livia) is an exotic and invasive species of the Columbidae family found in several cities around the world, including Brazilian cities, and close to humans. This species is found in large populations often in public locations, where people may have contact. Several studies have demonstrated the isolation of human pathogens from these birds. However, there are scarce studies describing infections by Gram-negative bacteria to which pigeons are susceptible. Therefore, this report aimed to describe a case of natural coinfection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli in a feral pigeon.Case: A sick feral pigeon was delivered at the Laboratory of Ornithological Studies, State University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil. Due to poor prognosis, the individual was euthanized with ketamine via intravenous injection and submitted to necropsy, in which samples were collected for microbiological and histopathological procedure. The procedure was performed aseptically and samples were collected from intestine, liver, spleen, heart and lung. Bacterial isolation was performed with culture media selective for Gram negative bacteria and strains were identified biochemically. Histopathological examination was performed with conventional method and slides were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. DNA from E. coli isolates was extracted with simples boiling method and submitted to uniplex conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to diagnose diarrheagenic pathotypes with specific primers for the following genes: aaiC, aatA, eaeA, stx1, stx2, eltB, estA and ipaH. Escherichia coli was isolated from the intestine, liver, spleen and lung, while Pseudomonas aeruginosa was present in liver, spleen and lung. E. coli strains from liver and spleen were positive for the aaiC gene, which is a diagnostic gene for Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) pathotype. Necropsy revealed the presence of several caseous lesions around the head of the bird, cellulitis in the abdominal region, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, hemorrhagic intestine and pericarditis. Microscopical findings were most intense in liver and lung samples, presenting vascular and inflammatory alterations. Histopathological alterations indicated an acute presentation of the infections and several lesions in different organs, demonstrating the septicemic characteristic of the microorganisms involved in this case.Discussion: Both pathogens in this report were identified mostly in the same organs, which may indicate that there was an association in the pathogenesis. However, the entry routes of infection in this case may have been different, considering that Pseudomonas aeruginosa was not isolated from the intestine. The histopathological findings were not pathognomonic for either pathogen. However, some characteristic lesions were observed, such as cellulitis, which is commonly attributed to Escherichia coli. EAEC strains are human pathogens that cause acute and persistent diarrhea around the world. These microorganisms could be potentially transmitted to humans, as suggested by other studies with feral pigeons and enteric pathogens. However, the absence of reports of pigeon-transmitted diarrheagenic infections in humans may suggest that pigeons are only reservoirs of these pathogens. In addition, as this report demonstrates, these birds may also suffer from these infections. In conclusion, the free-living pigeon presented a natural occurring case of coinfection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli. Both are human opportunistic pathogens, and may have public health implication

    Análise da educação ambiental em contexto escolar: a importância e a metodologia aplicada na educação do meio ambiente / Analysis of environmental education in school context: the importance and methodology applied in environmental education

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    Percebemos o nível de mudança ambiental que vem crescendo e deixando pontos críticos e preocupantes para sociedade e geração futura. Existem inúmeras ações para que necessite urgentemente de transformações para superar as injustiças ambientais. Vivemos em um momento de risco onde os efeitos de nossas ações são de destruição ao meio ambiente. Contudo, este artigo incide em um estudo de revisão de literatura, de caráter descritivo e exploratório. O método do levantamento de dados foi efetivado através das plataformas digitais. A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo abordar a importância da metodologia usada para ensino da educação ambiental no cotidiano dos alunos, pois a natureza está em constante transformação e com passa dos tempos às atividades humanas está provocando destruição. Sem dúvidas a educação ambiental é essencial a todos, cria assim, o presente trabalho que busca abordar a Educação Ambiental em seu contexto escolar, devendo este ensino acontecer de forma dinâmica e criativa. Observa-se a evolução e a necessidade de criar uma educação voltada ao meio ambiente e a importância do professor, atuando como mediador, ajudando o aluno a entender as causas dos problemas ambientais

    Synergic and antibiofilm effects of melampodium divaricatum l. (asteracae) essential oil upon bacteria associated with dental caries

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    Melampodium divaricatum is an herbaceous species, naturally occurring in the Northeast regions of Brazil and is known for its medicinal value and the action against oral pathogens. The objective of this study was to verify the synergistic effect and activity against biofilm formation of the EO from M. divaricatum against bacteria associated with dental caries. The checkerboard assays was used to investigate the in vitro antimicrobial efficacy of the combination of Chlorhexidine dichlorohydrate with M. divaricatum EO. The microtitration plate assay was used for determination the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of Biofilm (MICB50) of essential oil against the bacteria. The synergistic effect and activity against biofilm formation of the essential oil (EO) from M. divaricatum against bacteria associated with dental caries were observed. The combination effects of EO with chlorhexidine were additive to L. casei, antagonic to S. mutans and indifferent to S. sobrinuns and S. mitis. The antibiofilm activity revealed significant results MICB50 values (200 at 400 µg/mL). This report suggests that the EO is a promising natural product to develop novel therapeutic strategies to fight against cariogenic bacteria

    Análise dos fatores que causam impacto ambiental na produção de bovinocultura de corte / Analysis of factors that cause environmental impact on the production of cutting cattle

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    O impacto agropecuário vem sendo motivo de debate pelos pesquisadores as práticas adotadas de modo sustentável visando amenizar os riscos ambientais vem sendo discutido. Brasil com segundo maior rebanho do mundo chegando aos 200 milhões de cabeça distribuídos em mais d 150 hectares de pastagem de baixa qualidade. O processo que caracteriza os ruminantes são digestivo de fermentação entérica, é responsável por uma das principais fontes de emissão do metano, poluidor do efeito estufa. Por tanto se acredita a quantidade liberada do gás está ligada alimentação do animal. Atualmente, os métodos e práticas sustentável como cultivo de forrageira de qualidade, maior fertilidade do solo, diminuição do tempo de engorda, maior produção e melhoramento animal, tem-se mostrado bastante eficaz na redução dos poluentes por bovinos. Este artigo apresenta de caráter bibliográfico através da realização de um estudo descritivo e exploratório destinado à criação de bovino a pasto. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os fatores que causam impactos ao meio ambiente visando técnica sustentável de implantação e manutenção de pastagem de modo a melhorar no desenvolvimento do bovino


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    A crescente procura por meios de transporte público que sejam eficientes e de qualidade nos centros urbanos reitera a necessidade de novos e maiores investimentos pela iniciativa pública no setor da mobilidade urbana. Dado exposto, o presente estudo consiste em analisar quais os possíveis impactos que a implantação de faixas exclusivas causa na cidade de Curitiba (PR). Em primeiro momento o estudo utiliza-se de revisão bibliográfica que permite verificar aspectos técnicos, baseando-se em obras que visam dar melhor entendimento sobre o tema da forma em que são apresentados no contexto histórico. Na sequência buscou-se realizar um estudo quali-quantitativo que visam dar sustentação ao tema proposto por meio de estudos bibliográficos e levantamento de dados. O estudo buscou analisar se houve ganho de tempo em duas faixas exclusivas que foram implantadas na cidade de Curitiba, sendo elas nas ruas XV de Novembro e Rua Marechal Deodoro, trecho entre Rua João Negrão e Alameda Doutor Muricy. A análise permitiu identificar se houve um impacto em linhas do transporte coletivo que utilizam os trechos mencionados. Fora possível evidenciar que os trechos ainda carecem de novas intervenções para que haja um impacto melhor na mobilidade urbana da cidade.